When are we going to get serious?

Abolish welfare as we know it and restructure it to where you can only buy a select group of basic food.

Defund public television.

Defund planned parenthood & put the money into clinics that don't perform abortions.

Ban professional lobbyists from lobbying on government property.

Publicly fund campaigns.

Enact strict term limits

End mass legal & all illegal immigration

Ban all gifts given to public employees

Give inner city children a chance with school vouchers

Remove the D & the R from all ballots to force people to vote on issues not partisan bullshit.

Ban earmarks

Open presidential debates to ALL the major parties regardless of polls

Lower the corporate tax rate to give American workers a chance to compete against their underpaid foreign counterparts.

I got plenty more rolling around in my brain but you get the point.
That's just the GOP party platform
I have never hear half of my list spouted as the gop party platform.

Public financing would end citizens United. I've never heard anyone but me suggest stripping the D & r from ballots. Very few politicians support term limits. DC loves earmarks.

I think it is an unbiased list.
The funding that planned parenthood gets pales in comparison to the subsidies that oil companies get.....or the military support that Israel gets. And....none of it funds abortions. Even if it did....why is that part of your master plan? Abortion is legal in this nation.
I will happily add END ALL SUBSIDIES to the list.

Try again

No. I want to know what made your brain focus in on Planned Parenthood. That organization does MAGNIFICENT things for women in this nation. Defunding that organization doesn't stop a single LEGAL abortion. All it does is hurt poor women.

It's a stupid thing to have on your list. Why is it there? Is it a partisan hack leftover?
I do not believe in abortion. I do not want my tax dollars mixed into fungible accounts that murder babies. If that's partisan so be it.

It isn't only partisan. It's also stupid.

Planned parenthood does more to prevent unwanted pregnancy than it does to abort existing pregnancies.

Nobody LIKES abortions, nutbag. Liberals have plans to reduce them. Planned parenthood is part of the plan.

Learn something about the organization. What you think is false.
Lower the corporate tax rate to give American workers a chance to compete against their underpaid foreign counterparts.

I am really curious why you think that the two are related.

I can make a better case for single payer health insurance- foreign companies who don't pay healthcare costs are more competitive than American companies that have to pay health care insurance costs.
Look at it like this.

Companies move to foreign nations who have very low tax rates & pay sub standard wages.
How do you suggest we compete with that? What can we do to at least TRY to entice the businesses to either stay here or come back?

Raise wages?
Raise their taxes?

Or are you content to watch the jobs continue to flee?

We could have universal healthcare- and then American companies would not spend so much on health care costs. And would be more competitive here and abroad.

Or American companies can pay American workers less- that would make them more competitive too.

But just lowering their taxes? How would lowering the taxes on say on Hilton properties keep more jobs in the United States?
I like how you use real estate which is not a commodity traded or sold & shipped globally. Fair debate much?

Every couple months I post serious thoughts rather than my usual trolling drivel ment solely for my own entertainment. I appreciate that you've been pretty straightforward up to this point but you know as well as me what I'm talking about. Will there be some who get something for nothing from your perspective? Sure. But there could also be a shot in the arm to American manufacturing if we dangled a carrot in front of corporate America rather than a tax bill.
Your first item is a lame dog whistle. Correct me if I am wrong....but it appears that you think people who receive food assistance are taking advantage of taxpayers. You think they can use their "welfare" for creature comforts......and that is killing our economy. Right?
Shove your racism where the sun doesn't shine. Why should mom, grandma & the boyfriend eat steak or lobster while the kids are stuck with macaroni & doritos? If we have to pay for the shit let's at least make sure the children are actually getting what was intended for them & not left hungry for the last 7 days because mom took advantage of the system.

And that will be the one & only response to you on that topic. I'm not interested in your usual games. You have my opinion, I have yours, move on.

You think someone is eating lobster and steak while the kids starve? Can you prove that?
He is actually correct on the children not always getting the proper nutrition while mom splurges on things for her. That is not always the case but it happens more frequently than it should and children are not getting the proper nutrition they need as they grow. Along with all the other crap pushed on children these days it is a wonder any of them ever get out of those poverty situations.
Your first item is a lame dog whistle. Correct me if I am wrong....but it appears that you think people who receive food assistance are taking advantage of taxpayers. You think they can use their "welfare" for creature comforts......and that is killing our economy. Right?
Shove your racism where the sun doesn't shine. Why should mom, grandma & the boyfriend eat steak or lobster while the kids are stuck with macaroni & doritos? If we have to pay for the shit let's at least make sure the children are actually getting what was intended for them & not left hungry for the last 7 days because mom took advantage of the system.

And that will be the one & only response to you on that topic. I'm not interested in your usual games. You have my opinion, I have yours, move on.

You think someone is eating lobster and steak while the kids starve? Can you prove that?
He is actually correct on the children not always getting the proper nutrition while mom splurges on things for her. That is not always the case but it happens more frequently than it should and children are not getting the proper nutrition they need as they grow. Along with all the other crap pushed on children these days it is a wonder any of them ever get out of those poverty situations.

You have no evidence to support hat claim. "It happens more frequently than it should". None.
The funding that planned parenthood gets pales in comparison to the subsidies that oil companies get.....or the military support that Israel gets. And....none of it funds abortions. Even if it did....why is that part of your master plan? Abortion is legal in this nation.
I will happily add END ALL SUBSIDIES to the list.

Try again

No. I want to know what made your brain focus in on Planned Parenthood. That organization does MAGNIFICENT things for women in this nation. Defunding that organization doesn't stop a single LEGAL abortion. All it does is hurt poor women.

It's a stupid thing to have on your list. Why is it there? Is it a partisan hack leftover?
I do not believe in abortion. I do not want my tax dollars mixed into fungible accounts that murder babies. If that's partisan so be it.

It isn't only partisan. It's also stupid.

Planned parenthood does more to prevent unwanted pregnancy than it does to abort existing pregnancies.

Nobody LIKES abortions, nutbag. Liberals have plans to reduce them. Planned parenthood is part of the plan.

Learn something about the organization. What you think is false.
My thoughts are anything but stupid. They are an honest assessment of points from which a debate can start. All I ever see you and many others offer are insults & complaints.
I'm not under some delusion that I get to have everything I want but I am most certainly entitled to my ideas & the ability to express them which is far more than I've ever seen from you. Which is why you've been on ignore for about 80% of my time here.
Lower the corporate tax rate to give American workers a chance to compete against their underpaid foreign counterparts.

I am really curious why you think that the two are related.

I can make a better case for single payer health insurance- foreign companies who don't pay healthcare costs are more competitive than American companies that have to pay health care insurance costs.
Look at it like this.

Companies move to foreign nations who have very low tax rates & pay sub standard wages.
How do you suggest we compete with that? What can we do to at least TRY to entice the businesses to either stay here or come back?

Raise wages?
Raise their taxes?

Or are you content to watch the jobs continue to flee?

We could have universal healthcare- and then American companies would not spend so much on health care costs. And would be more competitive here and abroad.

Or American companies can pay American workers less- that would make them more competitive too.

But just lowering their taxes? How would lowering the taxes on say on Hilton properties keep more jobs in the United States?
I like how you use real estate which is not a commodity traded or sold & shipped globally. Fair debate much?

Every couple months I post serious thoughts rather than my usual trolling drivel ment solely for my own entertainment. I appreciate that you've been pretty straightforward up to this point but you know as well as me what I'm talking about. Will there be some who get something for nothing from your perspective? Sure. But there could also be a shot in the arm to American manufacturing if we dangled a carrot in front of corporate America rather than a tax bill.

Manufacturing jobs are not coming back. Automation is ensuring that. Shit....there are going to be a couple million truck drivers looking for work over the next 20 years. Cutting corporate taxes isn't going to save them.
Your first item is a lame dog whistle. Correct me if I am wrong....but it appears that you think people who receive food assistance are taking advantage of taxpayers. You think they can use their "welfare" for creature comforts......and that is killing our economy. Right?
Shove your racism where the sun doesn't shine. Why should mom, grandma & the boyfriend eat steak or lobster while the kids are stuck with macaroni & doritos? If we have to pay for the shit let's at least make sure the children are actually getting what was intended for them & not left hungry for the last 7 days because mom took advantage of the system.

And that will be the one & only response to you on that topic. I'm not interested in your usual games. You have my opinion, I have yours, move on.

You think someone is eating lobster and steak while the kids starve? Can you prove that?
He is actually correct on the children not always getting the proper nutrition while mom splurges on things for her. That is not always the case but it happens more frequently than it should and children are not getting the proper nutrition they need as they grow. Along with all the other crap pushed on children these days it is a wonder any of them ever get out of those poverty situations.

You have no evidence to support hat claim. "It happens more frequently than it should". None.
Your correct all I have is personal experience of seeing what several mothers of three plus another with an extra little one fed her children sugary cereal and macaroni and cheese while she they bought expensive diet and nutritional type foods to feed themselves for they could retain those highly desirable figures for the needs of the new or next baby daddy to come along.
The funding that planned parenthood gets pales in comparison to the subsidies that oil companies get.....or the military support that Israel gets. And....none of it funds abortions. Even if it did....why is that part of your master plan? Abortion is legal in this nation.
I will happily add END ALL SUBSIDIES to the list.

Try again

No. I want to know what made your brain focus in on Planned Parenthood. That organization does MAGNIFICENT things for women in this nation. Defunding that organization doesn't stop a single LEGAL abortion. All it does is hurt poor women.

It's a stupid thing to have on your list. Why is it there? Is it a partisan hack leftover?
I do not believe in abortion. I do not want my tax dollars mixed into fungible accounts that murder babies. If that's partisan so be it.

It isn't only partisan. It's also stupid.

Planned parenthood does more to prevent unwanted pregnancy than it does to abort existing pregnancies.

Nobody LIKES abortions, nutbag. Liberals have plans to reduce them. Planned parenthood is part of the plan.

Learn something about the organization. What you think is false.
My thoughts are anything but stupid. They are an honest assessment of points from which a debate can start. All I ever see you and many others offer are insults & complaints.
I'm not under some delusion that I get to have everything I want but I am most certainly entitled to my ideas & the ability to express them which is far more than I've ever seen from you. Which is why you've been on ignore for about 80% of my time here.

Bull. All you ever see is WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE.

You put me on iggy because I challenge you. If insults bothered you, you'd have left here a long time ago. You simply cannot deal with someone challenging you....and calling you out when your shit stinks.

Been that way all along.
Your first item is a lame dog whistle. Correct me if I am wrong....but it appears that you think people who receive food assistance are taking advantage of taxpayers. You think they can use their "welfare" for creature comforts......and that is killing our economy. Right?
Shove your racism where the sun doesn't shine. Why should mom, grandma & the boyfriend eat steak or lobster while the kids are stuck with macaroni & doritos? If we have to pay for the shit let's at least make sure the children are actually getting what was intended for them & not left hungry for the last 7 days because mom took advantage of the system.

And that will be the one & only response to you on that topic. I'm not interested in your usual games. You have my opinion, I have yours, move on.

You think someone is eating lobster and steak while the kids starve? Can you prove that?
He is actually correct on the children not always getting the proper nutrition while mom splurges on things for her. That is not always the case but it happens more frequently than it should and children are not getting the proper nutrition they need as they grow. Along with all the other crap pushed on children these days it is a wonder any of them ever get out of those poverty situations.

You have no evidence to support hat claim. "It happens more frequently than it should". None.
Your correct all I have is personal experience of seeing what several mothers of three plus another with an extra little one fed her children sugary cereal and macaroni and cheese while she they bought expensive diet and nutritional type foods to feed themselves for they could retain those highly desirable figures for the needs of the new or next baby daddy to come along.

Bullshit meme. You have no such personal experience. It's a standard "conservative" talking point.
Lower the corporate tax rate to give American workers a chance to compete against their underpaid foreign counterparts.

I am really curious why you think that the two are related.

I can make a better case for single payer health insurance- foreign companies who don't pay healthcare costs are more competitive than American companies that have to pay health care insurance costs.
Look at it like this.

Companies move to foreign nations who have very low tax rates & pay sub standard wages.
How do you suggest we compete with that? What can we do to at least TRY to entice the businesses to either stay here or come back?

Raise wages?
Raise their taxes?

Or are you content to watch the jobs continue to flee?

We could have universal healthcare- and then American companies would not spend so much on health care costs. And would be more competitive here and abroad.

Or American companies can pay American workers less- that would make them more competitive too.

But just lowering their taxes? How would lowering the taxes on say on Hilton properties keep more jobs in the United States?
I like how you use real estate which is not a commodity traded or sold & shipped globally. Fair debate much?

Every couple months I post serious thoughts rather than my usual trolling drivel ment solely for my own entertainment. I appreciate that you've been pretty straightforward up to this point but you know as well as me what I'm talking about. Will there be some who get something for nothing from your perspective? Sure. But there could also be a shot in the arm to American manufacturing if we dangled a carrot in front of corporate America rather than a tax bill.

Manufacturing jobs are not coming back. Automation is ensuring that. Shit....there are going to be a couple million truck drivers looking for work over the next 20 years. Cutting corporate taxes isn't going to save them.
Someone has to make the manufacturing buildings. Someone has to create the automation. Someone has to write/create the code. Someone has to sell the devices. Someone has to pave the parking lot. Someone has to teach people how to use them. Someone has to maintain them. Someone has to build the technical schools that teach people how to create the next best thing. Someone has to fill the roles in those schools.

You think in such small terms.
I will happily add END ALL SUBSIDIES to the list.

Try again

No. I want to know what made your brain focus in on Planned Parenthood. That organization does MAGNIFICENT things for women in this nation. Defunding that organization doesn't stop a single LEGAL abortion. All it does is hurt poor women.

It's a stupid thing to have on your list. Why is it there? Is it a partisan hack leftover?
I do not believe in abortion. I do not want my tax dollars mixed into fungible accounts that murder babies. If that's partisan so be it.

It isn't only partisan. It's also stupid.

Planned parenthood does more to prevent unwanted pregnancy than it does to abort existing pregnancies.

Nobody LIKES abortions, nutbag. Liberals have plans to reduce them. Planned parenthood is part of the plan.

Learn something about the organization. What you think is false.
My thoughts are anything but stupid. They are an honest assessment of points from which a debate can start. All I ever see you and many others offer are insults & complaints.
I'm not under some delusion that I get to have everything I want but I am most certainly entitled to my ideas & the ability to express them which is far more than I've ever seen from you. Which is why you've been on ignore for about 80% of my time here.

Bull. All you ever see is WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE.

You put me on iggy because I challenge you. If insults bothered you, you'd have left here a long time ago. You simply cannot deal with someone challenging you....and calling you out when your shit stinks.

Been that way all along.
I put you on ignore because all you do it troll. You always have "questions" and I use that term loosely. Most of the time all you have are insults.
There are MANY liberals on this site and all of them challenge me daily yet they aren't on ignore. Wonder why?
I am really curious why you think that the two are related.

I can make a better case for single payer health insurance- foreign companies who don't pay healthcare costs are more competitive than American companies that have to pay health care insurance costs.
Look at it like this.

Companies move to foreign nations who have very low tax rates & pay sub standard wages.
How do you suggest we compete with that? What can we do to at least TRY to entice the businesses to either stay here or come back?

Raise wages?
Raise their taxes?

Or are you content to watch the jobs continue to flee?

We could have universal healthcare- and then American companies would not spend so much on health care costs. And would be more competitive here and abroad.

Or American companies can pay American workers less- that would make them more competitive too.

But just lowering their taxes? How would lowering the taxes on say on Hilton properties keep more jobs in the United States?
I like how you use real estate which is not a commodity traded or sold & shipped globally. Fair debate much?

Every couple months I post serious thoughts rather than my usual trolling drivel ment solely for my own entertainment. I appreciate that you've been pretty straightforward up to this point but you know as well as me what I'm talking about. Will there be some who get something for nothing from your perspective? Sure. But there could also be a shot in the arm to American manufacturing if we dangled a carrot in front of corporate America rather than a tax bill.

Manufacturing jobs are not coming back. Automation is ensuring that. Shit....there are going to be a couple million truck drivers looking for work over the next 20 years. Cutting corporate taxes isn't going to save them.
Someone has to make the manufacturing buildings. Someone has to create the automation. Someone has to write/create the code. Someone has to sell the devices. Someone has to pace the parking lot. Someone has to teach people how to use them. Someone has to maintain them. Someone has to build the technical schools that teach people how to create the next best thing. Someone has to fill the roles in those schools.

You think in such small terms.

No. I think in those terms. That's why I'm not pretending that lowering taxes is going to help. Education and training is needed. That costs money. That money comes from taxes.

Corporations are greedy by nature. It is how they are supposed to be. They will not invest in workers unless doing so benefits them. Higher corporate taxes result in profits being directed toward investment in labor.

Check out the work of Bruce Bartlett. He used to think like you.
No. I want to know what made your brain focus in on Planned Parenthood. That organization does MAGNIFICENT things for women in this nation. Defunding that organization doesn't stop a single LEGAL abortion. All it does is hurt poor women.

It's a stupid thing to have on your list. Why is it there? Is it a partisan hack leftover?
I do not believe in abortion. I do not want my tax dollars mixed into fungible accounts that murder babies. If that's partisan so be it.

It isn't only partisan. It's also stupid.

Planned parenthood does more to prevent unwanted pregnancy than it does to abort existing pregnancies.

Nobody LIKES abortions, nutbag. Liberals have plans to reduce them. Planned parenthood is part of the plan.

Learn something about the organization. What you think is false.
My thoughts are anything but stupid. They are an honest assessment of points from which a debate can start. All I ever see you and many others offer are insults & complaints.
I'm not under some delusion that I get to have everything I want but I am most certainly entitled to my ideas & the ability to express them which is far more than I've ever seen from you. Which is why you've been on ignore for about 80% of my time here.

Bull. All you ever see is WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE.

You put me on iggy because I challenge you. If insults bothered you, you'd have left here a long time ago. You simply cannot deal with someone challenging you....and calling you out when your shit stinks.

Been that way all along.
I put you on ignore because all you do it troll. You always have "questions" and I use that term loosely. Most of the time all you have are insults.
There are MANY liberals on this site and all of them challenge me daily yet they aren't on ignore. Wonder why?

Abolish welfare as we know it and restructure it to where you can only buy a select group of basic food.

Defund public television.

Defund planned parenthood & put the money into clinics that don't perform abortions.

Ban professional lobbyists from lobbying on government property.

Publicly fund campaigns.

Enact strict term limits

End mass legal & all illegal immigration

Ban all gifts given to public employees

Give inner city children a chance with school vouchers

Remove the D & the R from all ballots to force people to vote on issues not partisan bullshit.

Ban earmarks

Open presidential debates to ALL the major parties regardless of polls

Lower the corporate tax rate to give American workers a chance to compete against their underpaid foreign counterparts.

I got plenty more rolling around in my brain but you get the point.
Fortunately, this nonsense will stay in your brain.

And we get the point: that much of the republican/conservative agenda is nonsense – devoid of worth and merit, some of it un-Constitutional or illegal.

‘Banning’ lobbyists, for example, is un-Constitutional, it would violate the First Amendment.

We already have term limits – they’re called elections; that you don’t like their outcome doesn’t warrant denying the people their right to elect whomever they want for as long as they want.

Why would anyone want to ‘end’ legal immigration; that's something only nativist, xenophobic bigots would advocate doing; immigrants built this country, they are our greatest asset.

Presidential debates are the purview of the Commission on Presidential Debates, a private, non-profit entity, not government – and cannot be compelled by government as to who participates in debates.

And lowering corporate tax rates will do nothing to benefit American workers.

Your proposals are the product of someone who is naïve and ignorant, typical of most conservatives, Trump voters in particular.
Abolish welfare as we know it and restructure it to where you can only buy a select group of basic food.

Defund public television.

Defund planned parenthood & put the money into clinics that don't perform abortions.

Ban professional lobbyists from lobbying on government property.

Publicly fund campaigns.

Enact strict term limits

End mass legal & all illegal immigration

Ban all gifts given to public employees

Give inner city children a chance with school vouchers

Remove the D & the R from all ballots to force people to vote on issues not partisan bullshit.

Ban earmarks

Open presidential debates to ALL the major parties regardless of polls

Lower the corporate tax rate to give American workers a chance to compete against their underpaid foreign counterparts.

I got plenty more rolling around in my brain but you get the point.
Fortunately, this nonsense will stay in your brain.

And we get the point: that much of the republican/conservative agenda is nonsense – devoid of worth and merit, some of it un-Constitutional or illegal.

‘Banning’ lobbyists, for example, is un-Constitutional, it would violate the First Amendment.

We already have term limits – they’re called elections; that you don’t like their outcome doesn’t warrant denying the people their right to elect whomever they want for as long as they want.

Why would anyone want to ‘end’ legal immigration; that's something only nativist, xenophobic bigots would advocate doing; immigrants built this country, they are our greatest asset.

Presidential debates are the purview of the Commission on Presidential Debates, a private, non-profit entity, not government – and cannot be compelled by government as to who participates in debates.

And lowering corporate tax rates will do nothing to benefit American workers.

Your proposals are the product of someone who is naïve and ignorant, typical of most conservatives, Trump voters in particular.
A perfect example of why we're stuck in a rut. There is plenty of room to compromise & even take bad ideas & turn them into good ones. But why bother when partisan insults are the easiest recourse. Sitting in our insulated bubbles is easier that venturing out into the world that lacks "safe spaces"
Seriously people. We never address the problems eating away at our system. They nibble around the edges now & then to placate voters but enough is enough. It is time to demand some damn accountability.

And END the pension system for politicians. It is supposed to be public service not a damn gravy train. Serve one or two terms and go back to the private sector. We are stuck in a rut and it stinks. If we took the garbage out once & awhile we might actually see some opportunities for positive change.
Seriously, you need to educate yourself first – the ignorance you exhibit common to far too many Americans is the true threat to our system of government.
Abolish welfare as we know it and restructure it to where you can only buy a select group of basic food.

Defund public television.

Defund planned parenthood & put the money into clinics that don't perform abortions.

Ban professional lobbyists from lobbying on government property.

Publicly fund campaigns.

Enact strict term limits

End mass legal & all illegal immigration

Ban all gifts given to public employees

Give inner city children a chance with school vouchers

Remove the D & the R from all ballots to force people to vote on issues not partisan bullshit.

Ban earmarks

Open presidential debates to ALL the major parties regardless of polls

Lower the corporate tax rate to give American workers a chance to compete against their underpaid foreign counterparts.

I got plenty more rolling around in my brain but you get the point.
Fortunately, this nonsense will stay in your brain.

And we get the point: that much of the republican/conservative agenda is nonsense – devoid of worth and merit, some of it un-Constitutional or illegal.

‘Banning’ lobbyists, for example, is un-Constitutional, it would violate the First Amendment.

We already have term limits – they’re called elections; that you don’t like their outcome doesn’t warrant denying the people their right to elect whomever they want for as long as they want.

Why would anyone want to ‘end’ legal immigration; that's something only nativist, xenophobic bigots would advocate doing; immigrants built this country, they are our greatest asset.

Presidential debates are the purview of the Commission on Presidential Debates, a private, non-profit entity, not government – and cannot be compelled by government as to who participates in debates.

And lowering corporate tax rates will do nothing to benefit American workers.

Your proposals are the product of someone who is naïve and ignorant, typical of most conservatives, Trump voters in particular.
A perfect example of why we're stuck in a rut. There is plenty of room to compromise & even take bad ideas & turn them into good ones. But why bother when partisan insults are the easiest recourse. Sitting in our insulated bubbles is easier that venturing out into the world that lacks "safe spaces"

What was that "safe spaces" comment? What does that mean?

You might have noticed that I did not take exception to every item on your list. Do you know which ones I agree with you on?

Forum List
