When are we going to get serious?

Your first item is a lame dog whistle. Correct me if I am wrong....but it appears that you think people who receive food assistance are taking advantage of taxpayers. You think they can use their "welfare" for creature comforts......and that is killing our economy. Right?
Shove your racism where the sun doesn't shine. Why should mom, grandma & the boyfriend eat steak or lobster while the kids are stuck with macaroni & doritos? If we have to pay for the shit let's at least make sure the children are actually getting what was intended for them & not left hungry for the last 7 days because mom took advantage of the system.

And that will be the one & only response to you on that topic. I'm not interested in your usual games. You have my opinion, I have yours, move on.
And this is an example of your ignorance of public assistance, rendering your ‘proposal’ unwarranted idiocy.
Defund public television?

Yes why would anyone want to see documentaries on the Pyramids or wildlife all over the globe. Why do children need educational programs.

This is one of those bizarre things conservative whine about all the time that makes absolutely no sense. Other than they get self-conscious when watching an hour long program on the Revolution because they find out they really don't know anything about the Revolution. Or the Civil War. Or the Space Race.

Anything that has to do with knowledge is seen as a negative for some. And those people we need to ignore.
Shove your racism where the sun doesn't shine. Why should mom, grandma & the boyfriend eat steak or lobster while the kids are stuck with macaroni & doritos? If we have to pay for the shit let's at least make sure the children are actually getting what was intended for them & not left hungry for the last 7 days because mom took advantage of the system.

And that will be the one & only response to you on that topic. I'm not interested in your usual games. You have my opinion, I have yours, move on.

You think someone is eating lobster and steak while the kids starve? Can you prove that?
He is actually correct on the children not always getting the proper nutrition while mom splurges on things for her. That is not always the case but it happens more frequently than it should and children are not getting the proper nutrition they need as they grow. Along with all the other crap pushed on children these days it is a wonder any of them ever get out of those poverty situations.

You have no evidence to support hat claim. "It happens more frequently than it should". None.
Your correct all I have is personal experience of seeing what several mothers of three plus another with an extra little one fed her children sugary cereal and macaroni and cheese while she they bought expensive diet and nutritional type foods to feed themselves for they could retain those highly desirable figures for the needs of the new or next baby daddy to come along.

Bullshit meme. You have no such personal experience. It's a standard "conservative" talking point.
That is a standard point from a grandmother's view ass whether you like it or not.
Lower the corporate tax rate to give American workers a chance to compete against their underpaid foreign counterparts.

I am really curious why you think that the two are related.

I can make a better case for single payer health insurance- foreign companies who don't pay healthcare costs are more competitive than American companies that have to pay health care insurance costs.
Look at it like this.

Companies move to foreign nations who have very low tax rates & pay sub standard wages.
How do you suggest we compete with that? What can we do to at least TRY to entice the businesses to either stay here or come back?

Raise wages?
Raise their taxes?

Or are you content to watch the jobs continue to flee?
Again, cutting corporate tax rates won’t do anything to ‘keep jobs in America.’

Corporations will simply use the windfall to enrich shareholders and investors, as they’ve in fact done in the past.
You think someone is eating lobster and steak while the kids starve? Can you prove that?
He is actually correct on the children not always getting the proper nutrition while mom splurges on things for her. That is not always the case but it happens more frequently than it should and children are not getting the proper nutrition they need as they grow. Along with all the other crap pushed on children these days it is a wonder any of them ever get out of those poverty situations.

You have no evidence to support hat claim. "It happens more frequently than it should". None.
Your correct all I have is personal experience of seeing what several mothers of three plus another with an extra little one fed her children sugary cereal and macaroni and cheese while she they bought expensive diet and nutritional type foods to feed themselves for they could retain those highly desirable figures for the needs of the new or next baby daddy to come along.

Bullshit meme. You have no such personal experience. It's a standard "conservative" talking point.
That is a standard point from a grandmother's view ass whether you like it or not.

You have never seen what you claimed to have seen. You lied. Own it.
He is actually correct on the children not always getting the proper nutrition while mom splurges on things for her. That is not always the case but it happens more frequently than it should and children are not getting the proper nutrition they need as they grow. Along with all the other crap pushed on children these days it is a wonder any of them ever get out of those poverty situations.

You have no evidence to support hat claim. "It happens more frequently than it should". None.
Your correct all I have is personal experience of seeing what several mothers of three plus another with an extra little one fed her children sugary cereal and macaroni and cheese while she they bought expensive diet and nutritional type foods to feed themselves for they could retain those highly desirable figures for the needs of the new or next baby daddy to come along.

Bullshit meme. You have no such personal experience. It's a standard "conservative" talking point.
That is a standard point from a grandmother's view ass whether you like it or not.

You have never seen what you claimed to have seen. You lied. Own it.
You just have an innate need to think that and make an accusation against someone that disagrees with your bullshit. Go stand in a grocery line and pay attention and observe in the poorer neighborhood asswipe. You may learn something.
“Abolish welfare as we know it and restructure it to where you can only buy a select group of basic food.”

As you ‘know’ it, which is not at all – another example of your ignorance.

The SNAP program already places limits and restrictions as to what foods may be purchased and what may not.

Those on public assistance ‘eating lobster’ while ‘children starve’ is just another hateful, ignorant rightwing myth.
Defund public television?

Yes why would anyone want to see documentaries on the Pyramids or wildlife all over the globe. Why do children need educational programs.

This is one of those bizarre things conservative whine about all the time that makes absolutely no sense. Other than they get self-conscious when watching an hour long program on the Revolution because they find out they really don't know anything about the Revolution. Or the Civil War. Or the Space Race.

Anything that has to do with knowledge is seen as a negative for some. And those people we need to ignore.
I bet I could beat you in a debate on Egypt, the universe, the Myan empire, possibly Roman Empire, super volcanoes, and quite a few other scientific categories and I've never seen a single episode of "educational" television on those matters. That type of stuff is on tv almost every day and is in endless supply on the internet, which is where this generation gets its entertainment. Cable TV is rapidly approaching extinction with the younger generation. And you're talking about public tv which you can no longer receive without a cable subscription or a digital antenna receiver. Over the air basic reception which public television relied of is a dinosaur.
Your age & a bit of ignorance is showing
You have no evidence to support hat claim. "It happens more frequently than it should". None.
Your correct all I have is personal experience of seeing what several mothers of three plus another with an extra little one fed her children sugary cereal and macaroni and cheese while she they bought expensive diet and nutritional type foods to feed themselves for they could retain those highly desirable figures for the needs of the new or next baby daddy to come along.

Bullshit meme. You have no such personal experience. It's a standard "conservative" talking point.
That is a standard point from a grandmother's view ass whether you like it or not.

You have never seen what you claimed to have seen. You lied. Own it.
You just have an innate need to think that and make an accusation against someone that disagrees with your bullshit. Go stand in a grocery line and pay attention and observe in the poorer neighborhood asswipe. You may learn something.

You have never done that. You have never personally seen anyone abusing TANF. Why lie?
“Abolish welfare as we know it and restructure it to where you can only buy a select group of basic food.”

As you ‘know’ it, which is not at all – another example of your ignorance.

The SNAP program already places limits and restrictions as to what foods may be purchased and what may not.

Those on public assistance ‘eating lobster’ while ‘children starve’ is just another hateful, ignorant rightwing myth.

Our fast food restaurants & gas stations accept the shit. You can go into the pizza joint anytime & blow your ebt on anything on the menu except beer. Wanna take all the guys out for free wings & soda? DONE
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Enough about welfare. This thread is broader than that and is about many ideas to kick start our country. Perhaps some of you could share some ideas of your own? As in YOUR IDEAS and not general talking points.
Your correct all I have is personal experience of seeing what several mothers of three plus another with an extra little one fed her children sugary cereal and macaroni and cheese while she they bought expensive diet and nutritional type foods to feed themselves for they could retain those highly desirable figures for the needs of the new or next baby daddy to come along.

Bullshit meme. You have no such personal experience. It's a standard "conservative" talking point.
That is a standard point from a grandmother's view ass whether you like it or not.

You have never seen what you claimed to have seen. You lied. Own it.
You just have an innate need to think that and make an accusation against someone that disagrees with your bullshit. Go stand in a grocery line and pay attention and observe in the poorer neighborhood asswipe. You may learn something.

You have never done that. You have never personally seen anyone abusing TANF. Why lie?
I have no need to lie but you sure do have a super urge to accuse another for some dumbass reason. Like I said go to a poorer area and watch. People watching may give you a clue as you seem to be lacking in that department.
“Abolish welfare as we know it and restructure it to where you can only buy a select group of basic food.”

As you ‘know’ it, which is not at all – another example of your ignorance.

The SNAP program already places limits and restrictions as to what foods may be purchased and what may not.

Those on public assistance ‘eating lobster’ while ‘children starve’ is just another hateful, ignorant rightwing myth.

Our fast food restaurants & gas stations accept the shit. You can go into the pizza joint anytime & blow your ebt on anything on the menu except beer. Wanna take all the guys out for free wings & soda? DONE
If someone sees a person spending ebt on something other than food they need to report whoever is taking in the card for something different than edibles.
“Abolish welfare as we know it and restructure it to where you can only buy a select group of basic food.”

As you ‘know’ it, which is not at all – another example of your ignorance.

The SNAP program already places limits and restrictions as to what foods may be purchased and what may not.

Those on public assistance ‘eating lobster’ while ‘children starve’ is just another hateful, ignorant rightwing myth.

Our fast food restaurants & gas stations accept the shit. You can go into the pizza joint anytime & blow your ebt on anything on the menu except beer. Wanna take all the guys out for free wings & soda? DONE
If someone sees a person spending ebt on something other than food they need to report whoever is taking in the card for something different than edibles.

Did you do that?
“Abolish welfare as we know it and restructure it to where you can only buy a select group of basic food.”

As you ‘know’ it, which is not at all – another example of your ignorance.

The SNAP program already places limits and restrictions as to what foods may be purchased and what may not.

Those on public assistance ‘eating lobster’ while ‘children starve’ is just another hateful, ignorant rightwing myth.

Our fast food restaurants & gas stations accept the shit. You can go into the pizza joint anytime & blow your ebt on anything on the menu except beer. Wanna take all the guys out for free wings & soda? DONE
If someone sees a person spending ebt on something other than food they need to report whoever is taking in the card for something different than edibles.
It's a restaurant, they're not selling car audio equipment dear
“Abolish welfare as we know it and restructure it to where you can only buy a select group of basic food.”

As you ‘know’ it, which is not at all – another example of your ignorance.

The SNAP program already places limits and restrictions as to what foods may be purchased and what may not.

Those on public assistance ‘eating lobster’ while ‘children starve’ is just another hateful, ignorant rightwing myth.

Our fast food restaurants & gas stations accept the shit. You can go into the pizza joint anytime & blow your ebt on anything on the menu except beer. Wanna take all the guys out for free wings & soda? DONE
If someone sees a person spending ebt on something other than food they need to report whoever is taking in the card for something different than edibles.

Did you do that?
As much as it would make me angry I don't think I would. I can't stand the idea of fucking up someone else's life
“Abolish welfare as we know it and restructure it to where you can only buy a select group of basic food.”

As you ‘know’ it, which is not at all – another example of your ignorance.

The SNAP program already places limits and restrictions as to what foods may be purchased and what may not.

Those on public assistance ‘eating lobster’ while ‘children starve’ is just another hateful, ignorant rightwing myth.

Our fast food restaurants & gas stations accept the shit. You can go into the pizza joint anytime & blow your ebt on anything on the menu except beer. Wanna take all the guys out for free wings & soda? DONE
If someone sees a person spending ebt on something other than food they need to report whoever is taking in the card for something different than edibles.

Did you do that?
I have never seen anyone paying for something other than food items even it is junk food items. I have seen people use their ebt card to buy donuts, candy or pop at a gas stations.
“Abolish welfare as we know it and restructure it to where you can only buy a select group of basic food.”

As you ‘know’ it, which is not at all – another example of your ignorance.

The SNAP program already places limits and restrictions as to what foods may be purchased and what may not.

Those on public assistance ‘eating lobster’ while ‘children starve’ is just another hateful, ignorant rightwing myth.

Our fast food restaurants & gas stations accept the shit. You can go into the pizza joint anytime & blow your ebt on anything on the menu except beer. Wanna take all the guys out for free wings & soda? DONE
If someone sees a person spending ebt on something other than food they need to report whoever is taking in the card for something different than edibles.
It's a restaurant, they're not selling car audio equipment dear
Like I said if they are spending an ebt on something different than food (if I recall packaged does not mean something a restaurant cooks) turn them in. Turn the restaurant in.
“Abolish welfare as we know it and restructure it to where you can only buy a select group of basic food.”

As you ‘know’ it, which is not at all – another example of your ignorance.

The SNAP program already places limits and restrictions as to what foods may be purchased and what may not.

Those on public assistance ‘eating lobster’ while ‘children starve’ is just another hateful, ignorant rightwing myth.

Our fast food restaurants & gas stations accept the shit. You can go into the pizza joint anytime & blow your ebt on anything on the menu except beer. Wanna take all the guys out for free wings & soda? DONE
If someone sees a person spending ebt on something other than food they need to report whoever is taking in the card for something different than edibles.
It's a restaurant, they're not selling car audio equipment dear
Like I said if they are spending an ebt on something different than food (if I recall packaged does not mean something a restaurant cooks) turn them in. Turn the restaurant in.
Perhaps your state is different. Here if a restaurant is willing to accept it, EBT is a legal form of payment. It's bullshit, but it is what it is. That's why I called for the reform in the op.

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