When did Trump mention ¨women of color¨ when telling haters of America they can leave?

Elected congressmen can be compared to terrorists?
And the can of turd polish is officially empty.

And yet you compare the President to terrorists don't you?
But.....that's "different" isn't it?

You wear the polish well
I have never called Trump a terrorist. That dilutes the term 'terrorist'.

I've called Trump a charlatan, a huckster buffoon, a boor, a bully, stupid, lacking human qualities like morality, empathy and compassion.
I've said Trump is a slimy con artist, a time share condo salesman without the ethics, a liar and a fraud. A spoilt brat who played the playboy in the eighties, a goof on his reality TV show and a joke as a Republican.

But I never insulted terrorists by comparing them to Trump.

How is it that President Trump is “immoral”?
He wasn’t started any new wars and has given job opportunities to blacks and Hispanics like never seen before. He stands up against importing third world trash from Islamic shitholes, a culture that treats women like livestock and throws gays off rooftops. Yet he is the “immoral” one?
Gee! I never screwed a porn star while my wife was having a baby! And I never paid women to be quiet while I ran for public office.

Is this laudable morality?
Why did you feel you had to make this this topic about Bill Clinton?
Where exactly is written that popular vote gives you mandate?
How can a mandate be claimed by losing the popular vote?

Because mandate is given by winning electoral vote.
Not when 3 million votes are cast against you.

Could you define 'mandate'?
Nobody gives a shit what the fruitcakes in 5 KKKalifornia counties think.
Aren’t they Americans too?
In fact, California was home to between 2.35 and 2.6 million undocumented immigrants. So that nearly wipes out your entire 3 million more votes for Donald Trump.


To answer the question, I do NOT care what 2.6 million illegals think with regard to America's politics.
Elected congressmen can be compared to terrorists?
And the can of turd polish is officially empty.

And yet you compare the President to terrorists don't you?
But.....that's "different" isn't it?

You wear the polish well
I have never called Trump a terrorist. That dilutes the term 'terrorist'.

I've called Trump a charlatan, a huckster buffoon, a boor, a bully, stupid, lacking human qualities like morality, empathy and compassion.
I've said Trump is a slimy con artist, a time share condo salesman without the ethics, a liar and a fraud. A spoilt brat who played the playboy in the eighties, a goof on his reality TV show and a joke as a Republican.

But I never insulted terrorists by comparing them to Trump.

How is it that President Trump is “immoral”?
He wasn’t started any new wars and has given job opportunities to blacks and Hispanics like never seen before. He stands up against importing third world trash from Islamic shitholes, a culture that treats women like livestock and throws gays off rooftops. Yet he is the “immoral” one?
Gee! I never screwed a porn star while my wife was having a baby! And I never paid women to be quiet while I ran for public office.

Is this laudable morality?

So Hitler was a more moral man than Churchill in your opinion?
Without a doubt. Talk Radio broadcasters love to take Pelosi out of context and run with it.

But it still makes them look stupid when you find out that they were being duplicitous in such a shallow simplistic way.

Now look at Trump and what he said. You libs think he was just being his normal racist self, only his mask slipped for a moment.

That is not true and is a simplistic understanding of what happened.

The context is this: tying the Democrats to the Mod Squad is a huge vote getter for Republicans in 2020, but Pelosi was arguing with them and putting some daylight between the Mod Squad and her. So Trump fixed that by a CAREFULLY WORDED tweet that had the buzz phrase 'go back to your countries' in it, but in aa totally valid useage, i.e. 'go back to your countries and come back when you can teach us'.

Trump KNEW you guys would fixate on the buzz phrase out of context and that PELOSI WOULD DEFEND THE MODSQUAD. The daylight between her and them vanished overnight.

Once again, you erudite, oh-so-smart best-of-us city-dwelling information experts took Trump's bait and swallowed it so fast the hook has already been farted out your rectum.

You will never shed the ModSquad by the election of 2020, because TRUMP WONT LET YOU. He knows the Democratic Party's elite better than they know themselves and he knows what makes them go insane and what makes them go all fluffy.

You Dems will have to clean house, and I don't mean Spring Cleaning, I mean Augean Stables cleaning from top to bottom and spare no fruit, nuts or vegetables.

That is if you want to stop White Nationalism from taking over your party by 2035.

That's interesting, but ultimately not persuasive. Here's why:

First, given the electorate's attention span, this spat will be all but forgotten in three months, with another year to go until election day. By that time it will be buried under miles of sediments made up of other Trumpisms. The yapping orange clown cannot focus for five minutes to stay on message, or can he?

Second, look around on here: The Trumpletons are even incapable of figuring out how everyone else knew he was targeting The Squad. And you think they are perspicacious enough to notice daylight (or the absence thereof) between Pelosi and The Squad? Doesn't that strike you as highly unlikely?

Third, I agree, the rightarded blabbosphere is working diligently to amplify AOC so as to paint the Democratic party with her brush. It is, by comparison, perfectly without import whether or not Pelosi finds herself defending The Squad on this occasion, because the painting will go on and find its marks regardless. But, Trump's marks are with Trump despite that 5th Avenue shooting, so what difference does it make?

Fourth, you've realized it was a carefully worded tweet, and still you can't get yourself to read it closely enough to recognize the old racist trope, namely, "You shut up, or better go back to your country so that we can be all-White again"? Really? Did you overdose on the denial pills? Those people even have the temerity to tell "the people of the United States" how to run their government - and that still doesn't have you perk up? He tweet-revoked their citizenship based on their heritage and skin color, the White Nationalists and neo-Nazis throughout the country are jubilant (except for the fact that he won't follow through), and you still can't see the racism. Come on...

Fifth, and finally, your closing remarks are a puzzle, coming from a party taken over by White Nationalism, and urging the other party to do an Augean Stables cleaning for fear it may be taken over by White Nationalism. Isn't this the textbook example of transference projection for which the textbooks have been waiting since the term "transference projection" was coined?
What is the reason for Trump saying a person doesn't love their country? Since he is speaking specifically about the 4 person 'squad' and mentioned Somalia specifically, I believe if he were a anyone else even you would assume racism? He doesn't tell that to Joe Scarborough or Rachel Maddow. He confines himself to slanders, but he cited the 'go back to where you came from' only to the 4 Congressional ladies elected to be a check on his excesses. Breathe, un-wad your shorts, eat more fibre, get laid....these girls are not in control. They are expressing ideas and complaints just like every other AMERICAN including YOU.
As members of Congress these four have slightly more influence and power than the average American you invoke.
Hence your comments are disingenuous.
Yet you love it when Trump kicks ass and takes names, but these girls should 'go back' for speaking as bluntly as the man you want in office for speaking bluntly, if stupidly and eminently inarticulately, on every occasion.
Elected congressmen can be compared to terrorists?
And the can of turd polish is officially empty.

And yet you compare the President to terrorists don't you?
But.....that's "different" isn't it?

You wear the polish well
I have never called Trump a terrorist. That dilutes the term 'terrorist'.

I've called Trump a charlatan, a huckster buffoon, a boor, a bully, stupid, lacking human qualities like morality, empathy and compassion.
I've said Trump is a slimy con artist, a time share condo salesman without the ethics, a liar and a fraud. A spoilt brat who played the playboy in the eighties, a goof on his reality TV show and a joke as a Republican.

But I never insulted terrorists by comparing them to Trump.

How is it that President Trump is “immoral”?
He wasn’t started any new wars and has given job opportunities to blacks and Hispanics like never seen before. He stands up against importing third world trash from Islamic shitholes, a culture that treats women like livestock and throws gays off rooftops. Yet he is the “immoral” one?
Gee! I never screwed a porn star while my wife was having a baby! And I never paid women to be quiet while I ran for public office.

Is this laudable morality?
Why did you feel you had to make this this topic about Bill Clinton?

Wrong , its about tramp and you know it.
And yet you compare the President to terrorists don't you?
But.....that's "different" isn't it?

You wear the polish well
I have never called Trump a terrorist. That dilutes the term 'terrorist'.

I've called Trump a charlatan, a huckster buffoon, a boor, a bully, stupid, lacking human qualities like morality, empathy and compassion.
I've said Trump is a slimy con artist, a time share condo salesman without the ethics, a liar and a fraud. A spoilt brat who played the playboy in the eighties, a goof on his reality TV show and a joke as a Republican.

But I never insulted terrorists by comparing them to Trump.

How is it that President Trump is “immoral”?
He wasn’t started any new wars and has given job opportunities to blacks and Hispanics like never seen before. He stands up against importing third world trash from Islamic shitholes, a culture that treats women like livestock and throws gays off rooftops. Yet he is the “immoral” one?
Gee! I never screwed a porn star while my wife was having a baby! And I never paid women to be quiet while I ran for public office.

Is this laudable morality?
Why did you feel you had to make this this topic about Bill Clinton?

Wrong , its about tramp and you know it.

On Elizabeth Warren President Trump said last night,

"The Indians got together and said, 'We don't want her! We want Trump!"

He's hilarious. One of my favorite lines.
Elected congressmen can be compared to terrorists?
And the can of turd polish is officially empty.

And yet you compare the President to terrorists don't you?
But.....that's "different" isn't it?

You wear the polish well
I have never called Trump a terrorist. That dilutes the term 'terrorist'.

I've called Trump a charlatan, a huckster buffoon, a boor, a bully, stupid, lacking human qualities like morality, empathy and compassion.
I've said Trump is a slimy con artist, a time share condo salesman without the ethics, a liar and a fraud. A spoilt brat who played the playboy in the eighties, a goof on his reality TV show and a joke as a Republican.

But I never insulted terrorists by comparing them to Trump.

How is it that President Trump is “immoral”?
He wasn’t started any new wars and has given job opportunities to blacks and Hispanics like never seen before. He stands up against importing third world trash from Islamic shitholes, a culture that treats women like livestock and throws gays off rooftops. Yet he is the “immoral” one?
Well he did fuck a porn star when his wife was pregnant (or maybe she just had the baby? I can't keep up) and then paid off said porn star to keep her quiet but, like many of his stunts, it didn't work.

He also hung out with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Video came out today of them at a party. Try to watch it without vomiting.

Never mind all his failed businesses where he scammed folks out of all kinds of money. And refused to pay his bills.

I think his 'charity' was shut down because he and his family are so corrupt.

Yes he is immoral. No question.

AND he wants to sell weapons to the shithole murdering Islamic culture that is Saudi Arabia. Where the 9/11 attackers came from. Immoral and stupid.

So he likes women? His biggest crime as far as I can tell is he liked porking women. I guess being a heterosexual is a crime to the leftwing feminazis. We all knew this about him before the election, and no one cares. Well, except for the suddenly self righteous regressives who suddenly care what consenting adults do.

Obama sold weapons to the Saudis, as did the Bushes. But suddenly it’s just President Trump that is “immoral” for doing so.
You left out all the scams.
Yet you love it when Trump kicks ass and takes names, but these girls should 'go back' for speaking as bluntly as the man you want in office for speaking bluntly, if stupidly and eminently inarticulately, on every occasion.

An article in the news this morning predicted that when the Left regains power and begins the final phase of destroying America, A Right wing leader will rise to power quickly that will make Trump look like an angel. Unfortunately, it seems in it's quest to ruin America, the Left will create a monster. History repeats they say.
I didn´t hear him say anything about women of color.

I bet you didn´t either.

If Trump is such a racist, why does the left have to make up racist shit about him?

They don't have to make up anything, he gives them everything they need.

Just like collusion and obstruction [emoji24]. What’s next? If he didn’t react to what the shank squad said, they would say he was advocating for them. It’s all bullshit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yet you love it when Trump kicks ass and takes names, but these girls should 'go back' for speaking as bluntly as the man you want in office for speaking bluntly, if stupidly and eminently inarticulately, on every occasion.

An article in the news this morning predicted that when the Left regains power and begins the final phase of destroying America, A Right wing leader will rise to power quickly that will make Trump look like an angel. Unfortunately, it seems in it's quest to ruin America, the Left will create a monster. History repeats they say.

.....Said the Jew in 1930's Germany......

Ingraham to Pelosi: You can't negotiate with 'the squad'
Fox News' Laura Ingraham said:
Fox News host also warned Democrats that if Democrats win the presidency and their policies do impact America negativeley, a more "potent" Trump like figure could rise.

"If a Democrat should, God forbid, win the presidency these people will have an outsized influence on their policies. The economy will tank. Discontent and misery will follow. Then you'll see a much more potent populist figure rise up. A figure that might make Trump look like a pussycat," Ingraham said.

Revealing Leftardism, one idiot at a time, with half my brain tied behind my back
Last edited:
How can a mandate be claimed by losing the popular vote?

Because mandate is given by winning electoral vote.
Not when 3 million votes are cast against you.

Could you define 'mandate'?
Nobody gives a shit what the fruitcakes in 5 KKKalifornia counties think.
Aren’t they Americans too?
In fact, California was home to between 2.35 and 2.6 million undocumented immigrants. So that nearly wipes out your entire 3 million more votes for Donald Trump.


To answer the question, I do NOT care what 2.6 million illegals think with regard to America's politics.
Voters, moron! Voters!

How many VOTERS decided Trump was unworthy of the presidency
Because mandate is given by winning electoral vote.
Not when 3 million votes are cast against you.

Could you define 'mandate'?
Nobody gives a shit what the fruitcakes in 5 KKKalifornia counties think.
Aren’t they Americans too?
In fact, California was home to between 2.35 and 2.6 million undocumented immigrants. So that nearly wipes out your entire 3 million more votes for Donald Trump.


To answer the question, I do NOT care what 2.6 million illegals think with regard to America's politics.
Voters, moron! Voters!

How many VOTERS decided Trump was unworthy of the presidency
Still trying to sell that, eh? Good luck to ya.
Because mandate is given by winning electoral vote.
Not when 3 million votes are cast against you.

Could you define 'mandate'?
Nobody gives a shit what the fruitcakes in 5 KKKalifornia counties think.
Aren’t they Americans too?
In fact, California was home to between 2.35 and 2.6 million undocumented immigrants. So that nearly wipes out your entire 3 million more votes for Donald Trump.


To answer the question, I do NOT care what 2.6 million illegals think with regard to America's politics.
Voters, moron! Voters!

How many VOTERS decided Trump was unworthy of the presidency
Oh noez! Trump might lose KKKalifornia!!!

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