What’s up with The Four? AOC, Talib, Omar

You keep shifting the debate. These four women of color are Democrats who will win their seats. My argument is that the party does not want them speaking their radical views at this point in time because there are moderates in the party who are in danger of losing their seats.

You mean like at least 14 Republicans as well as the Rumpsters keep waking up? We are having a deep awaking in this deep red republican area right now. Since the Republican Party refuses to condemn the "Big Lie", it has to come from the bottom up like it doing here.

I suggest you spend less time worrying about the Democrats house keeping and spend more time working to preserve the old GOP from Ike's time.
You mean like at least 14 Republicans as well as the Rumpsters keep waking up? We are having a deep awaking in this deep red republican area right now. Since the Republican Party refuses to condemn the "Big Lie", it has to come from the bottom up like it doing here.

I suggest you spend less time worrying about the Democrats house keeping and spend more time working to preserve the old GOP from Ike's time.
This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?
These Four brown girls were told to sit down an shut up. Biden redacted history about defunding the police. It’s Midterms.

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What happened to them? The oligarchy made them go away. They'll come back if the oligarchy needs them to.
I don't turn off my add blocker for anyone. And anyone that is dumb enough to do so is also inviting in all kinds of unwanted visitors.

AOC has been in the news but in a good way but the other 3 have been low profile. You can't stand it that all 4 will be reelected meanwhile at least 2 of your fruitcake females are being sent down the road from your camp.
Funny that you think the right getting rid of a few fruitcakes while the left holds onto their fruitcake's reflects poorly on the right....
Funny that you think the right getting rid of a few fruitcakes while the left holds onto their fruitcake's reflects poorly on the right....

The difference is, the left is keeping the lid on the few extremists that it has while the GOP has 147 fruitcakes. Damn Sam, your priorities are out to lunch on this one.
Of course they will be reelected. The USA has enough America Hating parasitic leeches in their districts to assure it.
They will be reelected because first they get into educational institutions, take them over, criminalize those who see what they are and disagree with them, then brainwash the children to hate God, guns, family and country, then stuff their heads full of false subversive media propaganda tricking them into voting democrat for life thinking they are serving some great cause thus ensuring continuity.

In other words, they spread and take over just like a coronavirus does.
You mean like at least 14 Republicans as well as the Rumpsters keep waking up? We are having a deep awaking in this deep red republican area right now. Since the Republican Party refuses to condemn the "Big Lie", it has to come from the bottom up like it doing here.

I suggest you spend less time worrying about the Democrats house keeping and spend more time working to preserve the old GOP from Ike's time.
Your Four got schooled. Get woke.
You keep shifting the debate. These four women of color are Democrats who will win their seats. My argument is that the party does not want them speaking their radical views at this point in time because there are moderates in the party who are in danger of losing their seats.
The moderates do not have a say as they are mostly forced to vote Prog agendas. And those agendas are not left enough for the squad. America is a large nation. People live differently in areas. You interfere with them. We waste so much in resources.
I don't turn off my add blocker for anyone. And anyone that is dumb enough to do so is also inviting in all kinds of unwanted visitors.

AOC has been in the news but in a good way but the other 3 have been low profile. You can't stand it that all 4 will be reelected meanwhile at least 2 of your fruitcake females are being sent down the road from your camp.
Only a fracking traitor will vote for anyone from the squad or say something nice about them. They are NOT democrats, they are thieves and liars.
I don't turn off my add blocker for anyone. And anyone that is dumb enough to do so is also inviting in all kinds of unwanted visitors.

AOC has been in the news but in a good way but the other 3 have been low profile. You can't stand it that all 4 will be reelected meanwhile at least 2 of your fruitcake females are being sent down the road from your camp.
only in your dreams ...

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