When Clinton wins, she might choose Obama for the Supreme Court

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Pretty sure Obama wouldn't be interested, but it's fun to watch the right wingers go nuts at the possibility. Many of them are convinced that he will do away with elections and remain in charge anyway. Their imagination has no limit.
Obama a Constitutional Law Professor?

Q: Was Barack Obama really a constitutional law professor?

A: His formal title was "senior lecturer," but the University of Chicago Law School says he "served as a professor" and was "regarded as" a professor.
Obama a Constitutional Law Professor?

And yes, it was at the University of Chicago Law School not Harvard where he served as Head of Harvard's Law Review .. considered the highest student position at the Law School.

Point being, of course he's qualified.

Point being , you lied when you posted that he was a Harvard professor.

and the U of Chicago lies when they claim he served as a professor, he did not, and was not regarded as a Professor until he started running for President, then Suddenly he was Professor Obama LOL
Pretty sure Obama wouldn't be interested, but it's fun to watch the right wingers go nuts at the possibility. Many of them are convinced that he will do away with elections and remain in charge anyway. Their imagination has no limit.

I know right, they are as insane as the people who think Trump would unilaterally nuke one of our allies. LOL stupid people.
Obama for the Supreme Court - The Boston Globe

I didn't vote for him, but he might make a better Supreme Court Justice then he was a president .. and when Clinton wins, if democrats win the Senate, she may well choose him.

There is logic and precedent behind the thought.
BHO is not trained in appellate trial review.

He is not cut out for it.

With his presidential retirement salary he does not need to work anymore.

Why should he work?

Carter doesn't work.

GHW doesn't work.

GW is rich and also doesn't work.

Gore doesn't work.

So why should BHO work ??
I hope not. I hope she renominates Garland.
Unless Hillary also captures the Senate with her coattails, nobody that she nominates will be confirmed by McConnell -- probably not for 4 years.

The Senate's job is to make sure no more communists get onto the High Court.
Pretty sure Obama wouldn't be interested, but it's fun to watch the right wingers go nuts at the possibility. Many of them are convinced that he will do away with elections and remain in charge anyway. Their imagination has no limit.

:0) Exactly
Obama is not qualified, the guy is basically a lazy retard.

Former professor of constitutional law at Harvard, Senator, President of the United States.

I'd say that he's most certainly qualified.

A man who tells us President Bush is un-American for adding 4 trillion to our debt, then proceeds to add 10 trillion himself might be qualified to run the milkshake machine at McDonald's. But even that is a stretch. Just let him build his library and retire in peace while the rest of us fix all the shit he caused.
Obama for the Supreme Court - The Boston Globe

I didn't vote for him, but he might make a better Supreme Court Justice then he was a president .. and when Clinton wins, if democrats win the Senate, she may well choose him.

There is logic and precedent behind the thought.

I don't put much stock in the opinions of people who don't know the proper uses of "then" and "than". Plus a real job would put too much of a crimp in the dear leaders life style, I doubt he would be interested.
I was just thinking about that yesterday. What better outcome for the misguided Trumptards to have to face.

Especially to face up to the fact that a sane Republican candidate could well have beaten Clinton.
Pretty sure Obama wouldn't be interested, but it's fun to watch the right wingers go nuts at the possibility. Many of them are convinced that he will do away with elections and remain in charge anyway. Their imagination has no limit.

I know right, they are as insane as the people who think Trump would unilaterally nuke one of our allies. LOL stupid people.

Trump has said it was a possibility. Nobody put those words in his mouth.
Obama for the Supreme Court - The Boston Globe

I didn't vote for him, but he might make a better Supreme Court Justice then he was a president .. and when Clinton wins, if democrats win the Senate, she may well choose him.

There is logic and precedent behind the thought.
BHO is not trained in appellate trial review.

He is not cut out for it.

With his presidential retirement salary he does not need to work anymore.

Why should he work?

Carter doesn't work.

GHW doesn't work.

GW is rich and also doesn't work.

Gore doesn't work.

So why should BHO work ??

Because he might want to .. because of his own sense of self-importance .. because of his legacy.

Point is, if he wants the job, he could have it.
Obama is not qualified, the guy is basically a lazy retard.

Former professor of constitutional law at Harvard, Senator, President of the United States.

I'd say that he's most certainly qualified.
What really important legal cases has he argued? Oh yeah, NONE.

That's right, not a single case worth noting in his 20+ years since graduating law school. Does that sound like SCOTUS material? These libs are a laughing stock. :laugh:
Oh wouldn't that just grate on cons. It would be like they are getting a lap dance and Obama is twerking in their face.

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