When are we going to get serious?

I sent Blunt & McCaskill both a sternly worded email at the time. Even mentioned it on here. I got the usual generic letter response from Blunt & nothing from her.
She is the one that was pushing to stop paying prevailing wages on govt. jobs....
I feel Moonglow would make a good President.
He certainly wouldn't be any worse than what is being offered right now. . . . :badgrin:

Abolish welfare as we know it and restructure it to where you can only buy a select group of basic food.

Defund public television.

Defund planned parenthood & put the money into clinics that don't perform abortions.

Ban professional lobbyists from lobbying on government property.

Publicly fund campaigns.

Enact strict term limits

End mass legal & all illegal immigration

Ban all gifts given to public employees

Give inner city children a chance with school vouchers

Remove the D & the R from all ballots to force people to vote on issues not partisan bullshit.

Ban earmarks

Open presidential debates to ALL the major parties regardless of polls

Lower the corporate tax rate to give American workers a chance to compete against their underpaid foreign counterparts.

I got plenty more rolling around in my brain but you get the point.

List more and let see what is up there...
Tear down the fucking ghettos in all the major cities and rebuild smaller housing options all around the cities. Hire a general contractor for each project & require that 50% to 80% of the jobs used in both the demo & rebuilding phase be filled with the displaced residents to teach them new skills.

Now don't rip on that idea as it is something I've thought about for years after living in them & working on them myself. It is just a general idea or outline but it would help break up the gangs, help end inner city blight, lower crime & most importantly give the unskilled a chance to become skilled & self sufficient.
So many inner cities & surrounding areas have more than enough vacant lots & properties to start a project like this. Continuing to house people like sardines will only ensure that the hopelessness & crime continues.
I feel Moonglow would make a good President.
The interns would never be safe...but I'd hire hookers for those positions..

...but I'd hire hookers for those positions..

Not even elected, and he wants to triple the National Debt
Most of the stuff on my list would save money not require more of it.

Naturally it would need to be a balanced approach. OR we can just sit around & do nothing while wondering how we're getting so fat.
I feel Moonglow would make a good President.
The interns would never be safe...but I'd hire hookers for those positions..

...but I'd hire hookers for those positions..

Not even elected, and he wants to triple the National Debt
Most of the stuff on my list would save money not require more of it.

Naturally it would need to be a balanced approach. OR we can just sit around & do nothing while wondering how we're getting so fat.

I was referring to moon hiring hookers
Abolish welfare as we know it and restructure it to where you can only buy a select group of basic food.

Defund public television.

Defund planned parenthood & put the money into clinics that don't perform abortions.

Ban professional lobbyists from lobbying on government property.

Publicly fund campaigns.

Enact strict term limits

End mass legal & all illegal immigration

Ban all gifts given to public employees

Give inner city children a chance with school vouchers

Remove the D & the R from all ballots to force people to vote on issues not partisan bullshit.

Ban earmarks

Open presidential debates to ALL the major parties regardless of polls

Lower the corporate tax rate to give American workers a chance to compete against their underpaid foreign counterparts.

I got plenty more rolling around in my brain but you get the point.

No chance of any of that happening with a Hillary win. Or a democrat take over of congress.
Abolish welfare as we know it and restructure it to where you can only buy a select group of basic food.

Defund public television.

Defund planned parenthood & put the money into clinics that don't perform abortions.

Ban professional lobbyists from lobbying on government property.

Publicly fund campaigns.

Enact strict term limits

End mass legal & all illegal immigration

Ban all gifts given to public employees

Give inner city children a chance with school vouchers

Remove the D & the R from all ballots to force people to vote on issues not partisan bullshit.

Ban earmarks

Open presidential debates to ALL the major parties regardless of polls

Lower the corporate tax rate to give American workers a chance to compete against their underpaid foreign counterparts.

I got plenty more rolling around in my brain but you get the point.

List more and let see what is up there...
Tear down the fucking ghettos in all the major cities and rebuild smaller housing options all around the cities. Hire a general contractor for each project & require that 50% to 80% of the jobs used in both the demo & rebuilding phase be filled with the displaced residents to teach them new skills.

Now don't rip on that idea as it is something I've thought about for years after living in them & working on them myself. It is just a general idea or outline but it would help break up the gangs, help end inner city blight, lower crime & most importantly give the unskilled a chance to become skilled & self sufficient.
So many inner cities & surrounding areas have more than enough vacant lots & properties to start a project like this. Continuing to house people like sardines will only ensure that the hopelessness & crime continues.

What are you going to do, re-establish slavery?

What if they don't want to work? What if they would rather sit and collect welfare and food stamps? If you get rid of welfare and social insurance, what if they would rather sell drugs and turn to crime?
I feel Moonglow would make a good President.
The interns would never be safe...but I'd hire hookers for those positions..

...but I'd hire hookers for those positions..

Not even elected, and he wants to triple the National Debt
Most of the stuff on my list would save money not require more of it.

Naturally it would need to be a balanced approach. OR we can just sit around & do nothing while wondering how we're getting so fat.

I was referring to moon hiring hookers
Abolish welfare as we know it and restructure it to where you can only buy a select group of basic food.

Defund public television.

Defund planned parenthood & put the money into clinics that don't perform abortions.

Ban professional lobbyists from lobbying on government property.

Publicly fund campaigns.

Enact strict term limits

End mass legal & all illegal immigration

Ban all gifts given to public employees

Give inner city children a chance with school vouchers

Remove the D & the R from all ballots to force people to vote on issues not partisan bullshit.

Ban earmarks

Open presidential debates to ALL the major parties regardless of polls

Lower the corporate tax rate to give American workers a chance to compete against their underpaid foreign counterparts.

I got plenty more rolling around in my brain but you get the point.

List more and let see what is up there...
Tear down the fucking ghettos in all the major cities and rebuild smaller housing options all around the cities. Hire a general contractor for each project & require that 50% to 80% of the jobs used in both the demo & rebuilding phase be filled with the displaced residents to teach them new skills.

Now don't rip on that idea as it is something I've thought about for years after living in them & working on them myself. It is just a general idea or outline but it would help break up the gangs, help end inner city blight, lower crime & most importantly give the unskilled a chance to become skilled & self sufficient.
So many inner cities & surrounding areas have more than enough vacant lots & properties to start a project like this. Continuing to house people like sardines will only ensure that the hopelessness & crime continues.

What are you going to do, re-establish slavery?

What if they don't want to work? What if they would rather sit and collect welfare and food stamps? If you get rid of welfare and social insurance, what if they would rather sell drugs and turn to crime?
Their choice. Work for a future or get out of the way so you don't get hit by the wrecking ball.
I think you'd be surprised at those who would show interest. When I worked for HUD there was never a shortage of local applicants.
Your first item is a lame dog whistle. Correct me if I am wrong....but it appears that you think people who receive food assistance are taking advantage of taxpayers. You think they can use their "welfare" for creature comforts......and that is killing our economy. Right?
The funding that planned parenthood gets pales in comparison to the subsidies that oil companies get.....or the military support that Israel gets. And....none of it funds abortions. Even if it did....why is that part of your master plan? Abortion is legal in this nation.
Your first item is a lame dog whistle. Correct me if I am wrong....but it appears that you think people who receive food assistance are taking advantage of taxpayers. You think they can use their "welfare" for creature comforts......and that is killing our economy. Right?
Shove your racism where the sun doesn't shine. Why should mom, grandma & the boyfriend eat steak or lobster while the kids are stuck with macaroni & doritos? If we have to pay for the shit let's at least make sure the children are actually getting what was intended for them & not left hungry for the last 7 days because mom took advantage of the system.

And that will be the one & only response to you on that topic. I'm not interested in your usual games. You have my opinion, I have yours, move on.

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