When covid19 cases surge

LOL Fauci guessed that 2.2 million would die as well.

Again when random test are taken of the people who are not sick or were sick and did not know they were sick because they had no symptoms the death rate will fall.

Again my entire family had this so you can not scare me doofy

On what do you base your conclusion that the fatality rate will fall?

And, 2.2 million was an estimate of deaths with no mitigating measures taken and it was NOT Fauci's guess. It was the product of a model developed by Neil Ferguson's team at Imperial College London and used by the White House.
Should we all be able to sue the governors and other politicians who opened up too early?

What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?

There are clear guidelines for reopening that are being ignored.

Can we sue the tRump *administration* for not enforcing them?

How about for their generally inept response and attempts to dodge responsibility for it?

What makes you think that they "will" surge? Scientists told us 2 months ago, if we just lock down for a few weeks, we will "flatten the curve" and that will be that. Well, we did, were they wrong?

The idea was never to lockdown until a vaccine was found, or even to reduce the number of cases. Just to stretch them out a bit so that the health system didn't get over stressed.
No one said that the virus goes away after flattening the curve, dope.

That's true. But the idea of flattening curve wasn't to prevent people from getting infected, but to spread it out.
It was to protect healthcare capacity and to decrease the number of new cases. To flatten the curve and put the new cases on a downward trajectory.
That has not been achieved in most places.
The country is opening where cases are on the rise.

That's a huge change in the tune from what was said 2 months ago. As explained in early March, the purpose of Lockdown was to even out the flow of illness, not to prevent most people from getting infected.
You misunderstood. You were an idiot two months ago. Not much has changed. The guidelines from the WH say as much. They recommend two weeks of declining infections before opening.

The goal was always to decrease the rate of infection so we could start to reopen.
Instead, most are ignoring this and opening with cases increasing. What could go wrong. :dunno:
So now it's thought that Corona was spreading in NY as early as February.

My wife's employees all came down with what we thought was the flu in February as well. It went through the staff very quickly with fevers and persistent respiratory symptoms that lasted for weeks after.

In her 12 years owning the business she never had an illness affect so many people in such a short time.

I wonder if this was Corona.
Have any of them been tested for it?
There were no tests in February.

The only way to know now would be an antibody test
The Malaysian Institute for Medical Research produced a test on 11 January, the same day the Chinese released the SARS CoV2 genomic data. Public Health England developed a test on their own by 10 January. the WHO test was based on a German test first released on 23 January. So, when you say there were no test in February, you mean there were no American test in February. And that is not actually true. The CDC's contaminated tests were initially released in early February, but throughput was less than 100 per day. It was not until the 28th that contamination had been detected and rectified and a properly working test was produced.
There were no tests being used at the time by the doctors in my area.

So it really doesn't matter if if Germany had a test does it?
You cough in dry weather it continues to travel in the lighter air, you cough in humid weather the wetness of the droplets falls to the ground preventing spread.
:laughing0301: that is absolutely ridiculous....12 inches away from your face in hot dry weather weakens and kills the virus.....your body temp is warmer in hot weather which can also make infection less likely....

These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
No. We believe there are idiots like yourself moving around and infecting at will. Those too stupid to realize they're doing so.
The number of cases continue to grow.
I wonder why.
So you want everyone to hide in their cave until everyone starves or dies of old age. There is no way to completely stop this virus, my entire family had it and the symptoms are incredibly minor so grow up and stop panicking

Of course not. I want states to be smart and responsible. Almost none of them are even trying to follow the established guidelines or testing. How does any employer even know if their employees are contagious? This is willful ignorance and it will end badly.
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold. How? because it is much more infectious and 1 to 2 hundred million Americans already had it and the death rate as such is much less than the flu

My entire family had this, we are all still here
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold.
Yes .....as evidenced by the 73k deaths in two months.:cuckoo:
Like I said. Too dumb to even understand you are.
There were not 73000 deaths as the 1700 people that die everyday from tobacco issues disappeared and were counted as covid deaths, furthermore 80,000 people died in 2018 from the flu which was considered normal
There are more than 73k deaths from covid. Your inability to accept that fact is evidence of cognative disability.
Actually there are 80,000 deaths from the flu in 2018 so you are the one who is not accepting reality.

Furthermore 7500 Americans die every day, sun or shine summer or winter so all is normal since no one can document that this number has risen

But but but you saw it on TV

Now grow up
Flu deaths or deaths from other causes are irrelevant. Covid deaths will far surpass those numbers very soon. What will be your argument then?

In the 2018-2019 influenza season, 34,200 Americans died from flu out of 16.5 million people sickened over a period of EIGHT months. So far, just under 75,000 Americans have died of COVID-19 out of 1.26 million infected during a period of TWO months.
Actually 80,000 died in the 17 to 18 season

Play on little girl

So why wasn't the economy shut

The number who actually came down with the flu was far higher than the number that have contracted COVID-19 and the flu season was eight months long. We have matched that number (which was an exceptionally bad flu season) in two months time.
Its faster than starving to death

if reports are believable the food banks are running out of free food
Most people will revert back to hunter gatherers and cannibals before starving to death. So if you look around there is actually plenty of food
Most people will revert back to hunter gatherers and cannibals before starving to death.
Nice emojis kiddy

Trump says coronavirus worse 'attack' than Pearl Harbor

Should we all be able to sue the governors and other politicians who opened up too early?

What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?

There are clear guidelines for reopening that are being ignored.

Can we sue the tRump *administration* for not enforcing them?

How about for their generally inept response and attempts to dodge responsibility for it?

What makes you think that they "will" surge? Scientists told us 2 months ago, if we just lock down for a few weeks, we will "flatten the curve" and that will be that. Well, we did, were they wrong?

The idea was never to lockdown until a vaccine was found, or even to reduce the number of cases. Just to stretch them out a bit so that the health system didn't get over stressed.
No one said that the virus goes away after flattening the curve, dope.

That's true. But the idea of flattening curve wasn't to prevent people from getting infected, but to spread it out.
It was to protect healthcare capacity and to decrease the number of new cases. To flatten the curve and put the new cases on a downward trajectory.
That has not been achieved in most places.
The country is opening where cases are on the rise.

That's a huge change in the tune from what was said 2 months ago. As explained in early March, the purpose of Lockdown was to even out the flow of illness, not to prevent most people from getting infected.
You misunderstood. You were an idiot two months ago. Not much has changed. The guidelines from the WH say as much. They recommend two weeks of declining infections before opening.

The goal was always to decrease the rate of infection so we could start to reopen.
Instead, most are ignoring this and opening with cases increasing. What could go wrong. :dunno:

I guess we'll find out what will go wrong. The people aren't going to put up with a permanent lockdown at least in large parts of America like Georgia and Mississippi. The country is opening up no matter how much the liberal panic mongers try to convince the people that this is the new black death.
Should we all be able to sue the governors and other politicians who opened up too early?

What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?

There are clear guidelines for reopening that are being ignored.

Can we sue the tRump *administration* for not enforcing them?

How about for their generally inept response and attempts to dodge responsibility for it?

What is "too early"? Because it doesn't matter when we open up, there is going to be a surge in cases.

If we wait 10 years to open up, there is going to be a surge in cases. If we wait 1 year, there will be a surge in cases. If we wait 1 month, or one more week, there will be a surge in cases.

So basically your arguement is, we need to stay locked down until everyone commits suicide from non-stop isolation, to avoid deaths.
You cough in dry weather it continues to travel in the lighter air, you cough in humid weather the wetness of the droplets falls to the ground preventing spread.
:laughing0301: that is absolutely ridiculous....12 inches away from your face in hot dry weather weakens and kills the virus.....your body temp is warmer in hot weather which can also make infection less likely....

These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
No. We believe there are idiots like yourself moving around and infecting at will. Those too stupid to realize they're doing so.
The number of cases continue to grow.
I wonder why.
So you want everyone to hide in their cave until everyone starves or dies of old age. There is no way to completely stop this virus, my entire family had it and the symptoms are incredibly minor so grow up and stop panicking

Of course not. I want states to be smart and responsible. Almost none of them are even trying to follow the established guidelines or testing. How does any employer even know if their employees are contagious? This is willful ignorance and it will end badly.
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold. How? because it is much more infectious and 1 to 2 hundred million Americans already had it and the death rate as such is much less than the flu

My entire family had this, we are all still here
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold.
Yes .....as evidenced by the 73k deaths in two months.:cuckoo:
Like I said. Too dumb to even understand you are.
There were not 73000 deaths as the 1700 people that die everyday from tobacco issues disappeared and were counted as covid deaths, furthermore 80,000 people died in 2018 from the flu which was considered normal
There are more than 73k deaths from covid. Your inability to accept that fact is evidence of cognative disability.
Actually there are 80,000 deaths from the flu in 2018 so you are the one who is not accepting reality.

Furthermore 7500 Americans die every day, sun or shine summer or winter so all is normal since no one can document that this number has risen

But but but you saw it on TV

Now grow up
Flu deaths or deaths from other causes are irrelevant. Covid deaths will far surpass those numbers very soon. What will be your argument then?

In the 2018-2019 influenza season, 34,200 Americans died from flu out of 16.5 million people sickened over a period of EIGHT months. So far, just under 75,000 Americans have died of COVID-19 out of 1.26 million infected during a period of TWO months.
Actually 80,000 died in the 17 to 18 season

Play on little girl

So why wasn't the economy shut

The number who actually came down with the flu was far higher than the number that have contracted COVID-19 and the flu season was eight months long. We have matched that number (which was an exceptionally bad flu season) in two months time.
Its faster than starving to death

if reports are believable the food banks are running out of free food
Most people will revert back to hunter gatherers and cannibals before starving to death. So if you look around there is actually plenty of food
Most people will revert back to hunter gatherers and cannibals before starving to death.
Nice emojis kiddy

Trump says coronavirus worse 'attack' than Pearl Harbor

Nice cannibal story, dope.:laugh2:
Should we all be able to sue the governors and other politicians who opened up too early?

What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?

There are clear guidelines for reopening that are being ignored.

Can we sue the tRump *administration* for not enforcing them?

How about for their generally inept response and attempts to dodge responsibility for it?

What makes you think that they "will" surge? Scientists told us 2 months ago, if we just lock down for a few weeks, we will "flatten the curve" and that will be that. Well, we did, were they wrong?

The idea was never to lockdown until a vaccine was found, or even to reduce the number of cases. Just to stretch them out a bit so that the health system didn't get over stressed.
No one said that the virus goes away after flattening the curve, dope.

That's true. But the idea of flattening curve wasn't to prevent people from getting infected, but to spread it out.
It was to protect healthcare capacity and to decrease the number of new cases. To flatten the curve and put the new cases on a downward trajectory.
That has not been achieved in most places.
The country is opening where cases are on the rise.

That's a huge change in the tune from what was said 2 months ago. As explained in early March, the purpose of Lockdown was to even out the flow of illness, not to prevent most people from getting infected.
You misunderstood. You were an idiot two months ago. Not much has changed. The guidelines from the WH say as much. They recommend two weeks of declining infections before opening.

The goal was always to decrease the rate of infection so we could start to reopen.
Instead, most are ignoring this and opening with cases increasing. What could go wrong. :dunno:

I guess we'll find out what will go wrong. The people aren't going to put up with a permanent lockdown at least in large parts of America like Georgia and Mississippi. The country is opening up no matter how much the liberal panic mongers try to convince the people that this is the new black death.
"Liberal panic mongers"? Those are the WH guidelines, dope. The Trump admin.
Trump says coronavirus worse 'attack' than Pearl Harbor
The entire death toll of the attack on Pearl Harbor will be reproduced by COVID-19 in the US in the next week and globally in the next 9 hours and 10 minutes
You cough in dry weather it continues to travel in the lighter air, you cough in humid weather the wetness of the droplets falls to the ground preventing spread.
:laughing0301: that is absolutely ridiculous....12 inches away from your face in hot dry weather weakens and kills the virus.....your body temp is warmer in hot weather which can also make infection less likely....

These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
No. We believe there are idiots like yourself moving around and infecting at will. Those too stupid to realize they're doing so.
The number of cases continue to grow.
I wonder why.
So you want everyone to hide in their cave until everyone starves or dies of old age. There is no way to completely stop this virus, my entire family had it and the symptoms are incredibly minor so grow up and stop panicking

Of course not. I want states to be smart and responsible. Almost none of them are even trying to follow the established guidelines or testing. How does any employer even know if their employees are contagious? This is willful ignorance and it will end badly.
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold. How? because it is much more infectious and 1 to 2 hundred million Americans already had it and the death rate as such is much less than the flu

My entire family had this, we are all still here
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold.
Yes .....as evidenced by the 73k deaths in two months.:cuckoo:
Like I said. Too dumb to even understand you are.
There were not 73000 deaths as the 1700 people that die everyday from tobacco issues disappeared and were counted as covid deaths, furthermore 80,000 people died in 2018 from the flu which was considered normal
There are more than 73k deaths from covid. Your inability to accept that fact is evidence of cognative disability.
Actually there are 80,000 deaths from the flu in 2018 so you are the one who is not accepting reality.

Furthermore 7500 Americans die every day, sun or shine summer or winter so all is normal since no one can document that this number has risen

But but but you saw it on TV

Now grow up
Flu deaths or deaths from other causes are irrelevant. Covid deaths will far surpass those numbers very soon. What will be your argument then?

In the 2018-2019 influenza season, 34,200 Americans died from flu out of 16.5 million people sickened over a period of EIGHT months. So far, just under 75,000 Americans have died of COVID-19 out of 1.26 million infected during a period of TWO months.
Actually 80,000 died in the 17 to 18 season

Play on little girl

So why wasn't the economy shut

The number who actually came down with the flu was far higher than the number that have contracted COVID-19 and the flu season was eight months long. We have matched that number (which was an exceptionally bad flu season) in two months time.
Its faster than starving to death

if reports are believable the food banks are running out of free food
Take the $500 Billion bail out for the global corporations who manufacture in China away from them and fund the food banks for the next two to three years!
I guess we'll find out what will go wrong. The people aren't going to put up with a permanent lockdown at least in large parts of America like Georgia and Mississippi. The country is opening up no matter how much the liberal panic mongers try to convince the people that this is the new black death.

Um... you mean in places with the lowest education numbers? Got it.

Do you or do you not believe that opening up the economy now will cause a surge in cases and fatalities?
Everyone freaked out when we were told 2 million Americans were going to die

but that came from the wacko professor in England with his computer model that had cum stains on the keyboard

but now we know better
What is "too early"? Because it doesn't matter when we open up, there is going to be a surge in cases.

If we wait 10 years to open up, there is going to be a surge in cases. If we wait 1 year, there will be a surge in cases. If we wait 1 month, or one more week, there will be a surge in cases.

So basically your arguement is, we need to stay locked down until everyone commits suicide from non-stop isolation, to avoid deaths.

The fewer infected individuals in the population, the smaller will be the surge. And if we were, hypothetically, to wait till we had developed and distributed a working vaccine, we could have no surge at all. Just the development of an effective treatment before reopening would at least dramatically reduce the suffering, size and deaths of a surge.
You cough in dry weather it continues to travel in the lighter air, you cough in humid weather the wetness of the droplets falls to the ground preventing spread.
:laughing0301: that is absolutely ridiculous....12 inches away from your face in hot dry weather weakens and kills the virus.....your body temp is warmer in hot weather which can also make infection less likely....

These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
No. We believe there are idiots like yourself moving around and infecting at will. Those too stupid to realize they're doing so.
The number of cases continue to grow.
I wonder why.
So you want everyone to hide in their cave until everyone starves or dies of old age. There is no way to completely stop this virus, my entire family had it and the symptoms are incredibly minor so grow up and stop panicking

Of course not. I want states to be smart and responsible. Almost none of them are even trying to follow the established guidelines or testing. How does any employer even know if their employees are contagious? This is willful ignorance and it will end badly.
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold. How? because it is much more infectious and 1 to 2 hundred million Americans already had it and the death rate as such is much less than the flu

My entire family had this, we are all still here
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold.
Yes .....as evidenced by the 73k deaths in two months.:cuckoo:
Like I said. Too dumb to even understand you are.
There were not 73000 deaths as the 1700 people that die everyday from tobacco issues disappeared and were counted as covid deaths, furthermore 80,000 people died in 2018 from the flu which was considered normal
There are more than 73k deaths from covid. Your inability to accept that fact is evidence of cognative disability.
Actually there are 80,000 deaths from the flu in 2018 so you are the one who is not accepting reality.

Furthermore 7500 Americans die every day, sun or shine summer or winter so all is normal since no one can document that this number has risen

But but but you saw it on TV

Now grow up
Flu deaths or deaths from other causes are irrelevant. Covid deaths will far surpass those numbers very soon. What will be your argument then?

In the 2018-2019 influenza season, 34,200 Americans died from flu out of 16.5 million people sickened over a period of EIGHT months. So far, just under 75,000 Americans have died of COVID-19 out of 1.26 million infected during a period of TWO months.
Actually 80,000 died in the 17 to 18 season

Play on little girl

So why wasn't the economy shut

The number who actually came down with the flu was far higher than the number that have contracted COVID-19 and the flu season was eight months long. We have matched that number (which was an exceptionally bad flu season) in two months time.
Its faster than starving to death

if reports are believable the food banks are running out of free food
Take the $500 Billion bail out for the global corporations who manufacture in China away from them and fund the food banks for the next two to three years!
Thats an excellent idea

and no money for cruise lines registered in foreign countries
Everyone freaked out when we were told 2 million Americans were going to die

but that came from the wacko professor in England with his computer model that had cum stains on the keyboard

but now we know better
Were you aware that long term estimates still say that without a vaccine or effective treatment, US casualties by the end of next year could exceed 800,000?
What is "too early"? Because it doesn't matter when we open up, there is going to be a surge in cases.

If we wait 10 years to open up, there is going to be a surge in cases. If we wait 1 year, there will be a surge in cases. If we wait 1 month, or one more week, there will be a surge in cases.

So basically your arguement is, we need to stay locked down until everyone commits suicide from non-stop isolation, to avoid deaths.

The fewer infected individuals in the population, the smaller will be the surge. And if we were, hypothetically, to wait till we had developed and distributed a working vaccine, we could have no surge at all. Just the development of an effective treatment before reopening would at least dramatically reduce the suffering, size and deaths of a surge.
We cant wait a year or two for that to happen
Everyone freaked out when we were told 2 million Americans were going to die

but that came from the wacko professor in England with his computer model that had cum stains on the keyboard

but now we know better
Were you aware that long term estimates still say that without a vaccine or effective treatment, US casualties by the end of next year could exceed 800,000?
Not me and my family because we had it. Shit they probably want my blood for a vaccine
Everyone freaked out when we were told 2 million Americans were going to die

but that came from the wacko professor in England with his computer model that had cum stains on the keyboard

but now we know better
Were you aware that long term estimates still say that without a vaccine or effective treatment, US casualties by the end of next year could exceed 800,000?
By the same professor and his 8-bit Sinclair computer?

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