When Clinton wins, she might choose Obama for the Supreme Court

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When Clinton wins, she might choose Obama for the Supreme Court

How else do you think she BOUGHT his protection from the FBI e-mail investigation and refused to allow the investigation into the Clinton Foundation.....?!

Having already occupied the presidency there is no reason not to confirm him
You don't get it...that is the reason he could not get confirmed. If a former president could get confirmed the court would consist of Clinton, Carter, and both Bush's,. It's not possible to get everyone to vote for someone with 50% negatives.
The constitution has nothing to say regarding any qualifications to be a Supreme Court Justice. No age, race, education, nationality, no nothing.
After Clinton wins in a landslide .. just relax and enjoy life knowing that national politics are out of your hands.
I am afraid you are right on who will win.

But then you want me to relax and "enjoy life?" You mean like I have "enjoyed" watching Obama, the liberal judges and secular humanists destroy this nation's soul, will and reputation the last eight years??

It is people and voters like you who are so clueless or indifferent that the devil roams free. IMO

Dude .. you suggest that Trump should be the president.

You mean there are no bells going off in your head right now?

You're a republican .. a member of an all white party in the year 2016.

No bells?

Are your eyes open? Trump is doing more to expose and destroy the Republican Party than any democrat could ever accomplish by themselves.

We seriously disagree with your conclusions my friend.
Now I get it...Wingnuts think that liberals are as stupid and partisan as they are!

No. Clinton will not be nominating Obama to the SC. Anyone who Clinton nominates will be an experienced judge.
I hope not. I hope she renominates Garland.
Unless Hillary also captures the Senate with her coattails, nobody that she nominates will be confirmed by McConnell -- probably not for 4 years.

The Senate's job is to make sure no more communists get onto the High Court.

Go for it. Two more years of obstructionism will lead to a super majority for the Dems in the Senate and a takeover of the House and many State Houses as well.

Strange that when Republicans try to prevent what they consider nonsense from being put in place, Democrats call it obstruction. However, when Democrats try to prevent what they consider nonsense from being put in place they call it looking out for the country and the people.

Republicans took obstructionism to another level altogether since day one of President Obama terms.
Now I get it...Wingnuts think that liberals are as stupid and partisan as they are!

No. Clinton will not be nominating Obama to the SC. Anyone who Clinton nominates will be an experienced judge.
For the currently empty seat that is certain but for later, supposedly after congress flips back, it's a possibility.
Dude .. you suggest that Trump should be the president. You mean there are no bells going off in your head right now?You're a republican .. a member of an all white party in the year 2016.

No bells? Are your eyes open? Trump is doing more to expose and destroy the Republican Party than any democrat could ever accomplish by themselves. We seriously disagree with your conclusions my friend.

Dude, I do not care if Trump destroys the Republican party.

Dude, I am convinced Obama, the liberal mindset, the liberal media, hollywood, the godless among us, have destroyed this nation already.

I am in survival and pray for deliverance mode.
Obama is not qualified, the guy is basically a lazy retard.

Former professor of constitutional law at Harvard, Senator, President of the United States.

I'd say that he's most certainly qualified.

The fool was never a professor, he's not qualified to be a professor or even and associate professor. He was an instructor and his students rated his class pretty low as in he sucked even at that.
When Clinton wins, she might choose Obama for the Supreme Court

How else do you think she BOUGHT his protection from the FBI e-mail investigation and refused to allow the investigation into the Clinton Foundation.....?!


Sorry, I don't exist in the republican world of bizzarro imagination.
If Obama wants it, he could very easily be confirmed
You're dreaming...he could never get confirmed...Even with a democrat led congress. His popularity is only at 50% half the nation dislikes him and does not trust him. Not even a democrat wants to defend their vote to sit Obama on the bench. Just will not happen...plus remember the Clinton's hate the Obama's.

You're dreaming.

Obama chose her for Secretary of State when he didn't have to .. AND, it makes a lot of sense for her politically.

Yeah, he put her in a position where she couldn't bash him his entire first term and challenge him when he ran for his second, it was a purely self serving more.

I'm not sure you understand the nature of politics.

"Like" has nothing to do with it. 'Purpose' has everything to do with it.

The Obama / Clinton relationship has been purposeful. It doesn't matter whether they like each other or not.

Feel free to point where I said he liked her, her being in his administration was self serving as I sated, with him everything is a political calculation. As in keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Dude .. you suggest that Trump should be the president. You mean there are no bells going off in your head right now?You're a republican .. a member of an all white party in the year 2016.

No bells? Are your eyes open? Trump is doing more to expose and destroy the Republican Party than any democrat could ever accomplish by themselves. We seriously disagree with your conclusions my friend.

Dude, I do not care if Trump destroys the Republican party.

Dude, I am convinced Obama, the liberal mindset, the liberal media, hollywood, the godless among us, have destroyed this nation already.

I am in survival and pray for deliverance mode.

Obama isn't a liberal .. he's a corporatist.

.. as I've said, just sit back and enjoy the show .. that you helped to create.
Dude .. you suggest that Trump should be the president. You mean there are no bells going off in your head right now?You're a republican .. a member of an all white party in the year 2016.

No bells? Are your eyes open? Trump is doing more to expose and destroy the Republican Party than any democrat could ever accomplish by themselves. We seriously disagree with your conclusions my friend.

Dude, I do not care if Trump destroys the Republican party.

Dude, I am convinced Obama, the liberal mindset, the liberal media, hollywood, the godless among us, have destroyed this nation already.

I am in survival and pray for deliverance mode.
Paranoia will destroy ya. The nation is fine, it's just the day is finally here when the white protestant male only owns/controls most things rather than everything.
I was just thinking about that yesterday. What better outcome for the misguided Trumptards to have to face.

Especially to face up to the fact that a sane Republican candidate could well have beaten Clinton.
Their sane ones are always the 1st ones they Primary- out lol
If Obama wants it, he could very easily be confirmed
You're dreaming...he could never get confirmed...Even with a democrat led congress. His popularity is only at 50% half the nation dislikes him and does not trust him. Not even a democrat wants to defend their vote to sit Obama on the bench. Just will not happen...plus remember the Clinton's hate the Obama's.

You're dreaming.

Obama chose her for Secretary of State when he didn't have to .. AND, it makes a lot of sense for her politically.

Yeah, he put her in a position where she couldn't bash him his entire first term and challenge him when he ran for his second, it was a purely self serving more.

I'm not sure you understand the nature of politics.

"Like" has nothing to do with it. 'Purpose' has everything to do with it.

The Obama / Clinton relationship has been purposeful. It doesn't matter whether they like each other or not.

Feel free to point where I said he liked her, her being in his administration was self serving as I sated, with him everything is a political calculation. As in keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

My bad .. you didn't say 'liked' .. but what you did say surely was never a consideration. Hillary was not going to bash Obama throughout his term knowing that she would need him and his voters after he left office. That was never going to happen.
Dude .. you suggest that Trump should be the president. You mean there are no bells going off in your head right now?You're a republican .. a member of an all white party in the year 2016.

No bells? Are your eyes open? Trump is doing more to expose and destroy the Republican Party than any democrat could ever accomplish by themselves. We seriously disagree with your conclusions my friend.

Dude, I do not care if Trump destroys the Republican party.

Dude, I am convinced Obama, the liberal mindset, the liberal media, hollywood, the godless among us, have destroyed this nation already.

I am in survival and pray for deliverance mode.

Seriously? Please seek counseling!
Now I get it...Wingnuts think that liberals are as stupid and partisan as they are!

No. Clinton will not be nominating Obama to the SC. Anyone who Clinton nominates will be an experienced judge.

So you're calling the regressive that posted the OP a wingnut? Couldn't agree more.
Now I get it...Wingnuts think that liberals are as stupid and partisan as they are!

No. Clinton will not be nominating Obama to the SC. Anyone who Clinton nominates will be an experienced judge.

I disagree. The politics of it are perfect .. and democrats aren't saints above politics.
You're dreaming...he could never get confirmed...Even with a democrat led congress. His popularity is only at 50% half the nation dislikes him and does not trust him. Not even a democrat wants to defend their vote to sit Obama on the bench. Just will not happen...plus remember the Clinton's hate the Obama's.

You're dreaming.

Obama chose her for Secretary of State when he didn't have to .. AND, it makes a lot of sense for her politically.

Yeah, he put her in a position where she couldn't bash him his entire first term and challenge him when he ran for his second, it was a purely self serving more.

I'm not sure you understand the nature of politics.

"Like" has nothing to do with it. 'Purpose' has everything to do with it.

The Obama / Clinton relationship has been purposeful. It doesn't matter whether they like each other or not.

Feel free to point where I said he liked her, her being in his administration was self serving as I sated, with him everything is a political calculation. As in keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

My bad .. you didn't say 'liked' .. but what you did say surely was never a consideration. Hillary was not going to bash Obama throughout his term knowing that she would need him and his voters after he left office. That was never going to happen.

OK, I guess your crystal ball told you that.
Dude .. you suggest that Trump should be the president. You mean there are no bells going off in your head right now?You're a republican .. a member of an all white party in the year 2016.

No bells? Are your eyes open? Trump is doing more to expose and destroy the Republican Party than any democrat could ever accomplish by themselves. We seriously disagree with your conclusions my friend.

Dude, I do not care if Trump destroys the Republican party.

Dude, I am convinced Obama, the liberal mindset, the liberal media, hollywood, the godless among us, have destroyed this nation already.

I am in survival and pray for deliverance mode.

Seriously? Please seek counseling!

From who? From those like you who have no fear of God?
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