What's the most damaging thing Republicans have done in the last three decades?



Some say it was invading Iraq. Because it destabilized the middle east and cost America the moral high ground. Then there is the three trillion cost and the many trillions more in the future because so many young Americans were maimed for life and they need to be taken care of.

Some say it was the deficit they created with the unpaid for wars and the massive tax cuts with most going to the very rich.

Some say it was the redistribution of wealth to the top 1%.

Some say it was the millions of jobs moved to China.

Some say it was all the fear tactics. That terrorists would be in your back yard and so on.

Some say it's the desire to arm everyone and all the resulting deaths.

Some say it was when they undermined the Justice System by replacing all those veteran lawyers with Christian College graduates.

Some say it's been this terrible war on science and education.

Some say it's this hatred for the middle class and the poor and minorities.

Some say it was the apology to BP and blocking the ability of the government to investigate BP.

Some say it was ignoring nuclear weapons in North Korea and the Russian invasion of Georgia.

Some say it was working against the president blocking him from fixing any of their debacles.

It's hard to choose any one thing. So many of their policies have been terribly damaging. The fact that Republicans have been anti education in their states and anti health care and are now trying to lure liberals and Blue State business could be the worst. Now you have an armed population that have nothing, no where to go and have been betrayed by their leaders. I suspect Red States are going to be explosive in the next 10 years.
Allowing Obama to be elected and reelected by far is the worst thing the Republicans have done in the last 3 decades. .. :cool:
What's the most damaging thing Republicans have done in the last three decades?

Allowing a shit bird like Owe Bama to get elected President. They should have put forward better Presidential candidates.
i dont know


What's the most damaging thing Republicans have done in the last three decades?

Allowing a shit bird like Owe Bama to get elected President. They should have put forward better Presidential candidates.

Still lashing out against your better?
What's the most damaging thing Republicans have done in the last three decades?

Allowing a shit bird like Owe Bama to get elected President. They should have put forward better Presidential candidates.

Still lashing out against your better?

yea "better"

record welfare and food stamps; record corporate profits under obama is "better"

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Have the liberal losers fixed the economy yet...............

Specifically the Job participation rate.

When they have accomplished this action perhaps they will have a leg to stand on.

In the mean time they are the party of excuses, and we need another bail out Asses.
Have the liberal losers fixed the economy yet...............

Specifically the Job participation rate.

When they have accomplished this action perhaps they will have a leg to stand on.

In the mean time they are the party of excuses, and we need another bail out Asses.

no they havent done sh*t; but they DO have a million excuses why a MINORITY of people in congress that progressives/liberals INSIST they are superior to in every way are somehow always able to get the upper hand against these "brilliant' and oh-so caring libs; and so everything bad happening on Progressives/liberals watch is somebody else's fault
The nation still hasn't recovered from the tactics and strategies of Republican Congress members of the 90's that included Gingrich, Delay, Armey and others that implemented and promoted party first and made the good of the country secondary and even irrelevant. Demonizing became a perfectly appropriate tactic and that led to the acceptance of raw hatred of individuals due to political beliefs to become normal and accepted. Compromise to obtain solutions became treason to the party.
The nation still hasn't recovered from the tactics and strategies of Republican Congress members of the 90's that included Gingrich, Delay, Armey and others that implemented and promoted party first and made the good of the country secondary and even irrelevant. Demonizing became a perfectly appropriate tactic and that led to the acceptance of raw hatred of individuals due to political beliefs to become normal and accepted. Compromise to obtain solutions became treason to the party.

libs are SUCH laughable losers. the 90s you say? you mean that time when most things were going great?

you mean the "Republican Congress" that Clinton; a Democrat hero; deemd fit to ACTUALLY WORK WITH; despite them wanting to IMPEACH HIM?

you left-wing losers are laughable clowns
you cant admit the Dem Party are the ones that have moved to the extreme; and that obama simply cant lead
Have the liberal losers fixed the economy yet...............

Specifically the Job participation rate.

When they have accomplished this action perhaps they will have a leg to stand on.

In the mean time they are the party of excuses, and we need another bail out Asses.

You mean after Republicans wrecked it?
Acting like Democrat-Lite. Reaching across the aisle (when they don't even get a reach-around in return).

The most damaging thing they have done is destroy the Republic in conjunction with Democrats. They have all fucked us right and proper.
Have the liberal losers fixed the economy yet...............

Specifically the Job participation rate.

When they have accomplished this action perhaps they will have a leg to stand on.

In the mean time they are the party of excuses, and we need another bail out Asses.

You mean after Republicans wrecked it?

Of course the Dems are little angels in all of that............

They do NO WRONG..................Not responsible for Any Damned thing at all.


The nation still hasn't recovered from the tactics and strategies of Republican Congress members of the 90's that included Gingrich, Delay, Armey and others that implemented and promoted party first and made the good of the country secondary and even irrelevant. Demonizing became a perfectly appropriate tactic and that led to the acceptance of raw hatred of individuals due to political beliefs to become normal and accepted. Compromise to obtain solutions became treason to the party.

libs are SUCH laughable losers. the 90s you say? you mean that time when most things were going great?

you mean the "Republican Congress" that Clinton; a Democrat hero; deemd fit to ACTUALLY WORK WITH; despite them wanting to IMPEACH HIM?

you left-wing losers are laughable clowns
you cant admit the Dem Party are the ones that have moved to the extreme; and that obama simply cant lead

Actually, the most progressive legislation was when Democrats were in charge of Congress. About the only thing Republicans did once in charge was investigate Clinton and block everything he wanted to do. Guess how money the GOP spent on investigating Clinton. And the only thing they found was a blowjob by a woman was was an adult. So guess. How much did they spend investigating Clinton.
Acting like Democrat-Lite. Reaching across the aisle (when they don't even get a reach-around in return).

The most damaging thing they have done is destroy the Republic in conjunction with Democrats. They have all fucked us right and proper.

The only time the Dems reach across the isle is to Steal someone's money.

Anyone know? At this point in Obama's second term, did Republicans spend more investigating Obama or Clinton? The only "smoking gun", pardon the pun, was the blue dress with the "stain".

I know how much they spent investigating Clinton. And believe me, it's a lot.
The nation still hasn't recovered from the tactics and strategies of Republican Congress members of the 90's that included Gingrich, Delay, Armey and others that implemented and promoted party first and made the good of the country secondary and even irrelevant. Demonizing became a perfectly appropriate tactic and that led to the acceptance of raw hatred of individuals due to political beliefs to become normal and accepted. Compromise to obtain solutions became treason to the party.

libs are SUCH laughable losers. the 90s you say? you mean that time when most things were going great?

you mean the "Republican Congress" that Clinton; a Democrat hero; deemd fit to ACTUALLY WORK WITH; despite them wanting to IMPEACH HIM?

you left-wing losers are laughable clowns
you cant admit the Dem Party are the ones that have moved to the extreme; and that obama simply cant lead

Everything wasn't going great. People were seeing peace and prosperity, but there was shit going on behind the curtain that was being missed by the public. People had the same kind of lack of depth in their perceptions that you do. Al Qaeda was growing and planning. When Clinton went after him the Republicans hindered him with the "Wag the Dog" fiasco. Home owners were being sold homes they could not afford. Laws and regulations were being created in the banking and investment industries while others were ignored by Democrats and Republicans to benefit the campaign contributors of both parties, which were more often than not, the same.
Our ability to govern and be pragmatic was lost in the 90's by both Dem's and Repub's. We have not recovered. It is why our government doesn't work today. We live in an ADD world of sound bites, talking points and a citizenry of shallow depth.
Acting like Democrat-Lite. Reaching across the aisle (when they don't even get a reach-around in return).

The most damaging thing they have done is destroy the Republic in conjunction with Democrats. They have all fucked us right and proper.

The only time the Dems reach across the isle is to Steal someone's money.


Every time you guys say that, I think about how Blue donor States get the shaft from funding Red welfare States.

Acting like Democrat-Lite. Reaching across the aisle (when they don't even get a reach-around in return).

The most damaging thing they have done is destroy the Republic in conjunction with Democrats. They have all fucked us right and proper.

The only time the Dems reach across the isle is to Steal someone's money.


Every time you guys say that, I think about how Blue donor States get the shaft from funding Red welfare States.


moronic propaganda spoon-fed to you anally by george soros

ur a joke


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