What's the difference?

It Was All Right There​

It turns out that the U.S. Capitol Police’s surveillance cameras outside House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) home caught the break-in in real time on Friday. Officers monitoring the department’s 1,800-odd cameras didn’t immediately notice the intruder. When San Francisco Police arrived at the Pelosi residence, flashing police lights appeared on the screen and caught the attention of Capitol Police, according to the Washington Post, CNN, and the New York Times.

The former Liar-in-Chief said the glass was broken from the inside.

“Wow, it’s — weird things going on in that household in the last couple of weeks. Probably, you and I are better off not talking about it. The glass it seems was broken from the inside to the out so it wasn’t a break in, it was a break out. I don’t know, you hear the same things I do,” Trump said.
What evidence? No one is buying this, even moderates and independents.
The evidence in front of your face.

Alleged assailant filled blog with delusional thoughts in days before Pelosi attack

The San Francisco Bay area man arrested in the attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband filled a blog a week before the incident with delusional thoughts, including that an invisible fairy attacked an acquaintance and sometimes appeared to him in the form of a bird, according to online writings under his name.

David DePape, 42, also published hundreds of blog posts in recent months sharing memes in support of fringe commentators and far-right personalities. Many of the posts were filled with screeds against Jews, Black people, Democrats, the media and transgender people.
During October, DePape published over 100 posts. While each loads, a reader briefly glimpses an image of a person wearing a giant inflatable unicorn costume, superimposed against a night sky. The photos and videos that followed were often dark and disturbing.

In the hours after the Steve Scalise incident liberal internet sites did not immediately create an alternate reality to explain away the shooting. There was no fan fiction about Scalise and his assailant knowing each other. No one on the left gloated about it. There was no desperate need to avoid confronting reality by Dems.

In the case of Pelosi's attack, even after the narrative detailing it, admitted to by DePape was made public, there was a refusal to accept the facts. There were accusations the media was covering up the truth. Anchors on Faux intimated things "didn't add up."

Jokes about an 82 year old man having his skull fractured with a hammer emerged from conservatives like Kari Lake and Donnie J.

How did we get here? Sandy Hook, Pizzagate, election denial, vaccine denial, Charlottesville denial. Immersion in fantasy seems to be a Repub coping mechanism. When facts are inconvenient there's always fiction just a click away. Dangerous fiction. Fiction that rationalizes a coup, a move towards authoritarian governance, even attempted murder.
Further proof that 'both sides' is a lie; that 'both sides' are not the same.
The evidence in front of your face.

Alleged assailant filled blog with delusional thoughts in days before Pelosi attack

The San Francisco Bay area man arrested in the attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband filled a blog a week before the incident with delusional thoughts, including that an invisible fairy attacked an acquaintance and sometimes appeared to him in the form of a bird, according to online writings under his name.

David DePape, 42, also published hundreds of blog posts in recent months sharing memes in support of fringe commentators and far-right personalities. Many of the posts were filled with screeds against Jews, Black people, Democrats, the media and transgender people.
During October, DePape published over 100 posts. While each loads, a reader briefly glimpses an image of a person wearing a giant inflatable unicorn costume, superimposed against a night sky. The photos and videos that followed were often dark and disturbing.

Yet his property was covered with lefty tropes.
What evidence? No one is buying this, even moderates and independents.

You're a lying piece of shit, as always. Every attack by right wingers is a "false flag" or "staged", and every threat against the right that ends with the purported attacker being thwarted and charged before he ever got anywhere near his intended victims, is treated like a mass murder by you clowns.

Democrats didn't make jokes about the Scalise shooting, and Bernie Sanders went on the air to condemn the shooting in the strongest possible terms. Donald Trump goes on the air to spread lies and hate about the Pelosis.

What scum you all are.
You're a lying piece of shit, as always. Every attack by right wingers is a "false flag" or "staged", and every threat against the right that ends with the purported attacker being thwarted and charged before he ever got anywhere near his intended victims, is treated like a mass murder by you clowns.

Democrats didn't make jokes about the Scalise shooting, and Bernie Sanders went on the air to condemn the shooting in the strongest possible terms. Donald Trump goes on the air to spread lies and hate about the Pelosis.

What scum you all are.

No, they just sweep them under the rug, like it never happened.

Or they make jokes about it, like when Rand Paul's neighbor attacked him.

Remember When Pelosi's Daughter Celebrated Brutal Attack on Rand Paul? - Todd Starnes
The Lame Stream Media immediately put the Crash Test Dummy Paul's assailant as someone who was emboldened by the Jan 6th attack. Dont give me this shit that Faux News was the only one with their opinions.

What i find interesting is today, the police said "When we walked in, Paul had not had any hits to the head yet". So the San Fran Police allowed the naked hammer time, to hit Paul, then take action? Seems likes something is amiss.

If Paul thought like all Marxist's think, there wouldnt be any contusions to his skull. Just a big bruise on his butt.

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Actually, I do. The right wing blogosphere immediately went in to nitwit mode, coming up with all manner of Crazy to explain away a vicious, politically motivated attack on the Speaker's husband. NOTHING, absolutely nothing similar happened when Scalise was shot.
This point can't be emphasized enough. The former prez's son mocked Pelosi repeatedly. The former prez claimed the glass in Pelosi's home that was broken by the assailant was broken from the inside. The attempted murder of an 82 year old man became a punchline in Repub circles.

Lets see now...Crazy guy shoots up republican baseball practice.
Paul brought home a gay prostitute and things went south.

See the difference,one was by choice the other was a crime committed on innocent people.
What Marxists? Prove to me that whoever you are claiming to be a Marxist said crime is not an issue.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul claims GOP crime 'conspiracy' manipulating voters to make them feel unsafe
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, D., claimed Sunday that voters' panicked perceptions of crime across the country were based on a GOP "conspiracy."
Now like a good little Marxist that you are, go bury your head even deeper into that shithole of yours.

In more recent years, DePape has embraced the false claims that the November 2020 election was stolen, reposting on Facebook — in an account since removed from the platform — bogus claims by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and others associated with the campaign.

He reposted a video on YouTube denouncing the investigation into the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol as a “farce,” according to CNN.

A blog featuring content authored by DePape offers a patchwork embrace of bigoted and fringe topics, including posts that feature anti-Semitic language, allege the existence of a “communist” agenda in schools and repeat many of the tropes of the online fever dream known as QAnon, which alleges without evidence that leading figures engage in pedophilia.


Pelosi attacker was immersed in 2020 election conspiracies

Police haven't disclosed the motive in attack but Democrats point to toxic rhetoric.
Politico....talk about toxic rhetoric....
Police found Paul Pelosi, suspect struggling over hammer. What we know about the attack
They found both Paul Pelosi and a man later identified as DePape struggling for control of a hammer, San Francisco police Chief William Scott said. DePape pulled the hammer away from Pelosi and began striking him, Scott said. Officers tackled the assailant, disarmed him and took him into custody.
So the police let Depape get control of the hammer and it was hammer time on Paul's head. It plays just like the Jan 6th Reichstag Fire where the capitol police allowed the protestors in the building while Piglosi was threatening to harm the president by punching him. I see a setup by the Marsists to try to paint Republicans as violent again, but it wont work. The Marxists have cried wolf one too many times.

No, they just sweep them under the rug, like it never happened.

Or they make jokes about it, like when Rand Paul's neighbor attacked him.

Remember When Pelosi's Daughter Celebrated Brutal Attack on Rand Paul? - Todd Starnes

No I don't remember it, because Nancy Pelosi's daughter isn't an elected official in the Democratic Party, and holds no position in government.

Kevin McCarthy talked of attacking Speaker Pelosi with the gavel when she hands it him after Republicans win the House next week.

President Trump stated that the window was broken from the inside out, when Pelosi's "friend" tried to escape. This is a disgusting and dangerous lie, which has been debunked completely, but the President hasn't withdrawn the statements, he's doubled down on his lies.

Trump wants violence and civil war.
Yet his property was covered with lefty tropes.

Who told you that. FOX News???? Tucker Carlson????? Breitbart????? All of the other "Questionable Sources" who are promoting Viktor Orban as the model national leader????? And supporting Putin in the Ukraine.

These are just like the people who tried to overthrow the government and join forces with Hitler in WWII. Why are you posting on behalf of the people trying to overthrow the government Marty????

The Kari Lake remark is important and real. NOT making fun of the situation. Per your "link".

Kari Lake, the GOP nominee for governor of Arizona, used the attack as a bizarre punch line in remarks at a campaign event Monday when she was asked about school security. “Nancy Pelosi, well, she’s got protection when she’s in D.C. — apparently her house doesn’t have a lot of protection,” Lake said to laughter from audience members so depraved that they apparently find humor in an 82-year-old man being hit over the head with a hammer so savagely that he remains hospitalized with a skull fracture.

THIS is a SERIOUS question. And as a bottom-feeder scouring just MSNBC and CNN and LA Times -- YOU PROBABLY DONT KNOW that there is a special CAPITOL HILL POLICE STATION with 10 employees in San Fran. THERE to MONITOR the Pelosi place and other Cap Hill leaders. And THEY RELEASED a statement that "THEY DID NOT WATCH -- the attack in "real-time"" Although they GENERALLY DO when San Fran Nan is at home.

Seems to me a waste of time to have a CAP HILL POLICE station there if nobody is watching the cameras. Doesn't this BOTHER YOU??

Nope -- you're just looking for shit to toss at any potential winning GOP candidates.
No I don't remember it, because Nancy Pelosi's daughter isn't an elected official in the Democratic Party, and holds no position in government.

Kevin McCarthy talked of attacking Speaker Pelosi with the gavel when she hands it him after Republicans win the House next week.

President Trump stated that the window was broken from the inside out, when Pelosi's "friend" tried to escape. This is a disgusting and dangerous lie, which has been debunked completely, but the President hasn't withdrawn the statements, he's doubled down on his lies.

Trump wants violence and civil war.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.

Go fuck yourself you canuck twat.
Who told you that. FOX News???? Tucker Carlson????? Breitbart????? All of the other "Questionable Sources" who are promoting Viktor Orban as the model national leader????? And supporting Putin in the Ukraine.

These are just like the people who tried to overthrow the government and join forces with Hitler in WWII. Why are you posting on behalf of the people trying to overthrow the government Marty????

Kind of like the questionable sources you dick sucked when it came to Kavenaugh?

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