When Communism Moved Into The Classroom

All the politicians in all the countries that have socialized medicine are Bolsheviks, such as Margaret Thatcher.

PC sounds like Joe McCarthy.

May I suggest you use this one: "But, it's different this time."

...then I'll use: if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck.......
You are projecting your silliness onto me, are you not?

Your OP has no insight, no critical rationale, nothing of worth.

It is what it is. When you offer an OP of worth, the Board members will be thrilled.

I can only aspire to be what you are.........what is that....retired?
If you aspire to reach a fulfilling retirement, PC, then please find something at which you can be successful. Or step up your writing game. Just being helpful.

"... find something at which you can be successful."

I'm pretty good at it already: sitting around being fantastic.
Practice, practice, practice.
All the politicians in all the countries that have socialized medicine are Bolsheviks, such as Margaret Thatcher.

PC sounds like Joe McCarthy.

May I suggest you use this one: "But, it's different this time."

...then I'll use: if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck.......

1. Senator McCarthy was an American hero.
I'll mention that in today's OP.

2. How come you left out the indictment of Obama in my post......fear?

3. Can I use your name...or at least 'Jakal' in the OP?
Don't answer if the answer is no.
All the politicians in all the countries that have socialized medicine are Bolsheviks, such as Margaret Thatcher.

PC sounds like Joe McCarthy.

May I suggest you use this one: "But, it's different this time."

...then I'll use: if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck.......

1. Senator McCarthy was an American hero.
I'll mention that in today's OP.

2. How come you left out the indictment of Obama in my post......fear?

3. Can I use your name...or at least 'Jakal' in the OP?
Don't answer if the answer is no.

By this time we all know that Senator Joseph McCarthy was a communist spy. Probably the smartest of all the communist spies despite all his little errors like waving a paper with no names on it saying "I have here...." There is a book coming out soon that relates the spy career of McCarthy, of course, the author of the book was also a communist spy as was most of America at that time. In fact, there has been found, in Boise Idaho, a person that is suspected of not being a communist spy. He denies it of course.
All the politicians in all the countries that have socialized medicine are Bolsheviks, such as Margaret Thatcher.

PC sounds like Joe McCarthy.

May I suggest you use this one: "But, it's different this time."

...then I'll use: if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck.......

1. Senator McCarthy was an American hero.
I'll mention that in today's OP.

2. How come you left out the indictment of Obama in my post......fear?

3. Can I use your name...or at least 'Jakal' in the OP?
Don't answer if the answer is no.

By this time we all know that Senator Joseph McCarthy was a communist spy. Probably the smartest of all the communist spies despite all his little errors like waving a paper with no names on it saying "I have here...." There is a book coming out soon that relates the spy career of McCarthy, of course, the author of the book was also a communist spy as was most of America at that time. In fact, there has been found, in Boise Idaho, a person that is suspected of not being a communist spy. He denies it of course.

I'm certain that, in Liberal circles, this qualifies as humor......
The reactionaries here prove that their corruption of conservatism is a form of reactionary mental illness.

They are the Saul Alinsky's of the far right.
The reactionaries here prove that their corruption of conservatism is a form of reactionary mental illness.

They are the Saul Alinsky's of the far right.

I forgive your lack of education.

Not forgivable, however, is your need to pontificate in spite of it.
I can only aspire to be what you are.........what is that....retired?
If you aspire to reach a fulfilling retirement, PC, then please find something at which you can be successful. Or step up your writing game. Just being helpful.

"... find something at which you can be successful."

I'm pretty good at it already: sitting around being fantastic.
Practice, practice, practice.

Well, if 'fantastic' means your narcissism and self-delusion. OK.

How you have managed to waste what should of have been a great degree! Amazing.
1. Senator McCarthy was an American hero.
I'll mention that in today's OP.

2. How come you left out the indictment of Obama in my post......fear?

3. Can I use your name...or at least 'Jakal' in the OP?
Don't answer if the answer is no.

By this time we all know that Senator Joseph McCarthy was a communist spy. Probably the smartest of all the communist spies despite all his little errors like waving a paper with no names on it saying "I have here...." There is a book coming out soon that relates the spy career of McCarthy, of course, the author of the book was also a communist spy as was most of America at that time. In fact, there has been found, in Boise Idaho, a person that is suspected of not being a communist spy. He denies it of course.

I'm certain that, in Liberal circles, this qualifies as humor......

It qualifies as humor in any circle, whether you laughed at it or not.
There is demonstratable "communism in the classrooms"..

Many localities (mainly middle-upper class) have cut budgets for supplies to near zero.. Thus the list of "stuff to bring to school" has grown.. Kids spend time picking out what they want. They get to school and lots of it goes INTO THE COMMUNAL SUPPLY cabinet..

Imagine that as your first intro to Communism... Those jeweled pencils of yours being given to another kid.. And you getting some lame "hello kitty" pencils..

More seriously.. The State of Fla required a course called "Communism versus Americanism" MINE was taught by a genuinely committed Commie.. How lucky was I eh?

P.C. --- I've heard much hot air about "common core" and national standards. Not sure whether I'm offended by GENERIC national standards. CERTAINLY -- I don't think they're worth the waste of Fed money if there is no MEASUREMENT of performance on a national scale. And too many people think that obtaining data with national testing is too much of an imposition.. If that's the case --- shut down the Dept of Ed TODAY.. Because without MEASUREMENT --- there is no point of having them meddle in the process..

You'd have to show me (if you felt inclined) any REAL biases towards comm/socialism in the common core proposals to get me interested..
PC cannot show any commie bias in the core curriculum because such does not exist.

We do need to end the DOE, disenfranchise the state DOEs, and return most power to school districts.
More seriously.. The State of Fla required a course called "Communism versus Americanism" MINE was taught by a genuinely committed Commie.. How lucky was I eh?

And now YOU'RE a commie. Die COMMIE!
PC cannot show any commie bias in the core curriculum because such does not exist.

We do need to end the DOE, disenfranchise the state DOEs, and return most power to school districts.

Fuckin' A!

My kindergartener is mild special needs but also extremely gifted, and he is in a great school that is public but soon going charter. Their programs are exceptional for gifted kids because they are more locally influenced and specialized. The school is heavily influenced by and supported by the local community and that is a great thing. We couldn't be much happier when it comes to non-private options. No way he would get the level of education and help he is getting from a typical public school so heavily regulated by the Fed.
It would be nice if the author had any real good examples and in what books, are we to just take his word or does he feel the need not to include real evidence to back up his assertions?
More seriously.. The State of Fla required a course called "Communism versus Americanism" MINE was taught by a genuinely committed Commie.. How lucky was I eh?

And now YOU'RE a commie. Die COMMIE!

The guy was a complete hoot... Took his job seriously.. Even proudly displayed his CPA membership card..

But most of the 17 yr. olds could out-debate him....
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More seriously.. The State of Fla required a course called "Communism versus Americanism" MINE was taught by a genuinely committed Commie.. How lucky was I eh?

And now YOU'RE a commie. Die COMMIE!

The guy was a complete hoot... Took his job seriously.. Even proudly displayed his CPA membership card..

But most of the 17 yr. olds could out-debate him....

I'm not convinced. I think you were irreparably damaged. I can tell a commie who doesn't know he's a commie when I see one. The post-war commie conspiracy is deeper than you know. I suspect I've been a Soviet agent since I played little league in the 70's. I think my coach was an agent who enlisted me at the age of 11. I've been going after myself for years, but I'm just too damn careful to be caught so far. But sooner or later I will slip up, and then I'll get me. You'll see.
As I remember Al Capp (Lil Abner) wrote how he almost became a communist. Seems there was a neighborhood block party and Capp didn't have the fifteen cents admission so he didn't go. The Block party was a communist activity and Al Capp didn't become a communist.

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