When Clinton wins, she might choose Obama for the Supreme Court

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Wow you are fragile. This ought to really shock you: The senate would not be able to name one reason to block his confirmation.
They would point to his unconstitutional executive orders and his willingness to ignore the constitution.
Obama for the Supreme Court - The Boston Globe

I didn't vote for him, but he might make a better Supreme Court Justice then he was a president .. and when Clinton wins, if democrats win the Senate, she may well choose him.

There is logic and precedent behind the thought.
well he does hate the Constitution and hillary would love to have more power and the ability to ignore the Constitution.

It's a win-win.

The deep evil of the left will be exposed so quickly that people will finally wake up and kill every politician
Obama for the Supreme Court - The Boston Globe

I didn't vote for him, but he might make a better Supreme Court Justice then he was a president .. and when Clinton wins, if democrats win the Senate, she may well choose him.

There is logic and precedent behind the thought.
He'd be an idiot to accept the post because he wont be able to parlay his time as president into a billion dollar fortune if he does
Obama is not qualified, the guy is basically a lazy retard.

Former professor of constitutional law at Harvard, Senator, President of the United States.

I'd say that he's most certainly qualified.
64 Constitutional violations and you think he was qualified for that job? Cute. Also consider he made those violations after swearing to uphold the Constitution. Liars aren't qualified for any public office.

Yeah, I know .. and he doesn't have a birth certificate either. :lol:

He has something he provided that he claimed was.

He also claims to have done a lot educationally but nothing has been provided to show that.

funny how only the black guy who became president is asked for this type of thing.

he was the president of the harvard law review. harvard never contradicted that.

but no doubt there's nothing racist in the demand.

Funny how the only thing you can come up with, and it's the automatic go to, is because he's black.
Obama is not qualified, the guy is basically a lazy retard.

Former professor of constitutional law at Harvard, Senator, President of the United States.

I'd say that he's most certainly qualified.
He wasn't a professor of Constitutional, and he wasn't on the staff at Harvard.

Is there anything else you know about Obama that is utterly wrong?

Its embarrassing how little these Obama ass kissers know about the guy. My guess he's a MSNBC gold member.
Uhh .. he's definitely Black. You wouldn't know his mother is white unless he told you.

When you mix black and white parents, the child comes out black.

Oh Lawd .. how does that happen?

Start from here .. you're genetically African .. yes, you. Sex with someone black .. bingo .. black child. :0)

Hope that helps.
He's defined as biracial because he has a white and a black parent. There's really nothing you can do to debate that.

Doesn't really matter how he's defined, he's black by all social measures. If you saw him walking down the street, you would see him as a black man. You wouldn't know his mother is white.

That's my point.
But everyone knows that his mother is white, it's on his wiki page. He's biracial, he's defined as biracial, every informed person knows he's biracial.
So what! Christ!! It doesn't get any more stupid than this. Who give a fuck!
The Liberals, apparently. I personally don't care what someone's skin color is, until the Liberals use it as an excuse to deflect criticism and pretend everyone who doesn't like the person is 'racist'.
I know, that's what the voices in your head and the World Net Daily keep telling you.
He's defined as biracial because he has a white and a black parent. There's really nothing you can do to debate that.

Doesn't really matter how he's defined, he's black by all social measures. If you saw him walking down the street, you would see him as a black man. You wouldn't know his mother is white.

That's my point.
But everyone knows that his mother is white, it's on his wiki page. He's biracial, he's defined as biracial, every informed person knows he's biracial.
So what! Christ!! It doesn't get any more stupid than this. Who give a fuck!
The Liberals, apparently. I personally don't care what someone's skin color is, until the Liberals use it as an excuse to deflect criticism and pretend everyone who doesn't like the person is 'racist'.
I know, that's what the voices in your head and the World Net Daily keep telling you.
Yet, in this very thread, people have already been accusing others of racism for criticizing Obama. You'd have to keep your eyes shut pretty tight to miss all the Liberals deflecting by calling others racist.
My bad .. you didn't say 'liked' .. but what you did say surely was never a consideration. Hillary was not going to bash Obama throughout his term knowing that she would need him and his voters after he left office. That was never going to happen.

OK, I guess your crystal ball told you that.

The nature of politics SHOULD have told you that.

That was never going to happen. Clinton needs energized black voters to win. You think that was going to happen if she spent his terms in office bashing him?

Yeah, let her run on the economics of blacks and how your dear leaders administration has left them in the dust. 58% more blacks on food stamps, higher unemployment, the loss of median income and lower home ownership. I'm sure blacks will jump all over themselves to support more of the same. More pie in the sky promises and commiecrat propaganda, just what blacks need to get ahead. LMAO And you're one of her best propagandist, good job! You don't give a shit about anyone but yourself.

:lol: Sure ..

It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!
It's Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp 'Moochers' in the Country!

I'm real comfortable with you thinking we're all on welfare looking for handouts. :0)

2016 Nielsen Report: Black Buying Power Has Reached Tipping Point, But How Will Black America Leverage it to Create Wealth?

A new report from Nielsen, “The Increasingly Affluent, Educated and Diverse,” explores the “untold story” of African-American consumers, particularly Black households earning $75,000 or more per year. According to the report, Black people in this segment are growing faster in size and influence than whites in all income groups above $60,000. And as African-American incomes increase, their spending surpasses that of the total population in areas such as insurance policies, pensions and retirement savings.


Further, there has been substantial education growth among Blacks, with high school graduation rates exceeding 70 percent, outpacing the growth for all students nationwide.

In addition, Blacks are making gains in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) careers, helping to fuel income gains. The largest increase for Black households was in the number of households making over $200,000, an increase of 138 percent compared to a total population increase of 74 percent.


2016 Nielsen Report: Black Buying Power Has Reached Tipping Point, But How Will Black America Leverage it to Create Wealth? - Atlanta Black Star

I'm good with whatever you think about us.

Right, how about you go to some inner city black areas and tell them how good they got it. Let us know how that works out for ya, if you're able. That said nothing you just posted changes what I said in any way. The average black family are not feeling the "recovery"

I'm in the inner city everyday. I mentor at-risk middle school boys. Point being, I know what's going on in black communities and with black families. The average black family knows exactly what they're dealing with in this system. Pretty sure I don't need advice on black life from the farm land.

I didn't expect you to pay any attention to the chart .. I didn't post it for you. I posted for people of conscience reading this thread. They are the only people that I'm talking to .. I'm just doing it through you. I'm demonstrating the weakness of the argument brother.

Are there many lingering problems within communities of people who have only been relatively free in this country for 51 years? Absolutely there are. We've been in America for over 400 years .. relatively free for only 51 years. I bet you've been alive longer than black people have been relatively free in this country.

Unknown to you and your argument is that we've made great strides in just 51 years. You got about a 350 year head start .. but you aren't 50 years ahead of black society today. You aren't one day ahead of me.

What I'm after is a society that the kids I mentor can believe in. They can't believe in a society where cops can murder them with impunity. Voting for Clinton and democrats helps us get to a society that they can believe in .. where grand juries are replaced, and cops are held to sane standards of behavior.

Again, you can believe whatever makes you comfy about black people. I don't care. But your party is imploding, and you knuckleheads didn't even have the intelligence to see that Trump was playing you for fools.

After this election republicans will be forced to try to remake themselves, and to slide away from RW thought and ideology which will not work in a changing America .. where Obama could be sitting on the Supreme Court. Scary huh? :0)

I'm fine right where I sit.
Doesn't really matter how he's defined, he's black by all social measures. If you saw him walking down the street, you would see him as a black man. You wouldn't know his mother is white.

That's my point.
But everyone knows that his mother is white, it's on his wiki page. He's biracial, he's defined as biracial, every informed person knows he's biracial.
So what! Christ!! It doesn't get any more stupid than this. Who give a fuck!
The Liberals, apparently. I personally don't care what someone's skin color is, until the Liberals use it as an excuse to deflect criticism and pretend everyone who doesn't like the person is 'racist'.
I know, that's what the voices in your head and the World Net Daily keep telling you.
Yet, in this very thread, people have already been accusing others of racism for criticizing Obama. You'd have to keep your eyes shut pretty tight to miss all the Liberals deflecting by calling others racist.

Here's the good news today.

Racism today is defined as such a vile and ignorant concept that even racists run from the word. :0)

There are lots of racists on this board, and one would have to be blind to every act of racism .. or be a republican not to see it.
But everyone knows that his mother is white, it's on his wiki page. He's biracial, he's defined as biracial, every informed person knows he's biracial.
So what! Christ!! It doesn't get any more stupid than this. Who give a fuck!
The Liberals, apparently. I personally don't care what someone's skin color is, until the Liberals use it as an excuse to deflect criticism and pretend everyone who doesn't like the person is 'racist'.
I know, that's what the voices in your head and the World Net Daily keep telling you.
Yet, in this very thread, people have already been accusing others of racism for criticizing Obama. You'd have to keep your eyes shut pretty tight to miss all the Liberals deflecting by calling others racist.

Here's the good news today.

Racism today is defined as such a vile and ignorant concept that even racists run from the word. :0)

There are lots of racists on this board, and one would have to be blind to every act of racism .. or be a republican not to see it.
Racism today is a nearly dead concept, propped up by Liberals to use as a tool to create more victims. You are perpetuating that.
Doesn't really matter how he's defined, he's black by all social measures. If you saw him walking down the street, you would see him as a black man. You wouldn't know his mother is white.

That's my point.
But everyone knows that his mother is white, it's on his wiki page. He's biracial, he's defined as biracial, every informed person knows he's biracial.
So what! Christ!! It doesn't get any more stupid than this. Who give a fuck!
The Liberals, apparently. I personally don't care what someone's skin color is, until the Liberals use it as an excuse to deflect criticism and pretend everyone who doesn't like the person is 'racist'.
I know, that's what the voices in your head and the World Net Daily keep telling you.
Yet, in this very thread, people have already been accusing others of racism for criticizing Obama. You'd have to keep your eyes shut pretty tight to miss all the Liberals deflecting by calling others racist.
Show us some examples of someone leveling a charge of racism strictly because they disagreed with Obama on something and in the absence of any words or deeds that could be construed as racist.
So what! Christ!! It doesn't get any more stupid than this. Who give a fuck!
The Liberals, apparently. I personally don't care what someone's skin color is, until the Liberals use it as an excuse to deflect criticism and pretend everyone who doesn't like the person is 'racist'.
I know, that's what the voices in your head and the World Net Daily keep telling you.
Yet, in this very thread, people have already been accusing others of racism for criticizing Obama. You'd have to keep your eyes shut pretty tight to miss all the Liberals deflecting by calling others racist.

Here's the good news today.

Racism today is defined as such a vile and ignorant concept that even racists run from the word. :0)

There are lots of racists on this board, and one would have to be blind to every act of racism .. or be a republican not to see it.
Racism today is a nearly dead concept, propped up by Liberals to use as a tool to create more victims. You are perpetuating that.
Apparently you don't consider support for slavery racist then:
‘Unelectable’ candidate defends slavery and mocks women – but still wins GOP race in Minnesota

In 2009, Lewis complained that “real Americans” believe Hurricane Katrina victims were “a bunch of whiners.” Last year he claimed, “the median income for blacks in America would make them rich in most African nations, not most – all.” He went on to argue that the United States government lacks the authority to outlaw slavery.”

“In fact, if you really want to be quite frank about it, how does somebody else owning a slave affect me?” Lewis said in an audio commentary added to his book Power Divided is Power Checked: The Argument for States’ Rights. “It doesn’t. If I don’t think it is right, I won’t own one, and people always say, ‘Well, if you don’t want to marry somebody of the same sex, you don’t have to, but why tell somebody else they can’t?’ Uh, you know if you don’t want to own a slave, don’t. But don’t tell other people they can’t.”
So what! Christ!! It doesn't get any more stupid than this. Who give a fuck!
The Liberals, apparently. I personally don't care what someone's skin color is, until the Liberals use it as an excuse to deflect criticism and pretend everyone who doesn't like the person is 'racist'.
I know, that's what the voices in your head and the World Net Daily keep telling you.
Yet, in this very thread, people have already been accusing others of racism for criticizing Obama. You'd have to keep your eyes shut pretty tight to miss all the Liberals deflecting by calling others racist.

Here's the good news today.

Racism today is defined as such a vile and ignorant concept that even racists run from the word. :0)

There are lots of racists on this board, and one would have to be blind to every act of racism .. or be a republican not to see it.
Racism today is a nearly dead concept, propped up by Liberals to use as a tool to create more victims. You are perpetuating that.
“The GOP has scores of racists”: A former Bush official condemns modern Republican orthodoxy
But everyone knows that his mother is white, it's on his wiki page. He's biracial, he's defined as biracial, every informed person knows he's biracial.
So what! Christ!! It doesn't get any more stupid than this. Who give a fuck!
The Liberals, apparently. I personally don't care what someone's skin color is, until the Liberals use it as an excuse to deflect criticism and pretend everyone who doesn't like the person is 'racist'.
I know, that's what the voices in your head and the World Net Daily keep telling you.
Yet, in this very thread, people have already been accusing others of racism for criticizing Obama. You'd have to keep your eyes shut pretty tight to miss all the Liberals deflecting by calling others racist.
Show us some examples of someone leveling a charge of racism strictly because they disagreed with Obama on something and in the absence of any words or deeds that could be construed as racist.



I actually encountered a Liberal before that called me a racist for criticizing Obama, but his posts were likely deleted, as I can't find them. Something about me being a racist little girl and needing a spanking because I don't respect the presidential office or something. Either way, these are good examples of what I'm talking about. On the other hand, you can just find... pretty much any post by Tigerred, and know exactly what I'm talking about.
So what! Christ!! It doesn't get any more stupid than this. Who give a fuck!
The Liberals, apparently. I personally don't care what someone's skin color is, until the Liberals use it as an excuse to deflect criticism and pretend everyone who doesn't like the person is 'racist'.
I know, that's what the voices in your head and the World Net Daily keep telling you.
Yet, in this very thread, people have already been accusing others of racism for criticizing Obama. You'd have to keep your eyes shut pretty tight to miss all the Liberals deflecting by calling others racist.

Here's the good news today.

Racism today is defined as such a vile and ignorant concept that even racists run from the word. :0)

There are lots of racists on this board, and one would have to be blind to every act of racism .. or be a republican not to see it.
Racism today is a nearly dead concept, propped up by Liberals to use as a tool to create more victims. You are perpetuating that.

You're either blind .. or a republican.
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