When covid19 cases surge

So now it's thought that Corona was spreading in NY as early as February.

My wife's employees all came down with what we thought was the flu in February as well. It went through the staff very quickly with fevers and persistent respiratory symptoms that lasted for weeks after.

In her 12 years owning the business she never had an illness affect so many people in such a short time.

I wonder if this was Corona.
You cough in dry weather it continues to travel in the lighter air, you cough in humid weather the wetness of the droplets falls to the ground preventing spread.
:laughing0301: that is absolutely ridiculous....12 inches away from your face in hot dry weather weakens and kills the virus.....your body temp is warmer in hot weather which can also make infection less likely....

These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
No. We believe there are idiots like yourself moving around and infecting at will. Those too stupid to realize they're doing so.
The number of cases continue to grow.
I wonder why.
So you want everyone to hide in their cave until everyone starves or dies of old age. There is no way to completely stop this virus, my entire family had it and the symptoms are incredibly minor so grow up and stop panicking

Of course not. I want states to be smart and responsible. Almost none of them are even trying to follow the established guidelines or testing. How does any employer even know if their employees are contagious? This is willful ignorance and it will end badly.
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold. How? because it is much more infectious and 1 to 2 hundred million Americans already had it and the death rate as such is much less than the flu

My entire family had this, we are all still here
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold.
Yes .....as evidenced by the 73k deaths in two months.:cuckoo:
Like I said. Too dumb to even understand you are.
There were not 73000 deaths as the 1700 people that die everyday from tobacco issues disappeared and were counted as covid deaths, furthermore 80,000 people died in 2018 from the flu which was considered normal
There are more than 73k deaths from covid. Your inability to accept that fact is evidence of cognative disability.
Actually there are 80,000 deaths from the flu in 2018 so you are the one who is not accepting reality.

Furthermore 7500 Americans die every day, sun or shine summer or winter so all is normal since no one can document that this number has risen

But but but you saw it on TV

Now grow up
Flu deaths or deaths from other causes are irrelevant. Covid deaths will far surpass those numbers very soon. What will be your argument then?

In the 2018-2019 influenza season, 34,200 Americans died from flu out of 16.5 million people sickened over a period of EIGHT months. So far, just under 75,000 Americans have died of COVID-19 out of 1.26 million infected during a period of TWO months.
Actually 80,000 died in the 17 to 18 season

Play on little girl

So why wasn't the economy shut

The number who actually came down with the flu was far higher than the number that have contracted COVID-19 and the flu season was eight months long. We have matched that number (which was an exceptionally bad flu season) in two months time.
Its faster than starving to death

if reports are believable the food banks are running out of free food
The fatality rate of COVID-19 is at least an order of magnitude higher than influenza. And as more is learned about this virus and its pathology, more and more victims are being discovered. COVID cases have now been detected in France from November of last year. This pandemic will turn out to have begun far earlier than believed and to have sickened and killed far more men, women and children.
You cough in dry weather it continues to travel in the lighter air, you cough in humid weather the wetness of the droplets falls to the ground preventing spread.
:laughing0301: that is absolutely ridiculous....12 inches away from your face in hot dry weather weakens and kills the virus.....your body temp is warmer in hot weather which can also make infection less likely....

These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
No. We believe there are idiots like yourself moving around and infecting at will. Those too stupid to realize they're doing so.
The number of cases continue to grow.
I wonder why.
So you want everyone to hide in their cave until everyone starves or dies of old age. There is no way to completely stop this virus, my entire family had it and the symptoms are incredibly minor so grow up and stop panicking

Of course not. I want states to be smart and responsible. Almost none of them are even trying to follow the established guidelines or testing. How does any employer even know if their employees are contagious? This is willful ignorance and it will end badly.
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold. How? because it is much more infectious and 1 to 2 hundred million Americans already had it and the death rate as such is much less than the flu

My entire family had this, we are all still here
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold.
Yes .....as evidenced by the 73k deaths in two months.:cuckoo:
Like I said. Too dumb to even understand you are.
There were not 73000 deaths as the 1700 people that die everyday from tobacco issues disappeared and were counted as covid deaths, furthermore 80,000 people died in 2018 from the flu which was considered normal
There are more than 73k deaths from covid. Your inability to accept that fact is evidence of cognative disability.
Actually there are 80,000 deaths from the flu in 2018 so you are the one who is not accepting reality.

Furthermore 7500 Americans die every day, sun or shine summer or winter so all is normal since no one can document that this number has risen

But but but you saw it on TV

Now grow up
Flu deaths or deaths from other causes are irrelevant. Covid deaths will far surpass those numbers very soon. What will be your argument then?

In the 2018-2019 influenza season, 34,200 Americans died from flu out of 16.5 million people sickened over a period of EIGHT months. So far, just under 75,000 Americans have died of COVID-19 out of 1.26 million infected during a period of TWO months.
Actually 80,000 died in the 17 to 18 season

Play on little girl

So why wasn't the economy shut

The number who actually came down with the flu was far higher than the number that have contracted COVID-19 and the flu season was eight months long. We have matched that number (which was an exceptionally bad flu season) in two months time.
Its faster than starving to death

if reports are believable the food banks are running out of free food
Most people will revert back to hunter gatherers and cannibals before starving to death. So if you look around there is actually plenty of food
So now it's thought that Corona was spreading in NY as early as February.

My wife's employees all came down with what we thought was the flu in February as well. It went through the staff very quickly with fevers and persistent respiratory symptoms that lasted for weeks after.

In her 12 years owning the business she never had an illness affect so many people in such a short time.

I wonder if this was Corona.
Have any of them been tested for it?
What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?
Oklahoma Mayor Forced To Revise Mask Mandate After Rash Of Violent Threats

A proclamation went into effect in Stillwater, Oklahoma on Friday requiring that patrons of newly reopened stores and restaurants don masks while inside. Just hours later, Mayor Will Joyce was forced to revise the order amid a ferocious backlash.

“In the short time beginning on May 1, 2020, that face coverings have been required for entry into stores/restaurants, store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse,” said City Manager Norman McNickle in a statement. “In addition, there has been one threat of violence using a firearm. This has occurred in three short hours and in the face of clear medical evidence that face coverings helps contain the spread of COVID-19.”
How dare the voters tell a politician to fuck off. Right comrad?
How hard is it, to wear a mask, for your fellow Americans? Seriously?

I don't understand why you are willing to kill off someone else's sister with asthma, or someone else's parents or grandparents that are old?
What the hell are you dragging your asthmatic sister all over town? You dragging your grandparents to the damn mall or what?

They have underlying health issues. I don’t. It’s not my job or concern to keep them healthy. That’s your job.
80 million Americans are in the high risk category, around 60 million seniors over 65 yrs old and another 20 million at minimum, that are younger, with a higher risk condition....

It's more beneficial to our economy, if those 80 million adults are contributing to our economy by their out and about spending, or by their labor, and isolate those that are sick, while they are infected or infectious. A lot fewer infectious than the high risk group.

I agree with you here. You're right on.
But here is the catch, the States have to have bountiful amounts of testing... enough to continually random test communities, and hotspots..... our problem with this virus daemon, is half or more infectious carriers, are asymptomatic, and simply do not know they are sick.... random testing of 2 to 10% of the population is needed..... to catch enough of the infectious to isolate, and tracing 10 minutes or longer, face to face contacts of theirs, to isolate them....

So please support all the people that want a lot of testing kits and materials to run the tests....

We are almost up to speed on the tests, testing, materials and processing....but not quite there yet.

Supporting this, does not mean you are against the President.... it simply means you want the economy running again, and closer to full capacity than it would be, without the testing, contact tracing testing, and isolation of them....

In the long run, Trump will be happy, with the results.
How are you going to random test 10% of the population? Send the cops out to round up people?
everyone is jumping at the bit for a test, to see if they have it or have had it..... likely everyone wants to take a test and 2% to 10% won't be enough, just be the tip of the ice berg on who would want one.....

I know that won't be a problem.....
The government will never allow everyone to be tested or will find a way to make fake test because the truth will expose this farce
Nope! Trump does not want t it, because it exposes his lies and downplaying the numbers....

Why do you think his team failed miserably on tests, and why he didn't use his defense production act, to acquire the testing g supplies and tests.....? You got it backwards!!!
Seems logical your failure is assuming that what we have been told is reasonably correct and it clearly is not. There is clearly more than one virus or virus strain loose here. I surmise that one or more strains are about as dangerous as the strain if coronavirus that causes the common cold and one or more strains or another virus completely is 100 percent fatal.

So without knowing the truth that we as the public are never told we can not judge
Lol, my bad.

Actually if the Government told the public the truth that itself would be a conspiracy itself since it has never happened. But you know better because you believe everything you hear on TV


Wanna hear a real conspiracy theory? Well here it is, the chinese shut down America with a bat virus

The whole world is shut down. Are they in on the conspiracy as well, idiot?
The disease that the media is reporting is not the disease that is killing people, the doctors treating people who have the ability to think are confirming the conspiracy. See ventilators are killing the public because they are being misused as the disease is misdiagnosed since the real disease causing mortality is a manmade weapon released during an existing trade war to flatten the world and raise up china

I have doctors on my team, you have media liars and politicians

STOP,please stop with your conspiracy theories.... this Doc in your video is speaking what he knows as the truth..... the respirators are hurting people and not helping as they would like....

This has all been PUBLISHED, this doctor is not speaking to deaf ears, he was HEARD....

And his recommendation on how to use the respirators, for this disease is different from someone who lost their muscle use for the lungs, but simply not getting the oxygen needed..... hopefully his suggestion on that has been heeded.

All of that is working through this new virus and what it is doing, and how to treat it, and the rest of that jazz, is a NORMAL process for any new disease....or mutation of the disease....

They can SEE under the microscope that this IS A CORONA VIRUS, it does have the CROWN spikes....

and yes, through genome testing, they KNOW this virus has mutated, as most all viruses always mutate....the oly difference they've been able to find between the original virus and this ALPHA mutation of the virus, in the VIRAL LOAD is greater on the mutation.... which would be a normal desire of any virus that mutates, the mutation is to make it stronger, the virus wants to survive over all of our medical ingenuity... it really is a war of sorts, between us and the virus...

There is no scientific proof that this virus is not the Novel Corona Virus, as your conspiracy theory contends....

And there till is no scientific proof that the virus is man made or manipulated as of yet.....

And there is no benefit at all for China, to bring the world down.....they rely on US Purchases, and manufacturing there and the money they make from it and all the other trade with the westernized Nations..... without us all, they fall....

so if it does end up being a bio warfare attack, China would not have planned it..... that brings destruction and harm to themselves, it would likely be an attack from elsewhere, trying to frame the Chinese for the attack..... in my best conspiratorial thinking mind. :D
You cough in dry weather it continues to travel in the lighter air, you cough in humid weather the wetness of the droplets falls to the ground preventing spread.
:laughing0301: that is absolutely ridiculous....12 inches away from your face in hot dry weather weakens and kills the virus.....your body temp is warmer in hot weather which can also make infection less likely....

These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
No. We believe there are idiots like yourself moving around and infecting at will. Those too stupid to realize they're doing so.
The number of cases continue to grow.
I wonder why.
So you want everyone to hide in their cave until everyone starves or dies of old age. There is no way to completely stop this virus, my entire family had it and the symptoms are incredibly minor so grow up and stop panicking

Of course not. I want states to be smart and responsible. Almost none of them are even trying to follow the established guidelines or testing. How does any employer even know if their employees are contagious? This is willful ignorance and it will end badly.
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold. How? because it is much more infectious and 1 to 2 hundred million Americans already had it and the death rate as such is much less than the flu

My entire family had this, we are all still here
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold.
Yes .....as evidenced by the 73k deaths in two months.:cuckoo:
Like I said. Too dumb to even understand you are.
There were not 73000 deaths as the 1700 people that die everyday from tobacco issues disappeared and were counted as covid deaths, furthermore 80,000 people died in 2018 from the flu which was considered normal
There are more than 73k deaths from covid. Your inability to accept that fact is evidence of cognative disability.
Actually there are 80,000 deaths from the flu in 2018 so you are the one who is not accepting reality.

Furthermore 7500 Americans die every day, sun or shine summer or winter so all is normal since no one can document that this number has risen

But but but you saw it on TV

Now grow up
Flu deaths or deaths from other causes are irrelevant. Covid deaths will far surpass those numbers very soon. What will be your argument then?

In the 2018-2019 influenza season, 34,200 Americans died from flu out of 16.5 million people sickened over a period of EIGHT months. So far, just under 75,000 Americans have died of COVID-19 out of 1.26 million infected during a period of TWO months.
Actually 80,000 died in the 17 to 18 season

Play on little girl

So why wasn't the economy shut

The number who actually came down with the flu was far higher than the number that have contracted COVID-19 and the flu season was eight months long. We have matched that number (which was an exceptionally bad flu season) in two months time.
Its faster than starving to death

if reports are believable the food banks are running out of free food
Most people will revert back to hunter gatherers and cannibals before starving to death. So if you look around there is actually plenty of food
Glad to see you're taking this conversation seriously.
The fatality rate of COVID-19 is at least an order of magnitude higher than influenza. And as more is learned about this virus and its pathology, more and more victims are being discovered. COVID cases have now been detected in France from November of last year. This pandemic will turn out to have begun far earlier than believed and to have sickened and killed far more men, women and children.
The fatality rate of covid is less than 0.03 percent to the flu's 0.1 percent. Testing all Americans will prove this

But you believe what you heard on TV because TV is always such a great source of BS
You cough in dry weather it continues to travel in the lighter air, you cough in humid weather the wetness of the droplets falls to the ground preventing spread.
:laughing0301: that is absolutely ridiculous....12 inches away from your face in hot dry weather weakens and kills the virus.....your body temp is warmer in hot weather which can also make infection less likely....

These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
No. We believe there are idiots like yourself moving around and infecting at will. Those too stupid to realize they're doing so.
The number of cases continue to grow.
I wonder why.
So you want everyone to hide in their cave until everyone starves or dies of old age. There is no way to completely stop this virus, my entire family had it and the symptoms are incredibly minor so grow up and stop panicking

Of course not. I want states to be smart and responsible. Almost none of them are even trying to follow the established guidelines or testing. How does any employer even know if their employees are contagious? This is willful ignorance and it will end badly.
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold. How? because it is much more infectious and 1 to 2 hundred million Americans already had it and the death rate as such is much less than the flu

My entire family had this, we are all still here
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold.
Yes .....as evidenced by the 73k deaths in two months.:cuckoo:
Like I said. Too dumb to even understand you are.
There were not 73000 deaths as the 1700 people that die everyday from tobacco issues disappeared and were counted as covid deaths, furthermore 80,000 people died in 2018 from the flu which was considered normal
There are more than 73k deaths from covid. Your inability to accept that fact is evidence of cognative disability.
Actually there are 80,000 deaths from the flu in 2018 so you are the one who is not accepting reality.

Furthermore 7500 Americans die every day, sun or shine summer or winter so all is normal since no one can document that this number has risen

But but but you saw it on TV

Now grow up
Flu deaths or deaths from other causes are irrelevant. Covid deaths will far surpass those numbers very soon. What will be your argument then?

In the 2018-2019 influenza season, 34,200 Americans died from flu out of 16.5 million people sickened over a period of EIGHT months. So far, just under 75,000 Americans have died of COVID-19 out of 1.26 million infected during a period of TWO months.
Actually 80,000 died in the 17 to 18 season

Play on little girl

So why wasn't the economy shut

The number who actually came down with the flu was far higher than the number that have contracted COVID-19 and the flu season was eight months long. We have matched that number (which was an exceptionally bad flu season) in two months time.
Its faster than starving to death

if reports are believable the food banks are running out of free food
Most people will revert back to hunter gatherers and cannibals before starving to death. So if you look around there is actually plenty of food
Glad to see you're taking this conversation seriously.
I had this disease you little fart, so did the rest of my family. So I am immune to the covid cold
So now it's thought that Corona was spreading in NY as early as February.

My wife's employees all came down with what we thought was the flu in February as well. It went through the staff very quickly with fevers and persistent respiratory symptoms that lasted for weeks after.

In her 12 years owning the business she never had an illness affect so many people in such a short time.

I wonder if this was Corona.
Have any of them been tested for it?
There were no tests in February.

The only way to know now would be an antibody test
What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?
Oklahoma Mayor Forced To Revise Mask Mandate After Rash Of Violent Threats

A proclamation went into effect in Stillwater, Oklahoma on Friday requiring that patrons of newly reopened stores and restaurants don masks while inside. Just hours later, Mayor Will Joyce was forced to revise the order amid a ferocious backlash.

“In the short time beginning on May 1, 2020, that face coverings have been required for entry into stores/restaurants, store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse,” said City Manager Norman McNickle in a statement. “In addition, there has been one threat of violence using a firearm. This has occurred in three short hours and in the face of clear medical evidence that face coverings helps contain the spread of COVID-19.”
How dare the voters tell a politician to fuck off. Right comrad?
How hard is it, to wear a mask, for your fellow Americans? Seriously?

I don't understand why you are willing to kill off someone else's sister with asthma, or someone else's parents or grandparents that are old?
What the hell are you dragging your asthmatic sister all over town? You dragging your grandparents to the damn mall or what?

They have underlying health issues. I don’t. It’s not my job or concern to keep them healthy. That’s your job.
80 million Americans are in the high risk category, around 60 million seniors over 65 yrs old and another 20 million at minimum, that are younger, with a higher risk condition....

It's more beneficial to our economy, if those 80 million adults are contributing to our economy by their out and about spending, or by their labor, and isolate those that are sick, while they are infected or infectious. A lot fewer infectious than the high risk group.

I agree with you here. You're right on.
But here is the catch, the States have to have bountiful amounts of testing... enough to continually random test communities, and hotspots..... our problem with this virus daemon, is half or more infectious carriers, are asymptomatic, and simply do not know they are sick.... random testing of 2 to 10% of the population is needed..... to catch enough of the infectious to isolate, and tracing 10 minutes or longer, face to face contacts of theirs, to isolate them....

So please support all the people that want a lot of testing kits and materials to run the tests....

We are almost up to speed on the tests, testing, materials and processing....but not quite there yet.

Supporting this, does not mean you are against the President.... it simply means you want the economy running again, and closer to full capacity than it would be, without the testing, contact tracing testing, and isolation of them....

In the long run, Trump will be happy, with the results.
How are you going to random test 10% of the population? Send the cops out to round up people?
everyone is jumping at the bit for a test, to see if they have it or have had it..... likely everyone wants to take a test and 2% to 10% won't be enough, just be the tip of the ice berg on who would want one.....

I know that won't be a problem.....
The government will never allow everyone to be tested or will find a way to make fake test because the truth will expose this farce
Nope! Trump does not want t it, because it exposes his lies and downplaying the numbers....

Why do you think his team failed miserably on tests, and why he didn't use his defense production act, to acquire the testing g supplies and tests.....? You got it backwards!!!
Seems logical your failure is assuming that what we have been told is reasonably correct and it clearly is not. There is clearly more than one virus or virus strain loose here. I surmise that one or more strains are about as dangerous as the strain if coronavirus that causes the common cold and one or more strains or another virus completely is 100 percent fatal.

So without knowing the truth that we as the public are never told we can not judge
Lol, my bad.

Actually if the Government told the public the truth that itself would be a conspiracy itself since it has never happened. But you know better because you believe everything you hear on TV


Wanna hear a real conspiracy theory? Well here it is, the chinese shut down America with a bat virus

The whole world is shut down. Are they in on the conspiracy as well, idiot?
The disease that the media is reporting is not the disease that is killing people, the doctors treating people who have the ability to think are confirming the conspiracy. See ventilators are killing the public because they are being misused as the disease is misdiagnosed since the real disease causing mortality is a manmade weapon released during an existing trade war to flatten the world and raise up china

I have doctors on my team, you have media liars and politicians

STOP,please stop with your conspiracy theories.... this Doc in your video is speaking what he knows as the truth..... the respirators are hurting people and not helping as they would like....

This has all been PUBLISHED, this doctor is not speaking to deaf ears, he was HEARD....

And his recommendation on how to use the respirators, for this disease is different from someone who lost their muscle use for the lungs, but simply not getting the oxygen needed..... hopefully his suggestion on that has been heeded.

All of that is working through this new virus and what it is doing, and how to treat it, and the rest of that jazz, is a NORMAL process for any new disease....or mutation of the disease....

They can SEE under the microscope that this IS A CORONA VIRUS, it does have the CROWN spikes....

and yes, through genome testing, they KNOW this virus has mutated, as most all viruses always mutate....the oly difference they've been able to find between the original virus and this ALPHA mutation of the virus, in the VIRAL LOAD is greater on the mutation.... which would be a normal desire of any virus that mutates, the mutation is to make it stronger, the virus wants to survive over all of our medical ingenuity... it really is a war of sorts, between us and the virus...

There is no scientific proof that this virus is not the Novel Corona Virus, as your conspiracy theory contends....

And there till is no scientific proof that the virus is man made or manipulated as of yet.....

And there is no benefit at all for China, to bring the world down.....they rely on US Purchases, and manufacturing there and the money they make from it and all the other trade with the westernized Nations..... without us all, they fall....

so if it does end up being a bio warfare attack, China would not have planned it..... that brings destruction and harm to themselves, it would likely be an attack from elsewhere, trying to frame the Chinese for the attack..... in my best conspiratorial thinking mind. :D

In depth studies of the genome of the SARS CoV2 clearly indicate it is not man-made but is the result of natural evolutionary processes.
Should we all be able to sue the governors and other politicians who opened up too early?

What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?

There are clear guidelines for reopening that are being ignored.

Can we sue the tRump *administration* for not enforcing them?

How about for their generally inept response and attempts to dodge responsibility for it?

What makes you think that they "will" surge? Scientists told us 2 months ago, if we just lock down for a few weeks, we will "flatten the curve" and that will be that. Well, we did, were they wrong?

The idea was never to lockdown until a vaccine was found, or even to reduce the number of cases. Just to stretch them out a bit so that the health system didn't get over stressed.
No one said that the virus goes away after flattening the curve, dope.

That's true. But the idea of flattening curve wasn't to prevent people from getting infected, but to spread it out.
It was to protect healthcare capacity and to decrease the number of new cases. To flatten the curve and put the new cases on a downward trajectory.
That has not been achieved in most places.
The country is opening where cases are on the rise.

That's a huge change in the tune from what was said 2 months ago. As explained in early March, the purpose of Lockdown was to even out the flow of illness, not to prevent most people from getting infected.
You cough in dry weather it continues to travel in the lighter air, you cough in humid weather the wetness of the droplets falls to the ground preventing spread.
:laughing0301: that is absolutely ridiculous....12 inches away from your face in hot dry weather weakens and kills the virus.....your body temp is warmer in hot weather which can also make infection less likely....

These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
No. We believe there are idiots like yourself moving around and infecting at will. Those too stupid to realize they're doing so.
The number of cases continue to grow.
I wonder why.
So you want everyone to hide in their cave until everyone starves or dies of old age. There is no way to completely stop this virus, my entire family had it and the symptoms are incredibly minor so grow up and stop panicking

Of course not. I want states to be smart and responsible. Almost none of them are even trying to follow the established guidelines or testing. How does any employer even know if their employees are contagious? This is willful ignorance and it will end badly.
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold. How? because it is much more infectious and 1 to 2 hundred million Americans already had it and the death rate as such is much less than the flu

My entire family had this, we are all still here
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold.
Yes .....as evidenced by the 73k deaths in two months.:cuckoo:
Like I said. Too dumb to even understand you are.
There were not 73000 deaths as the 1700 people that die everyday from tobacco issues disappeared and were counted as covid deaths, furthermore 80,000 people died in 2018 from the flu which was considered normal
There are more than 73k deaths from covid. Your inability to accept that fact is evidence of cognative disability.
Actually there are 80,000 deaths from the flu in 2018 so you are the one who is not accepting reality.

Furthermore 7500 Americans die every day, sun or shine summer or winter so all is normal since no one can document that this number has risen

But but but you saw it on TV

Now grow up
Flu deaths or deaths from other causes are irrelevant. Covid deaths will far surpass those numbers very soon. What will be your argument then?

In the 2018-2019 influenza season, 34,200 Americans died from flu out of 16.5 million people sickened over a period of EIGHT months. So far, just under 75,000 Americans have died of COVID-19 out of 1.26 million infected during a period of TWO months.
Actually 80,000 died in the 17 to 18 season

Play on little girl

So why wasn't the economy shut

The number who actually came down with the flu was far higher than the number that have contracted COVID-19 and the flu season was eight months long. We have matched that number (which was an exceptionally bad flu season) in two months time.
Its faster than starving to death

if reports are believable the food banks are running out of free food
Most people will revert back to hunter gatherers and cannibals before starving to death. So if you look around there is actually plenty of food
The left will swear that people in America are dying of malnutrition

but if not outright starvation think of it as poverty that a bankrupt federal and state government is powerless to prevent
The fatality rate of COVID-19 is at least an order of magnitude higher than influenza. And as more is learned about this virus and its pathology, more and more victims are being discovered. COVID cases have now been detected in France from November of last year. This pandemic will turn out to have begun far earlier than believed and to have sickened and killed far more men, women and children.
The fatality rate of covid is less than 0.03 percent to the flu's 0.1 percent. Testing all Americans will prove this

But you believe what you heard on TV because TV is always such a great source of BS
No, it isn't.... that's simply a guess of yours.... fauci's guess is around 1%... but none of us know...

mortality rate is calculated on how many contracted the disease and not the total population, and we do not have a count on how many have contracted the disease because we do not have enough tests to test the normal population, only those with symptoms that are sick....

Everyone isn't tested for the flu either, nnor counted individually as deaths from it, they do have a formula to extrapolate how many they believe have had the flu , and how many died from it.....

And one eventually will be formulated for this virus..... but right now, it's simply a guess.... the virus is too new.....

What we do know, is how the death counts for this virus, are going at the rate of ten times GREATER than a bad Flu year deaths
Should we all be able to sue the governors and other politicians who opened up too early?

What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?

There are clear guidelines for reopening that are being ignored.

Can we sue the tRump *administration* for not enforcing them?

How about for their generally inept response and attempts to dodge responsibility for it?

What makes you think that they "will" surge? Scientists told us 2 months ago, if we just lock down for a few weeks, we will "flatten the curve" and that will be that. Well, we did, were they wrong?

The idea was never to lockdown until a vaccine was found, or even to reduce the number of cases. Just to stretch them out a bit so that the health system didn't get over stressed.
No one said that the virus goes away after flattening the curve, dope.

That's true. But the idea of flattening curve wasn't to prevent people from getting infected, but to spread it out.
It was to protect healthcare capacity and to decrease the number of new cases. To flatten the curve and put the new cases on a downward trajectory.
That has not been achieved in most places.
The country is opening where cases are on the rise.

That's a huge change in the tune from what was said 2 months ago. As explained in early March, the purpose of Lockdown was to even out the flow of illness, not to prevent most people from getting infected.
By flattening the curve, it reduced deaths for those flattening curve months by pushing them out to a later date, which allows anti viral medications, antibody shots, and a vaccine to be created....

of which the new treatments SAVES some of the LIVES of those who were pushed out by the social distancing and shutdowns....
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So now it's thought that Corona was spreading in NY as early as February.

My wife's employees all came down with what we thought was the flu in February as well. It went through the staff very quickly with fevers and persistent respiratory symptoms that lasted for weeks after.

In her 12 years owning the business she never had an illness affect so many people in such a short time.

I wonder if this was Corona.
Have any of them been tested for it?
There were no tests in February.

The only way to know now would be an antibody test
The Malaysian Institute for Medical Research produced a test on 11 January, the same day the Chinese released the SARS CoV2 genomic data. Public Health England developed a test on their own by 10 January. the WHO test was based on a German test first released on 23 January. So, when you say there were no test in February, you mean there were no American test in February. And that is not actually true. The CDC's contaminated tests were initially released in early February, but throughput was less than 100 per day. It was not until the 28th that contamination had been detected and rectified and a properly working test was produced.
The fatality rate of COVID-19 is at least an order of magnitude higher than influenza. And as more is learned about this virus and its pathology, more and more victims are being discovered. COVID cases have now been detected in France from November of last year. This pandemic will turn out to have begun far earlier than believed and to have sickened and killed far more men, women and children.
The fatality rate of covid is less than 0.03 percent to the flu's 0.1 percent. Testing all Americans will prove this

But you believe what you heard on TV because TV is always such a great source of BS
No, it isn't.... that's simply a guess of yours.... fauci's guess is around 1%... but none of us know...

mortality rate is calculated on how many contracted the disease and not the total population, and we do not have a count on how many have contracted the disease because we do not have enough tests to test the normal population, only those with symptoms that are sick....

Everyone isn't tested for the flu either, nnor counted individually as deaths from it, they do have a formula to extrapolate how many they believe have had the flu , and how many died from it.....

And one eventually will be formulated for this virus..... but right now, it's simply a guess.... the virus is too new.....

What we do know, is how the death counts for this virus, are going at the rate of ten times GREATER than a bad Flu year deaths
LOL Fauci guessed that 2.2 million would die as well.

Again when random test are taken of the people who are not sick or were sick and did not know they were sick because they had no symptoms the death rate will fall.

Again my entire family had this so you can not scare me doofy
You cough in dry weather it continues to travel in the lighter air, you cough in humid weather the wetness of the droplets falls to the ground preventing spread.
:laughing0301: that is absolutely ridiculous....12 inches away from your face in hot dry weather weakens and kills the virus.....your body temp is warmer in hot weather which can also make infection less likely....

These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
No. We believe there are idiots like yourself moving around and infecting at will. Those too stupid to realize they're doing so.
The number of cases continue to grow.
I wonder why.
So you want everyone to hide in their cave until everyone starves or dies of old age. There is no way to completely stop this virus, my entire family had it and the symptoms are incredibly minor so grow up and stop panicking

Of course not. I want states to be smart and responsible. Almost none of them are even trying to follow the established guidelines or testing. How does any employer even know if their employees are contagious? This is willful ignorance and it will end badly.
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold. How? because it is much more infectious and 1 to 2 hundred million Americans already had it and the death rate as such is much less than the flu

My entire family had this, we are all still here
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold.
Yes .....as evidenced by the 73k deaths in two months.:cuckoo:
Like I said. Too dumb to even understand you are.
There were not 73000 deaths as the 1700 people that die everyday from tobacco issues disappeared and were counted as covid deaths, furthermore 80,000 people died in 2018 from the flu which was considered normal
There are more than 73k deaths from covid. Your inability to accept that fact is evidence of cognative disability.
Actually there are 80,000 deaths from the flu in 2018 so you are the one who is not accepting reality.

Furthermore 7500 Americans die every day, sun or shine summer or winter so all is normal since no one can document that this number has risen

But but but you saw it on TV

Now grow up
Flu deaths or deaths from other causes are irrelevant. Covid deaths will far surpass those numbers very soon. What will be your argument then?

In the 2018-2019 influenza season, 34,200 Americans died from flu out of 16.5 million people sickened over a period of EIGHT months. So far, just under 75,000 Americans have died of COVID-19 out of 1.26 million infected during a period of TWO months.
Actually 80,000 died in the 17 to 18 season

Play on little girl

So why wasn't the economy shut

The number who actually came down with the flu was far higher than the number that have contracted COVID-19 and the flu season was eight months long. We have matched that number (which was an exceptionally bad flu season) in two months time.
Its faster than starving to death

if reports are believable the food banks are running out of free food
Most people will revert back to hunter gatherers and cannibals before starving to death. So if you look around there is actually plenty of food
Most people will revert back to hunter gatherers and cannibals before starving to death.
No, it isn't.... that's simply a guess of yours.... fauci's guess is around 1%... but none of us know...

mortality rate is calculated on how many contracted the disease and not the total population, and we do not have a count on how many have contracted the disease because we do not have enough tests to test the normal population, only those with symptoms that are sick....

Everyone isn't tested for the flu either, nnor counted individually as deaths from it, they do have a formula to extrapolate how many they believe have had the flu , and how many died from it.....

And one eventually will be formulated for this virus..... but right now, it's simply a guess.... the virus is too new.....

What we do know, is how the death counts for this virus, are going at the rate of ten times GREATER than a bad Flu year deaths

One of the quickest ways to tell if someone actually has any familiarity with science in general is their predilection to conclude science operates on guesses. The higher fatality rate of COVID-19 and of the flu are based on data. A fatality rate of 1% would put COVID ten times higher (one order of magnitude) than the average rate of influenza.

We do not have as many tests as we should, but that does not mean we cannot make an informed estimate of the number infected. As more and more tests are conducted, we will get a more and more accurate estimate. But, as Trump loves to point out, we have performed over five million test and other countries around the world have conducted millions more, with many countries testing at far, far higher per capita rates than the US. Recall that early estimates of COVID-19 fatality rates went as high at 7-8%. It is good that estimates are now between 1 and 1.2%, but that is still more than ten times the rate of the flu.

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