When CO2 became a God


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
"God-- (in certain other religions) a superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity."


Until recently, CO2 had no power, it was an underachiever, a laggard. The temperature would rise and CO2 would follow it; the temperature declined and like a loyal puppy, CO2 was right behind it. On it went for hundreds of thousands of years. It was a good, symbiotic relationship. CO2 knew it's place and was dependable.

Then, about 20 years ago, things changed. CO2 would no longer follow! It realized it was a leader. It was just pretended to follow temperature.

CO2 suddenly realized that it had power over the weather, the climate, even nature itself. It would mutate oysters in the Pacific, it would grind coral to dust, it would melt the peaks of Mt. Everest, it would cause Cat 5 Hurricanes to strike the American south, tornadoes in NY, floods in the desert, locusts, frogs, boils! It would overheat the deep Pacific Ocean, causing it to acidify.

CO2 became a God

No one is sure of the exact date, all we know for certain is modern CO2 changed and we all changed with it. No longer would any reputable scientist mention "Global Cooling" CO2 became so powerful, so quickly that scientist are at a loss to settle on a name for the changes it brings. Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Disruption, none of them fit, none of the describe the awesome power and might of CO2.

All must worship CO2 -- or perish
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I thought CO2 was gaia's whipping rod...the stick she would use to beat us into submission.
Okay, Frank worships CO2.

Sadly, that's not the most crazy thing he's done.
Well it does have vaguely described mythical powers.. Above the scientific basis of 1.2degC/ doubling..
If you're gonna have multiple gods in your progressive culture, why NOT include a gas???

Pretty sure there is a god of Sustainability, a god of social justice, and a god of justifying lying as well in the Progressive Parthenon..
By the way. The god of Sustainability has the powers of anti-fertility and is known to DIVIDE loaves and fishes rather than multiply them..

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