When did the GOP

Stay on message Romney.. You were 1000% correct. The Welfare President and his band of liberal leeches want MORE of hard working American's money.. 67% state GIMME MINES!

And remember this gem?? The Speaker of the House touting out of work Americans drawing a government check as JOB CREATION???

Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Fastest Way to Create Jobs | Fox News

The face of the WELFARE STATE.. Two downgrades under this Welfare President. Debt to GDP @ 110%, never before seen... and liberals screech for more more more.. What kind of morons ask a bank who has no money for more??? NONE.. except the Zombie slugs , The Welfare President.

Romney/Ryan 2012- for a return of fiscal discipline.
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Being a single male with a decent job, no kids, and up until very recently a renter, I am solidly the "pays federal income taxes" club, however, I'm a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bit away from hitting hitting the top marginal rate.


Being an asshole 100% of the time, it's no wonder you are a "single male". Better get used to never having a woman around parasite...
Being a single male with a decent job, no kids, and up until very recently a renter, I am solidly the "pays federal income taxes" club, however, I'm a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bit away from hitting hitting the top marginal rate.


Being an asshole 100% of the time, it's no wonder you are a "single male". Better get used to never having a woman around parasite...

I can tell this is bothering you.

Stay on message Romney.. You were 1000% correct. The Welfare President and his band of liberal leeches want MORE of hard working American's money.. 67% state GIMME MINES!

And remember this gem?? The Speaker of the House touting out of work Americans drawing a government check as JOB CREATION???

Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Fastest Way to Create Jobs | Fox News

The face of the WELFARE STATE.. Two downgrades under this Welfare President. Debt to GDP @ 110%, never before seen... and liberals screech for more more more.. What kind of morons ask a bank who has no money for more??? NONE..

Romney/Ryan 2012- for a return of fiscal discipline.

Didn't you hear? It's all covered. jillian pays the "TOP" tax rate so it's all good. Spend like a drunken sailor.

Just pass the bill along to future generations.
Being a single male with a decent job, no kids, and up until very recently a renter, I am solidly the "pays federal income taxes" club, however, I'm a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bit away from hitting hitting the top marginal rate.


Being an asshole 100% of the time, it's no wonder you are a "single male". Better get used to never having a woman around parasite...

I can tell this is bothering you.


in case no one noticed: you have just been totally annihilated by rottweiler.

yes, yes.
30% of the people that pay no income tax identify themselves as workers earning less than $30,000 per year AND as Republicans.

You just can't help but laugh at Republicans.

I know, people who want to freaking work instead of getting handouts? People who want to be dependent on themselves instead of you? That is so passe...
Obviously, you didn't understand. These people are getting tax credits, usually for child care, so they either pay no tax or get a "refund" above what they've paid in.

So, yeah, they are getting a handout.

So are 16 million seniors (also part of the 47%) countless low wage enlisted men and women (also part of the 47%) and the wealthy that pay no income tax (including Mitt Romney).

There are a whole bunch of Seniors who pay Federal income taxes.

Income Tax Counseling for the Elderly - Lawyers.com

Mitt Romney paid 3 million in Federal income tax for 2011.
I know, people who want to freaking work instead of getting handouts? People who want to be dependent on themselves instead of you? That is so passe...
Obviously, you didn't understand. These people are getting tax credits, usually for child care, so they either pay no tax or get a "refund" above what they've paid in.

So, yeah, they are getting a handout.

So are 16 million seniors (also part of the 47%) countless low wage enlisted men and women (also part of the 47%) and the wealthy that pay no income tax (including Mitt Romney).

There are a whole bunch of Seniors who pay Federal income taxes.

Income Tax Counseling for the Elderly - Lawyers.com

Mitt Romney paid 3 million in Federal income tax for 2011.
No he didn't. He doesn't pay income tax. Or Social Security. Or Medicare.

And that some seniors pay income tax doesn't negate my claim that 16 million do not.
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

And I am willing to bet Romney gives a higher percentage to charity than you do.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg98BvqUvCc&feature=related]OBAMA'S GONNA PAY FOR MY GAS... - YouTube[/ame]

OBAMA MONEY.. "I don't have to worry about paying for gas any more."

The WELFARE President and his gooney followers who stick a hand out.

More Americans went on disability than found jobs in last 3 months | Fox News


Food stamp aid up 70% under this welfare President.

U.S. National Debt Clock
National debt clock

And yet the LEFTIST GIMME HERD SCREAMS, "Give me more." Give me mines"... "OBAMA MONEY!"

Mitt Romney is correct.. 47 percent pay ZERO in taxes.. 675 of LIBERALS want more hand outs.
Obviously, you didn't understand. These people are getting tax credits, usually for child care, so they either pay no tax or get a "refund" above what they've paid in.

So, yeah, they are getting a handout.

So are 16 million seniors (also part of the 47%) countless low wage enlisted men and women (also part of the 47%) and the wealthy that pay no income tax (including Mitt Romney).

There are a whole bunch of Seniors who pay Federal income taxes.

Income Tax Counseling for the Elderly - Lawyers.com

Mitt Romney paid 3 million in Federal income tax for 2011.
No he didn't. He doesn't pay income tax. Or Social Security. Or Medicare.

And that some seniors pay income tax doesn't negate my claim that 16 million do not.

According to his tax returns he did.
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

47% don't pay Federal income taxes. He might have a point about that group voting Democratic. I can't imagine someone who pays no federal income taxes wanting to vote for a Republican. That would go contrary to simple logic. However, I haven't seen any data to back up that claim.

I thought the Bush tax cuts pushed many of those 47% into that bracket.
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

And I am willing to bet Romney gives a higher percentage to charity than you do.

She's a self centered NYC "Yuppie" ( for lack of a better name). She claims to pay the TOP tax rate which as an attorney doesn't say much for her tax preparation ability if she's paying the top rate and no deductions.
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Romney treats his household help better than Obama treats his blood relatives (assuming of course that Frank Marshall Davis isn't his real Dad)
But the obvious corollary to all this is that before the collapse, the number was much lower than 47 percent. In 2007 it was 37.9. And if Romney wins and the economy continues healing, it’ll fall back down toward that level.

Romney’s apparent obliviousness to this is stunning. It suggests he thinks that those 9.1 percent of worse-off people have either grown complacent with their new lot, or that they prefer it — that when things improve they’ll still feel entitled to government goodies they don’t need.

The unintended irony here is that it pulls back the veil on his plan to cut those people’s benefits or raise their taxes or both — to force more of their skin into the game, come what may. Either that or, it follows, the country will never recover from the current economic mess.

The ‘47 Percent’ And American Decline | TPM Editors Blog
well it is really important to call them on their lies...

see my post above...


This is what you asswipe pal posted. He can't seem to explain what he himself posts.

Take a crack at it:

"I love how cons never ever talk about the fact that they pay so much less as a percentage of income at the state level compared to the lowest income earners who pay the most.."

Why is it that? Do you know?

if you want that discussion, try starting your 250th thread. this one is dealing with mitten's and the GOP lie that the people who don't pay taxes vote democratic.

so why don't *you*, address the fact that red states get more in federal funding than they pay in.

we'lll wait.

If you break down total taxes paid - sales, state, dividends, capital gains, estate, etc., - by income quintiles broadly, taxes in the US are still very progressive.
I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.
What percentage would that be?

well, honey... given that the red states take more money out of the federal government than they put in, and blue states put in more than they take out....

you tell me.

omg all of nj just laughed at you. as did chicago.
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

You libs crack me up....always talking about what someone else is paying in Taxes....NEVER, EVER bothering to think about the taxes YOU or they pay in relation to what the government SPENDS!

I would like for you to try to wrap your feeble head around a simple FACT....here goes, the government (no matter what you pay) is spending (SPENDING) at a rate of over $12,000 a YEAR for EACH and EVERY American citizen!

Now, do YOU pay $12,000 a year in Taxes? NOPE..you don't. Guess what though...SOMEONE IS!

and a lot more!

So, a typical family of four is having almost $50,000 SPENT by the government in their name each year.

Does that make any sense? Not in whacky liberal world but in THE REAL WORLD?

Grow a brain people...it's not the taxes, it's the SPENDING!

the right doesn't care about what government 'spends' or the debt or paying for things. that's why bush ran two wars on china's dime.

and you probably shouldn't want tax cuts for the top 1%

but that's what feeling 'entitled' gets you.

Completely NON-RESPONSIVE to my post. I don't care what label the politician is wearing...if that politician is spending MY money he better have a damn good reason for it....that aside, why not try to respond to the simple FACT this government is spending at a rate exceeding $12,000 per person, EVERY SINGLE YEAR?

Are you really so dumb as to not be able to reconcile that is pure lunacy?

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