When do we just become AMERICANS????

We were virtually hyphen-free in the 1980s. The hyphen regained most of its current traction during the current administration.

It may have gone out of the political vocabulary at that time but it really didn't seem to have left the society. I grew up in the 1980's and plenty of people I knew described themselves as African-American or Italian-American or Lebanese-American.
The hyphen didn't assume the divisive connotation in the '80s and earlier that it does now. In one word, people bragged both of their heritage and of their being American.

Among blacks especially, the hyphen was not nearly as pervasive. Blacks were blacks (remember Black Power or Black is Beautiful?).

Now the hyphen categorizes us.

I grew up in the 80s and 90s. You dont know what you are talking about. Blacks have always been Black or African first. The day reparations are paid is probably the day you see Blacks feel as if they included in being American. As it stands we are Black or Africans living in America.
This topic has come to the forefront of my mind once again with the ridiculous ruling by the Patent and Trademark office yesterday related tot he Waskington Redskins, but it's much broader than just a "Native American" issue so far as I'm concerned....

At what point in time do we stop being Hyphenated Americans (african-american, native-american, irish-american, german-american, mexican-american, etc....) and start just being AMERICANS???

There are parts of my family that came to this continent as little as 15 years after the Mayflower landed. The most recent immigrants in my family came here from Germany/Poland over a century ago. We are AMERICANS.

The fact that I can trace my ancestory back to more than a half dozen European nations, and potentially even to native bloodlines in this country means nothing. I would never refer to myself as Irish-American, German-American. or anything like that. Yet I know a very large number of individuals who do just that and identify even more with a former cultural and national identity than they do with the country they were born and raised in. Hell, I work with two guys who despite never having stepped foot outside this country, nevermind in Brazil where their parents grew up, consider THAT their "home nation" when it comes to rooting interest in this year's World Cup. WTF???? Several members of the family I'm marrying into in two weeks time consider (and identify) themselves as Puerto Ricans instead of AMEARICANS, even though they weren't even born when Puerto Rico was it's own country.

I hear many people talk about all the divisions in our society today, and how it benefits this group and detracts from some other. Isn't it about time we just all became AMERICANS and moved forward TOGETHER rather than looking back at where our families came from and allowing that to push us apart? What is it going to take, another World War to bring AMERICANS back together? Is that even possible at this point in time?


Your post is conclusive proof that some white people walk around with blinders on. Get rid of the racists in your midst for starters.
You can be many things and still be an American

You can be black, Hispanic, rich, poor, religious, non-religious, a farmer, a city dweller, old, young

You are still an American but your outlooks and desires may be influenced by which groups you belong to

That right there is where I believe 90% of the problems in this country stem from.... the fact that this nation has never really built its own over-arching society and culture. The fact that we allow other people to come here and retain their previous loyalties and preferences rather than becoming "American".

Native Americans are proud of their culture which our country attempted to take away from them

They are very protective of attempts to mock or degrade their culture by outsiders. Doesn't make them any less American

THEY LOST. They were not willing to put their internal differences aside and band together against their common enemy. Since when do we allow the defeated to make the rules on how they will be treated? We've already given them too much leeway in terms of their "nations" and other things.

Are we truly so stupid as to allow the defeated to make the rules? Are we truly so stupid as to allow people to leave somewhere they didn't want to be and come here, only to turn this country (or at least their little corner of it) into the same thing they just left? Have we truly fallen so far that we no longer have pride in America, but rather direct our loyalty to wherever our ancestors came here from?
Your post is conclusive proof that some white people walk around with blinders on. Get rid of the racists in your midst for starters.

The only "Race" I concern myself with is AMERICANS. They come in all shapes, colors, and sizes. They have only two things in common.... they were born here and their loyalties lay here and here alone. They are not "World Citizens". They are not "Hyphenated-Americans". Hell, the best ones have never stepped foot outside this country and speak only one language.

So yes, I am racist. I am racist against those who come here, or have been here but whose loyalties lie elsewhere. That will NEVER change.
It may have gone out of the political vocabulary at that time but it really didn't seem to have left the society. I grew up in the 1980's and plenty of people I knew described themselves as African-American or Italian-American or Lebanese-American.
The hyphen didn't assume the divisive connotation in the '80s and earlier that it does now. In one word, people bragged both of their heritage and of their being American.

Among blacks especially, the hyphen was not nearly as pervasive. Blacks were blacks (remember Black Power or Black is Beautiful?).

Now the hyphen categorizes us.

I grew up in the 80s and 90s. You dont know what you are talking about. Blacks have always been Black or African first. The day reparations are paid is probably the day you see Blacks feel as if they included in being American. As it stands we are Black or Africans living in America.
They'll call themselves Americans when they're running for office, though, won't they?
I grew up in the 80s and 90s. You dont know what you are talking about. Blacks have always been Black or African first. The day reparations are paid is probably the day you see Blacks feel as if they included in being American. As it stands we are Black or Africans living in America.

Then why don't you do exactly what Mr. Lincoln had planned for your ancestors before a huge hole got shot in his plan.... oops, was that impolite of me to say..... Go back to Africa. If this isn't "your country" then please leave it to those of us who do see it as our country. Affirmative Action has already more than paid whatever reparations you may feel your people were owed.
I grew up in the 80s and 90s. You dont know what you are talking about. Blacks have always been Black or African first. The day reparations are paid is probably the day you see Blacks feel as if they included in being American. As it stands we are Black or Africans living in America.

Then why don't you do exactly what Mr. Lincoln had planned for your ancestors before a huge hole got shot in his plan.... oops, was that impolite of me to say..... Go back to Africa. If this isn't "your country" then please leave it to those of us who do see it as our country. Affirmative Action has already more than paid whatever reparations you may feel your people were owed.
I don't recommend engaging Asclepias any further than this. He's blithering puddle of contradictions and nonsense.
Your post is conclusive proof that some white people walk around with blinders on. Get rid of the racists in your midst for starters.

The only "Race" I concern myself with is AMERICANS. They come in all shapes, colors, and sizes. They have only two things in common.... they were born here and their loyalties lay here and here alone. They are not "World Citizens". They are not "Hyphenated-Americans". Hell, the best ones have never stepped foot outside this country and speak only one language.

So yes, I am racist. I am racist against those who come here, or have been here but whose loyalties lie elsewhere. That will NEVER change.

American is not a race. At least not as defined in the dictionary. You are talking nationality. I can be a African American or a black American and there is not much you can do about it other than whine. If that disturbs you I would suggest you learn to deal with it.

As a white person your "race" is the one that made up the distinction and labeled people according to color so you have no one to blame but your ancestors. Your founding fathers also built this nation for wealthy land owning white men. Again that is a you problem.
I grew up in the 80s and 90s. You dont know what you are talking about. Blacks have always been Black or African first. The day reparations are paid is probably the day you see Blacks feel as if they included in being American. As it stands we are Black or Africans living in America.

Then why don't you do exactly what Mr. Lincoln had planned for your ancestors before a huge hole got shot in his plan.... oops, was that impolite of me to say..... Go back to Africa. If this isn't "your country" then please leave it to those of us who do see it as our country. Affirmative Action has already more than paid whatever reparations you may feel your people were owed.

As soon as you can disprove white women benefit more from affirmative action than anyone and pay me handsomely I will stay where I please. When you want to come up with the money owed to my ancestors i would gladly move back to the country my ancestors came from.
I grew up in the 80s and 90s. You dont know what you are talking about. Blacks have always been Black or African first. The day reparations are paid is probably the day you see Blacks feel as if they included in being American. As it stands we are Black or Africans living in America.

Then why don't you do exactly what Mr. Lincoln had planned for your ancestors before a huge hole got shot in his plan.... oops, was that impolite of me to say..... Go back to Africa. If this isn't "your country" then please leave it to those of us who do see it as our country. Affirmative Action has already more than paid whatever reparations you may feel your people were owed.
I don't recommend engaging Asclepias any further than this. He's blithering puddle of contradictions and nonsense.

IOW I have handed you your ass on multiple occasions and your feelings are hurt. You must have said something that was really dumb to for me to put you in your place hard enough to make you quit.
This topic has come to the forefront of my mind once again with the ridiculous ruling by the Patent and Trademark office yesterday related tot he Waskington Redskins, but it's much broader than just a "Native American" issue so far as I'm concerned....

At what point in time do we stop being Hyphenated Americans (african-american, native-american, irish-american, german-american, mexican-american, etc....) and start just being AMERICANS???

There are parts of my family that came to this continent as little as 15 years after the Mayflower landed. The most recent immigrants in my family came here from Germany/Poland over a century ago. We are AMERICANS.

The fact that I can trace my ancestory back to more than a half dozen European nations, and potentially even to native bloodlines in this country means nothing. I would never refer to myself as Irish-American, German-American. or anything like that. Yet I know a very large number of individuals who do just that and identify even more with a former cultural and national identity than they do with the country they were born and raised in. Hell, I work with two guys who despite never having stepped foot outside this country, nevermind in Brazil where their parents grew up, consider THAT their "home nation" when it comes to rooting interest in this year's World Cup. WTF???? Several members of the family I'm marrying into in two weeks time consider (and identify) themselves as Puerto Ricans instead of AMEARICANS, even though they weren't even born when Puerto Rico was it's own country.

I hear many people talk about all the divisions in our society today, and how it benefits this group and detracts from some other. Isn't it about time we just all became AMERICANS and moved forward TOGETHER rather than looking back at where our families came from and allowing that to push us apart? What is it going to take, another World War to bring AMERICANS back together? Is that even possible at this point in time?


I was lucky enough to grow up where my parents just called us Americans and I didn't find out much later in life that my great great grandparents came over from Russia. I have never called myself a Russian or Russian American (or Jewish American to some). It's always been an American.
American is not a race. At least not as defined in the dictionary. You are talking nationality. I can be a African American or a black American and there is not much you can do about it other than whine. If that disturbs you I would suggest you learn to deal with it.

I believe that American is a race, though as you say, not as the dictionary would define it. I believe it is a philosophical and values-driven race, much more like a nationality, but invading every single pore of the body and every bit of the soul.

You can call yourself whatever you want, but if this nation is going to ever re-emerge as a power, as the last opportunity for humanty to shine in the cesspool that humanity has become, it will not be because of people like you but rather because of people like me. People who don't see color or religion but who see Right and Wrong, Good and Evil; and who do not accept the Wrong and the Evil.

I do believe we need to deal with it alright. We need to deal with it by purging our nation of those whose loyalties are elsewhere.

As a white person your "race" is the one that made up the distinction and labeled people according to color so you have no one to blame but your ancestors. Your founding fathers also built this nation for wealthy land owning white men. Again that is a you problem.

I agree that a mistake was made in labeling people by the color of their skin. However I do believe this is a nation for the land owners, the providers, those who will do for themselves rather than expecting things to be done for them. I do not despise the wealthy as you seem to. Instead I embraces them.

As soon as you can disprove white women benefit more from affirmative action than anyone and pay me handsomely I will stay where I please. When you want to come up with the money owed to my ancestors i would gladly move back to the country my ancestors came from.

I fully agree that women in general benefit far more from Affirmative Action than they should. I don't know that it's more or less than the racial minority communities do. You will not be paid by me for anything. The only thing owed to you regarding your ancestors is the only thing any of us are owed.... a hold in the ground for our corpse when we die. There is only one Right and guarantee in life.... the Right and Guarantee of Death.
Who came up with the concept of calling any of the indigenous people here " Native Americans"?

They were here when an America didn't even exist. Did they lose their identity when the Europeans came along ? I should think they would be insulted to be called by the same name of the people who defeated them in battle and subsequently broke treaty after treaty.
Who came up with the concept of calling any of the indigenous people here " Native Americans"?

They were here when an America didn't even exist. Did they lose their identity when the Europeans came along ? I should think they would be insulted to be called by the same name of the people who defeated them in battle and subsequently broke treaty after treaty.

I agree. Native Americans is a terrible term for them. Unfortunately we were not smart enough to give them two options.... LEAVE or ASSIMILATE, as most conquered people are.

There is a more common name for those who are defeated in battle and then sillyenough to try to negotiate with their conqurors..... NAIVE MORONS.

That's someting which true AMERICANS ought to remember because we are being invaded in this nation just like we invaded it before; and I do not believe that these invaders will leave us with our own "reservations" when they have finished the conquest.
American is not a race. At least not as defined in the dictionary. You are talking nationality. I can be a African American or a black American and there is not much you can do about it other than whine. If that disturbs you I would suggest you learn to deal with it.

I believe that American is a race, though as you say, not as the dictionary would define it. I believe it is a philosophical and values-driven race, much more like a nationality, but invading every single pore of the body and every bit of the soul.

You can call yourself whatever you want, but if this nation is going to ever re-emerge as a power, as the last opportunity for humanty to shine in the cesspool that humanity has become, it will not be because of people like you but rather because of people like me. People who don't see color or religion but who see Right and Wrong, Good and Evil; and who do not accept the Wrong and the Evil.

I do believe we need to deal with it alright. We need to deal with it by purging our nation of those whose loyalties are elsewhere.

As a white person your "race" is the one that made up the distinction and labeled people according to color so you have no one to blame but your ancestors. Your founding fathers also built this nation for wealthy land owning white men. Again that is a you problem.

I agree that a mistake was made in labeling people by the color of their skin. However I do believe this is a nation for the land owners, the providers, those who will do for themselves rather than expecting things to be done for them. I do not despise the wealthy as you seem to. Instead I embraces them.

As soon as you can disprove white women benefit more from affirmative action than anyone and pay me handsomely I will stay where I please. When you want to come up with the money owed to my ancestors i would gladly move back to the country my ancestors came from.

I fully agree that women in general benefit far more from Affirmative Action than they should. I don't know that it's more or less than the racial minority communities do. You will not be paid by me for anything. The only thing owed to you regarding your ancestors is the only thing any of us are owed.... a hold in the ground for our corpse when we die. There is only one Right and guarantee in life.... the Right and Guarantee of Death.

As long as we know you are talking nationality and not race I grant you license to alter the definition of race in further conversations.

This nation is not the last chance for humans to shine by far. You sound borderline psychotic. Rather this nation has been at the forefront of some of the worst atrocities in history as well as some of the most beneficial advances in history. You complain basically about what you describe as tribalism but you dont see you are doing the same thing by only looking at this country. That is hypocrisy at its finest and indicative of everything that is wrong with this nation from conception.

I am glad you do not despise the wealthy. I don't either. Most of my friends and mentors are wealthy so it would not do to despise them.

If you are not willing to pay me for my ancestors labor then you will only continue to be frustrated and rant about what people call themselves. There is not much else you can do about it.
This topic has come to the forefront of my mind once again with the ridiculous ruling by the Patent and Trademark office yesterday related tot he Waskington Redskins, but it's much broader than just a "Native American" issue so far as I'm concerned....

and here I thought you were referring to the hatred the right has for anyone to the left of atilla the hun.
Who came up with the concept of calling any of the indigenous people here " Native Americans"?

They were here when an America didn't even exist. Did they lose their identity when the Europeans came along ? I should think they would be insulted to be called by the same name of the people who defeated them in battle and subsequently broke treaty after treaty.

I agree. Native Americans is a terrible term for them. Unfortunately we were not smart enough to give them two options.... LEAVE or ASSIMILATE, as most conquered people are.

There is a more common name for those who are defeated in battle and then sillyenough to try to negotiate with their conqurors..... NAIVE MORONS.

That's someting which true AMERICANS ought to remember because we are being invaded in this nation just like we invaded it before; and I do not believe that these invaders will leave us with our own "reservations" when they have finished the conquest.

Are you that seriously stupid or just trolling for some attention?

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