What's wrong with Sanders?

It's absolutely tragic that a man who is unapologetically running for the sake of people who work paycheck to paycheck is hated so much by people who are probably just getting by simply because they have been trained to see genuine populism as dangerous. Get a clue, what has voting for "business friendly" politicians gotten the vast majority of Americans? A plutocracy and a government that is totally unable to act in the interests the average wage earner.

The reality is they work "paycheck to paycheck" because they don't save, they don't invest, and they don't work that hard. The best paid people in my business are the ones who work the most. And that's true in most businesses despite your Marxist, class warfare rhetoric. It has nothing to do with anyone's opinion of them, it has to do with their choice to get by in life doing as little as possible
Oh, and gutting the military? GO ahead. With an already severely weakened armed forces, Sanders would gut it further making us vulnerable to attack.

Our military spending is larger than the next ten countries combined. Please explain to me how scaling back military spending is going to make us vulnerable to attack.
Our responsibilities are more than the next 10 countries combined. We've seen what happens when we scale back under Obama. Our military is the smallest its been since before WW2. Not coincidentally our power and influence in the world are much less.
Narco-libertarians will never get elected precisely because of their idiotic foreign policy views.

We chose to put that "responsibility" on ourselves while our enemies exploit it and our friends stab us in the back for it
Denmark, norway, finland, sweden, germany, britain... Might as well claim capitalism is a failure because of 2008. Cherrypicking 2 countries with a lack of context shows your idiocy.
Actually all of them failed to the extent they adopted Sanders' ideas.
LOL. The bullshit continues to flow.
Translation: I have no refutation for your point so I'll dismiss it.

Yes, socialism delivers 100% failure all the time.
You're the one who has to provide proof for your claims, there's a reason many countries rebuilding from WW2 took a "socialist" path.

Socialism only works in Heaven, where they don't need it, and in Hell, where they already have it.
are you implying this is "purgatory" where we may have a choice?
So tell me about the dark age in american history where we had free healthcare and college.

Nobody on the planet has free health care or college.

A nationalized health care system would NEVER work in the United States for the simple reason that we are too fucking big. A system like that would require the largest, most expensive bureaucracy on the planet. The NHS is the largest employer in the UK and it's riddled with problems. We have seven times the population they do. Our government can't even manage the VA system right and that's only serving a few millions veterans. We've had veterans dying waiting for treatment by the VA. That's your government health care.

It really amazes me how you people can be so fucking stupid. You are so wed to your inane ideology and consumed by your own greed that you completely dismiss reality. You're a bunch of petulant little children.
When someone says free, they refer to taxpayer funded healthcare and education systems that benefit everyone, which almost every country does but America, thanks to the bullshit exceptionalism. It would never work? Please, the amount of resources available in the United States balances that out, heck, we can maintain a military larger then any on earth and other useless shit. Of course the NHS has problems, thanks to the UK right wing and the other horse shit, it's funny how you choose to cherry pick that and ignore the overwhelming support of the NHS by the British people, but fine, ignore Germany and almost every other country to keep up your mystical illusion. The VA system is an example of why we need a stronger government like other countries, and I think it's fucking hilarious how you assume government run healthcare will lead to some sort of genocide, oh, the poor Europeans! NOT. Grow the fuck up, the WHO, all major health aid organizations know universal healthcare is what we need as time goes on. It amazes me how you can be so fucking stupid, and a moderator, who actually believes in the horse shit you spew.
So tell me about the dark age in american history where we had free healthcare and college.

Nobody on the planet has free health care or college.

A nationalized health care system would NEVER work in the United States for the simple reason that we are too fucking big. A system like that would require the largest, most expensive bureaucracy on the planet. The NHS is the largest employer in the UK and it's riddled with problems. We have seven times the population they do. Our government can't even manage the VA system right and that's only serving a few millions veterans. We've had veterans dying waiting for treatment by the VA. That's your government health care.

It really amazes me how you people can be so fucking stupid. You are so wed to your inane ideology and consumed by your own greed that you completely dismiss reality. You're a bunch of petulant little children.
When someone says free, they refer to taxpayer funded healthcare and education systems that benefit everyone, which almost every country does but America, thanks to the bullshit exceptionalism. It would never work? Please, the amount of resources available in the United States balances that out, heck, we can maintain a military larger then any on earth and other useless shit. Of course the NHS has problems, thanks to the UK right wing and the other horse shit, it's funny how you choose to cherry pick that and ignore the overwhelming support of the NHS by the British people, but fine, ignore Germany and almost every other country to keep up your mystical illusion. The VA system is an example of why we need a stronger government like other countries, and I think it's fucking hilarious how you assume government run healthcare will lead to some sort of genocide, oh, the poor Europeans! NOT. Grow the fuck up, the WHO, all major health aid organizations know universal healthcare is what we need as time goes on. It amazes me how you can be so fucking stupid, and a moderator, who actually believes in the horse shit you spew.

it's funny how you choose to ingore that support for the NHS has more to do with human nature than because they like it so well. Castro has huge numbers of supporters; it's all they know.
it's also hilarious how you compare what can be done in europe to what our left-wingers care capable of. you're clearly an angry idiot who could probably benefit from some therapy, free or otherwise.
What's wrong with Sanders?

He's a Communist.

Now the question becomes; What's wrong with Communism?

Communism is a manifestation of invalid, unsustainable reasoning. Therefore the product of such is intrinsically UNSUSTAINABLE.

This, having been thoroughly tested and the conclusion proven to be INFALLIBLY CORRECT!
So tell me about the dark age in american history where we had free healthcare and college.

Nobody on the planet has free health care or college.

A nationalized health care system would NEVER work in the United States for the simple reason that we are too fucking big. A system like that would require the largest, most expensive bureaucracy on the planet. The NHS is the largest employer in the UK and it's riddled with problems. We have seven times the population they do. Our government can't even manage the VA system right and that's only serving a few millions veterans. We've had veterans dying waiting for treatment by the VA. That's your government health care.

It really amazes me how you people can be so fucking stupid. You are so wed to your inane ideology and consumed by your own greed that you completely dismiss reality. You're a bunch of petulant little children.
When someone says free, they refer to taxpayer funded healthcare and education systems that benefit everyone, which almost every country does but America, thanks to the bullshit exceptionalism. It would never work? Please, the amount of resources available in the United States balances that out, heck, we can maintain a military larger then any on earth and other useless shit. Of course the NHS has problems, thanks to the UK right wing and the other horse shit, it's funny how you choose to cherry pick that and ignore the overwhelming support of the NHS by the British people, but fine, ignore Germany and almost every other country to keep up your mystical illusion. The VA system is an example of why we need a stronger government like other countries, and I think it's fucking hilarious how you assume government run healthcare will lead to some sort of genocide, oh, the poor Europeans! NOT. Grow the fuck up, the WHO, all major health aid organizations know universal healthcare is what we need as time goes on. It amazes me how you can be so fucking stupid, and a moderator, who actually believes in the horse shit you spew.

it's funny how you choose to ingore that support for the NHS has more to do with human nature than because they like it so well. Castro has huge numbers of supporters; it's all they know.
it's also hilarious how you compare what can be done in europe to what our left-wingers care capable of. you're clearly an angry idiot who could probably benefit from some therapy, free or otherwise.
Hahaha what the fuck? Human nature? People In Britain like the NHS because it does good for them, it's not perfect, but nothing is, and trying to compare Europe to Cuba is fucking idiocy.
So tell me about the dark age in american history where we had free healthcare and college.

Nobody on the planet has free health care or college.

A nationalized health care system would NEVER work in the United States for the simple reason that we are too fucking big. A system like that would require the largest, most expensive bureaucracy on the planet. The NHS is the largest employer in the UK and it's riddled with problems. We have seven times the population they do. Our government can't even manage the VA system right and that's only serving a few millions veterans. We've had veterans dying waiting for treatment by the VA. That's your government health care.

It really amazes me how you people can be so fucking stupid. You are so wed to your inane ideology and consumed by your own greed that you completely dismiss reality. You're a bunch of petulant little children.
When someone says free, they refer to taxpayer funded healthcare and education systems that benefit everyone, which almost every country does but America, thanks to the bullshit exceptionalism. It would never work? Please, the amount of resources available in the United States balances that out, heck, we can maintain a military larger then any on earth and other useless shit. Of course the NHS has problems, thanks to the UK right wing and the other horse shit, it's funny how you choose to cherry pick that and ignore the overwhelming support of the NHS by the British people, but fine, ignore Germany and almost every other country to keep up your mystical illusion. The VA system is an example of why we need a stronger government like other countries, and I think it's fucking hilarious how you assume government run healthcare will lead to some sort of genocide, oh, the poor Europeans! NOT. Grow the fuck up, the WHO, all major health aid organizations know universal healthcare is what we need as time goes on. It amazes me how you can be so fucking stupid, and a moderator, who actually believes in the horse shit you spew.

it's funny how you choose to ingore that support for the NHS has more to do with human nature than because they like it so well. Castro has huge numbers of supporters; it's all they know.
it's also hilarious how you compare what can be done in europe to what our left-wingers care capable of. you're clearly an angry idiot who could probably benefit from some therapy, free or otherwise.
Hahaha what the fuck? Human nature? People In Britain like the NHS because it does good for them, it's not perfect, but nothing is, and trying to compare Europe to Cuba is fucking idiocy.

it's the only game in town idiot; of course they "like it". and i didnt compare the countries, i compared the principle in effect dummy
When someone says free, they refer to taxpayer funded healthcare and education systems that benefit everyone, which almost every country does but America, thanks to the bullshit exceptionalism. It would never work? Please, the amount of resources available in the United States balances that out, heck, we can maintain a military larger then any on earth and other useless shit. Of course the NHS has problems, thanks to the UK right wing and the other horse shit, it's funny how you choose to cherry pick that and ignore the overwhelming support of the NHS by the British people, but fine, ignore Germany and almost every other country to keep up your mystical illusion. The VA system is an example of why we need a stronger government like other countries, and I think it's fucking hilarious how you assume government run healthcare will lead to some sort of genocide, oh, the poor Europeans! NOT. Grow the fuck up, the WHO, all major health aid organizations know universal healthcare is what we need as time goes on. It amazes me how you can be so fucking stupid, and a moderator, who actually believes in the horse shit you spew.



It's as if Socialists actually want to be counted as 'people' too.
I know what is wrong is him. He is just a communist. Really, his campaign is full of typical communist agenda and he doesn't even try to hide it. He wants to reduce wealth inequality by equalizing poor and rich people, make America even more racially diverse, give free money to every poor person and create more jobs. So that means that he wants the government to control every aspect of American life. I can't believe people are going to vote for him.
The proper question is "what is right with Sanders?"
The answer is "nothing"....The guy is cuckoo for cocoa puffs.
He is honest and forthright. Zany and demented is true, but the Democratic voter is desperate for a candidate whom they can believe in. That is why he gets huge crowds. Honest Bernie vs Duplicitous and weasely Hillary, the choice should be easy. Were I a democrat I would be for Bernie in a heartbeat.
What's wrong with Sanders?

He's a Communist.

Now the question becomes; What's wrong with Communism?

Communism is a manifestation of invalid, unsustainable reasoning. Therefore the product of such is intrinsically UNSUSTAINABLE.

This, having been thoroughly tested and the conclusion proven to be INFALLIBLY CORRECT!
He's not a communist, where the hell do you get that fucking idea? Have you read the definition of communism?
So tell me about the dark age in american history where we had free healthcare and college.

Nobody on the planet has free health care or college.

A nationalized health care system would NEVER work in the United States for the simple reason that we are too fucking big. A system like that would require the largest, most expensive bureaucracy on the planet. The NHS is the largest employer in the UK and it's riddled with problems. We have seven times the population they do. Our government can't even manage the VA system right and that's only serving a few millions veterans. We've had veterans dying waiting for treatment by the VA. That's your government health care.

It really amazes me how you people can be so fucking stupid. You are so wed to your inane ideology and consumed by your own greed that you completely dismiss reality. You're a bunch of petulant little children.
When someone says free, they refer to taxpayer funded healthcare and education systems that benefit everyone, which almost every country does but America, thanks to the bullshit exceptionalism. It would never work? Please, the amount of resources available in the United States balances that out, heck, we can maintain a military larger then any on earth and other useless shit. Of course the NHS has problems, thanks to the UK right wing and the other horse shit, it's funny how you choose to cherry pick that and ignore the overwhelming support of the NHS by the British people, but fine, ignore Germany and almost every other country to keep up your mystical illusion. The VA system is an example of why we need a stronger government like other countries, and I think it's fucking hilarious how you assume government run healthcare will lead to some sort of genocide, oh, the poor Europeans! NOT. Grow the fuck up, the WHO, all major health aid organizations know universal healthcare is what we need as time goes on. It amazes me how you can be so fucking stupid, and a moderator, who actually believes in the horse shit you spew.

The NHS was having issues even when Labour was running the UK, so spare me your UK right wing bullshit.

I live in the real world and I believe in reality. You're the one clinging to some ideal Marxist fantasy that's never existed in practicality.
Haha what`s wrong? In general his participation in electoral campaign is wrong and all his proposals are wrong. As far is it concerned his foreign policy agenda the US would involve in the war against all the countries in the world.
So tell me about the dark age in american history where we had free healthcare and college.

Nobody on the planet has free health care or college.

A nationalized health care system would NEVER work in the United States for the simple reason that we are too fucking big. A system like that would require the largest, most expensive bureaucracy on the planet. The NHS is the largest employer in the UK and it's riddled with problems. We have seven times the population they do. Our government can't even manage the VA system right and that's only serving a few millions veterans. We've had veterans dying waiting for treatment by the VA. That's your government health care.

It really amazes me how you people can be so fucking stupid. You are so wed to your inane ideology and consumed by your own greed that you completely dismiss reality. You're a bunch of petulant little children.
When someone says free, they refer to taxpayer funded healthcare and education systems that benefit everyone, which almost every country does but America, thanks to the bullshit exceptionalism. It would never work? Please, the amount of resources available in the United States balances that out, heck, we can maintain a military larger then any on earth and other useless shit. Of course the NHS has problems, thanks to the UK right wing and the other horse shit, it's funny how you choose to cherry pick that and ignore the overwhelming support of the NHS by the British people, but fine, ignore Germany and almost every other country to keep up your mystical illusion. The VA system is an example of why we need a stronger government like other countries, and I think it's fucking hilarious how you assume government run healthcare will lead to some sort of genocide, oh, the poor Europeans! NOT. Grow the fuck up, the WHO, all major health aid organizations know universal healthcare is what we need as time goes on. It amazes me how you can be so fucking stupid, and a moderator, who actually believes in the horse shit you spew.

The NHS was having issues even when Labour was running the UK, so spare me your UK right wing bullshit.

I live in the real world and I believe in reality. You're the one clinging to some ideal Marxist fantasy that's never existed in practicality.
Haha what? No system is perfect, but the NHS was sure as hell better when labor had power. The British people know this, Americans are generally idiots so this doesn't surprise me. I'm not a Marxist, I'm a social democrat, grow up. Almost every civilized country has universal healthcare, gun control, funded education, guaranteed maternity leave.. You need to grow up and see reality. Calling out one particular system in Britain to critique the rampant success of UHC (What is britains life expectancy?) while ignoring the context of the given situation is hilarious.
What's wrong with Sanders?

He's a Communist.

Now the question becomes; What's wrong with Communism?

Communism is a manifestation of invalid, unsustainable reasoning. Therefore the product of such is intrinsically UNSUSTAINABLE.

This, having been thoroughly tested and the conclusion proven to be INFALLIBLY CORRECT!
Communist or socialist? I already know we are not moral enough to merit a Commune of Heaven on Earth, or, we would already have acquired and possessed it.
So tell me about the dark age in american history where we had free healthcare and college.

Nobody on the planet has free health care or college.

A nationalized health care system would NEVER work in the United States for the simple reason that we are too fucking big. A system like that would require the largest, most expensive bureaucracy on the planet. The NHS is the largest employer in the UK and it's riddled with problems. We have seven times the population they do. Our government can't even manage the VA system right and that's only serving a few millions veterans. We've had veterans dying waiting for treatment by the VA. That's your government health care.

It really amazes me how you people can be so fucking stupid. You are so wed to your inane ideology and consumed by your own greed that you completely dismiss reality. You're a bunch of petulant little children.
When someone says free, they refer to taxpayer funded healthcare and education systems that benefit everyone, which almost every country does but America, thanks to the bullshit exceptionalism. It would never work? Please, the amount of resources available in the United States balances that out, heck, we can maintain a military larger then any on earth and other useless shit. Of course the NHS has problems, thanks to the UK right wing and the other horse shit, it's funny how you choose to cherry pick that and ignore the overwhelming support of the NHS by the British people, but fine, ignore Germany and almost every other country to keep up your mystical illusion. The VA system is an example of why we need a stronger government like other countries, and I think it's fucking hilarious how you assume government run healthcare will lead to some sort of genocide, oh, the poor Europeans! NOT. Grow the fuck up, the WHO, all major health aid organizations know universal healthcare is what we need as time goes on. It amazes me how you can be so fucking stupid, and a moderator, who actually believes in the horse shit you spew.

The NHS was having issues even when Labour was running the UK, so spare me your UK right wing bullshit.

I live in the real world and I believe in reality. You're the one clinging to some ideal Marxist fantasy that's never existed in practicality.
Haha what? No system is perfect, but the NHS was sure as hell better when labor had power. The British people know this, Americans are generally idiots so this doesn't surprise me. I'm not a Marxist, I'm a social democrat, grow up. Almost every civilized country has universal healthcare, gun control, funded education, guaranteed maternity leave.. You need to grow up and see reality. Calling out one particular system in Britain to critique the rampant success of UHC (What is britains life expectancy?) while ignoring the context of the given situation is hilarious.
Ye America is unique. Thanks for bringing that out. We have guaranteed rights, independence, and until the commies took over the most dynamic economy in the world.
It kills me, literally kills me that people equate Democratic socialism, which I wouldn't even equate to socialism in general with communism. Everything, the entire thread is irrelevant purely because you felt that was the right word. Let me throw some more dumb word equivalencies in there.

Democracy= dictatorship
Capitalism = libertarianism
Republic = monarchy

I'm sure you have heard the differences between communism, socialism, and Democratic socialism on many threads, and you just sort of blow over it and go, "well nuh uh its communism cuz merica". I'm sure you have heard people say that we already ARE a Democratic socialist state with many programs, but still.... Murica.

I am sure you have pointed out time and time again, look at Cuba! Look at the Soviet Union! Look at Greece! And while people may inform you with a simple "well, except for Greece, those other countries are communist and other socialist countries in south america were poor to begin with, however, look at Norway, sweden, Denmark and other Democratic socialist nations that expanded their social programs beyond ours and have better economies and lower poverty rates and better education". And these arguments, once more go ignored because again and I must reiterate "Merica".

Or perhaps the funniest argument to me is they are distributing their sweet oil profits around an thats why they can afford to do that, but once those wells are dry, those countries are in for it! As though America is not the wealthiest nation in the world, as though Denmark is rich beyond Americas hopes and dreams.

Our production in natural gas and oil has never been higher, our corporations profits have never been higher. We won the cold war by OUTSPENDING the Soviet Union. We have more billionaires per capita than ANY NATION ON EARTH. And the really great argument is that if you tax those poor, poor billionaires, they'll jump ship and leave America.

Guess what US tax code works differently than other countries in one big way, you pay income tax if you are a CITIZEN no matter where you live! They can't get away!

Oh, but those are our job creators, right? They need that money to provide us with all the jobs they just spew out. Guess what? They have more money than ever and aren't making new jobs! *collective righty gasp of anger*.

And those " communist ideas" that Bernie is advocating, free healthcare for one, would make our spending per capita on health care half! Because it's more efficient than our for profit health insurance. Oh, but I could I know that? Because we are spending double what those Democratic socialist countries spend per capita! Must be all that sweet, sweet Denmark oil, I mean why go to Saudi Arabia when Denmark is pumping out so much oil.

And free college tuition, he dares! He dares to think a more educated population will help the economy by filling high paying technical jobs that our economy is moving too? That perhaps poor families living off of welfare could go to college and improve their place in life? No sir, not in my America!

And how could we even afford all this? Even with taxing our precious job creators that's still alot of money! What, he thinks auditing the DOD, the most wasteful government agency that spends hundreds of billions at a time on projects will help anything? Or getting out of that six trillion dollar hole in the middle East. Or ending that war on drugs so we stop imprisoning more people per capita than Soviet fucking Russia did?

Those prisoners found with weed on them need to be in jail! They're dangerous, at least, they might be when they get out. Money well spent, more kids in jail, less kids in school. I know, it costs more to jail someone for a year than provide an education for a year, but dammit! This is America!

And while we're at it, keep big money in politics! It's so hard to figure out who's policies I like, just let billionaires buy out the candidate THEY like and have them play ads day and night till we vote for them. This is America, where everything's for sale, and your damn right that includes our government!

It kills me, literally kills me that people equate Democratic socialism, which I wouldn't even equate to socialism in general with communism. Everything, the entire thread is irrelevant purely because you felt that was the right word. Let me throw some more dumb word equivalencies in there.

Democracy= dictatorship
Capitalism = libertarianism
Republic = monarchy

I'm sure you have heard the differences between communism, socialism, and Democratic socialism on many threads, and you just sort of blow over it and go, "well nuh uh its communism cuz merica". I'm sure you have heard people say that we already ARE a Democratic socialist state with many programs, but still.... Murica.

I am sure you have pointed out time and time again, look at Cuba! Look at the Soviet Union! Look at Greece! And while people may inform you with a simple "well, except for Greece, those other countries are communist and other socialist countries in south america were poor to begin with, however, look at Norway, sweden, Denmark and other Democratic socialist nations that expanded their social programs beyond ours and have better economies and lower poverty rates and better education". And these arguments, once more go ignored because again and I must reiterate "Merica".

Or perhaps the funniest argument to me is they are distributing their sweet oil profits around an thats why they can afford to do that, but once those wells are dry, those countries are in for it! As though America is not the wealthiest nation in the world, as though Denmark is rich beyond Americas hopes and dreams.

Our production in natural gas and oil has never been higher, our corporations profits have never been higher. We won the cold war by OUTSPENDING the Soviet Union. We have more billionaires per capita than ANY NATION ON EARTH. And the really great argument is that if you tax those poor, poor billionaires, they'll jump ship and leave America.

Guess what US tax code works differently than other countries in one big way, you pay income tax if you are a CITIZEN no matter where you live! They can't get away!

Oh, but those are our job creators, right? They need that money to provide us with all the jobs they just spew out. Guess what? They have more money than ever and aren't making new jobs! *collective righty gasp of anger*.

And those " communist ideas" that Bernie is advocating, free healthcare for one, would make our spending per capita on health care half! Because it's more efficient than our for profit health insurance. Oh, but I could I know that? Because we are spending double what those Democratic socialist countries spend per capita! Must be all that sweet, sweet Denmark oil, I mean why go to Saudi Arabia when Denmark is pumping out so much oil.

And free college tuition, he dares! He dares to think a more educated population will help the economy by filling high paying technical jobs that our economy is moving too? That perhaps poor families living off of welfare could go to college and improve their place in life? No sir, not in my America!

And how could we even afford all this? Even with taxing our precious job creators that's still alot of money! What, he thinks auditing the DOD, the most wasteful government agency that spends hundreds of billions at a time on projects will help anything? Or getting out of that six trillion dollar hole in the middle East. Or ending that war on drugs so we stop imprisoning more people per capita than Soviet fucking Russia did?

Those prisoners found with weed on them need to be in jail! They're dangerous, at least, they might be when they get out. Money well spent, more kids in jail, less kids in school. I know, it costs more to jail someone for a year than provide an education for a year, but dammit! This is America!

And while we're at it, keep big money in politics! It's so hard to figure out who's policies I like, just let billionaires buy out the candidate THEY like and have them play ads day and night till we vote for them. This is America, where everything's for sale, and your damn right that includes our government!

Well articulated.
I know what is wrong is him. He is just a communist. Really, his campaign is full of typical communist agenda and he doesn't even try to hide it. He wants to reduce wealth inequality by equalizing poor and rich people, make America even more racially diverse, give free money to every poor person and create more jobs. So that means that he wants the government to control every aspect of American life. I can't believe people are going to vote for him.
He claims to be a socialist, and there's a difference between a socialist, a Communist and a Marxist. He's not for giving away free shit, he's for income equality, doing away with Citizens United, less corporatism, fighting climate change and a host of other issues that have to do with American's being ripped off by a one-sided lobbyist system.

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