What's wrong with Sanders?

So tell me about the dark age in american history where we had free healthcare and college.

Nobody on the planet has free health care or college.

A nationalized health care system would NEVER work in the United States for the simple reason that we are too fucking big. A system like that would require the largest, most expensive bureaucracy on the planet. The NHS is the largest employer in the UK and it's riddled with problems. We have seven times the population they do. Our government can't even manage the VA system right and that's only serving a few millions veterans. We've had veterans dying waiting for treatment by the VA. That's your government health care.

It really amazes me how you people can be so fucking stupid. You are so wed to your inane ideology and consumed by your own greed that you completely dismiss reality. You're a bunch of petulant little children.
So tell me about the dark age in american history where we had free healthcare and college.

Nobody on the planet has free health care or college.

A nationalized health care system would NEVER work in the United States for the simple reason that we are too fucking big. A system like that would require the largest, most expensive bureaucracy on the planet. The NHS is the largest employer in the UK and it's riddled with problems. We have seven times the population they do. Our government can't even manage the VA system right and that's only serving a few millions veterans. We've had veterans dying waiting for treatment by the VA. That's your government health care.

It really amazes me how you people can be so fucking stupid. You are so wed to your inane ideology and consumed by your own greed that you completely dismiss reality. You're a bunch of petulant little children.
Their response when the obvious failings are pointed out is that we didnt spend enough.
Sanders is a self described socialist. He is a New England liberal. The country is not in the mood for a New England liberal.
You have trouble paying attention, dontcha?
Universal healthcare is already a failure in every state that tried. Vermont tried to implement a truly free universal healthcare system and it never got off the ground.
Free college is a joke. We see how many unemployed and underemployed college grads there are, roughly 50%. Having people waste 4 years on degrees in medieval French literature does not help them.
Raising min wage destroys min wage jobs and cuts out the lowest rung on the ladder. Check black teenaged unemployment against min wage rises. The rate is nearly 50% now.
We would be better off with no min wage at alll. This way all workers could find jobs suitable to their job skills and begin working their way up. A concept that eludes libs.
First of all universal health care would only work on a national level, a state level would meet too many roadblocks. And no, people shouldn't get a degree in medieval french literature we should focus on free college for relevant degrees that are understaffed in America, chemical engineers, chemists, biologists, geneticists, structural engineers and other technical science degrees. And I'm sure if you have no minimum wage it would really help. Stop giving people welfare or unemployment and let them starve on 1.50 an hour, oh, but if they make mananger in the inner city they might get a 2 dollar raise. Moving on up!
I'm sure that people who have no clue on how business works would believe as you do...
Great, explain to me why I'm wrong.
Lets begin with people starving on 1.50 per hour.....

No person in this country would work for that wage...which means that an employer is going to need to determine the value of a jobs worth to the company.....this involves a number of factors which are far to numerous for this single thread or reply. If you want to know how a wage is determined, I suggest you take out a loan and go to school and get a degree in business.

Suffice it to say, that every job except entry level jobs, require a specific number of skills that can be utilized. There also needs to be a history of the person willing to expand and take on increasing levels of responsibility and task complexity. Any employer who sees this in a candidate for employement, along with a willingness to learn will earn more than the average entry level person

If you, as an individual, wish to increase your paycheck, you recognize this and put out the extra effort to increase your talents, knowledge, and skills. All of these things are an ongoing and continuous process that will last the rest of your life.

If you sit back and think you've made it, you just lost the race.

People who apply themselves in this manner will get the jobs and NOT STARVE, regardless of the job market.....and employers will always pay more for these kinds of workers vs those what do just to get by.

That is just the introduction to Business 101.....you have about 50 more years to learn more?
You're dealing with people who think corporate CEOs are grossly overpaid but Nikki Minaj is a superstar. I.e. they dont have a fucking clue about jobs, work, labor, economics, business, or anything else. They think if employers could, they would simply cut wages to 25cents/hr and everyone would simply take that wage rather than look for better paying work.
I know....is there any wonder they don't want a means test for intelligence before you vote, but its okay to force people to pay SS and then be barred from collecting it!
My take.....The original poster is pulling right wingers' legs......no one can write that poorly otherwise and still be able to press the "on" button on a PC.
A nationalized health care system would NEVER work in the United States for the simple reason that we are too fucking big.

Just out of curiosity:

What is China's population and does that country have a nationalized health care system?

What is India's population and does that country have a nationalized health care system?

What is Russia's population and does that country have a nationalized health care system?

(fully realizing that we "steal" the best doctors that the above 3 countries produce with the subtle promise that in the US a doctor can get richer than most politicians...and that is saying a lot.)
A nationalized health care system would NEVER work in the United States for the simple reason that we are too fucking big.

Just out of curiosity:

What is China's population and does that country have a nationalized health care system?

What is India's population and does that country have a nationalized health care system?

What is Russia's population and does that country have a nationalized health care system?

(fully realizing that we "steal" the best doctors that the above 3 countries produce with the subtle promise that in the US a doctor can get richer than most politicians...and that is saying a lot.)

India's and China's systems are private. Russia's is nationalized, but it's incredibly poorly managed and there is massive rationing. And Russia still only has about 40% of the population we do.
Every socialist has one goal in mind.....

Even the playing field by making EVERYONE poor EXCEPT the elites.
shouldn't socialists be competing with not conspiring with capitalists?
Socialists should be shunned and ridiculed at every turn.
too much social hard work to compete socially?
Naw......to much stupid to survive without help.
too bad for you, Capitalist Darwinist.
Every socialist has one goal in mind.....

Even the playing field by making EVERYONE poor EXCEPT the elites.
shouldn't socialists be competing with not conspiring with capitalists?
Socialists should be shunned and ridiculed at every turn.
too much social hard work to compete socially?
Naw......to much stupid to survive without help.
too bad for you, Capitalist Darwinist.
Don't feel sorry for Me. I do have job skills and will continue to expand them on a weekly basis...

While most of the board riff-raff is worried about minimum wage, I'm worried about how to keep My taxes at a reasonable level.
shouldn't socialists be competing with not conspiring with capitalists?
Socialists should be shunned and ridiculed at every turn.
too much social hard work to compete socially?
Naw......to much stupid to survive without help.
too bad for you, Capitalist Darwinist.
Don't feel sorry for Me. I do have job skills and will continue to expand them on a weekly basis...

While most of the board riff-raff is worried about minimum wage, I'm worried about how to keep My taxes at a reasonable level.
why not lobby Congress for a tax loophole large enough to meet your financial objectives?
Successful countries like Greece and Venezuela, you mean.
Denmark, norway, finland, sweden, germany, britain... Might as well claim capitalism is a failure because of 2008. Cherrypicking 2 countries with a lack of context shows your idiocy.
Actually all of them failed to the extent they adopted Sanders' ideas.
LOL. The bullshit continues to flow.
Translation: I have no refutation for your point so I'll dismiss it.

Yes, socialism delivers 100% failure all the time.
You're the one who has to provide proof for your claims, there's a reason many countries rebuilding from WW2 took a "socialist" path.

Socialism only works in Heaven, where they don't need it, and in Hell, where they already have it.
Socialists should be shunned and ridiculed at every turn.
too much social hard work to compete socially?
Naw......to much stupid to survive without help.
too bad for you, Capitalist Darwinist.
Don't feel sorry for Me. I do have job skills and will continue to expand them on a weekly basis...

While most of the board riff-raff is worried about minimum wage, I'm worried about how to keep My taxes at a reasonable level.
why not lobby Congress for a tax loophole large enough to meet your financial objectives?
Because I lobby Congress for sensible tax law....I have no problem paying for sensible taxation that meets the needs of every citizen equally.

An example of that would be roads and bridges.

We all use them, so it makes sense that we all contribute.

Welfare for the able bodied.....

Not so much.....some of us pay so that others can skate by.....

Some will say that not everyone is a freeloader....

To which I reply.......what does that have to do with what I just said?

To deny people game the system is to deny that the sky is blue....

Since I subscribe to the notion that the Constitution does not give any authority for government to take from the labor of one to give to another, and given that fully 1/5 of our budget does exactly that.....then it holds that we can easily justify a 20% reduction in our budget.....that 20 percent would not only balance the budget on agreed upon spending, it would provide a mechanism for paying down existing debt.....

However, the discussion is never on sensible budgetary measure and always on pure emotional responses......I rarely give any glimpse to My thoughts on taxation and budgeting.....I just make fun of the progressives and call it a day.
It's absolutely tragic that a man who is unapologetically running for the sake of people who work paycheck to paycheck is hated so much by people who are probably just getting by simply because they have been trained to see genuine populism as dangerous. Get a clue, what has voting for "business friendly" politicians gotten the vast majority of Americans? A plutocracy and a government that is totally unable to act in the interests the average wage earner.

That's not true at all. Philosophically I agree with many of the things Sanders is saying. The problem is the way he wants to get there would be absolutely destructive. He's not pitching anything new. It's all old washed up ideas that have been tried and failed in the past. His ideas have never brought anybody out of poverty, they've only dragged everybody down to an equal level of misery.
We failed at having free colleges and universal healthcare? Free colleges, being able to get a degree and change your place in life doesn't help people out of poverty? Raising minimum wage to a liveable wage doesn't help?
Did the last few raises in minimum wage fail? Would we be better off with 1.50 an hour?
Hey sunshine..There is no such thing as "free".....Some one has GOT to pay.....Who pays for the utilities, the instructors, the facilities, etc?....Free? That's funny....
Ya know what the best scenario would be?...For the federal government to completely divest itself from higher education and END the student loan program as it exists today.
The result would be colleges and universities would have to compete for students. Prices would drop precipitously if the federal government were not sending gobs of money to schools.
if college didn't average out to over $15k per academic year, a lot more people could afford to make an attempt at earning a degree.
One thing though.....Politicians on this "free college kick" must be reminded that college is not for everyone.
Increase in top tier taxes, not being involved in middle East wars, prison reform so we aren't wasting tax money imprisoning hundreds of thousands of people a year and paying for their every need.

An audit on the DOD so that we aren't doing silly things like paying 200 billion dollars for a single stealth airplane. As well as buying 450 million dollars in tanks when the military says they don't want or need them because the company that made them lobbied the government.

I understand free CITIZEN college has a cost and I know where the money will come from, pretty clear, simply stated. You think people don't understand that free services cost money, but I do, and looked into the plans Bernie has to pay for those services. Maybe you should too before you tell me I don't understand.
There is not enough money to pay for college for anyone who wants to attend..
Oh, and gutting the military? GO ahead. With an already severely weakened armed forces, Sanders would gut it further making us vulnerable to attack. Expensive aircraft and other materiel? That's not the issue.
The problem with you people is you haven't the foggiest notion of what it takes to protect the country, citizens and interests.
The last 30 or so years have seen defense spending slashed. Many facilities closed. hundreds of thousands or jobs lost.
And all you people can do is whine because you want shit you don't want to pay for.....
BTW genius, the federal government is bound by the US Constitution and federal law to fund the military.
You want cuts? Go after social spending. 55% of the federal budget is spent on social programs.
Cut the waste fraud and abuse of social depts. Get rid of non essential workers. Purge the rolls of all people gaming the system. Get rid if the crooked managers and officers who's job it is to find ways to keep their cushy over stuffed paycheck jobs
Oh, and gutting the military? GO ahead. With an already severely weakened armed forces, Sanders would gut it further making us vulnerable to attack.

Our military spending is larger than the next ten countries combined. Please explain to me how scaling back military spending is going to make us vulnerable to attack.

The problem with you people is you haven't the foggiest notion of what it takes to protect the country, citizens and interests.

I don't think you do either. All you people seem to be interested in is sending our soldiers off to die for other countries' interests.

BTW genius, the federal government is bound by the US Constitution and federal law to fund the military.

Doesn't mean they get a blank check to fight everybody else's wars.
It's absolutely tragic that a man who is unapologetically running for the sake of people who work paycheck to paycheck is hated so much by people who are probably just getting by simply because they have been trained to see genuine populism as dangerous. Get a clue, what has voting for "business friendly" politicians gotten the vast majority of Americans? A plutocracy and a government that is totally unable to act in the interests the average wage earner.

That's not true at all. Philosophically I agree with many of the things Sanders is saying. The problem is the way he wants to get there would be absolutely destructive. He's not pitching anything new. It's all old washed up ideas that have been tried and failed in the past. His ideas have never brought anybody out of poverty, they've only dragged everybody down to an equal level of misery.
We failed at having free colleges and universal healthcare? Free colleges, being able to get a degree and change your place in life doesn't help people out of poverty? Raising minimum wage to a liveable wage doesn't help?
Did the last few raises in minimum wage fail? Would we be better off with 1.50 an hour?
Hey sunshine..There is no such thing as "free".....Some one has GOT to pay.....Who pays for the utilities, the instructors, the facilities, etc?....Free? That's funny....
Ya know what the best scenario would be?...For the federal government to completely divest itself from higher education and END the student loan program as it exists today.
The result would be colleges and universities would have to compete for students. Prices would drop precipitously if the federal government were not sending gobs of money to schools.
if college didn't average out to over $15k per academic year, a lot more people could afford to make an attempt at earning a degree.
One thing though.....Politicians on this "free college kick" must be reminded that college is not for everyone.
Increase in top tier taxes, not being involved in middle East wars, prison reform so we aren't wasting tax money imprisoning hundreds of thousands of people a year and paying for their every need.

An audit on the DOD so that we aren't doing silly things like paying 200 billion dollars for a single stealth airplane. As well as buying 450 million dollars in tanks when the military says they don't want or need them because the company that made them lobbied the government.

I understand free CITIZEN college has a cost and I know where the money will come from, pretty clear, simply stated. You think people don't understand that free services cost money, but I do, and looked into the plans Bernie has to pay for those services. Maybe you should too before you tell me I don't understand.
There is not enough money to pay for college for anyone who wants to attend..
Oh, and gutting the military? GO ahead. With an already severely weakened armed forces, Sanders would gut it further making us vulnerable to attack. Expensive aircraft and other materiel? That's not the issue.
The problem with you people is you haven't the foggiest notion of what it takes to protect the country, citizens and interests.
The last 30 or so years have seen defense spending slashed. Many facilities closed. hundreds of thousands or jobs lost.
And all you people can do is whine because you want shit you don't want to pay for.....
BTW genius, the federal government is bound by the US Constitution and federal law to fund the military.
You want cuts? Go after social spending. 55% of the federal budget is spent on social programs.
Cut the waste fraud and abuse of social depts. Get rid of non essential workers. Purge the rolls of all people gaming the system. Get rid if the crooked managers and officers who's job it is to find ways to keep their cushy over stuffed paycheck jobs
Sure, audit all government agencies. Inefficiency should be stopped and corruption should be caught. The military was gutted after 9/11? I don't think so. And we are what? Vulnerable to invasion by ISIS? Bullshit. We are not even close to weak, we spend more in military than the next ten countries combined, we have never been invaded and we have the advantage of oceans on every side. I'm not too afraid of invasion, and if you are your giving in to fear propoganda, who's our big enemy? Tell me. Who do we have to fear, that will come rolling into America? And we need 200 billion dollars on one spy plane to defend us? We need to build tanks the military says we don't need to pay a defense company 450 million dollars? We should just hand money over to the DOD, regardless of what they spend it on?
Oh, and gutting the military? GO ahead. With an already severely weakened armed forces, Sanders would gut it further making us vulnerable to attack.

Our military spending is larger than the next ten countries combined. Please explain to me how scaling back military spending is going to make us vulnerable to attack.

The problem with you people is you haven't the foggiest notion of what it takes to protect the country, citizens and interests.

I don't think you do either. All you people seem to be interested in is sending our soldiers off to die for other countries' interests.

BTW genius, the federal government is bound by the US Constitution and federal law to fund the military.

Doesn't mean they get a blank check to fight everybody else's wars.
A rare occurrence of agreement. Sensibility from the opposition, I'm impressed.
Oh, and gutting the military? GO ahead. With an already severely weakened armed forces, Sanders would gut it further making us vulnerable to attack.

Our military spending is larger than the next ten countries combined. Please explain to me how scaling back military spending is going to make us vulnerable to attack.
Our responsibilities are more than the next 10 countries combined. We've seen what happens when we scale back under Obama. Our military is the smallest its been since before WW2. Not coincidentally our power and influence in the world are much less.
Narco-libertarians will never get elected precisely because of their idiotic foreign policy views.

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