When do we stop calling them democrats and say Socialist?

When do we stop calling them democrats and say Socialist?
Um because it’s an insult to socialists?
You guys have so overused the word "socialism" to describe fairly popular policies that you have just about taken the stigma from the word. Millennials see someone on TV talking about the problems normal people have and reasonable solutions then some old grumpy bastard comes on calls it socialism, dumps all over it and offers nothing as an alternative.

Look, Socialism works: the leaders become billionaires and the people eat zoo animals. Just admit its what you want
If you like capitalism so much then you might want to work on saving it from it's heavy failures. Socialism grows where capitalism fails to meet the needs of society. No one just picks socialist policies as a first choice they come about as a response to long festering problems no one can squeeze a profit out of.
Horseshit. The people pushing this shit have always hated capitalism. What they call "the failures of capitalism" are really the failures of their own socialist policies.
You guys have so overused the word "socialism" to describe fairly popular policies that you have just about taken the stigma from the word. Millennials see someone on TV talking about the problems normal people have and reasonable solutions then some old grumpy bastard comes on calls it socialism, dumps all over it and offers nothing as an alternative.

Look, Socialism works: the leaders become billionaires and the people eat zoo animals. Just admit its what you want
If you like capitalism so much then you might want to work on saving it from it's heavy failures. Socialism grows where capitalism fails to meet the needs of society. No one just picks socialist policies as a first choice they come about as a response to long festering problems no one can squeeze a profit out of.

Socialism grows when you placate to the lazy. Capitalism is hard. It requires saving money, investing money, and doing without things you don't absolutely have to have. Each time a poll is taken, younger people prefer socialism to capitalism.

As a landlord, I've never had such luck getting tenants as the last couple of years. Younger people don't want to own anything. Owning something requires work and responsibility. So the new wave is renting. If something breaks, all they have to do is call the landlord. Problem solved. In fact more and more younger people are leasing cars instead of buying them, there are even stories about younger people renting their furniture, appliances, and television sets.

The people who do buy homes do so in areas with maintenance programs. They would rather pay a fee every month for people to do their grass in the summer, their driveway and sidewalks in the winter, and repair any appliance that breaks inside your home.
I've been using small cap democrat for about a year now because this modern Progressive Socialist democrat Party, has nothing in common with the Party I once knew.

They are only concerned with the advancement of political power, there is literally NOTHING in their platform that has anything to do with America and Americans.

They are Leftists and now, under the wise leadership of Alexa Cortex, they are full blown Socialist.

Let's just say so

It's just a matter of time.

First it was liberalism. Then that was converted to Progressive. Now they introduced Democrat/Socialist (See Sanders and Cortez) then it will be just plain socialism. In a number of years, it will be Socialism/ Communism, and eventually to just Communism. But we don't have to worry about that until the Democrats make whites a minority in this country, and they are making great strides all the time. After that happens and we become a single party government, the great experiment will end.
You guys have so overused the word "socialism" to describe fairly popular policies that you have just about taken the stigma from the word. Millennials see someone on TV talking about the problems normal people have and reasonable solutions then some old grumpy bastard comes on calls it socialism, dumps all over it and offers nothing as an alternative.

Look, Socialism works: the leaders become billionaires and the people eat zoo animals. Just admit its what you want
If you like capitalism so much then you might want to work on saving it from it's heavy failures. Socialism grows where capitalism fails to meet the needs of society. No one just picks socialist policies as a first choice they come about as a response to long festering problems no one can squeeze a profit out of.

Socialism grows when you placate to the lazy. Capitalism is hard. It requires saving money, investing money, and doing without things you don't absolutely have to have. Each time a poll is taken, younger people prefer socialism to capitalism.

As a landlord, I've never had such luck getting tenants as the last couple of years. Younger people don't want to own anything. Owning something requires work and responsibility. So the new wave is renting. If something breaks, all they have to do is call the landlord. Problem solved. In fact more and more younger people are leasing cars instead of buying them, there are even stories about younger people renting their furniture, appliances, and television sets.

The people who do buy homes do so in areas with maintenance programs. They would rather pay a fee every month for people to do their grass in the summer, their driveway and sidewalks in the winter, and repair any appliance that breaks inside your home.
What does all that have to do with what I said? Socialism supplanting failed capitalism is not conjecture, it's history. I did not say it is the preferable system but it is often the only solution.
I've been using small cap democrat for about a year now because this modern Progressive Socialist democrat Party, has nothing in common with the Party I once knew.

They are only concerned with the advancement of political power, there is literally NOTHING in their platform that has anything to do with America and Americans.

They are Leftists and now, under the wise leadership of Alexa Cortex, they are full blown Socialist.

Let's just say so
You and others on the right are at liberty to lie about anything you wish at any time – a liberty you exercise often and aggressively.
You guys have so overused the word "socialism" to describe fairly popular policies that you have just about taken the stigma from the word. Millennials see someone on TV talking about the problems normal people have and reasonable solutions then some old grumpy bastard comes on calls it socialism, dumps all over it and offers nothing as an alternative.

Look, Socialism works: the leaders become billionaires and the people eat zoo animals. Just admit its what you want
If you like capitalism so much then you might want to work on saving it from it's heavy failures. Socialism grows where capitalism fails to meet the needs of society. No one just picks socialist policies as a first choice they come about as a response to long festering problems no one can squeeze a profit out of.

Socialism grows when you placate to the lazy. Capitalism is hard. It requires saving money, investing money, and doing without things you don't absolutely have to have. Each time a poll is taken, younger people prefer socialism to capitalism.

As a landlord, I've never had such luck getting tenants as the last couple of years. Younger people don't want to own anything. Owning something requires work and responsibility. So the new wave is renting. If something breaks, all they have to do is call the landlord. Problem solved. In fact more and more younger people are leasing cars instead of buying them, there are even stories about younger people renting their furniture, appliances, and television sets.

The people who do buy homes do so in areas with maintenance programs. They would rather pay a fee every month for people to do their grass in the summer, their driveway and sidewalks in the winter, and repair any appliance that breaks inside your home.
What does all that have to do with what I said? Socialism supplanting failed capitalism is not conjecture, it's history. I did not say it is the preferable system but it is often the only solution.

The only solution to what? We did not become the greatest country in the world in a couple of hundred years because of Socialism.

Socialism is only a solution to those who have failed in capitalism. But it's not capitalism that's at fault, it's the people which explains what I wrote.

What the Democrat party has been doing is promoting irresponsibility and laziness the last several decades. Socialism is only acceptable to Socialists, and that's what they've been making our citizenry.

And when Socialism fails, the next will be Communism. As Margret Thatcher pointed out, Socialism is a great concept until you run out of other people's money to spend.
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When do we stop calling them democrats and say Socialist?
Um because it’s an insult to socialists?
Correct, it is an insult to socialists.

In his day, Karl Marx wrote Critique of the Gotha Programme as a denunciation of their ideas and showed them that their conception of socialism was crude at best. Times haven't changed.

I was thinking we should stop referring to democrats as socialists, and instead call them idiots. But then, we'd be insulting idiots everywhere.
You guys have so overused the word "socialism" to describe fairly popular policies that you have just about taken the stigma from the word. Millennials see someone on TV talking about the problems normal people have and reasonable solutions then some old grumpy bastard comes on calls it socialism, dumps all over it and offers nothing as an alternative.

Look, Socialism works: the leaders become billionaires and the people eat zoo animals. Just admit its what you want
If you like capitalism so much then you might want to work on saving it from it's heavy failures. Socialism grows where capitalism fails to meet the needs of society. No one just picks socialist policies as a first choice they come about as a response to long festering problems no one can squeeze a profit out of.

Socialism grows when you placate to the lazy. Capitalism is hard. It requires saving money, investing money, and doing without things you don't absolutely have to have. Each time a poll is taken, younger people prefer socialism to capitalism.

As a landlord, I've never had such luck getting tenants as the last couple of years. Younger people don't want to own anything. Owning something requires work and responsibility. So the new wave is renting. If something breaks, all they have to do is call the landlord. Problem solved. In fact more and more younger people are leasing cars instead of buying them, there are even stories about younger people renting their furniture, appliances, and television sets.

The people who do buy homes do so in areas with maintenance programs. They would rather pay a fee every month for people to do their grass in the summer, their driveway and sidewalks in the winter, and repair any appliance that breaks inside your home.
What does all that have to do with what I said? Socialism supplanting failed capitalism is not conjecture, it's history. I did not say it is the preferable system but it is often the only solution.

The only solution to what? We did not become the greatest country in the world in a couple of hundred years because of Socialism.

Socialism is only a solution to those who have failed in capitalism. But it's not capitalism that's at fault, it's the people which explains what I wrote.

What the Democrat party has been doing is promoting irresponsibility and laziness the last several decades. Socialism is only acceptable to Socialists, and that's what they've been making our citizenry.

And when Socialism fails, the next will be Communism. As Margret Thatcher pointed out, Socialism is a great system of government until you run out of other people's money to spend.
Socialism isn't a system of government.
When do we stop calling them democrats and say Socialist?
Um because it’s an insult to socialists?
Correct, it is an insult to socialists.

In his day, Karl Marx wrote Critique of the Gotha Programme as a denunciation of their ideas and showed them that their conception of socialism was crude at best. Times haven't changed.

I was thinking we should stop referring to democrats as socialists, and instead call them idiots. But then, we'd be insulting idiots everywhere.
Their hearts are in the right place. They have that going for them.
Look, Socialism works: the leaders become billionaires and the people eat zoo animals. Just admit its what you want
If you like capitalism so much then you might want to work on saving it from it's heavy failures. Socialism grows where capitalism fails to meet the needs of society. No one just picks socialist policies as a first choice they come about as a response to long festering problems no one can squeeze a profit out of.

Socialism grows when you placate to the lazy. Capitalism is hard. It requires saving money, investing money, and doing without things you don't absolutely have to have. Each time a poll is taken, younger people prefer socialism to capitalism.

As a landlord, I've never had such luck getting tenants as the last couple of years. Younger people don't want to own anything. Owning something requires work and responsibility. So the new wave is renting. If something breaks, all they have to do is call the landlord. Problem solved. In fact more and more younger people are leasing cars instead of buying them, there are even stories about younger people renting their furniture, appliances, and television sets.

The people who do buy homes do so in areas with maintenance programs. They would rather pay a fee every month for people to do their grass in the summer, their driveway and sidewalks in the winter, and repair any appliance that breaks inside your home.
What does all that have to do with what I said? Socialism supplanting failed capitalism is not conjecture, it's history. I did not say it is the preferable system but it is often the only solution.

The only solution to what? We did not become the greatest country in the world in a couple of hundred years because of Socialism.

Socialism is only a solution to those who have failed in capitalism. But it's not capitalism that's at fault, it's the people which explains what I wrote.

What the Democrat party has been doing is promoting irresponsibility and laziness the last several decades. Socialism is only acceptable to Socialists, and that's what they've been making our citizenry.

And when Socialism fails, the next will be Communism. As Margret Thatcher pointed out, Socialism is a great system of government until you run out of other people's money to spend.
Socialism isn't a system of government.

Fixed it. :113:
When do we stop calling them democrats and say Socialist?
Um because it’s an insult to socialists?
Correct, it is an insult to socialists.

In his day, Karl Marx wrote Critique of the Gotha Programme as a denunciation of their ideas and showed them that their conception of socialism was crude at best. Times haven't changed.

I was thinking we should stop referring to democrats as socialists, and instead call them idiots. But then, we'd be insulting idiots everywhere.
Their hearts are in the right place. They have that going for them.

Some of them, yeah I'd give 'em that. But there are also others who are more interested in money and power and don't really care about anyone else, and I wouldn't say their hearts are in the right place. And they ain't really idiots either, come to think of it. Lyin', thievin' bastards comes to mind. And TBH, I'd have to admit that the same could be said of some on the right too.

Bottom line, you got good people and you got bad people out there everywhere. JMO, but I'd say outside of the beltway the ratio favors the good ones over the bad by a lot more than what the ratio in DC is.
NOBODY is pushing "socialism" in the U.S. For one thing, "socialism" eliminates private property rights, and under socialism, the State owns and controls the means of production (farms, factories, mines, etc.) NOBODY is pushing this here - possibly because they are too stupid to think of it. But I digress.

What is desired is an Americanized copy of the "Social Democracies" of Western Europe, which are perceived as providing cradle to grave protection of the citizenry, paid for out of the public fisc - without actually taking over the means of production.

Free healthcare, free housing, free elder care, generous and early pensions, and a guaranteed living wage, all paid for by "The Government." These paradigms are running into major obstacles these days because even with extremely high taxes, the populations are not reproducing fast enough to provide sufficient next-generation workers to pay the taxes to keep it all going.

This is the REAL reason why Merkel and others are embracing massive immigration: they literally need more "Germans" to pay for the benefits the government has promised older Germans in their declining years. And if they have to make "Germans" out of Africans, Syrians, Turks, and so on, they will do their best to do it.

But there are two major problems with this "Vision." First, Americans are unwilling to pay the high rates of tax that would be required to fulfill these government guarantees. Even when tax rates were 75% and higher, nobody actually paid more than 50% in FIT, because of a little-known provision in the Tax Code. We simply won't pay those high taxes. Second, we have the little obstacle of the U.S. CONSTITUTION. The Federal government is a government of LIMITED powers. EVERY SPENDING AUTHORIZATION of Congress is detailed in Article I, Section 8. And in spite of many decades of assaults on the Constitution by Leftists, there is NO provision for government-provided healthcare (other than for Veterans), or government provided anything else. Even Social Security is unconstitutional, and was previously approved by the Supreme Court based on the silly fiction that it wasn't really Congress spending money. I guarantee another contemporary challenge to the constitutionality of Social Security would lose in the USSC. It is blatantly unconstitutional, as presently administered.

Socialism ain't happening here. Period.

It is unfortunate that people in their 30's and younger have no memory of the Soviet Union, and no interest in looking at China, North Korea, Cuba or Venezuela realistically. If there were able to do so, they would shrink in embarrassment at having the word "socialist" associated with their names.
I've been using small cap democrat for about a year now because this modern Progressive Socialist democrat Party, has nothing in common with the Party I once knew.

They are only concerned with the advancement of political power, there is literally NOTHING in their platform that has anything to do with America and Americans.

They are Leftists and now, under the wise leadership of Alexa Cortex, they are full blown Socialist.

Let's just say so
When can we begin chucking the mofos out of helicopters?
I've been using small cap democrat for about a year now because this modern Progressive Socialist democrat Party, has nothing in common with the Party I once knew.

They are only concerned with the advancement of political power, there is literally NOTHING in their platform that has anything to do with America and Americans.

They are Leftists and now, under the wise leadership of Alexa Cortex, they are full blown Socialist.

Let's just say so

I agree. And let's quit fucking around and agree to call Trumpsters fascists. That's the choice our system is giving us: socialism or fascism.
Lets stop calling them democrats....and start calling them losers! :04::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:


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