When Clinton wins, she might choose Obama for the Supreme Court

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Obama for the Supreme Court - The Boston Globe

I didn't vote for him, but he might make a better Supreme Court Justice then he was a president .. and when Clinton wins, if democrats win the Senate, she may well choose him.

There is logic and precedent behind the thought.

I nearly fainted and fell over.

Did not think a post here could have that affect.
Wow you are fragile. This ought to really shock you: The senate would not be able to name one reason to block his confirmation.

You mean other than he's not even a lawyer?

Again, that's not a reason. You do NOT have to be a lawyer to be named a Justice.

Educate yourself.
Obama is not qualified, the guy is basically a lazy retard.

Former professor of constitutional law at Harvard, Senator, President of the United States.

I'd say that he's most certainly qualified.
What really important legal cases has he argued? Oh yeah, NONE.

That's right, not a single case worth noting in his 20+ years since graduating law school. Does that sound like SCOTUS material? These libs are a laughing stock. :laugh:

Are you folks forgetting he was disbarred for lying on his bar application?

I did not know that, but I'm not surprised one bit its consistent with his lack of character and pattern of dishonesty.
Obama is not qualified, the guy is basically a lazy retard.

Former professor of constitutional law at Harvard, Senator, President of the United States.

I'd say that he's most certainly qualified.

The fool was never a professor, he's not qualified to be a professor or even and associate professor. He was an instructor and his students rated his class pretty low as in he sucked even at that.

From 96-04 he tough 3 courses a year at the University of Chicago in Constitutional Law. He was a senior lecturer, which means that his teaching status was infinitely more serious than Bush 43's military service but decidedly lower on the totem pole than a full tenured professor.

But you're not interested in parsing this according to fact - this comes through in your post.

So I ask you fine sir:

Why not be honest and admit that you hate Obama and all democrats, and that you don't think there is any Democrat qualified to be on the SC because Democrats are lazy, stupid and corrupt?

Why not also admit that you would take an illiterate Rightwing pig over Obama provided said pig vowed to defend conservative causes (2nd Amendment, small government, anti-abortion) with religious fidelity?

Or why not just post a crybaby emoji with the words "I hate Obama". This would get you some credibility points. As it stands, you're just posting moronic garbage that won't sway people who are genuinely curious about his qualifications.
Obama for the Supreme Court - The Boston Globe

I didn't vote for him, but he might make a better Supreme Court Justice then he was a president .. and when Clinton wins, if democrats win the Senate, she may well choose him.

There is logic and precedent behind the thought.

I nearly fainted and fell over.

Did not think a post here could have that affect.
Wow you are fragile. This ought to really shock you: The senate would not be able to name one reason to block his confirmation.

You mean other than he's not even a lawyer?

Again, that's not a reason. You do NOT have to be a lawyer to be named a Justice.

Educate yourself.

You do NOT have to be a lawyer to be named a Justice.

BINGO!!! .. and absolutely correct.
Obama is not qualified, the guy is basically a lazy retard.

Former professor of constitutional law at Harvard, Senator, President of the United States.

I'd say that he's most certainly qualified.

The fool was never a professor, he's not qualified to be a professor or even and associate professor. He was an instructor and his students rated his class pretty low as in he sucked even at that.

From 96-04 he tough 3 courses a year at the University of Chicago in Constitutional Law. He was a senior lecturer, which means that his teaching status was infinitely more serious than Bush 43's military service but decidedly lower on the totem pole than a full tenured professor.

But you're not interested in parsing this according to fact - this comes through in your post.

So I ask you fine sir:

Why not be honest and admit that you hate Obama and all democrats, and that you don't think there is any Democrat qualified to be on the SC because Democrats are lazy, stupid and corrupt?

Why not also admit that you would take an illiterate Rightwing pig over Obama provided said pig vowed to defend conservative causes (2nd Amendment, small government, anti-abortion) with religious fidelity?

Or why not just post a crybaby emoji with the words "I hate Obama". This would get you some credibility points. As it stands, you're just posting moronic garbage that won't sway people who are genuinely curious about his qualifications.

At least you acknowledge the lie about Obama every being considered a professor LO

Obama, his wife and their friend Valerie could all end up there. Think of the money that could be made on that level of pay to play. They would be Sorosillioners in no time.

And name a dept. or branch in our Gov. that would oppose Hillary on anything she plans to do. Who stopped Obama? He was so arrogant that he said he didn't have the right to do X, then did it, and then laughs and golfs..

And they will find that Bribery is a protected constitutional right, leaving Hillary and the party to continue their current methods with no concerns of consequence should an honest person get in office...
Obama is not qualified, the guy is basically a lazy retard.

Former professor of constitutional law at Harvard, Senator, President of the United States.

I'd say that he's most certainly qualified.

The fool was never a professor, he's not qualified to be a professor or even and associate professor. He was an instructor and his students rated his class pretty low as in he sucked even at that.

From 96-04 he tough 3 courses a year at the University of Chicago in Constitutional Law. He was a senior lecturer, which means that his teaching status was infinitely more serious than Bush 43's military service but decidedly lower on the totem pole than a full tenured professor.

But you're not interested in parsing this according to fact - this comes through in your post.

So I ask you fine sir:

Why not be honest and admit that you hate Obama and all democrats, and that you don't think there is any Democrat qualified to be on the SC because Democrats are lazy, stupid and corrupt?

Why not also admit that you would take an illiterate Rightwing pig over Obama provided said pig vowed to defend conservative causes (2nd Amendment, small government, anti-abortion) with religious fidelity?

Or why not just post a crybaby emoji with the words "I hate Obama". This would get you some credibility points. As it stands, you're just posting moronic garbage that won't sway people who are genuinely curious about his qualifications.

I'll be honest, Obama is a dimwit.
How many Muslims, Khan for instance since everyone liked him, could Hillary seat to move our laws in a more global direction..
Obama for the Supreme Court - The Boston Globe

I didn't vote for him, but he might make a better Supreme Court Justice then he was a president .. and when Clinton wins, if democrats win the Senate, she may well choose him.

There is logic and precedent behind the thought.
BHO is not trained in appellate trial review.

He is not cut out for it.

With his presidential retirement salary he does not need to work anymore.

Why should he work?

Carter doesn't work.

GHW doesn't work.

GW is rich and also doesn't work.

Gore doesn't work.

So why should BHO work ??

Because he might want to .. because of his own sense of self-importance .. because of his legacy.

Point is, if he wants the job, he could have it.

No he can't he's not even a lawyer.

There are ZERO requirements to be nominated to as a Justice. You don't have to have a law license. In fact, you don't even have to have attended college, let alone law school.

Feel free to run with that, then see how far an unqualified individual would make it as a nominee.
Hillary Clinton ‘loves’ the idea of appointing Obama to Supreme Court
Hillary Clinton ‘loves’ the idea of appointing Obama to Supreme Court

If Obama wants it, he could very easily be confirmed.

Republicans will be anxiously trying to remake themselves.

I'll tell you what should really scare the hell out of anyone in regards to Obama being on the SCOTUS. He's already proven that he doesn't give one shit about separation of powers. That's all we need is SCOTUS actually ruling in favor of such over reaches.

Now, that might sound real good when a President you like is over reaching and doing shit you agree with, but what happens when the shoe is on the other foot?
You do NOT have to be a lawyer to be named a Justice.

BINGO!!! .. and absolutely correct.

I think you are onto something there.

Since it has already been proven you do not have to have a conscience to elect that lying phony a second time.
If Obama wants it, he could very easily be confirmed
You're dreaming...he could never get confirmed...Even with a democrat led congress. His popularity is only at 50% half the nation dislikes him and does not trust him. Not even a democrat wants to defend their vote to sit Obama on the bench. Just will not happen...plus remember the Clinton's hate the Obama's.
I hope not. I hope she renominates Garland.
Unless Hillary also captures the Senate with her coattails, nobody that she nominates will be confirmed by McConnell -- probably not for 4 years.

The Senate's job is to make sure no more communists get onto the High Court.

Go for it. Two more years of obstructionism will lead to a super majority for the Dems in the Senate and a takeover of the House and many State Houses as well.
Obama for the Supreme Court - The Boston Globe

I didn't vote for him, but he might make a better Supreme Court Justice then he was a president .. and when Clinton wins, if democrats win the Senate, she may well choose him.

There is logic and precedent behind the thought.

He sucks as President. Why would the country want someone that has so little knowledge of the Constitution being in a place to interpret it. He's proven he can't be trusted to apply the document.
If Obama wants it, he could very easily be confirmed
You're dreaming...he could never get confirmed...Even with a democrat led congress. His popularity is only at 50% half the nation dislikes him and does not trust him. Not even a democrat wants to defend their vote to sit Obama on the bench. Just will not happen...plus remember the Clinton's hate the Obama's.

You're dreaming.

Obama chose her for Secretary of State when he didn't have to .. AND, it makes a lot of sense for her politically.
I hope not. I hope she renominates Garland.
Unless Hillary also captures the Senate with her coattails, nobody that she nominates will be confirmed by McConnell -- probably not for 4 years.

The Senate's job is to make sure no more communists get onto the High Court.

Go for it. Two more years of obstructionism will lead to a super majority for the Dems in the Senate and a takeover of the House and many State Houses as well.

Strange that when Republicans try to prevent what they consider nonsense from being put in place, Democrats call it obstruction. However, when Democrats try to prevent what they consider nonsense from being put in place they call it looking out for the country and the people.
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