When Did This Become Trump's Economy?

GDP growth sucked under Obama. Lowest average GDP growth in modern history.
Real annual GDP was 2.1 starting the year aftere the recession. It’s 2.2 under Trump, though his second year will be reported on soon.

You mean after we hit the lowest of low points we started doing better? So when a football team goes 1-15 and the next year goes 3-13 you smile and say the team tripled the win total? Or do you say, "3-13 still sucks"?
According to the left, it’s Trump’s economy every time there’s bad news and it’s 0bama’s economy every time there’s good news.
Well, it's kind of true.

Pulling us out of every trade agreement is destroying our agriculture and beef industries.

But then again, maybe that's what Republicans want? I don't know.

GDP growth sucked under Obama. Lowest average GDP growth in modern history.
Real annual GDP was 2.1 starting the year aftere the recession. It’s 2.2 under Trump, though his second year will be reported on soon.

You mean after we hit the lowest of low points we started doing better? So when a football team goes 1-15 and the next year goes 3-13 you smile and say the team tripled the win total? Or do you say, "3-13 still sucks"?
A 1-15 team can go 0-16 the following year. I omitted the first year because Bush handed Obama a quarterly GDP of -8.4% and a recession. So of course that had a huge impact on GDP in 2009 which had nothing to do with Obama’s policies. But from that year forward, it averaged 2.1. Trump’s average so far is 2.2.
You mean after we hit the lowest of low points we started doing better? So when a football team goes 1-15 and the next year goes 3-13 you smile and say the team tripled the win total? Or do you say, "3-13 still sucks"?

That's actually a really good point. However, I think Obama's policy, and maybe even some of his rhetoric held the economy back. It should have come back roaring over his eight years (that's a long time in economic cycling) instead of a whimper.
American businessmen were scarred to put a nickel into their company or expand while Obama was in office. Because they knew he was an enemy of capitalism and hell bent on turning the country into a socialist 3rd world crap hole with crippling taxes.

When Pres.Trump was elected and took the helm. Businessmen started pouring money into their companies, upgrading the equipment, and expanding the work force. They now had confidence in a growing economy because we now had a pro-business capitalist president who believed in Ameica. ... :cool:
And yet, through all that claptrap, the economy grew under Barack Obama.
Because it had nowhere to go but up dummy.

Simpletons are amusing
Simply not true. It could have gotten worse. Much worse. It could have slipped into a depression.
GDP growth sucked under Obama. Lowest average GDP growth in modern history.
Real annual GDP was 2.1 starting the year aftere the recession. It’s 2.2 under Trump, though his second year will be reported on soon.

You mean after we hit the lowest of low points we started doing better? So when a football team goes 1-15 and the next year goes 3-13 you smile and say the team tripled the win total? Or do you say, "3-13 still sucks"?
A 1-15 team can go 0-16 the following year. I omitted the first year because Bush handed Obama a quarterly GDP of -8.4% and a recession. So of course that had a huge impact on GDP in 2009 which had nothing to do with Obama’s policies. But from that year forward, it averaged 2.1. Trump’s average so far is 2.2.

Bush was bad but Obama spent a lot in free agency to go 3-13. Problem with him was that he was never seen as a business friendly president.
January 21, 2017. not sure what you're after.
So what made the economy BOOM! just one day after Trump took Office Spruce?

American businessmen were scarred to put a nickel into their company or expand while Obama was in office. Because they knew he was an enemy of capitalism and hell bent on turning the country into a socialist 3rd world crap hole with crippling taxes.

When Pres.Trump was elected and took the helm. Businessmen started pouring money into their companies, upgrading the equipment, and expanding the work force. They now had confidence in a growing economy because we now had a pro-business capitalist president who believed in Ameica. ... :cool:
And yet, through all that claptrap, the economy grew under Barack Obama.

I find it fascinating that Liberals are so proud of that oversized eared black dude with the unAmerican name for "turning our economy around".
Let's construct a parallel to explain what Hussein really did for ease of understanding; this will allow our elementary minded Loons to process it...well, maybe.
Your annual overhead is $100,000 which exceeds your annual income of $50,000...you walk over to your money printing machine (your bank) and print $200,000 and TA-DA....pressure is off and you're good to go...you can cover overhead for four more years....DOH, but wait, what about that $200k?
Are you really an economics genius...an amazing leader?
OR...did you simply defer the inevitable using other people's money?
Nice try Kenyan...you can only fool the fools....hahaha
You mean after we hit the lowest of low points we started doing better? So when a football team goes 1-15 and the next year goes 3-13 you smile and say the team tripled the win total? Or do you say, "3-13 still sucks"?

That's actually a really good point. However, I think Obama's policy, and maybe even some of his rhetoric held the economy back. It should have come back roaring over his eight years (that's a long time in economic cycling) instead of a whimper.

He was never seen as a business friendly president. What he did was keep rates very low for a very long period of time but companies did not spend or invest like he thought they would. With DJT he was seen as business friendly because well he is a businessman so it spurned confidence in both businesses and consumers alike. If it were Mark Cuban and not DJT the result would have been the same.
Bush was bad but Obama spent a lot in free agency to go 3-13. Problem with him was that he was never seen as a business friendly president.

Another good point. Those multiple Trillion dollar stimuli were largely paybacks to unions, and crony capitalists for getting him elected. Obama laughed when he was asked about the shovel ready jobs he promised. Saying maybe they weren't as shovel ready as he thought. Meaning the American worker can go pound sand.
Also, explain exactly how just leaving improves the ENTIRE economy.
It doesn't make sense, it's just a talking point. Please expound.

It makes total sense to anyone with a brain who has ever coached or managed a bunch of people or watched another do it well. It has to do with being an effective leader, inspiring, motivating others, their having confidence in you. The Obama economy was the slowest recovery in history---- all the guy ever did was torture business and investors with uncertainty and the threat of more and ever-changing rules and regulations, then in steps a guy with actual experience in running business and turning a profit. Economies and investors are primarily made up of businessmen looking to turn a profit and not politicians whose every dollar came off the backs of taxpayers.
You mean after we hit the lowest of low points we started doing better? So when a football team goes 1-15 and the next year goes 3-13 you smile and say the team tripled the win total? Or do you say, "3-13 still sucks"?

That's actually a really good point. However, I think Obama's policy, and maybe even some of his rhetoric held the economy back. It should have come back roaring over his eight years (that's a long time in economic cycling) instead of a whimper.

He was never seen as a business friendly president. What he did was keep rates very low for a very long period of time but companies did not spend or invest like he thought they would. With DJT he was seen as business friendly because well he is a businessman so it spurned confidence in both businesses and consumers alike. If it were Mark Cuban and not DJT the result would have been the same.

So weird that a Black President would be the first in history to spend more on welfare than on military...hmmm, nobody saw that coming.
GDP growth sucked under Obama. Lowest average GDP growth in modern history.
Real annual GDP was 2.1 starting the year aftere the recession. It’s 2.2 under Trump, though his second year will be reported on soon.

You mean after we hit the lowest of low points we started doing better? So when a football team goes 1-15 and the next year goes 3-13 you smile and say the team tripled the win total? Or do you say, "3-13 still sucks"?
A 1-15 team can go 0-16 the following year. I omitted the first year because Bush handed Obama a quarterly GDP of -8.4% and a recession. So of course that had a huge impact on GDP in 2009 which had nothing to do with Obama’s policies. But from that year forward, it averaged 2.1. Trump’s average so far is 2.2.

Bush was bad but Obama spent a lot in free agency to go 3-13. Problem with him was that he was never seen as a business friendly president.
And yet, job growth was steady for the last 7 years under Obama and annual GDP is negligibly higher now than under Obama. That’s not sounding like 3-13.
So weird that a Black President would be the first in history to spend more on welfare than on military.

You can of course back that claim up...right?

Ya know...with a link to actual stats?
GDP growth sucked under Obama. Lowest average GDP growth in modern history.
Real annual GDP was 2.1 starting the year aftere the recession. It’s 2.2 under Trump, though his second year will be reported on soon.

You mean after we hit the lowest of low points we started doing better? So when a football team goes 1-15 and the next year goes 3-13 you smile and say the team tripled the win total? Or do you say, "3-13 still sucks"?
A 1-15 team can go 0-16 the following year. I omitted the first year because Bush handed Obama a quarterly GDP of -8.4% and a recession. So of course that had a huge impact on GDP in 2009 which had nothing to do with Obama’s policies. But from that year forward, it averaged 2.1. Trump’s average so far is 2.2.

Bush was bad but Obama spent a lot in free agency to go 3-13. Problem with him was that he was never seen as a business friendly president.
And yet, job growth was steady for the last 7 years under Obama and annual GDP is negligibly higher now than under Obama. That’s not sounding like 3-13.

You're moving the rhetoric. Job growth was steady because Bush destroyed the economy and unemployment was near 9%. Obama also benefitted from retiring baby boomers, explosion of the App marketplace and innovation in general. I don't think BHO was a terrible president btw I just stated that he was not viewed as business friendly and his banking regulations made it very expensive for banks to compete with the shadow banking market, which exploded and now with rates rising the High Yield market could blow up. Trump is seen as business friendly but he is also dealing with much more expensive $$ as the Fed has raised rates, despite that and the whole division of Progressive Left vs. Right (I am neither) the country is doing pretty well in terms of the economy. The debt is the real issue and unless DJT addresses entitlements or implements a federal spending tax we will continue to accrue a massive debt load.
You mean after we hit the lowest of low points we started doing better? So when a football team entgoes 1-15 and the next year goes 3-13 you smile and say the team tripled the win total? Or do you say, "3-13 still sucks"?

That's actually a really good point. However, I think Obama's policy, and maybe even some of his rhetoric held the economy back. It should have come back roaring over his eight years (that's a long time in economic cycling) instead of a whimper.

He was never seen as a business friendly president. What he did was keep rates very low for a very long period of time but companies did not spend or invest like he thought they would. With DJT he was seen as business friendly because well he is a businessman so it spurned confidence in both businesses and consumers alike. If it were Mark Cuban and not DJT the result would have been the same.

So weird that a Black President would be the first in history to spend more on welfare than on military...hmmm, nobody saw that coming.
The president can only spend what the Congress allows them to spend.
According to the left, it’s Trump’s economy every time there’s bad news and it’s 0bama’s economy every time there’s good news.

According to the right, it's trump's economy when theres good news and somebody else if there is any bad news.
Real annual GDP was 2.1 starting the year aftere the recession. It’s 2.2 under Trump, though his second year will be reported on soon.

You mean after we hit the lowest of low points we started doing better? So when a football team goes 1-15 and the next year goes 3-13 you smile and say the team tripled the win total? Or do you say, "3-13 still sucks"?
A 1-15 team can go 0-16 the following year. I omitted the first year because Bush handed Obama a quarterly GDP of -8.4% and a recession. So of course that had a huge impact on GDP in 2009 which had nothing to do with Obama’s policies. But from that year forward, it averaged 2.1. Trump’s average so far is 2.2.

Bush was bad but Obama spent a lot in free agency to go 3-13. Problem with him was that he was never seen as a business friendly president.
And yet, job growth was steady for the last 7 years under Obama and annual GDP is negligibly higher now than under Obama. That’s not sounding like 3-13.

You're moving the rhetoric. Job growth was steady because Bush destroyed the economy and unemployment was near 9%. Obama also benefitted from retiring baby boomers, explosion of the App marketplace and innovation in general. I don't think BHO was a terrible president btw I just stated that he was not viewed as business friendly and his banking regulations made it very expensive for banks to compete with the shadow banking market, which exploded and now with rates rising the High Yield market could blow up. Trump is seen as business friendly but he is also dealing with much more expensive $$ as the Fed has raised rates, despite that and the whole division of Progressive Left vs. Right (I am neither) the country is doing pretty well in terms of the economy. The debt is the real issue and unless DJT addresses entitlements or implements a federal spending tax we will continue to accrue a massive debt load.

You were doing pretty well until you posted this
The debt is the real issue and unless DJT addresses entitlements or implements a federal spending tax we will continue to accrue a massive debt load.

So you want to take the Trump tax cuts out of the hide of the middle class

You mean after we hit the lowest of low points we started doing better? So when a football team entgoes 1-15 and the next year goes 3-13 you smile and say the team tripled the win total? Or do you say, "3-13 still sucks"?

That's actually a really good point. However, I think Obama's policy, and maybe even some of his rhetoric held the economy back. It should have come back roaring over his eight years (that's a long time in economic cycling) instead of a whimper.

He was never seen as a business friendly president. What he did was keep rates very low for a very long period of time but companies did not spend or invest like he thought they would. With DJT he was seen as business friendly because well he is a businessman so it spurned confidence in both businesses and consumers alike. If it were Mark Cuban and not DJT the result would have been the same.

So weird that a Black President would be the first in history to spend more on welfare than on military...hmmm, nobody saw that coming.
The president can only spend what the Congress allows them to spend.

POTUS is the final signature he has a lot of pull.

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