What's up with Bernie beating Hillary by 2 to 1? Hillary campaign in a death spiral?

Hillary has the same problem with voters that she had with Bill. Everyone is looking to bed someone else.
St Hillary the Inevitable might have to give another Concession Speech

Starkey is so ready for her in 2024!

It's gotten so bad that Larry Kudlow thinks Hillary is in big trouble.


The only way Hilly is in trouble, is if she starts losing the super delegates that promised themselves to her. Under normal conditions with 4 or 5 running for the nomination, I would say that "yes, she is in trouble." But with it being 2 besides her, and neither of them able to carry the electorate, unless Hilly drops and a saving candidate is brought in, they are going with Hilly.
Bernie and Hillary may want to update their wardrobes.

For Bernie


For Hillary

I've always thought that one of Hillary's deficits in 2008 was that she's just not a very likable person. Say what you want about Obama or Sanders' politics, but they do have a certain level of charisma. Hell, her husband was one of the most charismatic Presidents we've had in recent history. It's no wonder he wouldn't fuck her.
Poll on CNN this morning had unlikability for the dems

Hillary at 55%

O'Malley at 5%

Bernie at 2%
I've always thought that one of Hillary's deficits in 2008 was that she's just not a very likable person. Say what you want about Obama or Sanders' politics, but they do have a certain level of charisma. Hell, her husband was one of the most charismatic Presidents we've had in recent history. It's no wonder he wouldn't fuck her.
I always had the impression that after Hillary had Chelsea she told Bill to ' get it where he could, cause he wasn't sticking that thing in HER again ' and she stuck with him because she wanted to retain her position and power.

She didn't care if Bill had affairs as long as he didn't cause trouble with them. And when he did she still stuck by him in order not to lose out.

After she is beaten in the nomination battle by Bernie she will probably divorce Bill and blame him for her loss.
Her main problem is that she's a terrible liar, or LAIR! That's what drives her unfavorable ratings
Hillary along with BO has nothing but a history of failure.....Libya, Egypt, Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, China, North Korea......

She could have resigned as Secretary of State if she had disagreed with BO but she didn't....
I've always thought that one of Hillary's deficits in 2008 was that she's just not a very likable person. Say what you want about Obama or Sanders' politics, but they do have a certain level of charisma. Hell, her husband was one of the most charismatic Presidents we've had in recent history. It's no wonder he wouldn't fuck her.
Charisma has nothing to do with why Bill wouldnt fuck her. The fact that he wasnt blind and deaf is most likely the reason.
I've always thought that one of Hillary's deficits in 2008 was that she's just not a very likable person. Say what you want about Obama or Sanders' politics, but they do have a certain level of charisma. Hell, her husband was one of the most charismatic Presidents we've had in recent history. It's no wonder he wouldn't fuck her.
I always had the impression that after Hillary had Chelsea she told Bill to ' get it where he could, cause he wasn't sticking that thing in HER again ' and she stuck with him because she wanted to retain her position and power.

She didn't care if Bill had affairs as long as he didn't cause trouble with them. And when he did she still stuck by him in order not to lose out.

After she is beaten in the nomination battle by Bernie she will probably divorce Bill and blame him for her loss.

Nah. Even if she loses the nomination she'll never divorce Bill. He's still extremely popular, and can make millions off his speaking engagements. How much do you think a twice-failed presidential nominee can make off speeches? If anything, there's a better chance of her divorcing Bill if she wins.
Bill Clinton lost Iowa and New Hampshire, then went on to win the election.

Bush 41
Bush 43

all lost either Iowa or New Hampshire and went on to win the election.

Me thinks Larry is full of crap, and you need to do your homework better.
Different climate today. Everyone is fed up with "politics as usual." Just a the R-elites have not been able to ignite any excitement for JEB, the D-elites can't dictate to the masses either.

She is in big trouble. If ANYONE else comes out of the woodwork (Biden, Gore), she is finished.
Different climate today. Everyone is fed up with "politics as usual." Just a the R-elites have not been able to ignite any excitement for JEB, the D-elites can't dictate to the masses either.

She is in big trouble. If ANYONE else comes out of the woodwork (Biden, Gore), she is finished.
OH sure, blame it on climate change.
Bernie catching up to Hillary is exactly the same as Trump's dominance of the GOP field. The anger is genuine and justified, and the people who are angry are morons. Therefore they cannot focus their anger on the real target, Washington corruption. They are blinded by their hatred of those who think differently than they do. That, of course, is exactly what the corrupt politicians want. Fight each other instead of them.

What they are betting on is that people are too stupid and blinded by hatred to unify against the real enemy. So far, they are correct. The American people are so stupid they are willing to see the country be destroyed, rather than find common ground with fellow American citizens that they hate.

Neither Trump nor Bernie can save us. Only we the people can save America, by being non-partisan and unified. In other words, we're doomed.
I wonder how many time Bernie has been threatened by Hillary's surrogates.
Bernie catching up to Hillary is exactly the same as Trump's dominance of the GOP field. The anger is genuine and justified, and the people who are angry are morons. Therefore they cannot focus their anger on the real target, Washington corruption. They are blinded by their hatred of those who think differently than they do. That, of course, is exactly what the corrupt politicians want. Fight each other instead of them.

What they are betting on is that people are too stupid and blinded by hatred to unify against the real enemy. So far, they are correct. The American people are so stupid they are willing to see the country be destroyed, rather than find common ground with fellow American citizens that they hate.

Neither Trump nor Bernie can save us. Only we the people can save America, by being non-partisan and unified. In other words, we're doomed.
But there are two Americas now. And one side despises America as in American values and wants to see it destroyed.

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