What's the difference?

To show the profound level of batshittery endemic in the MAGA party today, they are working double overtime trying to prove the election-denying maniac who was trying to kidnap and torture Nancy Pelosi is a LIBERAL.


I mean...wow.
In the hours after the Steve Scalise incident liberal internet sites did not immediately create an alternate reality to explain away the shooting. There was no fan fiction about Scalise and his assailant knowing each other. No one on the left gloated about it. There was no desperate need to avoid confronting reality by Dems.

In the case of Pelosi's attack, even after the narrative detailing it, admitted to by DePape was made public, there was a refusal to accept the facts. There were accusations the media was covering up the truth. Anchors on Faux intimated things "didn't add up."

Jokes about an 82 year old man having his skull fractured with a hammer emerged from conservatives like Kari Lake and Donnie J.

How did we get here? Sandy Hook, Pizzagate, election denial, vaccine denial, Charlottesville denial. Immersion in fantasy seems to be a Repub coping mechanism. When facts are inconvenient there's always fiction just a click away. Dangerous fiction. Fiction that rationalizes a coup, a move towards authoritarian governance, even attempted murder.
LOL. What a bunch of bull. The left have always denied any culpability for inciting the DC shooter of Republicans. They have made every excuse they can while every incident from the other side is blamed on the whole party. Give me an effing break.

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