What's wrong with Michelle Obama ....

Encouraging healthy eating is one thing. Legislating it is another.

Exactly. I have no problem whatsoever, regardless of what Michelle feeds herself and/or her family, with her encouraging good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

I have a HUGE problem with Michelle presuming to tell me what I MUST do re good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
What is wrong with a First Lady ... or any other person of prominence ... encouraging healthy habits in children?

I've been having trouble with my fellow conservatives having trouble with this. Can someone set me straight on why I should be concerned?

She's a hypocrite.

I don't know that she is though. The fact that she may or may not practice what she preaches--and based on the menus we see for fancy dinners at the White House, she probably doesn't :)--the fact that what she preaches is good preaching just the same.

There are many people who drink to excess or who smoke who know that is not a good thing and will counsel others not to do that. That is not hypocrisy. It usually comes from the heart and genuine concern for others while battling an addiction or problem yourself. There are many who have corrected bad behavior and/or overcome an addiction or some such and now counsel others not to get into those situations. They aren't hypocrites either.

Most of us don't always do what we know we should but give good advice anyway. What makes us a hypocrite is JUDGING others and/or holding them up to ridicule or contempt while we are doing the same thing.

She is a big, strong Black women. Her genetics lean towards Big & Strong because that's what the slave-breeders bred for and she will never be a svelte woman because her genetics do not tend towards svelte.

Now if we were able to see a picture of her if she didn't eat healthy and work out, then there would be a distributive comparison.

Right now the OP? It's just totally lacking in anything fundamental to posit a premise upon.
Instead of arguing about what an asshole Mechelle Obama is, for saying it, it is still a fact that the kids in this country are-

1. Not as smart as they are in other country's. China and India have more genius kids then we do kids in general.

2. Our kids, the poor ones especially are disgustingly fat.

This does not spell out a good future for the country. No matter how it go's with health care billions will be spent keeping stupid fat people alive. I disagree with the Obama clan om most everything, except that the country needs to eat better (less) and move more.
What's wrong with Michelle Obama

She looks like Rupaul?

Encouraging healthy eating is one thing. Legislating it is another.

Exactly. I have no problem whatsoever, regardless of what Michelle feeds herself and/or her family, with her encouraging good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

I have a HUGE problem with Michelle presuming to tell me what I MUST do re good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

But she's not telling you what you MUST do. She doesn't have that power. Are you speaking in the abstract Foxfyre?

I kind of like this one.
That lower jaw belongs on the face of an orc!

The recent legislation regarding food in schools, nutritional labeling and the bans on certain foods have her ham fisted stamp all over them.

Replacing the food pyramid with the food plate came right out of michelle's little brain.

When I was growing up we didn't have a pyramid chart, but a pie chart. It took all these years and michelle obama to bring us all the way back to the pie chart and call it the "plate" for those who can't grasp the complexities of percentages.
That lower jaw belongs on the face of an orc!

The recent legislation regarding food in schools, nutritional labeling and the bans on certain foods have her ham fisted stamp all over them.

Replacing the food pyramid with the food plate came right out of michelle's little brain.

When I was growing up we didn't have a pyramid chart, but a pie chart. It took all these years and michelle obama to bring us all the way back to the pie chart and call it the "plate" for those who can't grasp the complexities of percentages.

That's because "pie" is OUT!!! :cool:
That lower jaw belongs on the face of an orc!

The recent legislation regarding food in schools, nutritional labeling and the bans on certain foods have her ham fisted stamp all over them.

Replacing the food pyramid with the food plate came right out of michelle's little brain.

When I was growing up we didn't have a pyramid chart, but a pie chart. It took all these years and michelle obama to bring us all the way back to the pie chart and call it the "plate" for those who can't grasp the complexities of percentages.

And this, if your perceptions are correct, is where our concern should be. Again, if it is her recommendation, then good for her. But forcing it onto the schools lest they lose federal funding, that is an entirely different animal and requires a different perspective.
I don't know that she is though. The fact that she may or may not practice what she preaches--and based on the menus we see for fancy dinners at the White House, she probably doesn't :)--the fact that what she preaches is good preaching just the same.

There are many people who drink to excess or who smoke who know that is not a good thing and will counsel others not to do that. That is not hypocrisy. It usually comes from the heart and genuine concern for others while battling an addiction or problem yourself. There are many who have corrected bad behavior and/or overcome an addiction or some such and now counsel others not to get into those situations. They aren't hypocrites either.

Most of us don't always do what we know we should but give good advice anyway. What makes us a hypocrite is JUDGING others and/or holding them up to ridicule or contempt while we are doing the same thing.

Well if you are one of those people that needs other people to tell you what is good for you and your family, then no you probably don't see anything wrong with it.

And to your argument that those who drink to excess and smoke have a right to counsel anyone on excess drinking or smoking is a joke!

Do as I say, not as I do, is not setting a good example. Sounds more like someone dictating to others how they should live and/or what they should do.

Do as I say, not as I do, is valid advice just the same. Do you look the other way when your kids do the same stupid things you did as a kid? Or do you try to give them good advice to avoid those things? Perhaps even apply rules making such things verbotim? Does that make you a hypocrite? Or a good parent who wants his offspring to benefit from his experience?

Good advice is good advice no matter who it comes from and is a different thing than dictating or judging others.

Now when Michelle attempts to FORCE me to take her advice or presumes to take away my choices when she retains those choices for herself, then we have grounds for criticism on the grounds of hypocrisy.

You're confusing the phrase "Do as I say.... " with "don't do as I did".

Telling your kids not to make the mistakes you have made is quite different than telling them not to do the things you're doing.

ABC On Michelle Obama's 1,700 Calories Of Hypocricy - YouTube
Well if you are one of those people that needs other people to tell you what is good for you and your family, then no you probably don't see anything wrong with it.

And to your argument that those who drink to excess and smoke have a right to counsel anyone on excess drinking or smoking is a joke!

Do as I say, not as I do, is not setting a good example. Sounds more like someone dictating to others how they should live and/or what they should do.

Do as I say, not as I do, is valid advice just the same. Do you look the other way when your kids do the same stupid things you did as a kid? Or do you try to give them good advice to avoid those things? Perhaps even apply rules making such things verbotim? Does that make you a hypocrite? Or a good parent who wants his offspring to benefit from his experience?

Good advice is good advice no matter who it comes from and is a different thing than dictating or judging others.

Now when Michelle attempts to FORCE me to take her advice or presumes to take away my choices when she retains those choices for herself, then we have grounds for criticism on the grounds of hypocrisy.

You're confusing the phrase "Do as I say.... " with "don't do as I did".

Telling your kids not to make the mistakes you have made is quite different than telling them not to do the things you're doing.

ABC On Michelle Obama's 1,700 Calories Of Hypocricy - YouTube

Sorry, but when I was still a heavy smoker, it did not bother me in the least, I did not feel the least bit guilty, and I was in no way hypocritical in telling my kids that it was a nasty, expensive, harmful, and addictive habit and they must stay away from it. I also shared with them my personal struggles, trials, and failures over the many attempts to quit and they shared in my success when I finally managed to do it.

Do as I say and not as I do is sometimes a very unhypocritical and appropriate thing to say.

I kind of like this one.

Still frames are magnificent aren't they? Depending on which one you use will decide how the person looks. In this case here, it makes her look like she is not the butt assed ugly manly woman that she really is. Too bad it doesn't show her shoulders, an NFL linebacker would be jealous of those things.
That lower jaw belongs on the face of an orc!

The recent legislation regarding food in schools, nutritional labeling and the bans on certain foods have her ham fisted stamp all over them.

Replacing the food pyramid with the food plate came right out of michelle's little brain.

When I was growing up we didn't have a pyramid chart, but a pie chart. It took all these years and michelle obama to bring us all the way back to the pie chart and call it the "plate" for those who can't grasp the complexities of percentages.

I know right? They act like the last two democrat first ladies did not have an agenda that their husbands where all too willing to try and ram through. Remember Hillary care? Yeah, Billy would have rammed it through had he had the support in the congress to do so.

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