When did the GOP

You libs crack me up....always talking about what someone else is paying in Taxes....NEVER, EVER bothering to think about the taxes YOU or they pay in relation to what the government SPENDS!

I would like for you to try to wrap your feeble head around a simple FACT....here goes, the government (no matter what you pay) is spending (SPENDING) at a rate of over $12,000 a YEAR for EACH and EVERY American citizen!

Now, do YOU pay $12,000 a year in Taxes? NOPE..you don't. Guess what though...SOMEONE IS!

and a lot more!

So, a typical family of four is having almost $50,000 SPENT by the government in their name each year.

Does that make any sense? Not in whacky liberal world but in THE REAL WORLD?

Grow a brain people...it's not the taxes, it's the SPENDING!

the right doesn't care about what government 'spends' or the debt or paying for things. that's why bush ran two wars on china's dime.

and you probably shouldn't want tax cuts for the top 1%

but that's what feeling 'entitled' gets you.

Completely NON-RESPONSIVE to my post. I don't care what label the politician is wearing...if that politician is spending MY money he better have a damn good reason for it....that aside, why not try to respond to the simple FACT this government is spending at a rate exceeding $12,000 per person, EVERY SINGLE YEAR?

Are you really so dumb as to not be able to reconcile that is pure lunacy?

we don't have a spending problem... we have a cash flow problem.

you don't run two wars on china's credit card.

baby bush was the first leader in history to cut taxes during wartime.

now THAT is insane.

or are *you* so stupid you don't understand THAT?

don't bother answering... i know the answer.
Worlds' Dumbest Bitch Arrived for yet another slapdown. Hi Jilly! How's Boooooooooooooooosh? 2 posts, 2 of her only words...Bush and rightwingnuts. She's as predictable as yesterday's weather. Talk about an iPod stuck on repeat. Yeesh!
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Worlds' Dumbest Bitch Arrived for yet another slapdown. Hi Jilly! How's Boooooooooooooooosh? 2 posts, 2 of her only words...Bush and rightwingnuts. She's as predictable as yesterday's weather.


you're not the world dumbest bitch, silly

you're very, very close, though. :thup:
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

The GOP has always (as far back as I can remember) been of, by, and for the wealthy. I don't think they have contempt for the working class. They just don't care about working people. Maximizing profit is everything to these people. If it means stepping on the poor and working class to do so, they will without hesitation. There really isn't any line they wouldn't cross if there was a buck on the other side of it.

Their "fiscal responsibility" is just a bunch of BS too. The only time they care about the budget or the deficit is when the President is a Democrat. Any other time they spend money faster than Pac-Man Jones making it rain at a strip joint.
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

The GOP has always (as far back as I can remember) been of, by, and for the wealthy. I don't think they have contempt for the working class. They just don't care about working people. Maximizing profit is everything to these people. If it means stepping on the poor and working class to do so, they will without hesitation. There really isn't any line they wouldn't cross if there was a buck on the other side of it.

Their "fiscal responsibility" is just a bunch of BS too. The only time they care about the budget or the deficit is when the President is a Democrat. Any other time they spend money faster than Pac-Man Jones making it rain at a strip joint.

And Demorat "fiscal responsibility" is....Oh wait it doesn't exist. Spend, spend, spend and then spend some more. Then we will print money and spend that too. The bill is just imaginary like your fucking common sense. STFU!
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

The GOP has always (as far back as I can remember) been of, by, and for the wealthy. I don't think they have contempt for the working class. They just don't care about working people. Maximizing profit is everything to these people. If it means stepping on the poor and working class to do so, they will without hesitation. There really isn't any line they wouldn't cross if there was a buck on the other side of it.

Their "fiscal responsibility" is just a bunch of BS too. The only time they care about the budget or the deficit is when the President is a Democrat. Any other time they spend money faster than Pac-Man Jones making it rain at a strip joint.

And Demorat "fiscal responsibility" is....Oh wait it doesn't exist. Spend, spend, spend and then spend some more. Then we will print money and spend that too. The bill is just imaginary like your fucking common sense. STFU!

Democrat President Bill Clinton left Repug pResident Bush a budget surplus. Bush left President Obama with an economy in tatters with 2 wars and a medicare benefit off the books. Don't talk to me about Republican fiscal responsibility. It's a myth. Just like your common sense.
Being a single male with a decent job, no kids, and up until very recently a renter, I am solidly the "pays federal income taxes" club, however, I'm a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bit away from hitting hitting the top marginal rate.


Being an asshole 100% of the time, it's no wonder you are a "single male". Better get used to never having a woman around parasite...

how can the guy be a "parasite" if he is working,owns a house,pays taxes?.....:eusa_eh:
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

I think it was some time during the 90s.
Seriously, I need to explain how regressive tax systems work? I imagine you must have been a big supporter of Herman Cain, considering he was the King of the regressive tax with his 9-9-9 plan.

he knows that question has nothing to do with this thread. but they can't justify romney's stupid comments. they can't just say, yeah, he messed up.. they can't acknowledge he's a horrible candidate and an ugly person.
so they'd rather spew and rant and deflect.

it makes them feel better about themselves. *shrug*

"Ugly person" what do base that on? How about Obama flying off to fundraisers after our ambassador had just been murdered? Obama is a low life, narcissist, piece of crap and you love him, that says something about you.
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

You libs crack me up....always talking about what someone else is paying in Taxes....NEVER, EVER bothering to think about the taxes YOU or they pay in relation to what the government SPENDS!

I would like for you to try to wrap your feeble head around a simple FACT....here goes, the government (no matter what you pay) is spending (SPENDING) at a rate of over $12,000 a YEAR for EACH and EVERY American citizen!

Now, do YOU pay $12,000 a year in Taxes? NOPE..you don't. Guess what though...SOMEONE IS!

and a lot more!

So, a typical family of four is having almost $50,000 SPENT by the government in their name each year.

Does that make any sense? Not in whacky liberal world but in THE REAL WORLD?

Grow a brain people...it's not the taxes, it's the SPENDING!

the right doesn't care about what government 'spends' or the debt or paying for things. that's why bush ran two wars on china's dime.

and you probably shouldn't want tax cuts for the top 1%

but that's what feeling 'entitled' gets you.

You're a broken record of talking points. You're supposed to be a lawyer? You can't even think for yourself. Do you think I like attacking you? No I don't, but there is just no serious thought in anything you post...Endless talking points. What a disappointment.:eusa_eh:
You libs crack me up....always talking about what someone else is paying in Taxes....NEVER, EVER bothering to think about the taxes YOU or they pay in relation to what the government SPENDS!

I would like for you to try to wrap your feeble head around a simple FACT....here goes, the government (no matter what you pay) is spending (SPENDING) at a rate of over $12,000 a YEAR for EACH and EVERY American citizen!

Now, do YOU pay $12,000 a year in Taxes? NOPE..you don't. Guess what though...SOMEONE IS!

and a lot more!

So, a typical family of four is having almost $50,000 SPENT by the government in their name each year.

Does that make any sense? Not in whacky liberal world but in THE REAL WORLD?

Grow a brain people...it's not the taxes, it's the SPENDING!

the right doesn't care about what government 'spends' or the debt or paying for things. that's why bush ran two wars on china's dime.

and you probably shouldn't want tax cuts for the top 1%

but that's what feeling 'entitled' gets you.

You're a broken record of talking points. You're supposed to be a lawyer? You can't even think for yourself. Do you think I like attacking you? No I don't, but there is just no serious thought in anything you post...Endless talking points. What a disappointment.:eusa_eh:

She's not even an original talking point. "Booooosh" and "rightwingnut" are the extent of her vocabulary. It's the same reply each time, no matter the topic. She just changes the order of the words. She makes up the rest of what she posts whether there's any truth to it or not. What's more sad is that she actually thinks that she's "getting the best" of someone in a debate. Pitiful actually.... if she wasn't such a sad excuse of a poster.

Worse yet she goes out of her way to seek out anything that I post when she logs in. She starts an argument, gets slapped around, others join in disagreeing with her and then off she goes and slides back in on her belly latter and tries to get the last word when she thinks one is no longer following the thread.

Some lawyer...:lol:
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