What's wrong with Sanders?

I know what is wrong is him. He is just a communist. Really, his campaign is full of typical communist agenda and he doesn't even try to hide it. He wants to reduce wealth inequality by equalizing poor and rich people, make America even more racially diverse, give free money to every poor person and create more jobs. So that means that he wants the government to control every aspect of American life. I can't believe people are going to vote for him.
He claims to be a socialist, and there's a difference between a socialist, a Communist and a Marxist. He's not for giving away free shit, he's for income equality, doing away with Citizens United, less corporatism, fighting climate change and a host of other issues that have to do with American's being ripped off by a one-sided lobbyist system.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
He wants to deal with income inequality by imposing higher taxes on "the rich" (whoever they are). What will he do with the money he confiscates? Yes, give it away on student loan repayment, etc, i.e. free shit.
Yes, he wants to do away with the First Amendment
Yes, he wants to fight climate change, even though there is no evidence of such a thing, no evidence it is caused my man, and no evidence that anything we can do here would change it even if it were true.
There is no "one sided lobbyist system." All sides have lobbyists.
If Bernie pulled down his pants and showed you his ass, both cheeks would be covered with tattoos of every major labor union in America. They own him. He is theirs. Bought and paid for.

Bernie's socialist ideas are brilliant... Raise everyone's income to $150k then tax them at 90%! Bernie believes, "no job in America is worth less than $15 an hour"... except for Bernie Sanders campaign workers who make $12 an hour.

But now... I LOVE that he is in the race. I enjoy goading my liberal friends who are big Hillary supporters... Why are y'all not voting for Bernie? He's the candidate most in-line with your views! ...Hell, Hillary and Bill go on vacation with the Bush family!
Calm yourself. We've been dealing with a Communist since 2008.

Probably the main reason liberals and moderates laugh at cons. They think Obama is a Communist, meaning they have no clue what communism is. It truly is baffling how so many Americans have become so stupid.
Calm yourself. We've been dealing with a Communist since 2008.

Probably the main reason liberals and moderates laugh at cons. They think Obama is a Communist, meaning they have no clue what communism is. It truly is baffling how so many Americans have become so stupid.
Yes, some narrow-minded conservative fanatics claim that the top of liberal policy is communism or even national socialism.
I know what is wrong is him. He is just a communist. Really, his campaign is full of typical communist agenda and he doesn't even try to hide it. He wants to reduce wealth inequality by equalizing poor and rich people, make America even more racially diverse, give free money to every poor person and create more jobs. So that means that he wants the government to control every aspect of American life. I can't believe people are going to vote for him.
He claims to be a socialist, and there's a difference between a socialist, a Communist and a Marxist. He's not for giving away free shit, he's for income equality, doing away with Citizens United, less corporatism, fighting climate change and a host of other issues that have to do with American's being ripped off by a one-sided lobbyist system.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
He wants to deal with income inequality by imposing higher taxes on "the rich" (whoever they are). What will he do with the money he confiscates? Yes, give it away on student loan repayment, etc, i.e. free shit.
Yes, he wants to do away with the First Amendment
Yes, he wants to fight climate change, even though there is no evidence of such a thing, no evidence it is caused my man, and no evidence that anything we can do here would change it even if it were true.
There is no "one sided lobbyist system." All sides have lobbyists.
He wants to do away with the first amendment?? Lmao, seek treatment. Credibility is easy to spot, you don't have any.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
I know what is wrong is him. He is just a communist. Really, his campaign is full of typical communist agenda and he doesn't even try to hide it. He wants to reduce wealth inequality by equalizing poor and rich people, make America even more racially diverse, give free money to every poor person and create more jobs. So that means that he wants the government to control every aspect of American life. I can't believe people are going to vote for him.
He claims to be a socialist, and there's a difference between a socialist, a Communist and a Marxist. He's not for giving away free shit, he's for income equality, doing away with Citizens United, less corporatism, fighting climate change and a host of other issues that have to do with American's being ripped off by a one-sided lobbyist system.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
He wants to deal with income inequality by imposing higher taxes on "the rich" (whoever they are). What will he do with the money he confiscates? Yes, give it away on student loan repayment, etc, i.e. free shit.
Yes, he wants to do away with the First Amendment
Yes, he wants to fight climate change, even though there is no evidence of such a thing, no evidence it is caused my man, and no evidence that anything we can do here would change it even if it were true.
There is no "one sided lobbyist system." All sides have lobbyists.
The poor don't have lobbyists, are you nuts?? Only those with a lot of money can hire lobbyists to buy legislation, look up corporatism.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
I know what is wrong is him. He is just a communist. Really, his campaign is full of typical communist agenda and he doesn't even try to hide it. He wants to reduce wealth inequality by equalizing poor and rich people, make America even more racially diverse, give free money to every poor person and create more jobs. So that means that he wants the government to control every aspect of American life. I can't believe people are going to vote for him.
He claims to be a socialist, and there's a difference between a socialist, a Communist and a Marxist. He's not for giving away free shit, he's for income equality, doing away with Citizens United, less corporatism, fighting climate change and a host of other issues that have to do with American's being ripped off by a one-sided lobbyist system.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
He wants to deal with income inequality by imposing higher taxes on "the rich" (whoever they are). What will he do with the money he confiscates? Yes, give it away on student loan repayment, etc, i.e. free shit.
Yes, he wants to do away with the First Amendment
Yes, he wants to fight climate change, even though there is no evidence of such a thing, no evidence it is caused my man, and no evidence that anything we can do here would change it even if it were true.
There is no "one sided lobbyist system." All sides have lobbyists.
No, he wants to impose a wage that affords workers to keep pace with inflation and the cost of living.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
Calm yourself. We've been dealing with a Communist since 2008.

Probably the main reason liberals and moderates laugh at cons. They think Obama is a Communist, meaning they have no clue what communism is. It truly is baffling how so many Americans have become so stupid.
Most Americans, particularly those on the right, have been convinced that communism/socialism are somehow relatable to the moderate actions of the democrats. It's fucking hysterical.
I know what is wrong is him. He is just a communist. Really, his campaign is full of typical communist agenda and he doesn't even try to hide it. He wants to reduce wealth inequality by equalizing poor and rich people, make America even more racially diverse, give free money to every poor person and create more jobs. So that means that he wants the government to control every aspect of American life. I can't believe people are going to vote for him.
He claims to be a socialist, and there's a difference between a socialist, a Communist and a Marxist. He's not for giving away free shit, he's for income equality, doing away with Citizens United, less corporatism, fighting climate change and a host of other issues that have to do with American's being ripped off by a one-sided lobbyist system.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
He wants to deal with income inequality by imposing higher taxes on "the rich" (whoever they are). What will he do with the money he confiscates? Yes, give it away on student loan repayment, etc, i.e. free shit.
Yes, he wants to do away with the First Amendment
Yes, he wants to fight climate change, even though there is no evidence of such a thing, no evidence it is caused my man, and no evidence that anything we can do here would change it even if it were true.
There is no "one sided lobbyist system." All sides have lobbyists.
He wants to do away with the first amendment?? Lmao, seek treatment. Credibility is easy to spot, you don't have any.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
Rabbi has made failed predictions, he worships the confederacy.. He's a moron.
I know what is wrong is him. He is just a communist. Really, his campaign is full of typical communist agenda and he doesn't even try to hide it. He wants to reduce wealth inequality by equalizing poor and rich people, make America even more racially diverse, give free money to every poor person and create more jobs. So that means that he wants the government to control every aspect of American life. I can't believe people are going to vote for him.
He claims to be a socialist, and there's a difference between a socialist, a Communist and a Marxist. He's not for giving away free shit, he's for income equality, doing away with Citizens United, less corporatism, fighting climate change and a host of other issues that have to do with American's being ripped off by a one-sided lobbyist system.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
He wants to deal with income inequality by imposing higher taxes on "the rich" (whoever they are). What will he do with the money he confiscates? Yes, give it away on student loan repayment, etc, i.e. free shit.
Yes, he wants to do away with the First Amendment
Yes, he wants to fight climate change, even though there is no evidence of such a thing, no evidence it is caused my man, and no evidence that anything we can do here would change it even if it were true.
There is no "one sided lobbyist system." All sides have lobbyists.
He wants to do away with the first amendment?? Lmao, seek treatment. Credibility is easy to spot, you don't have any.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
Which part of "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech" do you not understand?
I know what is wrong is him. He is just a communist. Really, his campaign is full of typical communist agenda and he doesn't even try to hide it. He wants to reduce wealth inequality by equalizing poor and rich people, make America even more racially diverse, give free money to every poor person and create more jobs. So that means that he wants the government to control every aspect of American life. I can't believe people are going to vote for him.
He claims to be a socialist, and there's a difference between a socialist, a Communist and a Marxist. He's not for giving away free shit, he's for income equality, doing away with Citizens United, less corporatism, fighting climate change and a host of other issues that have to do with American's being ripped off by a one-sided lobbyist system.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
He wants to deal with income inequality by imposing higher taxes on "the rich" (whoever they are). What will he do with the money he confiscates? Yes, give it away on student loan repayment, etc, i.e. free shit.
Yes, he wants to do away with the First Amendment
Yes, he wants to fight climate change, even though there is no evidence of such a thing, no evidence it is caused my man, and no evidence that anything we can do here would change it even if it were true.
There is no "one sided lobbyist system." All sides have lobbyists.
He wants to do away with the first amendment?? Lmao, seek treatment. Credibility is easy to spot, you don't have any.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
Rabbi has made failed predictions, he worships the confederacy.. He's a moron.
Wow, half right on the first, wrong on the second, absurd on the third.
Yes I have made predictions that didnt turn out. Show me someone who hasnt, who made predictions at all. I have also been correct in many of them.
I dont worship the Confederacy. I do have an avatar to yank people' chains. And yours is one of them.
A moron is someone who cannot respond to arguments with fact and arguments of his own. That would be you.
What's wrong with Sanders?

He thinks socialism works.

Anybody that dumb must be kept far away from the Presidency, or any elected office.

A major characteristic of the socialism he supports, is theft and redistribution of stolen goods.

Spoken like someone totally clueless about the real world.
Capitalism worked great when it was focused on producing commodities. Wages steadily climbed and workers were rewarded for their productivity. Because everyone was getting a piece of the pie, America flourish and had a strong and stable economy.
Then things changed in the early 80s. Workers wages stopped reflecting their contribution to the profits or their productivity. The profits went to the select few and productivity went u rewarded. Offshoring jobs started to become the norm. The middle class started it's decline. All of a sudden, capitalism didn't work so well. Our consumer driven economy became quite fragile. Inequality started to effect millions of workers and their inability to consistently contribute to the consumer driven economy because of shrinking expendable money.
The IMF, The World Bank and most economist blame income inequality for our fragile economy.
The current model of capitalism isn't working for a large majority of Americans. This is what Sanders is talking about and this is why he has been getting the largest crowds and not only in Blue States.
Most.economist think we should go back to the form of capitalism that made America strong. Sanders has opened up the discussion and most Americans are fed up with the current status quo.
What. The Sanders haters are defendIng is a system that has failed America.
I say we go back to the system that made America great and that benefitted all of America.
Hard to think of Obama as a Communist.

But since nobody has put a name on the "ism" that's to the left of Communism it's especially hard.
What's wrong with Sanders?

He thinks socialism works.

Anybody that dumb must be kept far away from the Presidency, or any elected office.

A major characteristic of the socialism he supports, is theft and redistribution of stolen goods.

Spoken like someone totally clueless about the real world.
Capitalism worked great when it was focused on producing commodities. Wages steadily climbed and workers were rewarded for their productivity. Because everyone was getting a piece of the pie, America flourish and had a strong and stable economy.
Then things changed in the early 80s. Workers wages stopped reflecting their contribution to the profits or their productivity. The profits went to the select few and productivity went u rewarded. Offshoring jobs started to become the norm. The middle class started it's decline. All of a sudden, capitalism didn't work so well. Our consumer driven economy became quite fragile. Inequality started to effect millions of workers and their inability to consistently contribute to the consumer driven economy because of shrinking expendable money.
The IMF, The World Bank and most economist blame income inequality for our fragile economy.
The current model of capitalism isn't working for a large majority of Americans. This is what Sanders is talking about and this is why he has been getting the largest crowds and not only in Blue States.
Most.economist think we should go back to the form of capitalism that made America strong. Sanders has opened up the discussion and most Americans are fed up with the current status quo.
What. The Sanders haters are defendIng is a system that has failed America.
I say we go back to the system that made America great and that benefitted all of America.
Yeah things were working just great in the 1970s under Carter.
Income inequality has grown under Obama and his socialist policies. It will get far worse the more of that we do.
You just really arent very bright or well informed are you? This is one of the advantages of being in your 50s. I was there. I saw what happened.
Calm yourself. We've been dealing with a Communist since 2008.

Probably the main reason liberals and moderates laugh at cons. They think Obama is a Communist, meaning they have no clue what communism is. It truly is baffling how so many Americans have become so stupid.
Most Americans, particularly those on the right, have been convinced that communism/socialism are somehow relatable to the moderate actions of the democrats. It's fucking hysterical.

LOL.. Cons don't know what Communism is but Lil' Debbie doesn't know the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist:

Wow... she STILL doesn't know!

...proving once more, you can't laugh with liberals... only AT them!
Sanders is a moron. He'll be gone soon.

It's absolutely tragic that a man who is unapologetically running for the sake of people who work paycheck to paycheck is hated so much by people who are probably just getting by simply because they have been trained to see genuine populism as dangerous. Get a clue, what has voting for "business friendly" politicians gotten the vast majority of Americans? A plutocracy and a government that is totally unable to act in the interests the average wage earner.

LOLz. And there is the problem, some of his would be base see him for the scary ignorant fuck he is... But like Trump supporters Sanders gets all the lazy nutters out in the streets crying for change.
What's wrong with Sanders?

He thinks socialism works.

Anybody that dumb must be kept far away from the Presidency, or any elected office.

A major characteristic of the socialism he supports, is theft and redistribution of stolen goods.

Spoken like someone totally clueless about the real world.
Capitalism worked great when it was focused on producing commodities. Wages steadily climbed and workers were rewarded for their productivity. Because everyone was getting a piece of the pie, America flourish and had a strong and stable economy.
Then things changed in the early 80s. Workers wages stopped reflecting their contribution to the profits or their productivity. The profits went to the select few and productivity went u rewarded. Offshoring jobs started to become the norm. The middle class started it's decline. All of a sudden, capitalism didn't work so well. Our consumer driven economy became quite fragile. Inequality started to effect millions of workers and their inability to consistently contribute to the consumer driven economy because of shrinking expendable money.
The IMF, The World Bank and most economist blame income inequality for our fragile economy.
The current model of capitalism isn't working for a large majority of Americans. This is what Sanders is talking about and this is why he has been getting the largest crowds and not only in Blue States.
Most.economist think we should go back to the form of capitalism that made America strong. Sanders has opened up the discussion and most Americans are fed up with the current status quo.
What. The Sanders haters are defendIng is a system that has failed America.
I say we go back to the system that made America great and that benefitted all of America.
Yeah things were working just great in the 1970s under Carter.
Income inequality has grown under Obama and his socialist policies. It will get far worse the more of that we do.
You just really arent very bright or well informed are you? This is one of the advantages of being in your 50s. I was there. I saw what happened.

Rabbi, I am really hesitant to have any further discussions with you on these boards.
Why? Because you are like other ideologues who lack the ability to be objective. In your very narrow mind, your ideology never does any wrong. You spend all day,seven days a week pointing fingers away from your ideology. You don't have the balls to look inwardly. This trait isn't just the trait of the right but also the left.
In the past you have denied that the banks defrauded customers, that a good infrastructure is highly important in the US being competitive on the world's business stage and that unemployment numbers play a huge role in determining the state of an economy. These examples are just a few of the many issues that I have unquestionably proved you wrong, because you trusted your ideology over reality.
Now to the subject of our little discussion.
First of all, I have frequently stated that Obama hasn't been a good president and just this week, I stated Carter wasn't a good president.
Now that I got that out of the way, let's deal with the reality that income inequality thrived under both Democratic and Republican presidents and congresses. It's a fact. Go ahead and Google "history of flat wages in America", there are more than enough facts at your finger tips that prove my point.
You say I'm not too bright and uninformed, if that's the case, what does that say about you?
The difference between you and I is that I consistently use linked facts, you consistently use unlinked talking points. That is why I consistently look like the smart one and you come off looking foolish.
Last edited:
What's wrong with Sanders?

He thinks socialism works.

Anybody that dumb must be kept far away from the Presidency, or any elected office.

A major characteristic of the socialism he supports, is theft and redistribution of stolen goods.

Spoken like someone totally clueless about the real world.
Capitalism worked great when it was focused on producing commodities. Wages steadily climbed and workers were rewarded for their productivity. Because everyone was getting a piece of the pie, America flourish and had a strong and stable economy.
Then things changed in the early 80s. Workers wages stopped reflecting their contribution to the profits or their productivity. The profits went to the select few and productivity went u rewarded. Offshoring jobs started to become the norm. The middle class started it's decline. All of a sudden, capitalism didn't work so well. Our consumer driven economy became quite fragile. Inequality started to effect millions of workers and their inability to consistently contribute to the consumer driven economy because of shrinking expendable money.
The IMF, The World Bank and most economist blame income inequality for our fragile economy.
The current model of capitalism isn't working for a large majority of Americans. This is what Sanders is talking about and this is why he has been getting the largest crowds and not only in Blue States.
Most.economist think we should go back to the form of capitalism that made America strong. Sanders has opened up the discussion and most Americans are fed up with the current status quo.
What. The Sanders haters are defendIng is a system that has failed America.
I say we go back to the system that made America great and that benefitted all of America.
Yeah things were working just great in the 1970s under Carter.
Income inequality has grown under Obama and his socialist policies. It will get far worse the more of that we do.
You just really arent very bright or well informed are you? This is one of the advantages of being in your 50s. I was there. I saw what happened.

Rabbi, I am really hesitant to have any further discussions with you on these boards.
Why? Because you are like other ideologues who lack the ability to be objective. In your very narrow mind, your ideology never does any wrong. You spend all day,seven days a week pointing fingers away from your ideology. You don't have the balls to look inwardly. This trait isn't just the trait of the right but also the left.
In the past you have denied that the banks defrauded customers, that a good infrastructure is highly important in the US being competitive on the world's business stage and that unemployment numbers play a huge role in determining the state of an economy. These examples are just a few of the many issues that I have unquestionably proved you wrong, because you trusted your ideology over reality.
Now to the subject of our little discussion.
First of all, I have frequently stated that Obama hasn't been a good president and just this week, I stated Carter wasn't a good president.
Now that I got that out of the way, let's deal with the reality that income inequality thrived under both Democratic and Republican presidents and congresses. It's a fact. Go ahead and Google "history of flat wages in America", there are more than enough facts at your finger tips that prove my point.
You say I'm not too bright and uninformed, if that's the case, what does that say about you?
The difference between you and I is that I consistently use linked facts, you consistently use unlinked talking points. That is why I consistently look like the smart one and you come off looking foolish.
You know, you play the aggrieved victim when your posts are shown to be ignorant and shallow.
Reagan did not fuck everything up. Things were fucked up before Reagan got into office. That's why he got elected. had you been there you might have remembered it, like I do.
Income inequality has become an issue only under Obama. Sure, you can find some commie rag or other talking about this in 2006, but basically no one cared. Because the UE rate was under 5%. Anyone who wanted to work could.But under Obama's absurd policies UE is stuck at high rates and we have slow growth, the worst in post war history.
These are simply facts. You cannot argue facts so you must accuse me of being partisan. You are wrong.
What's wrong with Sanders?

He thinks socialism works.

Anybody that dumb must be kept far away from the Presidency, or any elected office.

A major characteristic of the socialism he supports, is theft and redistribution of stolen goods.

Spoken like someone totally clueless about the real world.
Capitalism worked great when it was focused on producing commodities. Wages steadily climbed and workers were rewarded for their productivity. Because everyone was getting a piece of the pie, America flourish and had a strong and stable economy.
Then things changed in the early 80s. Workers wages stopped reflecting their contribution to the profits or their productivity. The profits went to the select few and productivity went u rewarded. Offshoring jobs started to become the norm. The middle class started it's decline. All of a sudden, capitalism didn't work so well. Our consumer driven economy became quite fragile. Inequality started to effect millions of workers and their inability to consistently contribute to the consumer driven economy because of shrinking expendable money.
The IMF, The World Bank and most economist blame income inequality for our fragile economy.
The current model of capitalism isn't working for a large majority of Americans. This is what Sanders is talking about and this is why he has been getting the largest crowds and not only in Blue States.
Most.economist think we should go back to the form of capitalism that made America strong. Sanders has opened up the discussion and most Americans are fed up with the current status quo.
What. The Sanders haters are defendIng is a system that has failed America.
I say we go back to the system that made America great and that benefitted all of America.
Yeah things were working just great in the 1970s under Carter.
Income inequality has grown under Obama and his socialist policies. It will get far worse the more of that we do.
You just really arent very bright or well informed are you? This is one of the advantages of being in your 50s. I was there. I saw what happened.

Rabbi, I am really hesitant to have any further discussions with you on these boards.
Why? Because you are like other ideologues who lack the ability to be objective. In your very narrow mind, your ideology never does any wrong. You spend all day,seven days a week pointing fingers away from your ideology. You don't have the balls to look inwardly. This trait isn't just the trait of the right but also the left.
In the past you have denied that the banks defrauded customers, that a good infrastructure is highly important in the US being competitive on the world's business stage and that unemployment numbers play a huge role in determining the state of an economy. These examples are just a few of the many issues that I have unquestionably proved you wrong, because you trusted your ideology over reality.
Now to the subject of our little discussion.
First of all, I have frequently stated that Obama hasn't been a good president and just this week, I stated Carter wasn't a good president.
Now that I got that out of the way, let's deal with the reality that income inequality thrived under both Democratic and Republican presidents and congresses. It's a fact. Go ahead and Google "history of flat wages in America", there are more than enough facts at your finger tips that prove my point.
You say I'm not too bright and uninformed, if that's the case, what does that say about you?
The difference between you and I is that I consistently use linked facts, you consistently use unlinked talking points. That is why I consistently look like the smart one and you come off looking foolish.
You know, you play the aggrieved victim when your posts are shown to be ignorant and shallow.
Reagan did not fuck everything up. Things were fucked up before Reagan got into office. That's why he got elected. had you been there you might have remembered it, like I do.
Income inequality has become an issue only under Obama. Sure, you can find some commie rag or other talking about this in 2006, but basically no one cared. Because the UE rate was under 5%. Anyone who wanted to work could.But under Obama's absurd policies UE is stuck at high rates and we have slow growth, the worst in post war history.
These are simply facts. You cannot argue facts so you must accuse me of being partisan. You are wrong.

People seem to forget that Reagan inherited a bigger recession than Obama did. But he was able to turn it around sooner rather than later.

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