What's worse? Atheism or Islam? I'd say both are bad.

What kind of people approves of stripping parents of their children? What kind of people want to get rid of school lunches for poor children? What kind of people want to end healthcare for millions? People that I'm ashamed live in this country.
What kind of people approve child trafficking across the borders? What kind of people support drugs/opioids pouring across the border and killing tens of thousands of Americans annually? What kind of people expect a nanny state to take care of their children and their healthcare? What kind of people expect others to be taxed so that illegal immigrants can have healthcare, schooling, and welfare benefits?

We have a legal immigration process for a purpose We can properly take care of a certain number, but at a certain point trying to take care of everyone results in not being able to take care of oneself and one's family.

Let's stop relying on the government to fund school lunches, healthcare, etc. and return this charitable endeavor to individuals.
What's interesting is how atheists and Muslims have formed political alliances on college campuses, as if they really had a common goal other than tearing down the foundations of Western Civilization.

They both advocate mass murder as a 'solution' to most problems, both have political agendas, Islam is far about politics than a religion, as is clear in the Koran, so no need to pretend it has anything to do with real religion and is somehow 'protected' by separation of church and state. I can call my lawn mower a religion, but it's still just a lawn mower in real life.
Atheists aren't hell bent on converting the world to Atheism. That's a huge difference between Atheism and Islam.

Never have I ever been approached by a Muslim, yet its the Evangelical Christians who always go to Dearborn and push Christianity on the Muslims. Also the JW, Mormons and Baptist always come to my door knocking and I say I'm a RC and they go on to tell me how I'm not saved.

Its also the Evangelicals who are found in Turkey and NK, China and all around the world and our gov has to make deals with the heads of their countries to get them out when they have been arrested due to preaching and causing unrest.
What's interesting is how atheists and Muslims have formed political alliances on college campuses, as if they really had a common goal other than tearing down the foundations of Western Civilization.

Muslims once, past and future spread their God's will by the blood spay stained crescent blade of a mortal mythologized to have received the word of a new deity in his brain who then from his mortal tongue spoke them into authoritarian being in countless swings of the scimitar, by the light of ancient lunar cycles.

Atheists first drew pens rather than swords from the gray matter sheaths of their minds and spread their corrosive philosophical chemical warfare through the printing press, to the tune of inspiring first, one great nation of the Old Country to kill its own by the tens of thousands in revolution, and later to inspire and create a monster ideologue who then inspired and created monster-men who slaughtered tens and tens of millions more of the innocent. poorest among us all.

Both ideologies were, are and shall be spread by the blade, however, where Islam's blade is a forged, tempered, hammered and sharpened physical blade, Atheism's blade is filled with ink, its sword point is thrust both in the classroom and through popular culture, and its bombs and landmines are laid within the most sacred institutions of its enemies, to detonate and make those bastions of its enemies enclaves appear evil, deceitful and morally corrupt.

Should one choose to follow and worship and become a disciple of either Islam or Atheism, he or she must firs choose their weapon of deceit and murder: the sword held in hand dripping innocent blood, or the pen filled with it.
Well we as Americans would kill them when they strike us, so who are we to go and destroy their countries?
Clearly Islam is much worse, as are all religions. Morality derived from ostensibly objective views of human well being,using reason, is far superior to morality dictated by an iron age code that was, itself, invented in the addled minds of ignorant fools with no knowledge of natural laws or respect for individual rights.
What's interesting is how atheists and Muslims have formed political alliances on college campuses, as if they really had a common goal other than tearing down the foundations of Western Civilization.
God just told me he likes the people who don’t believe in him better than the ones who do.
Clearly Islam is much worse, as are all religions. Morality derived from ostensibly objective views of human well being,using reason, is far superior to morality dictated by an iron age code that was, itself, invented in the addled minds of ignorant fools with no knowledge of natural laws or respect for individual rights.
It’s true. I go into a courthouse or my school or hospitals or work and god has nothing to do with how our society runs.

If it did I would notice because it bugs me and I very rarely see it. I just saw some Catholics doing a group prayer or occasionally I see a Muslim woman but that’s it.
I'd say one big difference is that atheists, as a rule, kill people who believe differently.
What's interesting is how atheists and Muslims have formed political alliances on college campuses, as if they really had a common goal other than tearing down the foundations of Western Civilization.
What does the catechism say on the subject?

"Many . . . of our contemporaries either do not at all perceive, or explicitly reject, this intimate and vital bond of man to God. Atheism must therefore be regarded as one of the most serious problems of our time."58

2124 The name "atheism" covers many very different phenomena. One common form is the practical materialism which restricts its needs and aspirations to space and time. Atheistic humanism falsely considers man to be "an end to himself, and the sole maker, with supreme control, of his own history."59 Another form of contemporary atheism looks for the liberation of man through economic and social liberation. "It holds that religion, of its very nature, thwarts such emancipation by raising man's hopes in a future life, thus both deceiving him and discouraging him from working for a better form of life on earth."60

2125 Since it rejects or denies the existence of God, atheism is a sin against the virtue of religion.61 The imputability of this offense can be significantly diminished in virtue of the intentions and the circumstances. "Believers can have more than a little to do with the rise of atheism. To the extent that they are careless about their instruction in the faith, or present its teaching falsely, or even fail in their religious, moral, or social life, they must be said to conceal rather than to reveal the true nature of God and of religion."62

2126 Atheism is often based on a false conception of human autonomy, exaggerated to the point of refusing any dependence on God.63 Yet, "to acknowledge God is in no way to oppose the dignity of man, since such dignity is grounded and brought to perfection in God. . . . "64 "For the Church knows full well that her message is in harmony with the most secret desires of the human heart."65
Atheists don’t wipe their asses with an uneven number of rocks.

Neither do Muslims. I've been to several countries where Islam was the main religion as well as law of the land (Saudi Arabia, Dubai, U.A.E.), and have used bathrooms over there. No, there isn't a bucket of rocks next to the toilet for wiping your ass. Rather, it is more like a ceramic hole in the floor with footpads on either side, and a hose behind the hole in the floor. Standard use is to squat, do your business, use your left hand to wipe, and the hose to rinse off with. No toilet paper anywhere, the only ones that had western style bathrooms were the places that westerners frequented (mainly the international hotels).

As far as which is worse? Well, to tell you the truth, I've never had a Muslim try to convert me to Islam, even though there are many in my neighborhood, none have come up to preach to me about the joys of Islam.

Atheists? I've met a few over the course of my life, and while some of them have told me that a belief in something bigger than me was stupid, they seemed to be content to let me have my spiritual delusion and didn't try to convince me that God doesn't exist. They simply said that they don't believe, but if I wish to remain delusional, to carry on.

Christians? In the summer time I have them come to my door WEEKLY, asking if I've heard the good news and would I like to hear about Christ. Kinda stops them cold when I tell them that I'm a Taoist, but I do believe in Christ also, because He's my Big Brother, and I can prove it, both scientifically as well as Biblically. They generally get this funny look on their faces after a minute or two of talking, and then, take off rather quickly after the funny look shows up.

Which is worse, Islam or Atheism? IMHO it's neither, the real pests are Christians.
OP should think about going back to school. The idea of christ is Chinese, and Jizu was his name (Kistemaker, The Chinese Sky During the Han). Lysistrata is correct to question, because the asterism Jizu aka che qi, means 'a group of soldiers.' The island of Yezo (Hokkaido) should be clue enough for those not information compromised by the lack of education..None can speak of modern atheism until they have read Haegglund's Radical Atheism.
Both Atheists and Muslims are superior to fundamentalist Christians

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