When Clinton wins, she might choose Obama for the Supreme Court

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Feel free to point where I said he liked her, her being in his administration was self serving as I sated, with him everything is a political calculation. As in keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

My bad .. you didn't say 'liked' .. but what you did say surely was never a consideration. Hillary was not going to bash Obama throughout his term knowing that she would need him and his voters after he left office. That was never going to happen.

OK, I guess your crystal ball told you that.

The nature of politics SHOULD have told you that.

That was never going to happen. Clinton needs energized black voters to win. You think that was going to happen if she spent his terms in office bashing him?

Yeah, let her run on the economics of blacks and how your dear leaders administration has left them in the dust. 58% more blacks on food stamps, higher unemployment, the loss of median income and lower home ownership. I'm sure blacks will jump all over themselves to support more of the same. More pie in the sky promises and commiecrat propaganda, just what blacks need to get ahead. LMAO And you're one of her best propagandist, good job! You don't give a shit about anyone but yourself.

:lol: Sure ..

It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!
It's Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp 'Moochers' in the Country!

I'm real comfortable with you thinking we're all on welfare looking for handouts. :0)

2016 Nielsen Report: Black Buying Power Has Reached Tipping Point, But How Will Black America Leverage it to Create Wealth?

A new report from Nielsen, “The Increasingly Affluent, Educated and Diverse,” explores the “untold story” of African-American consumers, particularly Black households earning $75,000 or more per year. According to the report, Black people in this segment are growing faster in size and influence than whites in all income groups above $60,000. And as African-American incomes increase, their spending surpasses that of the total population in areas such as insurance policies, pensions and retirement savings.


Further, there has been substantial education growth among Blacks, with high school graduation rates exceeding 70 percent, outpacing the growth for all students nationwide.

In addition, Blacks are making gains in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) careers, helping to fuel income gains. The largest increase for Black households was in the number of households making over $200,000, an increase of 138 percent compared to a total population increase of 74 percent.


2016 Nielsen Report: Black Buying Power Has Reached Tipping Point, But How Will Black America Leverage it to Create Wealth? - Atlanta Black Star

I'm good with whatever you think about us.

Right, how about you go to some inner city black areas and tell them how good they got it. Let us know how that works out for ya, if you're able. That said nothing you just posted changes what I said in any way. The average black family are not feeling the "recovery"
Obama does not want the job...it would tie his hands

Obama will become the soul of America....fighting against gun violence and for civil rights
Obama does not want the job...it would tie his hands

Obama will become the soul of America....fighting against gun violence and for civil rights
The "soul" of America.
Boy does your imagination take liberties.
As an ex-President, his hands are no longer tied

He will start to take on the fights he couldn't as President. Against gun violence and for racial understanding
Obama does not want the job...it would tie his hands

Obama will become the soul of America....fighting against gun violence and for civil rights
Barry is a fuck up, and an absolute diversionary... Shit for brains
She wouldn't pick him. They hate each other. And he wouldn't get approved anyway.

Hi Howey.....

Why do you prefer liberalism? Unwilling or unable to do for yourself?

"Liberalism" is what Jefferson, Mason, Paine, et al. promoted. What Progressive promotes is Totalitarian Marxism. It has nothing to do with "liberalism."

The first attribute of liberalism is "laissez faire," or "hands off." Anyone claiming to support liberalism who does not promote Laissez Faire economics is a liar. Anyone claiming to be a liberal who does not support laissez faire in regard to religion is a liar.

The American left have nothing in common with liberalism, they are Marxists. They seek a centrally controlled economy with strict social and political regimentation. democrats bristle when you point out that they are authoritarian, but they are. The seek to strictly regulate speech and thought. Conformity is paramount in all things.
What the fuck!!? You are making even less sense than before and contradicting yourself as well. First you say: The first attribute of liberalism is "laissez faire," or "hands off."

Then you say: They seek a centrally controlled economy with strict social and political regimentation. democrats bristle when you point out that they are authoritarian, but they are.

So which is it? Obviously you don't know what the fuck you're taking about. Liberals wand sensible regulations and controls on the inherent excesses and abuses of capitalism while supporting the free market economy . Do you have a problem with that or are you just so ignorant and brain washed that you don't believe or understand that?

Sensible regulations and controls? Now that's funny. You want TO CONTROL and there's nothing sensible about that. That's the problem. You say what should be done, call it sensible, then expect the rest of us to simply agree.
Obama is not qualified, the guy is basically a lazy retard.

Former professor of constitutional law at Harvard, Senator, President of the United States.

I'd say that he's most certainly qualified.
He has never been a judge at any level. I know that doesn't disqualify him, but there are much better choices available.
Name some Boss.

Just like with being President, being black doesn't make him qualified, NL.
When Clinton wins, she might choose Obama for the Supreme Court
Nah, she'll be wanting her legacy in history books to not look like a failure. Nominating Obama for the Supreme Court would be like tapping the bat boy at a major league game to be the star pitcher the next year. Obama's lighting up the Whitehouse with rainbow colors the same day as Obergefell means he CLEARLY does not understand how at least the appearance of separation of powers is vital to the Union.

He's already failed. He would never be nominated but this is a Trump/GOP scare tactic thread anyway. Like, duh.

What she wants is to be re-elected after 2016.

Start from there.

Maybe she thinks nominating a black will be a way, like Lyndon Johnson, did to keep blacks on that plantation.
When Clinton wins, she might choose Obama for the Supreme Court

How else do you think she BOUGHT his protection from the FBI e-mail investigation and refused to allow the investigation into the Clinton Foundation.....?!


Sorry, I don't exist in the republican world of bizzarro imagination.

You exist on the Democrat plantation as the typical house negro.
What were two Republicans thinking, calling Obama 'tar baby' and 'boy'?

Congressman Lynn Westmoreland Calls Barack Obama "Uppity"

How Republicans see Obama.

Except he's not black, so this 'argument' is pointless.

Uhh .. he's definitely Black. You wouldn't know his mother is white unless he told you.

When you mix black and white parents, the child comes out black.

Oh Lawd .. how does that happen?

Start from here .. you're genetically African .. yes, you. Sex with someone black .. bingo .. black child. :0)

Hope that helps.

Mixed race children aren't hard to recognize. Someone that is 100% black is, as you name says, black as coal. Mixed race kids (black and white) look like coffee with a lot of creamer.
Obama is not qualified, the guy is basically a lazy retard.

Former professor of constitutional law at Harvard, Senator, President of the United States.

I'd say that he's most certainly qualified.
64 Constitutional violations and you think he was qualified for that job? Cute. Also consider he made those violations after swearing to uphold the Constitution. Liars aren't qualified for any public office.

Yeah, I know .. and he doesn't have a birth certificate either. :lol:

He has something he provided that he claimed was.

He also claims to have done a lot educationally but nothing has been provided to show that.
I was just thinking about that yesterday. What better outcome for the misguided Trumptards to have to face.

Especially to face up to the fact that a sane Republican candidate could well have beaten Clinton.
There very same shit the MSM is putting on Trump would be, with minor changes for personality, put on any republican nominee. They build up the candidate they want and then tear him apart after the convention. Problem is that overflowing crowds come out to support Trump and Hillary can barely get half an auditorium.
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Obama for the Supreme Court - The Boston Globe

I didn't vote for him, but he might make a better Supreme Court Justice then he was a president .. and when Clinton wins, if democrats win the Senate, she may well choose him.

There is logic and precedent behind the thought.

i don't think she will....but i'd love to see dumb donald's minions go into permanent meltdown
Obama is not qualified, the guy is basically a lazy retard.

Former professor of constitutional law at Harvard, Senator, President of the United States.

I'd say that he's most certainly qualified.
64 Constitutional violations and you think he was qualified for that job? Cute. Also consider he made those violations after swearing to uphold the Constitution. Liars aren't qualified for any public office.

Yeah, I know .. and he doesn't have a birth certificate either. :lol:

He has something he provided that he claimed was.

He also claims to have done a lot educationally but nothing has been provided to show that.

funny how only the black guy who became president is asked for this type of thing.

he was the president of the harvard law review. harvard never contradicted that.

but no doubt there's nothing racist in the demand.
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