When Americans were proud to be Nazis .... did you know this history?

And we're poking around in Ukraine attempting to expand our interests there, eliciting the same response from Russia that the Nazis did. But in our case we're doing it in a sneaky, "who me?", proxy kind of way. Fortunately there were no nukes during much of WW2 or none of us might actually be here today.
Oh just stop. We convinced Ukraine to give up Soviet nukes with the guarantee of our protection
Lol. What are US interests in Ukraine?

Putin wants to reassemble the USSR.. He won't stop with Ukraine.
Our country wants to control Europe's "bread basket" and cash in on it's resources just like it's done with other countries, and the American powers that be are dangerously tweaking political and military powers in Ukraine to intimidate Russia to concede. Except Russia isn't having it, obviously.
There were not just a small number who were Nazis, there were enormous crowds. This took root prior to Hitler invading other nations. It is not at all an endorsement of their creed. It is history is all.

You make it seem like this was a good thing.

It’s a stain on our history
Our country wants to control Europe's "bread basket" and cash in on it's resources just like it's done with other countries, and the American powers that be are dangerously tweaking political and military powers in Ukraine to intimidate Russia to concede. Except Russia isn't having it, obviously.
Why would you support Putin taking over Ukraine??
Bob, I gotta tell, partner....you are more and more sounding just plain silly.
Utter nonsense.
Are you OK?

Even those who are abundantly video'd slugging, stomping, spraying, beating....a uniformed police officer?

Even those who upon seeing the video-evidence illustrating their assaults ... then plead guilty?

All of those A-holes you wanna pardon and release?

That is unpatriotic. Un-American. Such thinking encourages and condones criminality.

So much for Blue Live Matter.
If this was a Nazi regime, then they would have been shot or sent to jail for the rest of their lives as enemies of the state.

Still they all had trials and they all had to make a decision between what was right and what was carrying it to far. That line in the sand or choice

They listen to one man who was only thinking of what is important for Trump. Likeminded supports were also thinking what benefits them the most. They like the freedom to protest but they get carried away based on lies. They wrap themselves in that warm blanket of the flag and never see that line in the sand

Law enforcement does not like crowds of people because they can get carried away with the one for all and all for one mentality. The instigator will stir them up. but will not be joining them in the streets.

They have to for a while but there is a line in the sand

They can protest but they cannot get carried away with it. It is there fault that they bought into the rhetoric of one man who in reality was doing it for himself.

They like the freedom to express themselves but lack the mentality to know where that line in the sand is.

Some also call it the mob mentality

This mentality is strong when they wrap themselves up in the flag or feel that God is calling them to do this.

its also called the Moses mentality

Or they really hate to lose if they do not believe in God.
Our country wants to control Europe's "bread basket" and cash in on it's resources just like it's done with other countries, and the American powers that be are dangerously tweaking political and military powers in Ukraine to intimidate Russia to concede. Except Russia isn't having it, obviously.

Ukraine, once the bread basket of the Soviet Union was reduced to famine on a biblical scale in 1932-33 by Stalin's collectivization policy. Millions died in the disaster. Last month a parliamentary resolution condemned it as a "crime against humanity".
If this was a Nazi regime, then they would have been shot or sent to jail for the rest of their lives as enemies of the state.

Still they all had trials and they all had to make a decision between what was right and what was carrying it to far. That line in the sand or choice

They listen to one man who was only thinking of what is important for Trump. Likeminded supports were also thinking what benefits them the most. They like the freedom to protest but they get carried away based on lies. They wrap themselves in that warm blanket of the flag and never see that line in the sand

Law enforcement does not like crowds of people because they can get carried away with the one for all and all for one mentality. The instigator will stir them up. but will not be joining them in the streets.

They have to for a while but there is a line in the sand

They can protest but they cannot get carried away with it. It is there fault that they bought into the rhetoric of one man who in reality was doing it for himself.

They like the freedom to express themselves but lack the mentality to know where that line in the sand is.

Some also call it the mob mentality

This mentality is strong when they wrap themselves up in the flag or feel that God is calling them to do this.

its also called the Moses mentality

Or they really hate to lose if they do not believe in God.
There was a depression in the 1930's. People become ornery. Wait until we get the treatment. Life will become much cheaper.
Right .70 million dollars in legal fees so far.

Did he build the wall or fix healthcare?

Nope. He mocked a handicapped reporter and shoved the president of Montenegro.
Legal fees because of dishonest Joe Biden.
Why did the Democrats not want him to Build That Wall?
He was a real man like you will never be LOL
You make it seem like this was a good thing.

It’s a stain on our history
I would say it was not a good thing, like Democrats are also not a good thing. Glad you know it was Democrats who were the Nazis.
Right .70 million dollars in legal fees so far.

Did he build the wall or fix healthcare?

Nope. He mocked a handicapped reporter and shoved the president of Montenegro.
You talk as if we think those were good things by Trump. Do you admit Biden does stupid things too?
You are such a stone cold gutless liar. Trump did no such thing.
Reading Democrats explains how the Nazis propaganda was successful. But we catch their lies.
You are such a stone cold gutless liar. Trump did no such thing.
Reading Democrats explains how the Nazis propaganda was successful. But we catch their lies.
He gets results.

Lets review them:

1 term
twice impeached
historic recession and failed leadership during pandemic.
Failed to deliver on almost all major campaign promises.
Incited violent attack on Congress trying to illitcly overturn election result.
90+ criminal charges in 4 separate criminal trials.

Ranked by historians as the worst president of the United States.

With "gets results" like this, what is failure?
Lets review them:

1 term
twice impeached
historic recession and failed leadership during pandemic.
Failed to deliver on almost all major campaign promises.
Incited violent attack on Congress trying to illitcly overturn election result.
90+ criminal charges in 4 separate criminal trials.

Ranked by historians as the worst president of the United States.

With "gets results" like this, what is failure?
You can't explain this. Trump has not been charged by anybody for the so called riot at the capitol. Those there and a number who were not there are in prison. Can't top that can you?
But has it really? We have the same fool running for President again. And if he loses he'll probably run again. But what if he wins?
When I was a Democrat, we did not sound like Nazis. Now Democrats sound just like Nazis.
Legal fees because of dishonest Joe Biden.
Why did the Democrats not want him to Build That Wall?
He was a real man like you will never be LOL

Lol 🤣 Biden didn't make Trump break the law... He's been doing that for forty years.

Donald Trump says it would be his "great honor" to be jailed for violating the gag order in his Manhattan hush-money trial -- comparing himself to late anti-apartheid hero Nelson Mandela...

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