When does race stop being an excuse? when does it stop?

No one escapes karma...not sunshine, not Ernestine, not Jackoff Starkey. Not even poets. Bank on that.
I don't believe in karma. I believe in doing good to other people and letting justice deal with those who don't know better. When someone testifies something in court after swearing to tell the truth, then blathering to a talk show host just the opposite occurred is not only a foolish thing to do, it is indicative of perjury. People who defend a perjurer are on the slippery slope of arrogance.

Truth, justice, and karma, exist, despite what you believe or don't believe about them.
Enlightenment is a choice, not a given.

God also exists....despite what you believe (or don't believe).
One day God will be your karma......think about it.
I think it's a comprehension issue on your part.

She said she couldn't read someone else's cursive. Not quite the same thing. Not even sure why we insist on teaching kids this 19th century skill they will never use. I haven't written in Cursive since the 1980's. No reason for it. We should be teaching these kids typing. That's what they are going to actually use.

But frankly, a college educated lawyer badgered a 19 year old girl, and you guys think this is wonderful.

But as long as white failures like you can feel superior to them, that's all that counts. It's how you keep the Rubes in line.

That's a lie....find me a link that says that..

In a painfully embarrassing moment, Jeantel was forced to admit that she did not write a letter that was sent to Martin's mother describing what she allegedly heard on a phone call with Martin moments before he was shot. It came when West asked her to read the letter aloud in court.

"Are you able to read that at all?" West asked.

Jeantel, head bowed, eyes averted whispered into the court microphone, "Some but not all. I don't read cursive."

It sent a hush through the packed courtroom.

She was unable to read any of the letter save for her name, date and the words "thank you."
George Zimmerman Witness Can't Say Who Threw First Punch - ABC News

Nothing at all said that she couldn't read someone else's cursive. Besides, if she did dictate the letter to someone else, I would think she would know what she had them write down! She could have said she herself didn't write it (instead of lying) but then she could have told the court what she had them write. There's a disconnect here somewhere, but you go ahead a make up excuses for her......:cuckoo:

JoeB is nothing but another lazy black who lives on welfare. He is also a racist.

Every black is lazy and on welfare, in your eyes. Except those Stephin Fetchit Negroes who patronize you and other conservatives for the crumbs you drop from your tables.
And for the last time....calling out your sorry ass on your racism and bigotry is not being a racist. You, obviously don't know the meaning of the word, having never gone to school.
Poet calls Sunshine a terrorist and claims Sharpton wins his time slot. I doubt strongly it old Al could win the slot if he had Jesus as a guest.

Yet he claims he never lies.

[MENTION=19374]Ernie[/MENTION] S

And he has been reported for accusing me of a crime on the open forum.
She said she couldn't read cursive, but then she was only 19 ad the product of an American public school system. I guess you don't learn that stuff until your freshman year at university, but I really don't get her inability to articulate orally.

Prosecution's star witness, whew!

I think it's a comprehension issue on your part.

She said she couldn't read someone else's cursive. Not quite the same thing. Not even sure why we insist on teaching kids this 19th century skill they will never use. I haven't written in Cursive since the 1980's. No reason for it. We should be teaching these kids typing. That's what they are going to actually use.

But frankly, a college educated lawyer badgered a 19 year old girl, and you guys think this is wonderful.

But as long as white failures like you can feel superior to them, that's all that counts. It's how you keep the Rubes in line.

That's a lie....find me a link that says that..

In a painfully embarrassing moment, Jeantel was forced to admit that she did not write a letter that was sent to Martin's mother describing what she allegedly heard on a phone call with Martin moments before he was shot. It came when West asked her to read the letter aloud in court.

"Are you able to read that at all?" West asked.

Jeantel, head bowed, eyes averted whispered into the court microphone, "Some but not all. I don't read cursive."

It sent a hush through the packed courtroom.

She was unable to read any of the letter save for her name, date and the words "thank you."
George Zimmerman Witness Can't Say Who Threw First Punch - ABC News

Nothing at all said that she couldn't read someone else's cursive. Besides, if she did dictate the letter to someone else, I would think she would know what she had them write down! She could have said she herself didn't write it (instead of lying) but then she could have told the court what she had them write. There's a disconnect here somewhere, but you go ahead a make up excuses for her......:cuckoo:

Look to all
1) it matters not why GZ or Tm was out and about. they both had a right to be there
2) it matters not whether TM was green
3) It boils down to One (TM) was beating the shit out of the other (GZ) for reasons we do not know
4) During that event GM got very scared as the tape clearly dictates as well as his abrasions
5) never back a scared man with a gun in a corner. The law of self defense did not need stand your ground, period

No matter what the event, if GZ asks TM "what are you doin? and TM answers "going to get skittles" no-one dies, no-one goes through what GZ is going through
it is that simple

race has nothing to do with any of it
I think it's a comprehension issue on your part.

She said she couldn't read someone else's cursive. Not quite the same thing. Not even sure why we insist on teaching kids this 19th century skill they will never use. I haven't written in Cursive since the 1980's. No reason for it. We should be teaching these kids typing. That's what they are going to actually use.

But frankly, a college educated lawyer badgered a 19 year old girl, and you guys think this is wonderful.

But as long as white failures like you can feel superior to them, that's all that counts. It's how you keep the Rubes in line.

That's a lie....find me a link that says that..

In a painfully embarrassing moment, Jeantel was forced to admit that she did not write a letter that was sent to Martin's mother describing what she allegedly heard on a phone call with Martin moments before he was shot. It came when West asked her to read the letter aloud in court.

"Are you able to read that at all?" West asked.

Jeantel, head bowed, eyes averted whispered into the court microphone, "Some but not all. I don't read cursive."

It sent a hush through the packed courtroom.

She was unable to read any of the letter save for her name, date and the words "thank you."
George Zimmerman Witness Can't Say Who Threw First Punch - ABC News

Nothing at all said that she couldn't read someone else's cursive. Besides, if she did dictate the letter to someone else, I would think she would know what she had them write down! She could have said she herself didn't write it (instead of lying) but then she could have told the court what she had them write. There's a disconnect here somewhere, but you go ahead a make up excuses for her......:cuckoo:

Look to all
1) it matters not why GZ or Tm was out and about. they both had a right to be there
2) it matters not whether TM was green
3) It boils down to One (TM) was beating the shit out of the other (GZ) for reasons we do not know
4) During that event GM got very scared as the tape clearly dictates as well as his abrasions
5) never back a scared man with a gun in a corner. The law of self defense did not need stand your ground, period

No matter what the event, if GZ asks TM "what are you doin? and TM answers "going to get skittles" no-one dies, no-one goes through what GZ is going through
it is that simple

race has nothing to do with any of it

Did you respond to the right post?? I agree with you....but this isn't what I was talking about :)
Poor, poor, oppressed white Americans. Will our plight ever be properly portrayed in the media? Will we ever have equal rights and justice?

As a woman, and one who has seen the seedier side of life where women are horribly abused, I often ask myself that. Now this misogynist media, moaning about an 'all female' jury brings the question back. At first, it was 'they're all emotional women, they will convict an innocent man because a child is dead and they are mothers.' Now, it 'they are all women and they just don't think right.' You can stuff it. You are just as prejudiced as anyone, and you are just another black who has outed himself on here.

No one thought that they would convict an "innocent" Zimmerman because they are mothers.

And frankly, given the statements by Juror B37, there was at least one really stupid woman on the jury. One who can't tell the difference between a demonstration and a riot, apparently.

Except that maybe they both have scary negroes in them.

She also used the word "They" a lot to describe black people.

And the other 4 Jurors spoke up and said that Juror B37 doesn't not speak for all of them....4 against 1, who's telling the truth?

"We also wish to point out that the opinions of Juror B37, expressed on the Anderson Cooper show, were her own, and not in any way representative of the jurors listed below."
Zimmerman trial: 4 jurors say Juror B37 does not speak for them - latimes.com
That's a lie....find me a link that says that..

In a painfully embarrassing moment, Jeantel was forced to admit that she did not write a letter that was sent to Martin's mother describing what she allegedly heard on a phone call with Martin moments before he was shot. It came when West asked her to read the letter aloud in court.

"Are you able to read that at all?" West asked.

Jeantel, head bowed, eyes averted whispered into the court microphone, "Some but not all. I don't read cursive."

It sent a hush through the packed courtroom.

She was unable to read any of the letter save for her name, date and the words "thank you."
George Zimmerman Witness Can't Say Who Threw First Punch - ABC News

Nothing at all said that she couldn't read someone else's cursive. Besides, if she did dictate the letter to someone else, I would think she would know what she had them write down! She could have said she herself didn't write it (instead of lying) but then she could have told the court what she had them write. There's a disconnect here somewhere, but you go ahead a make up excuses for her......:cuckoo:

Look to all
1) it matters not why GZ or Tm was out and about. they both had a right to be there
2) it matters not whether TM was green
3) It boils down to One (TM) was beating the shit out of the other (GZ) for reasons we do not know
4) During that event GM got very scared as the tape clearly dictates as well as his abrasions
5) never back a scared man with a gun in a corner. The law of self defense did not need stand your ground, period

No matter what the event, if GZ asks TM "what are you doin? and TM answers "going to get skittles" no-one dies, no-one goes through what GZ is going through
it is that simple

race has nothing to do with any of it

Did you respond to the right post?? I agree with you....but this isn't what I was talking about :)

no I did not

And the other 4 Jurors spoke up and said that Juror B37 doesn't not speak for all of them....4 against 1, who's telling the truth?

"We also wish to point out that the opinions of Juror B37, expressed on the Anderson Cooper show, were her own, and not in any way representative of the jurors listed below."
Zimmerman trial: 4 jurors say Juror B37 does not speak for them - latimes.com

At least two of them and maybe three wanted to convict him of something on the first vote.

I would say they are all telling the truth. They all came in with their own bigotries.

Too bad we didn't have any people of color on that jury to give them a reality check.

And the other 4 Jurors spoke up and said that Juror B37 doesn't not speak for all of them....4 against 1, who's telling the truth?

"We also wish to point out that the opinions of Juror B37, expressed on the Anderson Cooper show, were her own, and not in any way representative of the jurors listed below."
Zimmerman trial: 4 jurors say Juror B37 does not speak for them - latimes.com

At least two of them and maybe three wanted to convict him of something on the first vote.

I would say they are all telling the truth. They all came in with their own bigotries.

Too bad we didn't have any people of color on that jury to give them a reality check.

The jury is supposed to be a jury of the defendant's peers, not the decedent's peers.

As to your assertion that blacks are the only ones in touch with reality I will just say, 'horse shit.'

Now stop posting from work.
Last edited:

And the other 4 Jurors spoke up and said that Juror B37 doesn't not speak for all of them....4 against 1, who's telling the truth?

"We also wish to point out that the opinions of Juror B37, expressed on the Anderson Cooper show, were her own, and not in any way representative of the jurors listed below."
Zimmerman trial: 4 jurors say Juror B37 does not speak for them - latimes.com

At least two of them and maybe three wanted to convict him of something on the first vote.

I would say they are all telling the truth. They all came in with their own bigotries.

Too bad we didn't have any people of color on that jury to give them a reality check.

The jury is supposed to be a jury of the defendant's peers, not the decedent's peers.

As to your assertion that blacks are the only ones in touch with reality I will just say, 'horse shit.'

Now stop posting from work.

joeb with another racist comment, eh?
That's a lie....find me a link that says that..

In a painfully embarrassing moment, Jeantel was forced to admit that she did not write a letter that was sent to Martin's mother describing what she allegedly heard on a phone call with Martin moments before he was shot. It came when West asked her to read the letter aloud in court.

"Are you able to read that at all?" West asked.

Jeantel, head bowed, eyes averted whispered into the court microphone, "Some but not all. I don't read cursive."

It sent a hush through the packed courtroom.

She was unable to read any of the letter save for her name, date and the words "thank you."
George Zimmerman Witness Can't Say Who Threw First Punch - ABC News

Nothing at all said that she couldn't read someone else's cursive. Besides, if she did dictate the letter to someone else, I would think she would know what she had them write down! She could have said she herself didn't write it (instead of lying) but then she could have told the court what she had them write. There's a disconnect here somewhere, but you go ahead a make up excuses for her......:cuckoo:

JoeB is nothing but another lazy black who lives on welfare. He is also a racist.

Every black is lazy and on welfare, in your eyes. Except those Stephin Fetchit Negroes who patronize you and other conservatives for the crumbs you drop from your tables.
And for the last time....calling out your sorry ass on your racism and bigotry is not being a racist. You, obviously don't know the meaning of the word, having never gone to school.

the stats I saw was 25% in prison and 25% on welfare.

Do the math ( hint it's addition)

And the other 4 Jurors spoke up and said that Juror B37 doesn't not speak for all of them....4 against 1, who's telling the truth?

"We also wish to point out that the opinions of Juror B37, expressed on the Anderson Cooper show, were her own, and not in any way representative of the jurors listed below."
Zimmerman trial: 4 jurors say Juror B37 does not speak for them - latimes.com

At least two of them and maybe three wanted to convict him of something on the first vote.

I would say they are all telling the truth. They all came in with their own bigotries.

Too bad we didn't have any people of color on that jury to give them a reality check.

EVERYONE has their own bigotry in some way. It all depends on if you can open your mind and really listen to the information given you, and make a RIGHT decision. They must have all decided that not guilty was the right one, or it would have been a hung jury.

Edited to add: I agree it's too bad they didn't have a person of color on the jury....but I have a feeling they didn't find one that hadn't already made up their mind....
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When race baiters and race profiteers like Jackson and Sharpton are marginalized.
When liberals cease ramming race down our throats.

That's not going to happen until Obama stops doing it himself! We've had Jackson and Sharpton around doing their shit for years, and we've gotten through it. It's been worse since Obama decides to speak up and basically back what they're doing!

BS lies. President Obama (not "Obama") is doing nothing of the kind. Jackson is not doing anything...if so, post it. Al Sharpton has a political news program on MSNBC, "PoliticsNation", which wins its' time slot. Not shit.
It's worse because the white racists and bigots have come out of the closet, due to President Obama's presidency, and are "out of control", with their hate and lies.

I don't call him "President"....I didn't vote for him. I respect the office of President, I don't respect him and nobody can make me feel any different. You have to earn respect to get it. We all see who he favors.....
When does race stop being an excuse?

First, one must buy into the premise that ‘race’ is being used as some sort of excuse for something in the first place.

That’s likely not the case.

In essence we have two conflicting perceptions manifesting a great dissonance between white conservatives and blacks – where the former has grown resentful of accusations of racism it neither sees nor practices and the later has grown frustrated with what it perceives as a white majority unwilling to discuss issues concerning race.

Second, that white conservatives might believe the black perception of racism unfounded and wrong, that doesn’t assuage the legitimate feelings by blacks that racism nonetheless exists, however subjective and anecdotal – blacks have been and are followed in department stores by security, car doors have been and continue to be locked when a black approaches, and handbags and purses have been and continue to be clutched when an African-American draws near.

Third, white conservatives do exhibit what blacks perceive as an animosity toward the African-American community in general, references to ‘fatherless homes,’ ‘black on black crime,’ the accusation of black ‘entitlement mentality’ and blacks politically motivated by ‘free stuff’ – all cumulatively demonstrate to blacks if not hostility then contemptuous stereotyping and unfair generalizations.

Last, that race is perceived to be an ‘excuse’ is in of itself an aspect of the great chasm between African-Americans and white conservatives, where the right perceives blacks as not taking ‘personal responsibility’ for a given disadvantage or hardship and indirectly ‘blaming’ white America for those difficulties.

to the bolded....wrong! It may not be animosity, maybe it's "guilt"? Maybe not that either, not sure what you call it. Those references to 'fatherless home', black on black crime, black entitlement mentality and getting all the free stuff are all TRUE! What is false about that? The majority of fatherless homes are in black families, black on black crime is the hightest of any other, more blacks think they're entitled to more and more and use race as the reason, and what about all the blacks going crazy after Obama was elected talking about all the 'free stuff' he's going to give them?

And the other 4 Jurors spoke up and said that Juror B37 doesn't not speak for all of them....4 against 1, who's telling the truth?

"We also wish to point out that the opinions of Juror B37, expressed on the Anderson Cooper show, were her own, and not in any way representative of the jurors listed below."
Zimmerman trial: 4 jurors say Juror B37 does not speak for them - latimes.com

At least two of them and maybe three wanted to convict him of something on the first vote.

I would say they are all telling the truth. They all came in with their own bigotries.

Too bad we didn't have any people of color on that jury to give them a reality check.

EVERYONE has their own bigotry in some way. It all depends on if you can open your mind and really listen to the information given you, and make a RIGHT decision. They must have all decided that not guilty was the right one, or it would have been a hung jury.

Edited to add: I agree it's too bad they didn't have a person of color on the jury....but I have a feeling they didn't find one that hadn't already made up their mind....

B37 said she made up her mind first day of the trial. So that was better, how, exactly?

And the other 4 Jurors spoke up and said that Juror B37 doesn't not speak for all of them....4 against 1, who's telling the truth?

"We also wish to point out that the opinions of Juror B37, expressed on the Anderson Cooper show, were her own, and not in any way representative of the jurors listed below."
Zimmerman trial: 4 jurors say Juror B37 does not speak for them - latimes.com

At least two of them and maybe three wanted to convict him of something on the first vote.

I would say they are all telling the truth. They all came in with their own bigotries.

Too bad we didn't have any people of color on that jury to give them a reality check.

The jury is supposed to be a jury of the defendant's peers, not the decedent's peers.

As to your assertion that blacks are the only ones in touch with reality I will just say, 'horse shit.'

Now stop posting from work.

Ummm....okay. Most people are done working at 5:36 PM. but that's okay. you're a little confused.
Last edited:

And the other 4 Jurors spoke up and said that Juror B37 doesn't not speak for all of them....4 against 1, who's telling the truth?

"We also wish to point out that the opinions of Juror B37, expressed on the Anderson Cooper show, were her own, and not in any way representative of the jurors listed below."
Zimmerman trial: 4 jurors say Juror B37 does not speak for them - latimes.com

At least two of them and maybe three wanted to convict him of something on the first vote.

I would say they are all telling the truth. They all came in with their own bigotries.

Too bad we didn't have any people of color on that jury to give them a reality check.

The jury is supposed to be a jury of the defendant's peers, not the decedent's peers.

As to your assertion that blacks are the only ones in touch with reality I will just say, 'horse shit.'

Now stop posting from work.

Like OJ?
Get out of jail free card?
In the eys of the jury of all women there was no dount that this was at best man slughter
The politics forced the hand of the somewhat failure of the GOP gov of the state of Flaorida
and BHO
The local jurisdiction knew they had no case
Last edited:

Like OJ?
Get out of jail free card?
In the eys of the jury of all women there was no dount that this was at best man slughter
The politics forced the hand of the somewhat failure of the GOP gov of the state of Flaorida
and BHO
The local jurisdiction knew they had no case

Frankly, I thought what happened in the Simpson case was an attrocity. The prosecution and cops really, really messed that up, because they treated OJ Like a celebrity and not a perp.
When does race stop being an excuse?

First, one must buy into the premise that ‘race’ is being used as some sort of excuse for something in the first place.

That’s likely not the case.

In essence we have two conflicting perceptions manifesting a great dissonance between white conservatives and blacks – where the former has grown resentful of accusations of racism it neither sees nor practices and the later has grown frustrated with what it perceives as a white majority unwilling to discuss issues concerning race.

Second, that white conservatives might believe the black perception of racism unfounded and wrong, that doesn’t assuage the legitimate feelings by blacks that racism nonetheless exists, however subjective and anecdotal – blacks have been and are followed in department stores by security, car doors have been and continue to be locked when a black approaches, and handbags and purses have been and continue to be clutched when an African-American draws near.

Third, white conservatives do exhibit what blacks perceive as an animosity toward the African-American community in general, references to ‘fatherless homes,’ ‘black on black crime,’ the accusation of black ‘entitlement mentality’ and blacks politically motivated by ‘free stuff’ – all cumulatively demonstrate to blacks if not hostility then contemptuous stereotyping and unfair generalizations.

Last, that race is perceived to be an ‘excuse’ is in of itself an aspect of the great chasm between African-Americans and white conservatives, where the right perceives blacks as not taking ‘personal responsibility’ for a given disadvantage or hardship and indirectly ‘blaming’ white America for those difficulties.

Many black leaders such as Obama and Holder call for an honest conversation on race. The last thing they want is a conversation much less any honesty.The conversation is actually lecturing white people about their transgressions both past and present.

Attempts by white people to address their grievances or express their opinions are met with charges of racism and bigotry.In many cases those attempts follow job loss and humiliation. So, why even attempt a discussion? Until white people can be openly honest without fear of reprisal, why not be silent?

Like OJ?
Get out of jail free card?
In the eys of the jury of all women there was no dount that this was at best man slughter
The politics forced the hand of the somewhat failure of the GOP gov of the state of Flaorida
and BHO
The local jurisdiction knew they had no case

Frankly, I thought what happened in the Simpson case was an attrocity. The prosecution and cops really, really messed that up, because they treated OJ Like a celebrity and not a perp.

that has some truth to it
at the end of the day the civil court found him "guilty"
race is an issue that will bring down this great nation if we let it
Holder is BHO hit man
this is why he will never step down and will never be held in account for his bad choices
such as going after GZ while ignoring the 1000s of black on white real crimes that end the same

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