When bad things happen to imaginary people.

The Left complaining about is hysterical. Obama literally makles up stories of people and the Left just eat it up.

The left fights for imaginary victims and confiscates wealth for them. The administration conjured up millions of non-existent uninsured people so they could pass a giant power grab of a bill. Less people insured now and, sadly, they are real.

The only people who will be imaginary will be the current middle class because we are an endangered species, thanks to the liberals.
Which made up story are you referring too?

This ought to be good.

Obama credits Selma march for his existence

Blog: ABC recycling phony Obama Auschwitz claim

You'll either ignore those, dismiss them as inconsequential, or blather about right wing blogs. Failing that you'll blame Bush.




Hey, if a rabbit didn't have a blog hole to hide in, he wouldn't have anything.

But it is funny to watch rabbit, when asked for stories of health care gone bad, comes up with two blog stories about..........Obama?

Wtf rabbit? Is that really your best effort?
Obama credits Selma march for his existence

Blog: ABC recycling phony Obama Auschwitz claim

You'll either ignore those, dismiss them as inconsequential, or blather about right wing blogs. Failing that you'll blame Bush.




Hey, if a rabbit didn't have a blog hole to hide in, he wouldn't have anything.

But it is funny to watch rabbit, when asked for stories of health care gone bad, comes up with two blog stories about..........Obama?

Wtf rabbit? Is that really your best effort?

It's Zeke, dumbest fucking poster on this site. Hey, Zeke, that wasn't what was asked for. Go back and read the thread. Or have an adult read it to you.
All those imaginary people dying in the streets because they had no health insurance.....
Heres where Krugman nails it (from OP) :razz: :

Even supporters of health reform are somewhat surprised by the right’s apparent inability to come up with real cases of hardship. Surely there must be some people somewhere actually being hurt by a reform that affects millions of Americans. Why can’t the right find these people and exploit them?

The most likely answer is that the true losers from Obamacare generally aren’t very sympathetic. For the most part, they’re either very affluent people affected by the special taxes that help finance reform, or at least moderately well-off young men in very good health who can no longer buy cheap, minimalist plans. Neither group would play well in tear-jerker ads.
Heres where Krugman nails it (from OP) :razz: :

Even supporters of health reform are somewhat surprised by the right’s apparent inability to come up with real cases of hardship. Surely there must be some people somewhere actually being hurt by a reform that affects millions of Americans. Why can’t the right find these people and exploit them?

The most likely answer is that the true losers from Obamacare generally aren’t very sympathetic. For the most part, they’re either very affluent people affected by the special taxes that help finance reform, or at least moderately well-off young men in very good health who can no longer buy cheap, minimalist plans. Neither group would play well in tear-jerker ads.

The Left's bottomless ability to deny reality is funny. From Nancy Pelosi claiming the Tea Party was astroturf to this crap. There are stores after stories of hardship, often even in the mainstream press. Dismissing them and denying them dont make them go away.
Anyway, it'll be unfortunate to watch the Obamacare chickens come home to roost. All America will lose, but "progressives" will bear the burden of the blame.

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