When Clinton wins, she might choose Obama for the Supreme Court

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Obama is not qualified, the guy is basically a lazy retard.

Former professor of constitutional law at Harvard, Senator, President of the United States.

I'd say that he's most certainly qualified.

The fool was never a professor, he's not qualified to be a professor or even and associate professor. He was an instructor and his students rated his class pretty low as in he sucked even at that.

What is that?

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Having already occupied the presidency there is no reason not to confirm him
You don't get it...that is the reason he could not get confirmed. If a former president could get confirmed the court would consist of Clinton, Carter, and both Bush's,. It's not possible to get everyone to vote for someone with 50% negatives.

Most Presidents probaby just want to get out of public life after their terms are up.

True .. but Obama isn't 'most' presidents.

He still may have something to prove to himself .. and his place in Black history.

The only thing he could prove by being on the SCOTUS is that he can be a fuck up in all three branches of government.

He isn't most Presidents. He is the only one where skin color was the number one motivating factor as to why he received a sizable number of vote.

Place in black history? Hate to break it to you but many unqualified blacks have been in government jobs prior to him.
You mean against him. Obama's election proved how racist right wingers really are. He was elected with a huge margin and even before he was sworn in, Republicans were plotting to bring him down.

Are you saying the only reason Republicans opposed him was skin color?

Why do you prefer liberalism? Unwilling or unable to do for yourself?

"Liberalism" is what Jefferson, Mason, Paine, et al. promoted. What Progressive promotes is Totalitarian Marxism. It has nothing to do with "liberalism."

The first attribute of liberalism is "laissez faire," or "hands off." Anyone claiming to support liberalism who does not promote Laissez Faire economics is a liar. Anyone claiming to be a liberal who does not support laissez faire in regard to religion is a liar.

The American left have nothing in common with liberalism, they are Marxists. They seek a centrally controlled economy with strict social and political regimentation. democrats bristle when you point out that they are authoritarian, but they are. The seek to strictly regulate speech and thought. Conformity is paramount in all things.

Why do you prefer liberalism? Unwilling or unable to do for yourself?

"Liberalism" is what Jefferson, Mason, Paine, et al. promoted. What Progressive promotes is Totalitarian Marxism. It has nothing to do with "liberalism."

The first attribute of liberalism is "laissez faire," or "hands off." Anyone claiming to support liberalism who does not promote Laissez Faire economics is a liar. Anyone claiming to be a liberal who does not support laissez faire in regard to religion is a liar.

The American left have nothing in common with liberalism, they are Marxists. They seek a centrally controlled economy with strict social and political regimentation. democrats bristle when you point out that they are authoritarian, but they are. The seek to strictly regulate speech and thought. Conformity is paramount in all things.

Today's "Liberals" have bastardized the term.

Why do you prefer liberalism? Unwilling or unable to do for yourself?

"Liberalism" is what Jefferson, Mason, Paine, et al. promoted. What Progressive promotes is Totalitarian Marxism. It has nothing to do with "liberalism."

The first attribute of liberalism is "laissez faire," or "hands off." Anyone claiming to support liberalism who does not promote Laissez Faire economics is a liar. Anyone claiming to be a liberal who does not support laissez faire in regard to religion is a liar.

The American left have nothing in common with liberalism, they are Marxists. They seek a centrally controlled economy with strict social and political regimentation. democrats bristle when you point out that they are authoritarian, but they are. The seek to strictly regulate speech and thought. Conformity is paramount in all things.
They aren't those Liberals anymore. At this point they're advocating anything and everything against what are considered traditional values today. Personally, for the way the word is used today, I blame FDR.
When Clinton wins, she might choose Obama for the Supreme Court

How else do you think she BOUGHT his protection from the FBI e-mail investigation and refused to allow the investigation into the Clinton Foundation.....?!


Sorry, I don't exist in the republican world of bizzarro imagination.

You exist on the Democrat plantation as the typical house negro.
What were two Republicans thinking, calling Obama 'tar baby' and 'boy'?

Congressman Lynn Westmoreland Calls Barack Obama "Uppity"

How Republicans see Obama.
When Clinton wins, she might choose Obama for the Supreme Court

How else do you think she BOUGHT his protection from the FBI e-mail investigation and refused to allow the investigation into the Clinton Foundation.....?!


Sorry, I don't exist in the republican world of bizzarro imagination.

You exist on the Democrat plantation as the typical house negro.
What were two Republicans thinking, calling Obama 'tar baby' and 'boy'?

Congressman Lynn Westmoreland Calls Barack Obama "Uppity"

How Republicans see Obama.

When you act uppity, don't be shocked if people call you that.
When Clinton wins, she might choose Obama for the Supreme Court

How else do you think she BOUGHT his protection from the FBI e-mail investigation and refused to allow the investigation into the Clinton Foundation.....?!


Sorry, I don't exist in the republican world of bizzarro imagination.

You exist on the Democrat plantation as the typical house negro.
What were two Republicans thinking, calling Obama 'tar baby' and 'boy'?

Congressman Lynn Westmoreland Calls Barack Obama "Uppity"

How Republicans see Obama.

Except he's not black, so this 'argument' is pointless.
Obama is not qualified, the guy is basically a lazy retard.

Former professor of constitutional law at Harvard, Senator, President of the United States.

I'd say that he's most certainly qualified.

The fool was never a professor, he's not qualified to be a professor or even and associate professor. He was an instructor and his students rated his class pretty low as in he sucked even at that.

What is that?

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The secret web site most Liberals congregate. Accurately named.

Sent from my Mango using alien technology from a parallel universe
When Clinton wins, she might choose Obama for the Supreme Court

How else do you think she BOUGHT his protection from the FBI e-mail investigation and refused to allow the investigation into the Clinton Foundation.....?!


Sorry, I don't exist in the republican world of bizzarro imagination.

You exist on the Democrat plantation as the typical house negro.
What were two Republicans thinking, calling Obama 'tar baby' and 'boy'?

Congressman Lynn Westmoreland Calls Barack Obama "Uppity"

How Republicans see Obama.

And how does this have anything to do with the topic?
Obama for the Supreme Court - The Boston Globe

I didn't vote for him, but he might make a better Supreme Court Justice then he was a president .. and when Clinton wins, if democrats win the Senate, she may well choose him.

There is logic and precedent behind the thought.

I posted this a long time ago on here...

What do you prefer to secular liberalism? Theocracy? Oligarchy ? Fascism ? Some combination of all three? Spell it out.
Secularism implies there is no room for God in political discourse or in public education. And any moral issue that hints at a Judeo-Christian teaching is to be discarded because it has religious overtones. So children are taught being gay is great, being bi-sexual is great, turning into a transgender is perfectly acceptable, premarital sex is totally expected with some precautions, and oral sex will be covered as well.

That is secularism taking over morality and the indoctrination of an abhorrent universal moral understanding. Don’t want to ever mention God, fine, don’t ever discuss matters that are not reading writing or arithmetic. When schools usurp the authority of parents and promote immoral practices it is wrong. When they whoosh kids off for secret abortions, that is an even more unspeakable crime.

Liberalism promotes policies and values that are very detrimental to the well being of this nation, imo. I prefer conservatism, not a theocracy.

Liberalism promotes illegal immigration and open borders, risks conservatives do not want to take with potential terrorists and also other trafficking. We want legal immigration only. We will fund them if we can afford it and the elected congress says it’s Ok.

Liberalism turns a blind eye to the unvetted Middle Eastern migrants coming in here by untold thousands. How insane is that? We already have tens of thousands of Arab men on student visas who we can no longer locate in this nation. Want a link?

Liberalism leads the parade against cops making them out to be this terrible racist menace. Do they care what fallout that brings? Heck no, because it assures the black vote. Are they coming down hard against the thugs in the Black Lives Matter demonstrations? Of course not. More racial divide.

Liberalism does nothing to stop Obama’s defunding of the military, reduction of troops, and demoralizing the entire military. Nor does it take the threats of terrorism or hostile nations near as seriously as conservatism does. Very misguided. National security is job one!

Liberalism is against increased offshore drilling, Alaskan drilling, fracking, keystone pipeline, nuclear plants, and are anti-coal. All these measures to please the gods of extrement environmentalism. This is so wrong. These are national security issues first and foremost. Dependence on Arab oil or other subversive nations should be done away with as soon as possible. Our economy would benefit enormously as well – again, liberals do not care.

Liberals are soft on crime and light on sentences. It is not conservative judges giving rapists, and violent criminals mitigated sentences and paroles. Worst of all, liberalism is far less likely to address the worst of crimes in this nation, urban gang violence. What conservative would be against a huge cop presence and very stiff sentences for these young offenders? You need to eradicate gang violence by attacking it vehemently. That is the only hope of stopping its perpetual presence. I think it is reprehensible children are afraid to walk to school, bus to school, or go outside in Chicago and other gang infested U.S. cities. Unforgivable! What has Obama ever said or done about that?? Not giving congress much credit here either, as it is.

Liberalism is insanely hung up on pushing transgenderism on this nation and its institutions. They are promoting a bizarre perversion that ruins lives. They push everything gay to the point of punishing anything that stands in its ways.

Liberalism has demanded legalized abortion and gay marriage. Both of these evolutions are an enormous affront to God. They are immoral and sinful, especially abortion, and with the government and our schools celebrating it all it influences children and society that this is all good. The worst of govt’s faults.

Liberalism is an enemy of Israel and an apologist for Islam. This is so cowardly and so wrong. Islam is the scourge and Israel is the perpetual victim and the world’s punching bag and scapegoat for their own sins.

Liberalism has taken the word God out of school out of our nation's history. No one can say the word, carry a Bible to school, mention the word Christmas or sing about it. Our Christian history and tradition is now treated like a pox on this nation. And all it takes is for one creep to sue.

Our universities are immersed in liberalism and its social engineering. Many of their courses and the elitist snobbish liberal professors sicken me. They do anything but encourage dialogue and counter arguments. I have no interest in tax dollars funding that kind of enemy.

Our tax dollars also have to fund liberal public radio and their agenda. Screw that. You are fooling no one.

Liberalism is weak on Islamic terrorism, of course no better example than our “coward in chief.” That bastard would not even march in Paris after Charli Hedbo with all the other heads of state of Europe and Israel and Palestine. No, he hid under his desk. And you guys give him another free pass. I don’t!!!
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Obama is not qualified, the guy is basically a lazy retard.

Former professor of constitutional law at Harvard, Senator, President of the United States.

I'd say that he's most certainly qualified.
64 Constitutional violations and you think he was qualified for that job? Cute. Also consider he made those violations after swearing to uphold the Constitution. Liars aren't qualified for any public office.

Yeah, I know .. and he doesn't have a birth certificate either. :lol:
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