What's the reason the GOP gives for needing tax cuts for billionaires and corporations?

They say it's to kick start the economy and create jobs.

Looking at the current economy and the number of available jobs, how exactly does that work?

THE GOP create policy that "sounds like it should work" but in reality doesn't work.

As long as their paid sponsors are taken care of, that's all that matters. Then they can throw some red meat to their base about muslims or Obama taking their guns to keep them nice and distracted while the fuck them over in their wallet.
That's pretty much it. The tax bills are A. To pass something so the Bannon primary challenges based on "the gop hasn't done anything" are muted, and B. Give the donors a gift.

And I'm ALL FOR removing tax expenditures that treat one group differently from another. But that ain't what the gop's doing.
They say it's to kick start the economy and create jobs.

Looking at the current economy and the number of available jobs, how exactly does that work?

THE GOP create policy that "sounds like it should work" but in reality doesn't work.

As long as their paid sponsors are taken care of, that's all that matters. Then they can throw some red meat to their base about muslims or Obama taking their guns to keep them nice and distracted while the fuck them over in their wallet.
That's pretty much it. The tax bills are A. To pass something so the Bannon primary challenges based on "the gop hasn't done anything" are muted, and B. Give the donors a gift.

And I'm ALL FOR removing tax expenditures that treat one group differently from another. But that ain't what the gop's doing.
The only groups being treated unfairly are the lower and middle classes.
They say it's to kick start the economy and create jobs.

Looking at the current economy and the number of available jobs, how exactly does that work?

THE GOP create policy that "sounds like it should work" but in reality doesn't work.

As long as their paid sponsors are taken care of, that's all that matters. Then they can throw some red meat to their base about muslims or Obama taking their guns to keep them nice and distracted while the fuck them over in their wallet.
That's pretty much it. The tax bills are A. To pass something so the Bannon primary challenges based on "the gop hasn't done anything" are muted, and B. Give the donors a gift.

And I'm ALL FOR removing tax expenditures that treat one group differently from another. But that ain't what the gop's doing.
The only groups being treated unfairly are the lower and middle classes.
Fair doesn't have jack shit to do with taxes ... for anyone. But the gop tax bills are being falsely advertised as some "reform" that helps the middle class.
They say it's to kick start the economy and create jobs.

Looking at the current economy and the number of available jobs, how exactly does that work?

THE GOP create policy that "sounds like it should work" but in reality doesn't work.

As long as their paid sponsors are taken care of, that's all that matters. Then they can throw some red meat to their base about muslims or Obama taking their guns to keep them nice and distracted while the fuck them over in their wallet.
That's pretty much it. The tax bills are A. To pass something so the Bannon primary challenges based on "the gop hasn't done anything" are muted, and B. Give the donors a gift.

And I'm ALL FOR removing tax expenditures that treat one group differently from another. But that ain't what the gop's doing.
The only groups being treated unfairly are the lower and middle classes.
Fair doesn't have jack shit to do with taxes ... for anyone. But the gop tax bills are being falsely advertised as some "reform" that helps the middle class.
Taxes have everything to do with fair. They should be fair. They are not. They are now merely forcing the middle class to finance tax cuts for the rich.
There is only one result from taxing the rich even more, and that is them leaving the country and taking their jobs with them as we have experienced so much of in the past.

I am just advocating them paying without the loopholes. It has been shown that they have already stashed profits overseas even with current tax rates, and that aas of now, they are doing better than ever and almost all are already cutting jobs.

Corp profits doesn't equal more jobs sir.

Again, nobody hides American money made here overseas. Multinational companies that make money overseas keep their money overseas to avoid American taxation. Why should a company that makes products in Vietnam pay Vietnam taxes and American taxes on top of that? What if a multinational company has ten outlets all over the world? Should they be paying taxes to all those other countries for products they produce in one country like Brazil?

No, if you read anything you would know they use accounting tricks to pretend their profits were accrued overseas when they were acctually in the US.

For example, buying a POBOX in the Cayman Islands, or Nike trademarking their swoosh sign in a country where 5 people live.

Actually your answer, since I know its incorrect, shows me you actually agree you just are missing facts.

Who are “The Rich”and what is their “fair share” of federal income taxes?

Hillary: It's Time for Wealthiest Americans to Pay Your Fair Share in Taxes - Breitbart
I answered your question. Tax rates should go back to what they were in the 50s and 60s, and most successful time. I pasted the information above.

Through, as I mentioned, what constitutes wealthy should be somewhat dependent on cost of living of the area.

BTW, Hillary can go fuck herself with that remark.

You personallly want take rates of the 1950s? 91% marginal tax rate?

Taxes on the Rich Were Not Much Higher in the 1950s - Tax Foundation

There is a common misconception that high-income Americans are not paying much in taxes compared to what they used to. Proponents of this view often point to the 1950s, when the top federal income tax rate was 91 percent for most of the decade.[1]However, despite these high marginal rates, the top 1 percent of taxpayers in the 1950s only paid about 42 percent of their income in taxes. As a result, the tax burden on high-income households today is only slightly lower than what these households faced in the 1950s.

Spending needs to be reduced dramatically.
I am just advocating them paying without the loopholes. It has been shown that they have already stashed profits overseas even with current tax rates, and that aas of now, they are doing better than ever and almost all are already cutting jobs.

Corp profits doesn't equal more jobs sir.

Again, nobody hides American money made here overseas. Multinational companies that make money overseas keep their money overseas to avoid American taxation. Why should a company that makes products in Vietnam pay Vietnam taxes and American taxes on top of that? What if a multinational company has ten outlets all over the world? Should they be paying taxes to all those other countries for products they produce in one country like Brazil?

No, if you read anything you would know they use accounting tricks to pretend their profits were accrued overseas when they were acctually in the US.

For example, buying a POBOX in the Cayman Islands, or Nike trademarking their swoosh sign in a country where 5 people live.

Actually your answer, since I know its incorrect, shows me you actually agree you just are missing facts.

Who are “The Rich”and what is their “fair share” of federal income taxes?

Hillary: It's Time for Wealthiest Americans to Pay Your Fair Share in Taxes - Breitbart
I answered your question. Tax rates should go back to what they were in the 50s and 60s, and most successful time. I pasted the information above.

Through, as I mentioned, what constitutes wealthy should be somewhat dependent on cost of living of the area.

BTW, Hillary can go fuck herself with that remark.

You personallly want take rates of the 1950s? 91% marginal tax rate?

Taxes on the Rich Were Not Much Higher in the 1950s - Tax Foundation

There is a common misconception that high-income Americans are not paying much in taxes compared to what they used to. Proponents of this view often point to the 1950s, when the top federal income tax rate was 91 percent for most of the decade.[1]However, despite these high marginal rates, the top 1 percent of taxpayers in the 1950s only paid about 42 percent of their income in taxes. As a result, the tax burden on high-income households today is only slightly lower than what these households faced in the 1950s.

Spending needs to be reduced dramatically.
Asswipe, they didn't pay as much in aboslute terms then because the Middle class was much much stronger. They still pay a lot in aboslute terms because they own the entire country.

God you are dumb human.

Spending is what we need, combined with tax cuts on the middle class and a massive tax increase on the wealthy and corps including forcing there overseas profits back.

Then institute single payer and free public college tuition to increase the spending power of people who actually spend money.

You have the misconception. The US was a much more equal society back then.
Again, nobody hides American money made here overseas. Multinational companies that make money overseas keep their money overseas to avoid American taxation. Why should a company that makes products in Vietnam pay Vietnam taxes and American taxes on top of that? What if a multinational company has ten outlets all over the world? Should they be paying taxes to all those other countries for products they produce in one country like Brazil?

No, if you read anything you would know they use accounting tricks to pretend their profits were accrued overseas when they were acctually in the US.

For example, buying a POBOX in the Cayman Islands, or Nike trademarking their swoosh sign in a country where 5 people live.

Actually your answer, since I know its incorrect, shows me you actually agree you just are missing facts.

Who are “The Rich”and what is their “fair share” of federal income taxes?

Hillary: It's Time for Wealthiest Americans to Pay Your Fair Share in Taxes - Breitbart
I answered your question. Tax rates should go back to what they were in the 50s and 60s, and most successful time. I pasted the information above.

Through, as I mentioned, what constitutes wealthy should be somewhat dependent on cost of living of the area.

BTW, Hillary can go fuck herself with that remark.

You personallly want take rates of the 1950s? 91% marginal tax rate?

Taxes on the Rich Were Not Much Higher in the 1950s - Tax Foundation

There is a common misconception that high-income Americans are not paying much in taxes compared to what they used to. Proponents of this view often point to the 1950s, when the top federal income tax rate was 91 percent for most of the decade.[1]However, despite these high marginal rates, the top 1 percent of taxpayers in the 1950s only paid about 42 percent of their income in taxes. As a result, the tax burden on high-income households today is only slightly lower than what these households faced in the 1950s.

Spending needs to be reduced dramatically.
Asswipe, they didn't pay as much in aboslute terms then because the Middle class was much much stronger. They still pay a lot in aboslute terms because they own the entire country.

God you are dumb human.

Spending is what we need, combined with tax cuts on the middle class and a massive tax increase on the wealthy and corps including forcing there overseas profits back.

Then institute single payer and free public college tuition to increase the spending power of people who actually spend money.

You have the misconception. The US was a much more equal society back then.

Lay out your specific tax brackets. You said the fucking 1950s, I didn’t.

What are your dream tax brackets lay them out.

$0 - $x, xx.xx % tax.

What are your brackets? For 2017.
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If you say you want taxes like they were in the 1950s, it means you want 91% rate on all income over $400,000.

It’s really fucking dumb and only a jackass would suggest it.

What are the Dem dream brackets for 2017?

Who are the rich and what is their fair share?
Dems literally do not want to see the economy do well, because it will cost them politically.

See WALTER MONDALE for historical perspective.
Here is what propose:

$20,000 - infinity dollars: 15% across the board federal income tax.

Take that money and spend it. If it’s not enough money to do what you want, then cut the fucking budget and spend less.

It’s very simple.
They say it's to kick start the economy and create jobs.

Looking at the current economy and the number of available jobs, how exactly does that work?
First, the rich get to get richer faster, and then it trickles down. Any questions?

Yes it trickles down, in other words, it's the rich pissing on everyone else.

Yep, corporations are owned by a few rich people and no one else.

No one has Apple Stock as part of their 401k or pension plan.

Not one soul. Corporations are rich people.
They say it's to kick start the economy and create jobs.

Looking at the current economy and the number of available jobs, how exactly does that work?
First, the rich get to get richer faster, and then it trickles down. Any questions?

Yes it trickles down, in other words, it's the rich pissing on everyone else.

Yep, corporations are owned by a few rich people and no one else.

No one has Apple Stock as part of their 401k or pension plan.

Not one soul. Corporations are rich people.
What a bunch of assholes, seriously...

In their little world everyone 'owes' them, and it's easy to target the rich and business owners because their handlers have fostered a hatred of success and hard work in the freeloading little fucks. They see the rich in some movie bullshit, lazing around the house all day partying all night, and they get jealous. They don't realize that's a fucking fantasy. Real wealthy people work harder for their money than these lazy shitheads ever will in their lifetimes; and because of that hard work they are able to invest and grow that wealth, for themselves (buying fancy houses and cars, investing in ideas or companies they believe in - in a business sense or a "belief" sense as in charities,) or for their family (to pass down to their kids, to help out family members, etc.) They never consider the risks the rich take on a regular basis, they never consider the jobs created and good causes forwarded by wealthy spending, they never consider that being in the 1% is transient as hell. They constantly tripe about the rich "stealing" or those who inherit being "lucky" and shit; no concept of the true reality. 50% of all businesses that the "wealthy" invest in fail - and many once wealthy end up losing /everything/ because of their failed businesses, because they make the mistake of putting in too much of their personal assets. We have bankruptcy to help mitigate that, but every single day in America hundreds of thousands rise into, and fall out of, the broad politically defined category of "wealthy" - people who make over $200k a year, people who's assets are valued over $1m, people who win the lottery, people who have saved their entire lives for retirement, etc. They all fall into that category of "wealthy" to be hated by these envious little fucks.

Real life scenario: So I've spend somewhere over $70k on my kitchen so far. The "you owe me's" will whine that it's a "waste of money" or that "I don't need that" (AKA it's excessive spending) or some shit because they think they know how to spend my money better than I do. They don't get that that supposed "waste of money" is actually paying a shit ton of people across the world (I personally try to buy shit made in America to support /our/ economy, but thanks to stupid ass "hate the rich/business" political policies that's increasingly hard to find.) I certainly pay into my "local" economy though; paying local sales peoples wages... (I believe it was three local stores up here; Allen & Peterson, Cozy Flooring, Spenard Builders Supply, and then there's Home Depot/Lowes [national, but the local workers wages are in there ya know - like I spent a good 5 hours with the cabinet design person at Home Depot,]) paying USPS, UPS, and the various delivery drivers wages to deliver all my shit, paying for local workers to do maintenance on my appliances, most wealthy pay local design teams and contractors for their kitchen too (I happen to enjoy interior design and doing it myself so I didn't, but I'm not like "most" wealthy in that respect.) $10k on the fridge, $8k for the range, $1k on the microwave, $1k for the dishwasher, $1-2k for the flooring, $500 for my flatware (hand forged in Texas,) $1k for dishes, $1-2k for my pots, pans, & bakeware (I bought mostly AmeriCraft that's 100% American, the rest is Rachael Ray, NordicWare, CasaWare; bunch of foreign companies and/or foreign workers unfortunately), $15-20k for the cabinets (Thomasville which is a fantastic American company who got bought out by global corps - still the workers and designers are American even if the profits go outta nation. I'm still buying into the cabs with custom pullouts and dividers and organizers and shit - unfortunately that's not usually American made shit though because we chased those companies outta the country,) ceiling tiles, lighting, etc., etc., it adds up quick.

None of these "you owe me's" consider that kind of shit, and, unlike me, as they spout off about how "I" spend my money, and whine about how I should "pay my fair share" of taxes, they'll hypocritically run down to Wal-mart to buy their China junk not even /thinking/ about supporting the local or national economy. Unlike them I put a shit ton of time and effort into researching who makes all my stuff, I'm trying to "do my part" for America's economy and shit, but I'll never get any fucking credit for that though because these assholes are all about "saying the right thing" about "helping America" but they don't actually fucking care enough to bother with even /thinking/ about it themselves.

That's just a single kitchen, there's so much more than that like - building custom homes/mansions employ an astounding amount of local workers, we wealthy folks tend to employ local cleaners, cooks, personal shoppers and assistants, a lot of wealthy pay local car washes on a weekly basis, we tend to patron local businesses on a regular basis (my husband and I go out of our way to visit local businesses; we get a custom cake every week to support Leslie's Cakes [she has 2 local employees], I get two or three bags of popcorn a week to support Jazzy Popcorn [4 local employees], every week (just before close because we like to mess with the owner's sons who took over) we buy meat from Mikes Meats (local butcher who gets all his meat from local farms, [family run so no employees, but it's a local family that spends in our town]) every Saturday we get burgers from House of Tamale a local construction guys restaurant [4 employees] (he does double dipped french fries, OMG good,) at least once a month we go out of our way to drive 60+ miles to go to Twin Dragon [5 local employees] (another local restaurant we've been going to for some 30 years now.) How many of these fucking "you owe me's" are putting in that kind of effort, are paying into that many local employees wages on a regular and intentional basis? I'd suspect fucking none, but they'll fucking bitch up a storm about us "stealing" from "the workers" and shit.

I'm so fucking sick of it. The whole OWS/hate the rich bullshit damn near made me leave the country like so many of our wealthy friends. I (we) figured if these stupid bastards don't want me in their nation, then they don't fucking need my (our) money either - I could go somewhere that appreciates the cash I put into the local/national economy at the drop of a dime...

I am so happy that American's chose a capitalist as president this time around or I'd be seriously missing this house and my favorite local joints right now. \o/
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It's not? Then show me one situation......any situation where somebody was denied money because there wasn't enough to go around because the rich have it all.
It’s not dear. It’s not.
Money supply - total amount of monetary assets available in an economy at a specific time.
Money is not continually printed and circulated constantly. There’s a set amount.

Fine, then again, show me what this amount is. Show me any situation where people had no access to money because of what other people had.

Only liberals are allowed to be wealthy...though we don’t know who the “wealthy” are,nor do we know what their “fair share” of taxes is.

It’s nothing more than bumper sticker mantra from the left.
My criticism extends to both.

democrats pretend to care about the middle class and fuck them just as hard as the right.

It’s not dear. It’s not.
Money supply - total amount of monetary assets available in an economy at a specific time.
Money is not continually printed and circulated constantly. There’s a set amount.

Fine, then again, show me what this amount is. Show me any situation where people had no access to money because of what other people had.

Only liberals are allowed to be wealthy...though we don’t know who the “wealthy” are,nor do we know what their “fair share” of taxes is.

It’s nothing more than bumper sticker mantra from the left.
My criticism extends to both.

democrats pretend to care about the middle class and fuck them just as hard as the right.
No one fucks the middle class like the GOP. No one.

A teenager asks his Democrat mother for ten bucks...she replies: "I'm broke, I don't have ten bucks, ask your father for it."
The kid asks his Republican father for ten bucks...he replies: "Go wash my truck and I'll give it to you."
The lazy piece of shit kid decides FUCK IT....washing dads truck isn't worth the ten bucks.
He tells Democrat mom what happened and she replies...."Your father is such an asshole, how dare he ask you to do shit to get shit."
Never ever in my long life heard a mother say that.
Am borrowing this from a guy named R Price. who worked in manufacturing for over 40 years.
he installed fifteen robotic manufacturing systems. & said
The number of high skilled people who are needed to design, test, install & service robots is not even close to the number of jobs lost to technologies.
our concern should be about where humans will fit in in the future not just manufacturing but in many other sectors. END.
my concern is we have lost so much power because corporations own the government, so its easy to hide money, pay less taxes, use automation that profits them but costs us jobs, out sources our jobs to country's with cheaper labor & less standards. use labor rules that allow them to bring in skilled but cheap labor from other country's. put people in power that lower the quality of our air, water rape our lands for the sake of a few more dollars & jobs that we will lose any way at some point. yet we refuse to stick together on any thing. its not like its new news its been going on for longer than I can remember. Next on the chopping block health care & any thing that bennifts the masses. the whole deal is just scary. & I have no solution.

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