What's wrong with Michelle Obama ....

I have worked in the projects. I have yet to see a 'comfortable' poor family. The 'comfortable' poor family is the invention of the middle class.

They are more "comfortable" then they would be without the section 8 housing and entitlements. "Comfortable" is a relative term.

Most do not live in Section 8 housing. And the projects are definitely NOT comfortable. I heard gunfire more than once when I worked there. I was never 'comfortable' there. Most are fearful of the gangs and they don't let their kids out of the house alone. I don't blame them. Low income housing is not the picture of "confort" even in comparison to the poor around the world.

If i may ask... why did you leave the projects and go to law school?

They are more "comfortable" then they would be without the section 8 housing and entitlements. "Comfortable" is a relative term.

Most do not live in Section 8 housing. And the projects are definitely NOT comfortable. I heard gunfire more than once when I worked there. I was never 'comfortable' there. Most are fearful of the gangs and they don't let their kids out of the house alone. I don't blame them. Low income housing is not the picture of "confort" even in comparison to the poor around the world.

If i may ask... why did you leave the projects and go to law school?

I stopped working in the projects when I changed to a job which came open that was 10 minutes away from where I lived instead of 1 hour and 10 minutes away. But I worked the projects the better part of 5 years. I will never forget the things I saw there. My going to law school had nothing to do with my having worked in the projects. I just wanted the education.
I agree. I don't think most able bodied people using government money to buy food should get the money. They should instead be issued as many 50 lb sacks of rice and beans as they can use for their family and maybe some canned corn, turnip greens, and vitamin C supplement to round out the protein and accommodate bare nutritional needs and nothing else. That would quite nicely stave off any hunger. Those who want steaks or other variety should get a job.

But when I buy my own food with money I worked for or otherwise honorably acquired, I don't want the government dictating to me what I can and cannot have.

The government should limit its influence in making the food supply as safe as reasonably possible and in providing the information to utilize the food for maximum benefit. It should not otherwise be requiring restaurants or anybody else to furnish certain foods and eliminate others. I have no problem with a requirement that the restaurant or other supplier furnish information on the content of the food.

Then let the free market work for a free people. If people aren't buying the high fat, high salt content foods, the suppliers will provide food they will buy. It's as simple as that.

I agree....

Those on welfare should be given gruel and roadkill to eat

Why should they eat as well as us 53%. ?

They would just bring it to Kentucky and trade it for chicken. :lol:

Crap! I lived in KY for 5 years, and what you're saying isn't that far off the mark. Dammit, you made me laugh...even though I tried not to. :evil:
Most do not live in Section 8 housing. And the projects are definitely NOT comfortable. I heard gunfire more than once when I worked there. I was never 'comfortable' there. Most are fearful of the gangs and they don't let their kids out of the house alone. I don't blame them. Low income housing is not the picture of "confort" even in comparison to the poor around the world.

If i may ask... why did you leave the projects and go to law school?

I stopped working in the projects when I changed to a job which came open that was 10 minutes away from where I lived instead of 1 hour and 10 minutes away. But I worked the projects the better part of 5 years. I will never forget the things I saw there. My going to law school had nothing to do with my having worked in the projects. I just wanted the education.

I am sorry... i misunderstood... what you meant by leaving the projects. I thought you were living in the projects, decided it was not comfortable, got your life together and went to law school. :eusa_angel:
Back in the days of slavery, Master used to slaughter the hog and take the cuts that he wanted. Slaves got the feet, tail, innards and head

Reminds me of your views on welfare

Well isn't the government making welfare an attractive option actually faciitating a form of slavery? Check out Mr. T's thread on government and the Stockholm Syndrome. The conservative usually looks for ways to help the poor out of poverty. The liberal usually looks to make the poor more comfortable in poverty. Which looks the more compassionate to you?

What have Conservatives done to help the poor out of poverty? Cut education programs? Cut childcare and healthcare? Threaten to raise their taxes?

Can you name a nation on earth where the poor did better by removing all assitance? Mexico does less for their poor....how much of an incentive was that to do better?

Obama took money from food stamps and medicare to fund his health care reform that he and his family will not be using. And that crap about the poor not being well fed is a lie. As for the poor in Mexico, they just come up here to be taken care of. Conservatives do plenty to help the poor as do the stupid libs by paying there taxes, well most libs, there several hundred in Manhattan who want to get $20.00 an hour to be on food stamps. You cant name any one reason why its not a good idea to take away the ding dongs and cokes from the food stamp collectors, so you spew the typical lies.

Fast Food Chains Getting Into the Food Stamp Act - ABC News

By Nina Terrero

In an ever-growing number of states, if you crave a taco or fried chicken from a fast-food restaurant, you can pay for it with food stamps.

Food stamps - known more formally as the USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - have been in use for grocery staples, such as bread and milk, since 1934, but now, for the first time, they can be used for fast food in four states across the country.
If i may ask... why did you leave the projects and go to law school?

I stopped working in the projects when I changed to a job which came open that was 10 minutes away from where I lived instead of 1 hour and 10 minutes away. But I worked the projects the better part of 5 years. I will never forget the things I saw there. My going to law school had nothing to do with my having worked in the projects. I just wanted the education.

I am sorry... i misunderstood... what you meant by leaving the projects. I thought you were living in the projects, decided it was not comfortable, got your life together and went to law school. :eusa_angel:

No, I never lived in the projects. Where I grew up was not affluent by any stretch but our house was paid for and it is still in the family. There were several little rental places, shanties, around us where some very poor people, some on commodities lived. I don't guess they even had projects in that day. But those little shanty houses around where I grewup have long since been torn down and better houses built there.
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I currently work with the 'poor'.

Not all but many are miserable, angry, frustrated people who resent their lot in life. Not all but many have a roof over their heads, ample clothing in their closets, food in their pantries and in the refrigerator that is often new and more modern than mine, all have a radio and one or more television sets, often flat screen, and most have a form of transportation or live hear a bus stop. A whole lot of them also have a $5 pack of cigs beside the armchair and some sort of liquor on the counter. They don't have a lot of extra cash, however, and their children will often go without what others of us would consider basic necessities such as school supplies unless those are furnished to them. And it usually is via the private sector.

These people are 'poor' by U.S. standards. They are unimaginably rich when compared to most of the world"s 'poor'.

My job is to help marginally educated people learn how to budget and manage their money, basics of nutrition, basics of hygiene when that is necessary, and what opportunities there are for them to prepare themselves for something better.

We have succeeded in helping many get moving to dig themselves out of the hole they are in and there is nothing more exhilarating than when somebody finally lands their dream job and no longer need our input or help.

There are others though that bring us back to reality when they flat out announce that they just don't want to put in the effort to do anything different. Why work their butt off when they have their cigs, their beer, and their soaps and don't really want anything different?

I fear Michelle's nutrition program isn't really doing much to inspire many of these folks either. But if they vote at all, they'll all vote for Obama a year from November. :)

The seriously and persistently mentally ill will never, short of some miracle drug, be out there on their own. And they are not comfortable. I see them buying generic cigarettes and cheap hooch, the ones who smoke and/or drink. Not all of them smoke and/or drink. Never saw any Scotch in those homes. Some of them do spend what money they have unwisely. But poor judgement is part of most serious mental illnesses. If it is bad enough they have to have a guardian and there are plenty of banks, lawyers, and guardianship companies who do that kind of work.

Most of the worst of the mentally ill though are among the homeless. That is a different group and a different problem than most of those receiving public assistance. With a very few exceptions, the ones I work with are not mentally ill or mentally disabled. Some are just plain down on their luck and do take good advantage of any hand up they are offered to get back on their feet. I fear, however, that most have simply been conditioned to see themselves as the victim class and they HAVE become comfortable in that role and really don't want to be responsible for themselves. A few resent not having what other people have, but the thought of giving up a sure thing to go after it is terrifying to them.
I currently work with the 'poor'.

Not all but many are miserable, angry, frustrated people who resent their lot in life. Not all but many have a roof over their heads, ample clothing in their closets, food in their pantries and in the refrigerator that is often new and more modern than mine, all have a radio and one or more television sets, often flat screen, and most have a form of transportation or live hear a bus stop. A whole lot of them also have a $5 pack of cigs beside the armchair and some sort of liquor on the counter. They don't have a lot of extra cash, however, and their children will often go without what others of us would consider basic necessities such as school supplies unless those are furnished to them. And it usually is via the private sector.

These people are 'poor' by U.S. standards. They are unimaginably rich when compared to most of the world"s 'poor'.

My job is to help marginally educated people learn how to budget and manage their money, basics of nutrition, basics of hygiene when that is necessary, and what opportunities there are for them to prepare themselves for something better.

We have succeeded in helping many get moving to dig themselves out of the hole they are in and there is nothing more exhilarating than when somebody finally lands their dream job and no longer need our input or help.

There are others though that bring us back to reality when they flat out announce that they just don't want to put in the effort to do anything different. Why work their butt off when they have their cigs, their beer, and their soaps and don't really want anything different?

I fear Michelle's nutrition program isn't really doing much to inspire many of these folks either. But if they vote at all, they'll all vote for Obama a year from November. :)

The seriously and persistently mentally ill will never, short of some miracle drug, be out there on their own. And they are not comfortable. I see them buying generic cigarettes and cheap hooch, the ones who smoke and/or drink. Not all of them smoke and/or drink. Never saw any Scotch in those homes. Some of them do spend what money they have unwisely. But poor judgement is part of most serious mental illnesses. If it is bad enough they have to have a guardian and there are plenty of banks, lawyers, and guardianship companies who do that kind of work.

Most of the worst of the mentally ill though are among the homeless. That is a different group and a different problem than most of those receiving public assistance. With a very few exceptions, the ones I work with are not mentally ill or mentally disabled. Some are just plain down on their luck and do take good advantage of any hand up they are offered to get back on their feet. I fear, however, that most have simply been conditioned to see themselves as the victim class and they HAVE become comfortable in that role and really don't want to be responsible for themselves. A few resent not having what other people have, but the thought of giving up a sure thing to go after it is terrifying to them.

Maybe in other states, but not in TN where I worked. NAMI has a strong presence at the Capital there and when they institutes were emptied, that was not done until there were sufficient boarding homes and efficiency apartments for them. A lot of them hang out on the streets during the day, but they have homes to go to at night.

There is a fair number of homeless veterans, but there are many things in this are to help meet their needs as well.
Most people eat out most of the time these days. We used to eat out 5 nights of the week and 4 of the days. Now I eat one lunch out every two weeks and dinners out are limited to once a week. It SUCKS! I love to eat out and enjoy good food (not that we can't cook)but because of the ridiculous salt content I am limited to steak (darn!) in almost any venue we go to as that is the one meal that is salted the least.

So it is a choice people are making for themselves.... and that is their problem, not the restaurants.

You do know you can ask for your meal to be prepared without salt? Some can and are happy to accommodate.

Actually at the chain restaurants that is impossible. Over 90% of the stuff is pre-prepared. Even the steaks are salted prior to cooking. Those you can have them not add any too however. Now if I take the wife to Adeles down in Carson City, which is a very high end restaurant, I can indeed get the meal mae with much less salt. But I'm also a friend of the owner who goes out of his way to make SURE I am not getting too much salt.
There is no other high end restaurant I can go to up here and be assured I am not getting too much salt.

And please note syrenn, I am all for people being allowed to salt as much as they want at their table, just don't salt the shit out of EVERYTHING that leaves the kitchen.

But if they do...... SIMPLY DONT RETURN.

Problem solved :cool:

I want the government to stay out of my decision to eat fattening salty food if I so choose.
She's not exactly 'slim,' which is not such a shock for a woman her age, but when she declares herself the chief of the food and fitness police it's ... noticeable.


I feel that when someone says she's the "food police", what's REALLY noticeable is how low the opposition will actually stoop!!! Was Laura Bush accused of being the "book police" when she pushed for improved literacy?
I have worked in the projects. I have yet to see a 'comfortable' poor family. The 'comfortable' poor family is the invention of the middle class.

They are more "comfortable" then they would be without the section 8 housing and entitlements. "Comfortable" is a relative term.

Most do not live in Section 8 housing. And the projects are definitely NOT comfortable. I heard gunfire more than once when I worked there. I was never 'comfortable' there. Most are fearful of the gangs and they don't let their kids out of the house alone. I don't blame them. Low income housing is not the picture of "comfort" even in comparison to the poor around the world.

YOU would not be comfortable in such a situation. Those who are raised in that environment are quite comfortable. That's why we have generational welfare. We have high crime because the people who live there not only accept it, but attack the police whenever they show up to enforce the law. There are gangs because the people who live there protect them and harbor them. Who are those gang members? They are the sons, husbands and brothers of those who live there.
She's not exactly 'slim,' which is not such a shock for a woman her age, but when she declares herself the chief of the food and fitness police it's ... noticeable.


I feel that when someone says she's the "food police", what's REALLY noticeable is how low the opposition will actually stoop!!! Was Laura Bush accused of being the "book police" when she pushed for improved literacy?

No..... but if Laura was behind laws that required I read a book, she would have been on my shit list too.

That didnt happen now did it???
Try and focus, for once in your life... this thread is about Michelle Obama and her healthy eating campaign for kids.


I see the larger problem, I'm sorry you can't, woman who gets on here every day and hates on Obama.

Didn't vote for the guy, but don't hate him like you do. Not like people who get on here and call her a wookie like someone just did and you said nothing about it.

You won't win with hate, but it's really all you have to offer.

Oh, knock off the hysteria. I don't 'hate' Obama.... moron. This low IQ crap of accusing everyone of 'hate' or 'racism' or whatever the current insult of the day is might make you feel empowered but it is laughably ignorant.

If lefties pulled this kind of BS with laura, i'd have called them on it. complaining that she thinks it's a good idea to encourage people to eat healthy is trash......

as for racist... well, the hysteria, fauxrage and obama derangement syndrome is a bit excessive. only the ODS sufferers in question can tell you specifically why... though their posts often give major clues... whether you like it or not.
If lefties pulled this kind of BS with laura, i'd have called them on it. complaining that she thinks it's a good idea to encourage people to eat healthy is trash......

as for racist... well, the hysteria, fauxrage and obama derangement syndrome is a bit excessive. only the ODS sufferers in question can tell you specifically why... though their posts often give major clues... whether you like it or not.


I have a problem with it when her "whims" effect MY diet.... Let ME decide what is good for and MY family!

Oh, and then there is this.....

Darden Restaurants — the company that owns the Olive Garden, Red Lobster, LongHorn Steakhouse and others announced recently that it will cut the “calorie footprint” and sodium levels in its meals and create new kids’ menus to comply with the first lady’s public health objectives.

Whats not mentioned is in return, that allows them to avoid some of the insurance mandates of ObamaCare.

Yep... its all about the "children" :eusa_liar:


Companies didnt get vouchers from laws enacted by her hubby if they read more books..... just sayin'

Im sick of being treated like a child by this regime!
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She's not exactly 'slim,' which is not such a shock for a woman her age, but when she declares herself the chief of the food and fitness police it's ... noticeable.


I feel that when someone says she's the "food police", what's REALLY noticeable is how low the opposition will actually stoop!!! Was Laura Bush accused of being the "book police" when she pushed for improved literacy?

No..... but if Laura was behind laws that required I read a book, she would have been on my shit list too.

That didnt happen now did it???

She was behind laws to get your children to read more books!!! :eek:
What is wrong with a First Lady ... or any other person of prominence ... encouraging healthy habits in children?

I've been having trouble with my fellow conservatives having trouble with this. Can someone set me straight on why I should be concerned?

I see nothing wrong with it and I have many conservative views.

Some people will always find fault with those they disagree with politically or philosophically, whether such faults they point out are that valid or not.
What is wrong with a First Lady ... or any other person of prominence ... encouraging healthy habits in children?

I've been having trouble with my fellow conservatives having trouble with this. Can someone set me straight on why I should be concerned?

She's a hypocrite.
What is wrong with a First Lady ... or any other person of prominence ... encouraging healthy habits in children?

I've been having trouble with my fellow conservatives having trouble with this. Can someone set me straight on why I should be concerned?

She's a hypocrite.

I don't know that she is though. The fact that she may or may not practice what she preaches--and based on the menus we see for fancy dinners at the White House, she probably doesn't :)--the fact that what she preaches is good preaching just the same.

There are many people who drink to excess or who smoke who know that is not a good thing and will counsel others not to do that. That is not hypocrisy. It usually comes from the heart and genuine concern for others while battling an addiction or problem yourself. There are many who have corrected bad behavior and/or overcome an addiction or some such and now counsel others not to get into those situations. They aren't hypocrites either.

Most of us don't always do what we know we should but give good advice anyway. What makes us a hypocrite is JUDGING others and/or holding them up to ridicule or contempt while we are doing the same thing.
What is wrong with a First Lady ... or any other person of prominence ... encouraging healthy habits in children?

I've been having trouble with my fellow conservatives having trouble with this. Can someone set me straight on why I should be concerned?

She's a hypocrite.

I don't know that she is though. The fact that she may or may not practice what she preaches--and based on the menus we see for fancy dinners at the White House, she probably doesn't :)--the fact that what she preaches is good preaching just the same.

There are many people who drink to excess or who smoke who know that is not a good thing and will counsel others not to do that. That is not hypocrisy. It usually comes from the heart and genuine concern for others while battling an addiction or problem yourself. There are many who have corrected bad behavior and/or overcome an addiction or some such and now counsel others not to get into those situations. They aren't hypocrites either.

Most of us don't always do what we know we should but give good advice anyway. What makes us a hypocrite is JUDGING others and/or holding them up to ridicule or contempt while we are doing the same thing.

Well if you are one of those people that needs other people to tell you what is good for you and your family, then no you probably don't see anything wrong with it.

And to your argument that those who drink to excess and smoke have a right to counsel anyone on excess drinking or smoking is a joke!

Do as I say, not as I do, is not setting a good example. Sounds more like someone dictating to others how they should live and/or what they should do.
She's a hypocrite.

I don't know that she is though. The fact that she may or may not practice what she preaches--and based on the menus we see for fancy dinners at the White House, she probably doesn't :)--the fact that what she preaches is good preaching just the same.

There are many people who drink to excess or who smoke who know that is not a good thing and will counsel others not to do that. That is not hypocrisy. It usually comes from the heart and genuine concern for others while battling an addiction or problem yourself. There are many who have corrected bad behavior and/or overcome an addiction or some such and now counsel others not to get into those situations. They aren't hypocrites either.

Most of us don't always do what we know we should but give good advice anyway. What makes us a hypocrite is JUDGING others and/or holding them up to ridicule or contempt while we are doing the same thing.

Well if you are one of those people that needs other people to tell you what is good for you and your family, then no you probably don't see anything wrong with it.

And to your argument that those who drink to excess and smoke have a right to counsel anyone on excess drinking or smoking is a joke!

Do as I say, not as I do, is not setting a good example. Sounds more like someone dictating to others how they should live and/or what they should do.

Do as I say, not as I do, is valid advice just the same. Do you look the other way when your kids do the same stupid things you did as a kid? Or do you try to give them good advice to avoid those things? Perhaps even apply rules making such things verbotim? Does that make you a hypocrite? Or a good parent who wants his offspring to benefit from his experience?

Good advice is good advice no matter who it comes from and is a different thing than dictating or judging others.

Now when Michelle attempts to FORCE me to take her advice or presumes to take away my choices when she retains those choices for herself, then we have grounds for criticism on the grounds of hypocrisy.

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