What's Up With This?


Gold Member
Dec 14, 2009
Couldn't sleep last night so went through the program guide to find something ... anything ... worth watching. Finally saw a listing for "The Bone Collector" ... good movie ... certainly better than anything else I could find. It was some channel I never heard of - Bronco - so I hit the select button. Of course, the inevitable commercials finally came on and there was one for the upcoming "Trumpeters Awards." What the hell are the Trumpeters Awards? Never heard of them ... nor had I ever heard of one single nominee for this award - all of whom were black. Not one white nominee. Do they all play trumpets? What? Somebody couldn't at least nominate one white trumpeter swan or something?

I'm really being somewhat facetious here. Every year we go through this whole string of awards shows - "stars," "celebrities" and whatever preening and feeding their already inflated egos and celebrating themselves - and I don't watch any of them - makes no difference to me one way or another who wins what. But there has been this big bruhaha this year over no black nominees for the Academy Awards ... and now this Trumpeter Award thing is on the horizon ... what the hell is the Trumpeter Award ... and why no bruhaha over the lack of white nominees?

Has anybody here ever heard of the Trumpeter Awards?

I turned off the TV .... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
the Trumpeter Award has recognized leaders who are not afraid to speak out for social justice and for the rights of consumers. NCL Trumpeter Award recipients are honored for their commitment to raising the voices of consumers and workers to ensure they are heard.
Trumpeter Awards
Ah ... so it isn't just another one of those "please worship and adore me" things. Thanks for the education.
I'm a trumpeter -- He's a Trumpeter -- She's a Trumpeter -- wouldn't you like to be a Trumpeter too.. Everyone sing along..


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