What's wrong with Sanders?


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
I know what is wrong is him. He is just a communist. Really, his campaign is full of typical communist agenda and he doesn't even try to hide it. He wants to reduce wealth inequality by equalizing poor and rich people, make America even more racially diverse, give free money to every poor person and create more jobs. So that means that he wants the government to control every aspect of American life. I can't believe people are going to vote for him.
I know what is wrong is him. He is just a communist. Really, his campaign is full of typical communist agenda and he doesn't even try to hide it. He wants to reduce wealth inequality by equalizing poor and rich people, make America even more racially diverse, give free money to every poor person and create more jobs. So that means that he wants the government to control every aspect of American life. I can't believe people are going to vote for him.
But Libs like free shit.... that WE pay for!!!
I know what is wrong is him. He is just a communist. Really, his campaign is full of typical communist agenda and he doesn't even try to hide it. He wants to reduce wealth inequality by equalizing poor and rich people, make America even more racially diverse, give free money to every poor person and create more jobs. So that means that he wants the government to control every aspect of American life. I can't believe people are going to vote for him.
The proper question is "what is right with Sanders?"
The answer is "nothing"....The guy is cuckoo for cocoa puffs.
It's absolutely tragic that a man who is unapologetically running for the sake of people who work paycheck to paycheck is hated so much by people who are probably just getting by simply because they have been trained to see genuine populism as dangerous. Get a clue, what has voting for "business friendly" politicians gotten the vast majority of Americans? A plutocracy and a government that is totally unable to act in the interests the average wage earner.
What's wrong with Sanders?

He thinks socialism works.

Anybody that dumb must be kept far away from the Presidency, or any elected office.

A major characteristic of the socialism he supports, is theft and redistribution of stolen goods.
Bernie Sanders is Hillary's Bill Bradley. He was chosen to be her straw man to knock down and make her look like a strong candidate. But Hillary is such a vulnerable candidate, the straw man will probably win. I'ts kind of like the sparring partner who knocks out the champ. This is the best the Democrats have to offer. Trump will win decisively if he gets the nomination.
It kills me, literally kills me that people equate Democratic socialism, which I wouldn't even equate to socialism in general with communism. Everything, the entire thread is irrelevant purely because you felt that was the right word. Let me throw some more dumb word equivalencies in there.

Democracy= dictatorship
Capitalism = libertarianism
Republic = monarchy

I'm sure you have heard the differences between communism, socialism, and Democratic socialism on many threads, and you just sort of blow over it and go, "well nuh uh its communism cuz merica". I'm sure you have heard people say that we already ARE a Democratic socialist state with many programs, but still.... Murica.

I am sure you have pointed out time and time again, look at Cuba! Look at the Soviet Union! Look at Greece! And while people may inform you with a simple "well, except for Greece, those other countries are communist and other socialist countries in south america were poor to begin with, however, look at Norway, sweden, Denmark and other Democratic socialist nations that expanded their social programs beyond ours and have better economies and lower poverty rates and better education". And these arguments, once more go ignored because again and I must reiterate "Merica".

Or perhaps the funniest argument to me is they are distributing their sweet oil profits around an thats why they can afford to do that, but once those wells are dry, those countries are in for it! As though America is not the wealthiest nation in the world, as though Denmark is rich beyond Americas hopes and dreams.

Our production in natural gas and oil has never been higher, our corporations profits have never been higher. We won the cold war by OUTSPENDING the Soviet Union. We have more billionaires per capita than ANY NATION ON EARTH. And the really great argument is that if you tax those poor, poor billionaires, they'll jump ship and leave America.

Guess what US tax code works differently than other countries in one big way, you pay income tax if you are a CITIZEN no matter where you live! They can't get away!

Oh, but those are our job creators, right? They need that money to provide us with all the jobs they just spew out. Guess what? They have more money than ever and aren't making new jobs! *collective righty gasp of anger*.

And those " communist ideas" that Bernie is advocating, free healthcare for one, would make our spending per capita on health care half! Because it's more efficient than our for profit health insurance. Oh, but I could I know that? Because we are spending double what those Democratic socialist countries spend per capita! Must be all that sweet, sweet Denmark oil, I mean why go to Saudi Arabia when Denmark is pumping out so much oil.

And free college tuition, he dares! He dares to think a more educated population will help the economy by filling high paying technical jobs that our economy is moving too? That perhaps poor families living off of welfare could go to college and improve their place in life? No sir, not in my America!

And how could we even afford all this? Even with taxing our precious job creators that's still alot of money! What, he thinks auditing the DOD, the most wasteful government agency that spends hundreds of billions at a time on projects will help anything? Or getting out of that six trillion dollar hole in the middle East. Or ending that war on drugs so we stop imprisoning more people per capita than Soviet fucking Russia did?

Those prisoners found with weed on them need to be in jail! They're dangerous, at least, they might be when they get out. Money well spent, more kids in jail, less kids in school. I know, it costs more to jail someone for a year than provide an education for a year, but dammit! This is America!

And while we're at it, keep big money in politics! It's so hard to figure out who's policies I like, just let billionaires buy out the candidate THEY like and have them play ads day and night till we vote for them. This is America, where everything's for sale, and your damn right that includes our government!
I know what is wrong is him. He is just a communist. Really, his campaign is full of typical communist agenda and he doesn't even try to hide it. He wants to reduce wealth inequality by equalizing poor and rich people, make America even more racially diverse, give free money to every poor person and create more jobs. So that means that he wants the government to control every aspect of American life. I can't believe people are going to vote for him.

It's going to happen because there isn't a strong republican canidate. This country will just have to figure this out the hard way.
It kills me, literally kills me that people equate Democratic socialism, which I wouldn't even equate to socialism in general with communism.
Truth hurts, eh?

(the usual long-winded excuses to not call Democrats the socialists they are, deleted)
Cute, couldn't actually debate any points. my point exactly.
Welcome to the forum, right wingers are nuts on here.
It kills me, literally kills me that people equate Democratic socialism, which I wouldn't even equate to socialism in general with communism.
Truth hurts, eh?

(the usual long-winded excuses to not call Democrats the socialists they are, deleted)
Cute, couldn't actually debate any points. my point exactly.
Welcome to the forum, right wingers are nuts on here.
I used to think everybody would listen to reason and there would be a lively back and forth debate and disparaged the thought of thinking a particular ideology just being the dumb guys. Then I signed up for USMB and realized this is where Republicans hide their crazies.
It kills me, literally kills me that people equate Democratic socialism, which I wouldn't even equate to socialism in general with communism.
Truth hurts, eh?

(the usual long-winded excuses to not call Democrats the socialists they are, deleted)
Cute, couldn't actually debate any points. my point exactly.
Welcome to the forum, right wingers are nuts on here.
I used to think everybody would listen to reason and there would be a lively back and forth debate and disparaged the thought of thinking a particular ideology just being the dumb guys. Then I signed up for USMB and realized this is where Republicans hide their crazies.
It's entertainment for me. When a majority of right leaning people on the site actually believe democrats are socialists/communists, well, you can see why we need affordable college.
Bernie Sanders is Hillary's Bill Bradley. He was chosen to be her straw man to knock down and make her look like a strong candidate. But Hillary is such a vulnerable candidate, the straw man will probably win. I'ts kind of like the sparring partner who knocks out the champ. This is the best the Democrats have to offer. Trump will win decisively if he gets the nomination.

Donald Trump will never be president of the United States. Anybody who thinks that he will be is living in a fantasy
Bernie Sanders is Hillary's Bill Bradley. He was chosen to be her straw man to knock down and make her look like a strong candidate. But Hillary is such a vulnerable candidate, the straw man will probably win. I'ts kind of like the sparring partner who knocks out the champ. This is the best the Democrats have to offer. Trump will win decisively if he gets the nomination.

Donald Trump will never be president of the United States. Anybody who thinks that he will be is living in a fantasy
I hope he gets elected, I really do.
It's absolutely tragic that a man who is unapologetically running for the sake of people who work paycheck to paycheck is hated so much by people who are probably just getting by simply because they have been trained to see genuine populism as dangerous. Get a clue, what has voting for "business friendly" politicians gotten the vast majority of Americans? A plutocracy and a government that is totally unable to act in the interests the average wage earner.

That's not true at all. Philosophically I agree with many of the things Sanders is saying. The problem is the way he wants to get there would be absolutely destructive. He's not pitching anything new. It's all old washed up ideas that have been tried and failed in the past. His ideas have never brought anybody out of poverty, they've only dragged everybody down to an equal level of misery.
Bernie Sanders is Hillary's Bill Bradley. He was chosen to be her straw man to knock down and make her look like a strong candidate. But Hillary is such a vulnerable candidate, the straw man will probably win. I'ts kind of like the sparring partner who knocks out the champ. This is the best the Democrats have to offer. Trump will win decisively if he gets the nomination.

Donald Trump will never be president of the United States. Anybody who thinks that he will be is living in a fantasy
I hope he gets elected, I really do.


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