When Clinton wins, she might choose Obama for the Supreme Court

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Obama is not qualified, the guy is basically a lazy retard.

Former professor of constitutional law at Harvard, Senator, President of the United States.

I'd say that he's most certainly qualified.
He has never been a judge at any level. I know that doesn't disqualify him, but there are much better choices available.
Name some Boss.
I would imagine there are any number of qualified judges currently sitting on Federal Court of Appeals, District Courts, State Supreme Courts, etc. The only advantage I could see to Obama as a Supreme Court Justice would be the entertainment value of watching conservative heads explode.
Obama for the Supreme Court - The Boston Globe

I didn't vote for him, but he might make a better Supreme Court Justice then he was a president .. and when Clinton wins, if democrats win the Senate, she may well choose him.

There is logic and precedent behind the thought.

Not a chance that he would accept it. He will pull a Bill Clinton and go to all of the countries that he sucked up to and make millions making speeches.
Obama for the Supreme Court - The Boston Globe

I didn't vote for him, but he might make a better Supreme Court Justice then he was a president .. and when Clinton wins, if democrats win the Senate, she may well choose him.

There is logic and precedent behind the thought.

I nearly fainted and fell over.

Did not think a post here could have that affect.
Wow you are fragile. This ought to really shock you: The senate would not be able to name one reason to block his confirmation.

The Senate doesn't need a reason. They don't even have to accept anyone that the President nominates.
Obama is not qualified, the guy is basically a lazy retard.

Former professor of constitutional law at Harvard, Senator, President of the United States.

I'd say that he's most certainly qualified.

The fool was never a professor, he's not qualified to be a professor or even and associate professor. He was an instructor and his students rated his class pretty low as in he sucked even at that.

From 96-04 he tough 3 courses a year at the University of Chicago in Constitutional Law. He was a senior lecturer, which means that his teaching status was infinitely more serious than Bush 43's military service but decidedly lower on the totem pole than a full tenured professor.

But you're not interested in parsing this according to fact - this comes through in your post.

So I ask you fine sir:

Why not be honest and admit that you hate Obama and all democrats, and that you don't think there is any Democrat qualified to be on the SC because Democrats are lazy, stupid and corrupt?

Why not also admit that you would take an illiterate Rightwing pig over Obama provided said pig vowed to defend conservative causes (2nd Amendment, small government, anti-abortion) with religious fidelity?

Or why not just post a crybaby emoji with the words "I hate Obama". This would get you some credibility points. As it stands, you're just posting moronic garbage that won't sway people who are genuinely curious about his qualifications.

Teaching 3 classes a year is infinitely more serious than flying a single seat, single engine supersonic fighter aircraft.

OK, if you say so.
After Clinton wins in a landslide .. just relax and enjoy life knowing that national politics are out of your hands.
I am afraid you are right on who will win.

But then you want me to relax and "enjoy life?" You mean like I have "enjoyed" watching Obama, the liberal judges and secular humanists destroy this nation's soul, will and reputation the last eight years??

It is people and voters like you who are so clueless or indifferent that the devil roams free. IMO

Dude .. you suggest that Trump should be the president.

You mean there are no bells going off in your head right now?

You're a republican .. a member of an all white party in the year 2016.

No bells?

Are your eyes open? Trump is doing more to expose and destroy the Republican Party than any democrat could ever accomplish by themselves.

We seriously disagree with your conclusions my friend.

I admit that all of the black folks that are getting free stuff are Hillary supporters, but there are quite a number of educated blacks that support Trump.
After Clinton wins in a landslide .. just relax and enjoy life knowing that national politics are out of your hands.
I am afraid you are right on who will win.

But then you want me to relax and "enjoy life?" You mean like I have "enjoyed" watching Obama, the liberal judges and secular humanists destroy this nation's soul, will and reputation the last eight years??

It is people and voters like you who are so clueless or indifferent that the devil roams free. IMO

Dude .. you suggest that Trump should be the president.

You mean there are no bells going off in your head right now?

You're a republican .. a member of an all white party in the year 2016.

No bells?

Are your eyes open? Trump is doing more to expose and destroy the Republican Party than any democrat could ever accomplish by themselves.

We seriously disagree with your conclusions my friend.

I admit that all of the black folks that are getting free stuff are Hillary supporters, but there are quite a number of educated blacks that support Trump.
Yup, all 2% of them. You were dropped on your head as a teenager, weren't you?
Obama is not qualified, the guy is basically a lazy retard.

Former professor of constitutional law at Harvard, Senator, President of the United States.

I'd say that he's most certainly qualified.
He has never been a judge at any level. I know that doesn't disqualify him, but there are much better choices available.
Name some Boss.
I would imagine there are any number of qualified judges currently sitting on Federal Court of Appeals, District Courts, State Supreme Courts, etc. The only advantage I could see to Obama as a Supreme Court Justice would be the entertainment value of watching conservative heads explode.
Yes, I would enjoy the exploding heads as well, but he is also a talented Constitutional scholar.
After Clinton wins in a landslide .. just relax and enjoy life knowing that national politics are out of your hands.
I am afraid you are right on who will win.

But then you want me to relax and "enjoy life?" You mean like I have "enjoyed" watching Obama, the liberal judges and secular humanists destroy this nation's soul, will and reputation the last eight years??

It is people and voters like you who are so clueless or indifferent that the devil roams free. IMO

Dude .. you suggest that Trump should be the president.

You mean there are no bells going off in your head right now?

You're a republican .. a member of an all white party in the year 2016.

No bells?

Are your eyes open? Trump is doing more to expose and destroy the Republican Party than any democrat could ever accomplish by themselves.

We seriously disagree with your conclusions my friend.

I admit that all of the black folks that are getting free stuff are Hillary supporters, but there are quite a number of educated blacks that support Trump.
Chris Cillizza on Twitter
After Clinton wins in a landslide .. just relax and enjoy life knowing that national politics are out of your hands.
I am afraid you are right on who will win.

But then you want me to relax and "enjoy life?" You mean like I have "enjoyed" watching Obama, the liberal judges and secular humanists destroy this nation's soul, will and reputation the last eight years??

It is people and voters like you who are so clueless or indifferent that the devil roams free. IMO

Dude .. you suggest that Trump should be the president.

You mean there are no bells going off in your head right now?

You're a republican .. a member of an all white party in the year 2016.

No bells?

Are your eyes open? Trump is doing more to expose and destroy the Republican Party than any democrat could ever accomplish by themselves.

We seriously disagree with your conclusions my friend.

I admit that all of the black folks that are getting free stuff are Hillary supporters, but there are quite a number of educated blacks that support Trump.
Republicans Panic Over Trump, Write Letter To RNC In Fear Of ‘Extinction Event’ | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

As Donald Trump continues to sink in the polls while refusing to curb his extreme rhetoric, many Republicans have jumped ship from the party, choosing to vote for Hillary Clinton instead or not vote at all.

The Republican nominee is even dragging other Republicans down with him as Democrats have a real good chance of taking back the Senate and the House because Trump’s stink is causing trouble for GOP candidates in races across the nation.

We believe that Donald Trump’s divisiveness, recklessness, incompetence, and record-breaking unpopularity risk turning this election into a Democratic landslide, and only the immediate shift of all available RNC resources to vulnerable Senate and House races will prevent the GOP from drowning with a Trump-emblazoned anchor around its neck,” the letter states. “This should not be a difficult decision, as Donald Trump’s chances of being elected president are evaporating by the day.”
Obama is not qualified, the guy is basically a lazy retard.

Former professor of constitutional law at Harvard, Senator, President of the United States.

I'd say that he's most certainly qualified.

The fool was never a professor, he's not qualified to be a professor or even and associate professor. He was an instructor and his students rated his class pretty low as in he sucked even at that.

From 96-04 he tough 3 courses a year at the University of Chicago in Constitutional Law. He was a senior lecturer, which means that his teaching status was infinitely more serious than Bush 43's military service but decidedly lower on the totem pole than a full tenured professor.

But you're not interested in parsing this according to fact - this comes through in your post.

So I ask you fine sir:

Why not be honest and admit that you hate Obama and all democrats, and that you don't think there is any Democrat qualified to be on the SC because Democrats are lazy, stupid and corrupt?

Why not also admit that you would take an illiterate Rightwing pig over Obama provided said pig vowed to defend conservative causes (2nd Amendment, small government, anti-abortion) with religious fidelity?

Or why not just post a crybaby emoji with the words "I hate Obama". This would get you some credibility points. As it stands, you're just posting moronic garbage that won't sway people who are genuinely curious about his qualifications.

Teaching 3 classes a year is infinitely more serious than flying a single seat, single engine supersonic fighter aircraft. OK, if you say so.
In terms of seriousness to the country, yes? You bet.
Yeah, there is some background talk about Michelle and a senate seat in Illinois in either two or four years.
Obama for the Supreme Court - The Boston Globe

I didn't vote for him, but he might make a better Supreme Court Justice then he was a president .. and when Clinton wins, if democrats win the Senate, she may well choose him.

There is logic and precedent behind the thought.

I nearly fainted and fell over.

Did not think a post here could have that affect.
Wow you are fragile. This ought to really shock you: The senate would not be able to name one reason to block his confirmation.

The Senate doesn't need a reason. They don't even have to accept anyone that the President nominates.

Republicans won't be controlling the Senate.

There is nothing republicans can do about it.

You lose .. to the victors goes the direction of America's future.
After Clinton wins in a landslide .. just relax and enjoy life knowing that national politics are out of your hands.
I am afraid you are right on who will win.

But then you want me to relax and "enjoy life?" You mean like I have "enjoyed" watching Obama, the liberal judges and secular humanists destroy this nation's soul, will and reputation the last eight years??

It is people and voters like you who are so clueless or indifferent that the devil roams free. IMO

Dude .. you suggest that Trump should be the president.

You mean there are no bells going off in your head right now?

You're a republican .. a member of an all white party in the year 2016.

No bells?

Are your eyes open? Trump is doing more to expose and destroy the Republican Party than any democrat could ever accomplish by themselves.

We seriously disagree with your conclusions my friend.

I admit that all of the black folks that are getting free stuff are Hillary supporters, but there are quite a number of educated blacks that support Trump.

What number .. 2%?

In case you haven't noticed, Trump is averaging about 2% of the black vote.

You thinking that the other 98% are getting 'free stuff' is why Trump only gets 2% .. it's why NO non-white demographic in this country votes for republicans in the majority or even in large numbers. Not Hispanics, not Muslims, not Asians, not Jews, not Indian-Americans .. where only 18% view the Republican Party favorably.

Republicans hate everybody .. and it's showing.
OP- Don't much believe it, but the whole idea sounds like the broad, sunlit uplands that Churchill was talking about....certainly not the ugly American snarling brainwashed pander to the greedy idiot rich GOP....talk about evil empires...
After Clinton wins in a landslide .. just relax and enjoy life knowing that national politics are out of your hands.
I am afraid you are right on who will win.

But then you want me to relax and "enjoy life?" You mean like I have "enjoyed" watching Obama, the liberal judges and secular humanists destroy this nation's soul, will and reputation the last eight years??

It is people and voters like you who are so clueless or indifferent that the devil roams free. IMO

Dude .. you suggest that Trump should be the president.

You mean there are no bells going off in your head right now?

You're a republican .. a member of an all white party in the year 2016.

No bells?

Are your eyes open? Trump is doing more to expose and destroy the Republican Party than any democrat could ever accomplish by themselves.

We seriously disagree with your conclusions my friend.

I admit that all of the black folks that are getting free stuff are Hillary supporters, but there are quite a number of educated blacks that support Trump.
Educated people supporting Trump ? :confused-84::confused-84::confused-84:
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