When Did This Become Trump's Economy?

Put a timeline on this. Also, explain exactly how just leaving improves the ENTIRE economy.
It doesn't make sense, it's just a talking point. Please expound.
American businessmen were scarred to put a nickel into their company or expand while Obama was in office. Because they knew he was an enemy of capitalism and hell bent on turning the country into a socialist 3rd world crap hole with crippling taxes.

When Pres.Trump was elected and took the helm. Businessmen started pouring money into their companies, upgrading the equipment, and expanding the work force. They now had confidence in a growing economy because we now had a pro-business capitalist president who believed in Ameica. ... :cool:
American businessmen were scarred to put a nickel into their company or expand while Obama was in office. Because they knew he was an enemy of capitalism and hell bent on turning the country into a socialist 3rd world crap hole with crippling taxes.

When Pres.Trump was elected and took the helm. Businessmen started pouring money into their companies, upgrading the equipment, and expanding the work force. They now had confidence in a growing economy because we now had a pro-business capitalist president who believed in Ameica. ... :cool:
And yet, through all that claptrap, the economy grew under Barack Obama.
And why? (As in what did he do?)

This question is directed mostly to self-professed Conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.

Trump's economy has been framed by the chaos in the markets, markets which ended 2018 way below the way they began.

2017 was a great year for investors, and that was before Trump's Tariff FUBAR. It seems everything and everyone Trump touches is harmed. He is solely responsible for the Government Shutdown, and only those with no moral compass - the callous conservatives - support this man-child.

Trump's biggest lie yet maybe when he claimed Speaker Pelosi didn't want the American People to hear the truth, when he delivered the SOTU message.

Here is a summary of what he will say:

I am the greatest President in our nation's history, the Panacea of all the Obama and the dirty Democrats created. I am the world's best negotiator, I know more than the MSM which lies about me because they don't like me.

Pelosi and her other commies shut down our government, and have put 800,000 thousand beautiful and wonderful people and their lovely families out of work just to spite me.

I will not be moved or bow to their blackmail, let them eat cake before unless I get my 5.7 Billion Dollars which I promised the American People.

God is on my side.

The sad thing about this, he actually believes it.
All except the God part.

He doesn't believe that.
And why? (As in what did he do?)

This question is directed mostly to self-professed Conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.

Alright, when was it Obama economy?

Whenever it was positive and when not it was Bush Economy, am I correct?

So when things go south you will credit Trump but for now you will proclaim Obama, am I correct?

Also if Obama was the champion of the Economy then it was Ryan and Boehner ?

So it is their econony?
It’s not a talking point. It is a product of business outlook. Get Clinton, expected increase taxes and regulation = investment dollars flow overseas. Get Trump, expected decrease in tax and regulation = investment dollars flow domestically.

For you to stomp your feet like you just don’t understand is funny at this point. The Democrats are bad for business because they want to steal from business and the working class to take care of those who don’t want to take care of themselves.

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Since when does the working class make 10 million a year?

OP still hiding behind his rock after three years while the economy is booming. Lowest unemployment in history. nObama created the decline in job performance his third year in office.
It’s not a talking point. It is a product of business outlook. Get Clinton, expected increase taxes and regulation = investment dollars flow overseas. Get Trump, expected decrease in tax and regulation = investment dollars flow domestically.

For you to stomp your feet like you just don’t understand is funny at this point. The Democrats are bad for business because they want to steal from business and the working class to take care of those who don’t want to take care of themselves.

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Since when does the working class make 10 million a year?


Pulling numbers out of your rectum I see. The top tax bracket starts at $600k. Well in the range of working professionals and small business owners.

Fuck your propaganda

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And yet, through all that claptrap, the economy grew under Barack Obama.
The Bush economy was still in the dumps when Obama became president.

Obama managed to somewhat stabilize the economy, mainly because it couldn't sink any lower.

And although the economy rose slightly, not due to Obama, but normal market corrections. It remained moribund throughout most of his presidency, because he was focused on social issues like homo marriage, and not the economy or job creation. ... :cool:
When did the economy become Trumps? Feb of 2018, when he got his tax cuts passed, and then it was further cemented as Trump's when he started in with the tariffs on China.
American businessmen were scarred to put a nickel into their company or expand while Obama was in office. Because they knew he was an enemy of capitalism and hell bent on turning the country into a socialist 3rd world crap hole with crippling taxes.

When Pres.Trump was elected and took the helm. Businessmen started pouring money into their companies, upgrading the equipment, and expanding the work force. They now had confidence in a growing economy because we now had a pro-business capitalist president who believed in Ameica. ... :cool:
And yet, through all that claptrap, the economy grew under Barack Obama.
Because it had nowhere to go but up dummy.

Simpletons are amusing
And why? (As in what did he do?)

This question is directed mostly to self-professed Conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.
January 21, 2017. not sure what you're after.
This goes with what I've been saying since that date actually...

Republicans and rightwingers were going on and on and crowing about how terrible the economy was, until 1 day after Trump took Office. Just. One. Day.

Think on that.


Your desires and imagination have nothing to do with reality. Anyone with an operable brain recognizes we reached rock bottom in 2009 and the economy slowly improved after. It wasn't magic. According to you the improvement must have been because of Obama, but what did he do to improve that economy? Nothing remarkable, in fact the economy was slow to improve on his watch, which among other things was because of Obamacare. Obama doesn't control interest rates, and it was low interest rates that kept "his" economy from drowning.

So when did it become Trump's economy? Well fuck I don't know, is the market a reflection of the economy? If you suppose it is, then it became his economy when the DOW rose 1000 points the week following his election, and another 1000 points in December. A normal brain would conclude this occurred because of confidence in Trump, and/or the lack of confidence in Obama.
American businessmen were scarred to put a nickel into their company or expand while Obama was in office. Because they knew he was an enemy of capitalism and hell bent on turning the country into a socialist 3rd world crap hole with crippling taxes.

When Pres.Trump was elected and took the helm. Businessmen started pouring money into their companies, upgrading the equipment, and expanding the work force. They now had confidence in a growing economy because we now had a pro-business capitalist president who believed in Ameica. ... :cool:
And yet, through all that claptrap, the economy grew under Barack Obama.
grew how? the yearly GDP couldn't grow because he was using treasury money to inject money into the economy rather than private dollars from investors. that put a burden on the treasury and why GDP could not and would not show growth. many unemployed and many on food stamps. markers of a bad economy.
I’m not simply a self-confessed conservative but I’ll answer your question seriously.

There are many reasons that this economy is Trump’s. Some, but not all of them are:

1. 0bama was a self-confessed enemy of free enterprise. He stated as much in his books. Just the fact that he left improved the economy.

2. Another enemy of the free market, Hillary Clinton, was defeated.

3. Trump, a champion of capitalism and the free market was elected.

4. Reduced taxes and reduced federal regulations, improved the economy the most.

5. The friendliness of the country and especially the government (IOW the business climate) toward business has a huge effect on the market and the health of the economy. The Trump led, GOP ruled government provided a friendly environment for business.
Put a timeline on this.

Also, explain exactly how just leaving improves the ENTIRE economy.

It doesn't make sense, it's just a talking point. Please expound.

Timeline: November 2016 You know the rest.

I already explained how it improves the entire economy.

Of course it doesn't make sense to you, you are completely ignorant of all things economics and a Trump hating left wing nut.

You asked a question, I answered it correctly. You don't like the answer, too fucking bad.
According to the left, it’s Trump’s economy every time there’s bad news and it’s 0bama’s economy every time there’s good news.
And vice versa for the Right, of course.
Wrong. No one on the right is saying that any of this is Obama's, in fact we are stating that the economy is great and that it is Trump's doing. Only the left mentions 0bama.
According to the left, it’s Trump’s economy every time there’s bad news and it’s 0bama’s economy every time there’s good news.
And vice versa for the Right, of course.
BTW, through three years of obammy, the left blamed W. and it was W's economy. fk, they were still blaming W into year seven.
GDP growth sucked under Obama. Lowest average GDP growth in modern history.
According to the left, it’s Trump’s economy every time there’s bad news and it’s 0bama’s economy every time there’s good news.
And vice versa for the Right, of course..
oh no no no, we don't play blame games like you leftists. you're just flat out fking wrong there junior. Nope, good or bad, it's trump's economy since 1/21/17. simply put.
Too funny. I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that, too.
BTW,in the mid 90's it was clinton's. And you know what, he deserves all of the credit for the good economy in his years in office. he listened to the GOP congress and was fking successful. It was his economy. Just like it was Bush's and like it was obammy's. Not sure what you were thinking except that you weren't actually thinking.

WTF are you smoking? Not a single GOPer voted for his tax hike. Clinton ignored the GOP in his first term. He did work with them in his second term.
GDP growth sucked under Obama. Lowest average GDP growth in modern history.
Real annual GDP was 2.1 starting the year aftere the recession. It’s 2.2 under Trump, though his second year will be reported on soon.

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