When did the GOP

This is another attempt by the Liberal Zombie Herd to spin the news away from the ABSENT Leader in the WH who is solely responsible for a Middle Eastern policy which has blown sky high in our faces causing over 20 Embassies to be attacked, Americans being raped, beaten, and slaughtered, an Air base being attacked in Afghanistan and American lives lost there, and an Appeasement Admin doubling down on the lie it was a flim no one had ever seen.. Not even the film, a TRAILER. The DNC, LAME stream media and all the Zombies are stoking it this morning hoping to put Romney on defense. He has to come out and slap the dogshit out of these morons with FACTS.. Fact: 67% of gimme mines Liberals thinks Government needs to do more for them.. Mitt Romney at a Fund Raiser made the absolute point that he will never change the mind of about 47% who lives off of the government.. He's 1000% correct, he won't.. They're leeches, slugs.. He stated he was going after the 5% undecided vote. He said NOTHING WRONG.. Next he needs to come out swingning on this INCOMPETENT BOOB in the WH who is a liar, an Appeaser, and who costs us lives and to be attacked once again on 9-11. Say what you willl about bOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH.. We were not attacked on 9-11 under BOOOOOOOOOOSH.. WE DIDN'T have embassies burning all over the fucking place with our flag being drug thru the dirt and the BLACK FLAG OF TERRORISM raised over sovereign American land. Mr. Romney, run an AD with that BLACK FLAG flying.. show this ABSENT LEADER in Vegas partying with this friends.. Show the plea of Israel for a simple meeting... THE FACTS.. THE TRUTH.. Show the latest downgrade on America, jobs reports, DEBT TO GDP---- On all fronts, this fiasco AMATUER is just that.

The entire campaign by Obama has been run on diversion and refusing to discuss the issues or his record. He has a crisis on his hands and he using the blame Bush routine by lalming a video.

It's never him or his policies or lack thereof.

By that logic we should conclude since it's never his fault it must mean he isn't in control of anything.
Care to explain why that is the case?

Seriously, I need to explain how regressive tax systems work? I imagine you must have been a big supporter of Herman Cain, considering he was the King of the regressive tax with his 9-9-9 plan.

I didn't ask you for a definition or an insult, nor did I say that you're wrong. I asked you to explain by showing some proof....a link, a statistic that can be verified...you know...it's called evidence of what one says/posts.

Not knowing something so simple as this really shows how uninformed you are. Here's a few links. Take the time to actually read and educate yourself.



How State Taxes Put a Bigger Pinch on the Poor - DailyFinance

Study: Washington state has USA’s most regressive taxes | Strange Bedfellows — Politics News - seattlepi.com

Seriously, I need to explain how regressive tax systems work? I imagine you must have been a big supporter of Herman Cain, considering he was the King of the regressive tax with his 9-9-9 plan.

I didn't ask you for a definition or an insult, nor did I say that you're wrong. I asked you to explain by showing some proof....a link, a statistic that can be verified...you know...it's called evidence of what one says/posts.

Not knowing something so simple as this really shows how uninformed you are. Here's a few links. Take the time to actually read and educate yourself.



How State Taxes Put a Bigger Pinch on the Poor - DailyFinance

Study: Washington state has USA’s most regressive taxes | Strange Bedfellows — Politics News - seattlepi.com


And as a matter of fact, I will read them. It's all I asked you for, now wasn't it. Did I say that you were wrong? Go back and look.
As far as I can tell the GOP started on the path that led them to this point shortly after 9/11.

It started with "you are with us or you are with the terrorists".

Artie i think it started with bad mouthing Unions for squeezing what they can out of Corporations....and then it drifted down to the workers for having the gall and audacity to belong to one and then it just stayed on the workers.....especially Government ones.....thats my experience anyway....

i'm not sure i agree. both things were certainly part of it. but it seems to be an evolution that started when atwater started the meme about government being the problem instead of it solving problems...
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

i hear ya Jill.....i have been negged and called a few choice expletives by some of the Far Righties for being a ...gasp...Government Worker and i really got shit upon when they found out i belong to......a Union........:eusa_shifty:

oh no!!!! gubmint!

i think they forget that when they talk about making government 'smaller' (when they really don't mean smaller since they want it in our bedrooms) they're talking about jobs.

that seems to escape some people
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

30% of the people that pay no income tax identify themselves as workers earning less than $30,000 per year AND as Republicans.

You just can't help but laugh at Republicans.

I know, people who want to freaking work instead of getting handouts? People who want to be dependent on themselves instead of you? That is so passe...
If Romney thinks low income people don't pay enough taxes, he should simply say so,

and tell us how we should fix that.
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

You libs crack me up....always talking about what someone else is paying in Taxes....NEVER, EVER bothering to think about the taxes YOU or they pay in relation to what the government SPENDS!

I would like for you to try to wrap your feeble head around a simple FACT....here goes, the government (no matter what you pay) is spending (SPENDING) at a rate of over $12,000 a YEAR for EACH and EVERY American citizen!

Now, do YOU pay $12,000 a year in Taxes? NOPE..you don't. Guess what though...SOMEONE IS!

and a lot more!

So, a typical family of four is having almost $50,000 SPENT by the government in their name each year.

Does that make any sense? Not in whacky liberal world but in THE REAL WORLD?

Grow a brain people...it's not the taxes, it's the SPENDING!

the right doesn't care about what government 'spends' or the debt or paying for things. that's why bush ran two wars on china's dime.

and you probably shouldn't want tax cuts for the top 1%

but that's what feeling 'entitled' gets you.
Because Nixon and Eisenhower were friends to working people, at the end of the day. The sought union support, they stuck up for union things. OSHA, probably the best friend working folks have had, was Nixon's idea.

So where did it all go wrong?

That's easy - when the greed from unions and people like you started collapsing our economy.

The greed of lazy Dumbocrats and unions bankrupted our governments (federal, state, and local), bankrupted our auto industry, and bankrupted our manufacturing industry.

It's astounding how ignorant of basic economic principles Dumbocrats are...
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

30% of the people that pay no income tax identify themselves as workers earning less than $30,000 per year AND as Republicans.

You just can't help but laugh at Republicans.

the radicals seem to be a bit er... reality averse.
According to US Census Bureau data, 49.1% of the US population lives in a household where at least one member is receiving government benefits:
The 49.1% of the population in a household that gets benefits is up from 30% in the early 1980s and 44.4% as recently as the third quarter of 2008.

Census: 49% of US Lives in Households Receiving Gov't Benefits

Over 100 million US residents on welfare

Over 100 million US residents on welfare — RT

Half of Americans in households receiving government aid

Half of Americans in households receiving government aid

1 in 5 Americans Are Dependent on Government

Chart: 1 in 5 Americans Are Dependent on Federal Government

Number of the Week: Half of U.S. Lives in Household Getting Benefits

Number of the Week: Half of U.S. Lives in Household Getting Benefits - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Yup.....ahhhhhh ( take long puff on ciggy, Denis Leary style)

Guys like me........spend our whole lives supporting the losers of society. And our president thinks that is just perfectly fair, in fact, if fixing to bleed me a little more in the next 4 years if he is reelected.

I live in New York where this experiment is waaaaaaaaaaay ahead of schedule. Fucking place becomes more of a snake pit by the day. If this guy gets reelected, the day after, I'll be heading to my local Dicks Sporting Goods store, and not to purchase a pair of running shoes.

guys like you?

that's funny. because again, people like me, like article...

we're the ones paying the top tax rate.

Being a single male with a decent job, no kids, and up until very recently a renter, I am solidly the "pays federal income taxes" club, however, I'm a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bit away from hitting hitting the top marginal rate.

As far as I can tell the GOP started on the path that led them to this point shortly after 9/11.

It started with "you are with us or you are with the terrorists".

Artie i think it started with bad mouthing Unions for squeezing what they can out of Corporations....and then it drifted down to the workers for having the gall and audacity to belong to one and then it just stayed on the workers.....especially Government ones.....thats my experience anyway....

Hmmm ...

Perhaps we should all share our "when I realized the GOP is shit" story.
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

30% of the people that pay no income tax identify themselves as workers earning less than $30,000 per year AND as Republicans.

You just can't help but laugh at Republicans.

the radicals seem to be a bit er... reality averse.

Are you Truthmatters or Lakhota in drag? :D You bear a striking resemblance. :lol: You make stuff up as you go along.
the right doesn't care about what government 'spends' or the debt or paying for things. that's why bush ran two wars on china's dime.

and you probably shouldn't want tax cuts for the top 1%

but that's what feeling 'entitled' gets you.

Obama has spent more in 3 years than Bush spent in 8. And while Bush was spending it to keep the American people free, Obama is spending it to line the pockets of his union pals and "green energy" pals. So, as usual, your argument is an epic fail!

Romney said that 47% of the voters aren't going to vote for him. That's true. No matter what he does. And it should be obvious that people who do not pay taxes at all are not going to be persuaded by arguments to lower taxes. They are persuaded by arguments to raise taxes if raising taxes would give them more money.

Again, Romney is just stating a blatant truth.
30% of the people that pay no income tax identify themselves as workers earning less than $30,000 per year AND as Republicans.

You just can't help but laugh at Republicans.

the radicals seem to be a bit er... reality averse.

Are you Truthmatters or Lakhota in drag? :D You bear a striking resemblance. :lol: You make stuff up as you go along.

She's the queen of misinformation, which is why I annihilate her with facts on every thread.
As far as I can tell the GOP started on the path that led them to this point shortly after 9/11.

It started with "you are with us or you are with the terrorists".

Artie i think it started with bad mouthing Unions for squeezing what they can out of Corporations....and then it drifted down to the workers for having the gall and audacity to belong to one and then it just stayed on the workers.....especially Government ones.....thats my experience anyway....

Hmmm ...

Perhaps we should all share our "when I realized the GOP is shit" story.

Why? The story would all be the same - when you parasites realized the GOP won't allow you to be a burden to society and you would actually have to work (oh the horrors of getting your lazy, useless ass out of bed to provide for yourself)
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

30% of the people that pay no income tax identify themselves as workers earning less than $30,000 per year AND as Republicans.

You just can't help but laugh at Republicans.

I know, people who want to freaking work instead of getting handouts? People who want to be dependent on themselves instead of you? That is so passe...
Obviously, you didn't understand. These people are getting tax credits, usually for child care, so they either pay no tax or get a "refund" above what they've paid in.

So, yeah, they are getting a handout.

So are 16 million seniors (also part of the 47%) countless low wage enlisted men and women (also part of the 47%) and the wealthy that pay no income tax (including Mitt Romney).

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