When gas prices RISE, the Biden admin says they have no power over prices….when gas prices fall, Biden admin takes credit.

I don't remember either party doing that. Democrats had no problem blaming Trump for all Covid misinformation he spread and his failure to encourage the people to follow CDC guidelines but I never heard democrats thanking him for the work he and his administration did to get vaccines available within one year. Likewise, republicans roasted Obama over promises that no one would lose their insurance and would be able to keep their doctor, but never mention the additional millions of people that would have insurance and the expanded benefits for all.

It is just the way politics works, ignore the accomplishments of your adversaries and nail them for every mistake.
You don't remember trumpsters blaming Biden for gasoline price increase? You are either crazy or lying. Of course Trump was blamed for his intentional covid misinformation. He admitted he knew his remarks were lies when he told them, and his lack of action allowed the pandemic to get much worse than it had to be. His intentional lies killed people. Nothing Biden did caused gasoline prices to rise.
I don't remember either party doing that. Democrats had no problem blaming Trump for all the Covid misinformation he spread and his failure to encourage the people to follow CDC guidelines but I never heard democrats thanking him for the work he and his administration did to get vaccines available within one year. Likewise, republicans roasted Obama over promises that no one would lose their insurance and would be able to keep their doctor, but never mention the additional millions of people that would have insurance and the expanded benefits for all that Obamacare brought.

I can think of a number things I don't like about Biden but Republican ignored those things and have hung their hat on two issues, inflation and gas prices. That's because everybody hates paying more at the gas pump and at the grocery store. The fact that Biden has no control over either is completely irrelevant. Since most people don't like the president; that is, they voted for him because they thought he wasn't as bad as the other guy, they don't need much convincing that he messed up. It has nothing to do with what the president did or did not do.

What is really strange is a party can convince voters to vote against a candidate that is only guilty of being a member of the president's party. In other words the candidate is guilty by association.
When I said, I don't remember either party doing that, I was referring to the fact that neither party both blames the president for his mistakes and credits him for his successes.
You have blamed him for high prices. It's a little too late for you to say he had nothing to do with it, don't you think?
You are correct. I give Veggie Joe credit for the current gas prices being twice as high as when he took office.
No. Gasoline was $3.581 when Biden was inaugurated. World events drove the price up everywhere, and it topped out at $5.107 in the US (June 13, 2022) that is $1. 526 total US increase. The price has dropped about 10 cents per week for the last 5 weeks, and is expected to continue that trend for a while. Gasoline is now about $1.00 higher than it was on Biden's inauguration day and falling. At this rate, your whining point doesn't have much life left.
You are a lying sack of shit BULLDOG

On Jan. 20, 2021, the average price for a gallon of gas nationwide was approximately $2.39.

No. Gasoline was $3.581 when Biden was inaugurated. World events drove the price up everywhere, and it topped out at $5.107 in the US (June 13, 2022) that is $1. 526 total US increase. The price has dropped about 10 cents per week for the last 5 weeks, and is expected to continue that trend for a while. Gasoline is now about $1.00 higher than it was on Biden's inauguration day and falling. At this rate, your whining point doesn't have much life left.
Well then, you have nothing economically to worry about in November. You should be fine.
Gas is $1.00 more than when he took office.
Holy shit you are one stupid lying sack of shit. Do you not think I can bring links to prove you are one stupid lying sack of shit?

$2.24 when your Vegetable Messiah took office.

$4.92 now.

Do you need help with the math, or are you ready to just admit you are a stupid lying sack of shit?


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