What's the reason the GOP gives for needing tax cuts for billionaires and corporations?

Economic growth.

Not really difficult to understand if you have a passing understanding of basic economics
Actually its very difficult. Economists will tell you their theories are completely theroetical and fail in the real world.

Growth isn't necessarily good either. Another story for another day.
They say it's to kick start the economy and create jobs.

Looking at the current economy and the number of available jobs, how exactly does that work?

We just tried your way the last 8 years. The same wealthy and corporations you people like to demonize kept their money on the sideline or overseas to avoid your egregious taxes. The result: sluggish / anemic GDP growth.

Just as a matter of interest what do you consider ideal GDP Growth?
It's not? Then show me one situation......any situation where somebody was denied money because there wasn't enough to go around because the rich have it all.
It’s not dear. It’s not.
Money supply - total amount of monetary assets available in an economy at a specific time.
Money is not continually printed and circulated constantly. There’s a set amount.

Fine, then again, show me what this amount is. Show me any situation where people had no access to money because of what other people had.
Go down to your local department of social services. Sit there and count how many people come in for benefits with a Dunkin’ Donuts uniform on, McDonald’s uniform, Walmart uniform. They all work for companies owned by billionaires that use take breaks to line their pockets while refusing to pay their workers a living wage. They are keeping all the profits and because that there is no more to pay workers a decent rate.

No, what they do is pay workers for their value of work. Nobody opens up a business to provide living wage jobs with great benefits. People open up companies to produce a product or service for a profit. That's the end of their responsibilities.

Why don't you open up your own doughnut shop and compete against Dunkin Doughnuts and pay your workers much more? Why don't you open up your own hamburger place and pay your workers more than McDonald's?

I have no enthusiasm for food service. But to reply, you cant pay your workers healthy because you will loose the competion. Hence the importance of dramatically raising the minimum wage.

You really hate America man. Seem to serve wealth only.

BTW, virtually all companies you mention survive because of government corporate welfare.

Corporate Welfare was a demeaning and misleading term for tax breaks. Government allowing you to keep more of YOUR OWN money is not welfare in any shape or form. It's not that business "can't pay their workers more, it's that they don't need to. Nobody pays their workers more than they are worth including you or I.

To put it another way, lets say you came across some money tomorrow. Nothing too big, just hit a number or something where you now have 400K.

Your house and all expenses are paid for, so what should you do with that new money? Well.......if you were smart, you'd invest it.

So you search to find a place for your new money and narrow it down to two investments: One is a company that's well established and has been around for many years. A conservative return of about 3%. The other is the same, except their return is about 6.5%. Now which company are you going to invest in?

But later you find out something else. The company that pays 3% is a multi-national company that grosses about 6 billion a year. The company you were about to put your money in only grosses 2 million a year. Does that change your mind any? Of course not.

As an investor, you could care less how much a company is worth. You only care about the return on your investment. And this is why huge companies don't pay their floor sweepers $18.00 an hour. It has nothing to do whether they can afford to or not, it has to do with company growth that attracts investors the company heavily relies on.
You hear that? The money’s endless. It grows on trees!

It's not? Then show me one situation......any situation where somebody was denied money because there wasn't enough to go around because the rich have it all.
It’s not dear. It’s not.
Money supply - total amount of monetary assets available in an economy at a specific time.
Money is not continually printed and circulated constantly. There’s a set amount.

Fine, then again, show me what this amount is. Show me any situation where people had no access to money because of what other people had.

Only liberals are allowed to be wealthy...though we don’t know who the “wealthy” are,nor do we know what their “fair share” of taxes is.

It’s nothing more than bumper sticker mantra from the left.
My criticism extends to both.

democrats pretend to care about the middle class and fuck them just as hard as the right.

It's not? Then show me one situation......any situation where somebody was denied money because there wasn't enough to go around because the rich have it all.
It’s not dear. It’s not.
Money supply - total amount of monetary assets available in an economy at a specific time.
Money is not continually printed and circulated constantly. There’s a set amount.

Fine, then again, show me what this amount is. Show me any situation where people had no access to money because of what other people had.

Only liberals are allowed to be wealthy...though we don’t know who the “wealthy” are,nor do we know what their “fair share” of taxes is.

It’s nothing more than bumper sticker mantra from the left.
My criticism extends to both.

democrats pretend to care about the middle class and fuck them just as hard as the right.
No one fucks the middle class like the GOP. No one.

A teenager asks his Democrat mother for ten bucks...she replies: "I'm broke, I don't have ten bucks, ask your father for it."
The kid asks his Republican father for ten bucks...he replies: "Go wash my truck and I'll give it to you."
The lazy piece of shit kid decides FUCK IT....washing dads truck isn't worth the ten bucks.
He tells Democrat mom what happened and she replies...."Your father is such an asshole, how dare he ask you to do shit to get shit."
It’s not dear. It’s not.
Money supply - total amount of monetary assets available in an economy at a specific time.
Money is not continually printed and circulated constantly. There’s a set amount.

Fine, then again, show me what this amount is. Show me any situation where people had no access to money because of what other people had.
Go down to your local department of social services. Sit there and count how many people come in for benefits with a Dunkin’ Donuts uniform on, McDonald’s uniform, Walmart uniform. They all work for companies owned by billionaires that use take breaks to line their pockets while refusing to pay their workers a living wage. They are keeping all the profits and because that there is no more to pay workers a decent rate.

No, what they do is pay workers for their value of work. Nobody opens up a business to provide living wage jobs with great benefits. People open up companies to produce a product or service for a profit. That's the end of their responsibilities.

Why don't you open up your own doughnut shop and compete against Dunkin Doughnuts and pay your workers much more? Why don't you open up your own hamburger place and pay your workers more than McDonald's?

I have no enthusiasm for food service. But to reply, you cant pay your workers healthy because you will loose the competion. Hence the importance of dramatically raising the minimum wage.

You really hate America man. Seem to serve wealth only.

BTW, virtually all companies you mention survive because of government corporate welfare.

Corporate Welfare was a demeaning and misleading term for tax breaks. Government allowing you to keep more of YOUR OWN money is not welfare in any shape or form. It's not that business "can't pay their workers more, it's that they don't need to. Nobody pays their workers more than they are worth including you or I.

To put it another way, lets say you came across some money tomorrow. Nothing too big, just hit a number or something where you now have 400K.

Your house and all expenses are paid for, so what should you do with that new money? Well.......if you were smart, you'd invest it.

So you search to find a place for your new money and narrow it down to two investments: One is a company that's well established and has been around for many years. A conservative return of about 3%. The other is the same, except their return is about 6.5%. Now which company are you going to invest in?

But later you find out something else. The company that pays 3% is a multi-national company that grosses about 6 billion a year. The company you were about to put your money in only grosses 2 million a year. Does that change your mind any? Of course not.

As an investor, you could care less how much a company is worth. You only care about the return on your investment. And this is why huge companies don't pay their floor sweepers $18.00 an hour. It has nothing to do whether they can afford to or not, it has to do with company growth that attracts investors the company heavily relies on.

No, coporate welfare is when the goverment spends tax payer money to help corporations.

OIl companies are a great example. Steel industry. Pharma. Apple. Basically any tech or pharmaceutical company and oil company.

You are just a moron who who has no clue what he is talking about. Try reading a book.
Look at like this:

A fictional town with 100 people. Is it better for one person to make 90% of that money or all 100 of them to make a roughly equal share. More people with equal income will mean more people can buy more.

The United States is not your fictional town and there is no encapsulated money. The liberal philosophy is that the US is a bubble. Within this bubble, there is only so much money. That means when one in this bubble has too much, that's the reason the rest in the bubble have too little.

Money is endless in this country. There is no finite amount. You can make as much as you want or as little as you want, and it doesn't matter how much money the rich have.

Until I apply for a bank loan, and they tell me they would love to give me one, but the rich have all the money, then this liberal philosophy is totally flawed. Or if I ask my employer for a raise, and he tells me he would love to give me one, but the rich have all the money.

This has never happened and never will.

You hear that? The money’s endless. It grows on trees!

It's not? Then show me one situation......any situation where somebody was denied money because there wasn't enough to go around because the rich have it all.
Who even knows what you are talking about?
Corporations are people.

Walmart is a corporation that employs nearly 1.5million people in the USA.

It takes a special kind of dipshit to think that lowering the corporate tax rate will somehow hurt the “middle class” and “children” like Pelosi and Schumer would have one believe.
So giving the owners more money will help the workers, uh, how?

Nobody is "giving" the owners anything.
Tell that to soldiers and veterans who continue to protect this country.
We need to collect about a trillion dollars less in taxes and cut the federal budget by nearly $2 trillion.

Any thoughts on how we are going to pay off our $20 trillion debt?
Economic growth.

Not really difficult to understand if you have a passing understanding of basic economics
Actually its very difficult. Economists will tell you their theories are completely theroetical and fail in the real world.

Growth isn't necessarily good either. Another story for another day.


I remember my economics classes in college and if you want to increase growth you give money to the poor and middle class. You can do that in various ways. Government spending is a very optimal way as it allows the government to plan the ways it is given.

Education is a brilliant way as its return on investment is very good, the return is said to $9 back on a $1 investment over the average life of a worker. Healthcare if done right can introduce very good cost savings over time. Infrastructure is not bad either.

Those three also drive money and jobs into middle class while helping lower class up. Europe spends the money there as they know it increases the middle class and creates a large consumer market and thus increases the money multiplier.

The US should not be looking to get GDP much more than 3% for too long of a period as it drives the economy to a bust quicker. Thats where you increase taxes to pay off debt and save nest eggs to pump into an economy when a recession hits. Thus ride the wave for long periods and reduce the dips.
We need to collect about a trillion dollars less in taxes and cut the federal budget by nearly $2 trillion.

Any thoughts on how we are going to pay off our $20 trillion debt?
No we need to collect more in taxes from the wealthy and use the revenue for programs for the poor and middle class By doing so they will be able to spend more and the economy will grow.

The debt for the time being isn't so bad for the economy.
We need to collect about a trillion dollars less in taxes and cut the federal budget by nearly $2 trillion.

Any thoughts on how we are going to pay off our $20 trillion debt?

I'm all for a consumption tax. We have one here where I live. We pay 8 cents on every dollar we spend. Why not do that to reduce the national debt?
Corporations are people.

Walmart is a corporation that employs nearly 1.5million people in the USA.

It takes a special kind of dipshit to think that lowering the corporate tax rate will somehow hurt the “middle class” and “children” like Pelosi and Schumer would have one believe.
So giving the owners more money will help the workers, uh, how?

Nobody is "giving" the owners anything.
Tell that to soldiers and veterans who continue to protect this country.

What do they have to do with tax breaks?
Look at like this:

A fictional town with 100 people. Is it better for one person to make 90% of that money or all 100 of them to make a roughly equal share. More people with equal income will mean more people can buy more.

The United States is not your fictional town and there is no encapsulated money. The liberal philosophy is that the US is a bubble. Within this bubble, there is only so much money. That means when one in this bubble has too much, that's the reason the rest in the bubble have too little.

Money is endless in this country. There is no finite amount. You can make as much as you want or as little as you want, and it doesn't matter how much money the rich have.

Until I apply for a bank loan, and they tell me they would love to give me one, but the rich have all the money, then this liberal philosophy is totally flawed. Or if I ask my employer for a raise, and he tells me he would love to give me one, but the rich have all the money.

This has never happened and never will.

You hear that? The money’s endless. It grows on trees!

It's not? Then show me one situation......any situation where somebody was denied money because there wasn't enough to go around because the rich have it all.
Who even knows what you are talking about?

Of course you don't know what I'm talking about because it's never happened before; that's kind of the point.
Fine, then again, show me what this amount is. Show me any situation where people had no access to money because of what other people had.
Go down to your local department of social services. Sit there and count how many people come in for benefits with a Dunkin’ Donuts uniform on, McDonald’s uniform, Walmart uniform. They all work for companies owned by billionaires that use take breaks to line their pockets while refusing to pay their workers a living wage. They are keeping all the profits and because that there is no more to pay workers a decent rate.

No, what they do is pay workers for their value of work. Nobody opens up a business to provide living wage jobs with great benefits. People open up companies to produce a product or service for a profit. That's the end of their responsibilities.

Why don't you open up your own doughnut shop and compete against Dunkin Doughnuts and pay your workers much more? Why don't you open up your own hamburger place and pay your workers more than McDonald's?

I have no enthusiasm for food service. But to reply, you cant pay your workers healthy because you will loose the competion. Hence the importance of dramatically raising the minimum wage.

You really hate America man. Seem to serve wealth only.

BTW, virtually all companies you mention survive because of government corporate welfare.

Corporate Welfare was a demeaning and misleading term for tax breaks. Government allowing you to keep more of YOUR OWN money is not welfare in any shape or form. It's not that business "can't pay their workers more, it's that they don't need to. Nobody pays their workers more than they are worth including you or I.

To put it another way, lets say you came across some money tomorrow. Nothing too big, just hit a number or something where you now have 400K.

Your house and all expenses are paid for, so what should you do with that new money? Well.......if you were smart, you'd invest it.

So you search to find a place for your new money and narrow it down to two investments: One is a company that's well established and has been around for many years. A conservative return of about 3%. The other is the same, except their return is about 6.5%. Now which company are you going to invest in?

But later you find out something else. The company that pays 3% is a multi-national company that grosses about 6 billion a year. The company you were about to put your money in only grosses 2 million a year. Does that change your mind any? Of course not.

As an investor, you could care less how much a company is worth. You only care about the return on your investment. And this is why huge companies don't pay their floor sweepers $18.00 an hour. It has nothing to do whether they can afford to or not, it has to do with company growth that attracts investors the company heavily relies on.

No, coporate welfare is when the goverment spends tax payer money to help corporations.

OIl companies are a great example. Steel industry. Pharma. Apple. Basically any tech or pharmaceutical company and oil company.

You are just a moron who who has no clue what he is talking about. Try reading a book.

You make a statement like that and call me a moron who doesn't know what he's talking about?

Corporate welfare is when government takes less from a corporation you moron. It was never governments money in the first place.
We need to collect about a trillion dollars less in taxes and cut the federal budget by nearly $2 trillion.

Any thoughts on how we are going to pay off our $20 trillion debt?
No we need to collect more in taxes from the wealthy and use the revenue for programs for the poor and middle class By doing so they will be able to spend more and the economy will grow.

The debt for the time being isn't so bad for the economy.

Who specifically are the wealthy, and how much specifically should we collect from them?
Go down to your local department of social services. Sit there and count how many people come in for benefits with a Dunkin’ Donuts uniform on, McDonald’s uniform, Walmart uniform. They all work for companies owned by billionaires that use take breaks to line their pockets while refusing to pay their workers a living wage. They are keeping all the profits and because that there is no more to pay workers a decent rate.

No, what they do is pay workers for their value of work. Nobody opens up a business to provide living wage jobs with great benefits. People open up companies to produce a product or service for a profit. That's the end of their responsibilities.

Why don't you open up your own doughnut shop and compete against Dunkin Doughnuts and pay your workers much more? Why don't you open up your own hamburger place and pay your workers more than McDonald's?

I have no enthusiasm for food service. But to reply, you cant pay your workers healthy because you will loose the competion. Hence the importance of dramatically raising the minimum wage.

You really hate America man. Seem to serve wealth only.

BTW, virtually all companies you mention survive because of government corporate welfare.

Corporate Welfare was a demeaning and misleading term for tax breaks. Government allowing you to keep more of YOUR OWN money is not welfare in any shape or form. It's not that business "can't pay their workers more, it's that they don't need to. Nobody pays their workers more than they are worth including you or I.

To put it another way, lets say you came across some money tomorrow. Nothing too big, just hit a number or something where you now have 400K.

Your house and all expenses are paid for, so what should you do with that new money? Well.......if you were smart, you'd invest it.

So you search to find a place for your new money and narrow it down to two investments: One is a company that's well established and has been around for many years. A conservative return of about 3%. The other is the same, except their return is about 6.5%. Now which company are you going to invest in?

But later you find out something else. The company that pays 3% is a multi-national company that grosses about 6 billion a year. The company you were about to put your money in only grosses 2 million a year. Does that change your mind any? Of course not.

As an investor, you could care less how much a company is worth. You only care about the return on your investment. And this is why huge companies don't pay their floor sweepers $18.00 an hour. It has nothing to do whether they can afford to or not, it has to do with company growth that attracts investors the company heavily relies on.

No, coporate welfare is when the goverment spends tax payer money to help corporations.

OIl companies are a great example. Steel industry. Pharma. Apple. Basically any tech or pharmaceutical company and oil company.

You are just a moron who who has no clue what he is talking about. Try reading a book.

You make a statement like that and call me a moron who doesn't know what he's talking about?

Corporate welfare is when government takes less from a corporation you moron. It was never governments money in the first place.
Nope not true at all. Corporate welfare is when you take tax payer money to help corporations. Welfare is when you take taxpayer money to help the poor.


Want examples?
Go down to your local department of social services. Sit there and count how many people come in for benefits with a Dunkin’ Donuts uniform on, McDonald’s uniform, Walmart uniform. They all work for companies owned by billionaires that use take breaks to line their pockets while refusing to pay their workers a living wage. They are keeping all the profits and because that there is no more to pay workers a decent rate.

No, what they do is pay workers for their value of work. Nobody opens up a business to provide living wage jobs with great benefits. People open up companies to produce a product or service for a profit. That's the end of their responsibilities.

Why don't you open up your own doughnut shop and compete against Dunkin Doughnuts and pay your workers much more? Why don't you open up your own hamburger place and pay your workers more than McDonald's?

I have no enthusiasm for food service. But to reply, you cant pay your workers healthy because you will loose the competion. Hence the importance of dramatically raising the minimum wage.

You really hate America man. Seem to serve wealth only.

BTW, virtually all companies you mention survive because of government corporate welfare.

Corporate Welfare was a demeaning and misleading term for tax breaks. Government allowing you to keep more of YOUR OWN money is not welfare in any shape or form. It's not that business "can't pay their workers more, it's that they don't need to. Nobody pays their workers more than they are worth including you or I.

To put it another way, lets say you came across some money tomorrow. Nothing too big, just hit a number or something where you now have 400K.

Your house and all expenses are paid for, so what should you do with that new money? Well.......if you were smart, you'd invest it.

So you search to find a place for your new money and narrow it down to two investments: One is a company that's well established and has been around for many years. A conservative return of about 3%. The other is the same, except their return is about 6.5%. Now which company are you going to invest in?

But later you find out something else. The company that pays 3% is a multi-national company that grosses about 6 billion a year. The company you were about to put your money in only grosses 2 million a year. Does that change your mind any? Of course not.

As an investor, you could care less how much a company is worth. You only care about the return on your investment. And this is why huge companies don't pay their floor sweepers $18.00 an hour. It has nothing to do whether they can afford to or not, it has to do with company growth that attracts investors the company heavily relies on.

No, coporate welfare is when the goverment spends tax payer money to help corporations.

OIl companies are a great example. Steel industry. Pharma. Apple. Basically any tech or pharmaceutical company and oil company.

You are just a moron who who has no clue what he is talking about. Try reading a book.

You make a statement like that and call me a moron who doesn't know what he's talking about?

Corporate welfare is when government takes less from a corporation you moron. It was never governments money in the first place.

Do you think they know that corporations are only taxed on profits? If they don’t do not make a profit, we collect no taxes.

Probably not.
You hear that? The money’s endless. It grows on trees!

It's not? Then show me one situation......any situation where somebody was denied money because there wasn't enough to go around because the rich have it all.
It’s not dear. It’s not.
Money supply - total amount of monetary assets available in an economy at a specific time.
Money is not continually printed and circulated constantly. There’s a set amount.

Fine, then again, show me what this amount is. Show me any situation where people had no access to money because of what other people had.
Go down to your local department of social services. Sit there and count how many people come in for benefits with a Dunkin’ Donuts uniform on, McDonald’s uniform, Walmart uniform. They all work for companies owned by billionaires that use tax breaks to line their pockets while refusing to pay their workers a living wage. They are keeping all the profits and because of that there is no more to pay workers a decent rate.

Fine, then again, show me what this amount is. Show me any situation where people had no access to money because of what other people had.

Only liberals are allowed to be wealthy...though we don’t know who the “wealthy” are,nor do we know what their “fair share” of taxes is.

It’s nothing more than bumper sticker mantra from the left.
My criticism extends to both.

democrats pretend to care about the middle class and fuck them just as hard as the right.
No one fucks the middle class like the GOP. No one.

Name the last time the GOP fucked the middle-class. I can name you several times the DumBama administration has during his 8 years.

The last time they cut taxes(Bush). They are about to fuck the middle class again with these new tax cuts. Refusing to expand Medicaid coverage, would be another example. The war in Iraq(bi-partisan however).

Helping to deregulate wall street and then voting to bail them out(bi-partisan as well).

Fighting against single payer healthcare(bi-partisan). I can go on and on and on.

Biggest of all of course is there refusal to acknowledge climate change exists but in fairness that harms every human on earth not just the Middle Class.

You guys seem to be super concerned about the middle class...which is very cool and exciting. That said, I'm guessing you two are all for cutting that $100 billion we spend on illegal Mexicans every year by getting real aggressive with our immigration policies....right?
We can then advocate to run that dough through the hands of our middle class.....Whatta ya say?
It’s not dear. It’s not.
Money supply - total amount of monetary assets available in an economy at a specific time.
Money is not continually printed and circulated constantly. There’s a set amount.

Fine, then again, show me what this amount is. Show me any situation where people had no access to money because of what other people had.

Only liberals are allowed to be wealthy...though we don’t know who the “wealthy” are,nor do we know what their “fair share” of taxes is.

It’s nothing more than bumper sticker mantra from the left.
My criticism extends to both.

democrats pretend to care about the middle class and fuck them just as hard as the right.
No one fucks the middle class like the GOP. No one.

Name the last time the GOP fucked the middle-class. I can name you several times the DumBama administration has during his 8 years.
Reganomics killed the middle class.
More recently, republicans killing the consumer finance protection bureau hurts the middle class.
Koch funding has blocked efforts to help the middle class.

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