When governments crumble


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010
Unless the original Glass-Steagall Law of 1933 were re-enacted almost immediately, the general collapse of the U.S. financial system were imminent for some time during the remainder of this year, or even earlier. It would be a general collapse within the present trans-Atlantic system, with consequent effects which would, almost certainly, engulf the remainder of the planet’s surface.

This presently calamitous trend under the Barack Obama Presidency, is expressed in accelerated rates of downward physical-economic effects, effects now moving toward collapse of the Federal states of the U.S.A., as, similarly, throughout the trans-Atlantic region generally. This emphasizes the presently aggravated quality of that continuing calamity, which was created in the form of its currently aggravated expression by the impact of the November 2, 2010 U.S. national election. This is the expression of what has been a trend, a trend which has brought those states of the republic, themselves, into a point of fragility, a point at which this nation now hovers at the brink of a chain-reaction-like state of a presently rapid worsening, and now chronically crumbling, physical form of economic breakdown, a breakdown with characteristics which waver in moment to moment emphasis, wavering between what are essentially matters of the internal U.S.A. crisis, and global kinds of disorientation.1

Such is the presently spreading state of affairs throughout the trans-Atlantic region of this planet. For the present moments, such a pattern of effects already prevails as the current status, with the result that, most notably, both the United States and throughout the zone called the crisis-stricken “Euro,” were regions of the world which were doomed, a doom more and more that which would become closer to the point of the irreparable, were we to proceed without the virtually immediate passage of the original, 1933 intent of the Glass-Steagall act (H.R. 1489) by the United States. The point has already been reached, that members of Congress who act to prevent an early victory for the original Glass-Steagall’s restoration would be contributing to the likelihood of their participating in a crime against humanity. The importance of Glass-Steagall is a matter of such urgency as exists now.

This would have been the present direction of trends and their consequences even if the pro-genocidal proposals of Hans Joachim Schellnhuber’s avowedly pro-genocidal WBGU had not been launched. The British empire’s launching of its puppet Schellnhuber’s mass-murder, a mass-murder presently far worse than Adolf Hitler’s population-reduction hoax, is being carried to a monstrous extreme, an extreme which had already been the British intention for sending the planet as a whole into sheer Hell. There is, speaking practically, no actually efficient, present barrier to global disaster, without the chances for passage of U.S.A.’s H.R. 1489 legislation as the pathway for halting the presently accelerating breakdown-crisis of the entirety of the trans-Atlantic region—and, therefore, beyond.

My own part in this, as reflected in what is written here, has been to reflect a process of discoveries and related kinds of developments which has included the greater part of my own achievements as a professional in economic forecasting over the greater portion (1956-2011) of my 88 years of life to date; but, this has been work also designed to take into account the roles in scientific and related matters of my present associates, including their discoveries and related product, all to the effect of treating the interrelationship among these sources as, then and now, the expression of a single, coherent effort.

Read more When Governments Crumble
Thus, it would be impossible, without a very strict version of the enforcement of Glass-Steagall, to be tolerant of any part of the presently ruinous economic policies of the likes of Presidents George W. Bush, Jr. or Barack Obama, or to ignore the presently manifest fact of the hyperinflationary magnitudes of the intrinsically worthless and fraudulent debt created under the successions of those same George W. Bush, Jr. and Barack Obama. On that account, it is absolutely required that we prevent that destruction of the United States which had occurred under the reign of those errant Presidents, or their part in a swindle of the people of the United States which would not have been possible without an intrinsically fraudulent argument employed for the Congressional nullification of that implicit principle of the U.S. Constitution which is located as having been the basis for the 1933 Glass-Steagall law.

What should be done, must be done to the effect of casting out the devils responsible for the incredibly dumb 2008-2011 “bail-out” debt of the United States and that debt itself, thus sending such wicked notions to the Hell to which all of the worst of the worthless works of Satan must be relegated, if the continued very existence of the United States is to be assured.

There are no honestly practical alternatives by which to thwart the evil intention of the successive subversion and swindles embedded in the role of the now former J.P. Morgan agent and Ayn Rand devotee Allen Greenspan’s swindles, those swindles which had been launched in a time since his role as an agent of J.P. Morgan during the early 1980s. There is no reason that his role might be considered morally a legitimate practice in law under the U.S. Federal Constitution in the past, or today. That neglect of truth which the toleration of his swindles represents, such as the disregard for law, or other expressions of justice, such as the rights of life, liberty and justice, now persists, perpetually, as a form of falsehood and cheating, against the honest practice of the honest law of an honest nation.

spot on....
Unless the original Glass-Steagall Law of 1933 were re-enacted almost immediately, the general collapse of the U.S. financial system were imminent for some time during the remainder of this year, or even earlier. It would be a general collapse within the present trans-Atlantic system, with consequent effects which would, almost certainly, engulf the remainder of the planet’s surface.

This presently calamitous trend under the Barack Obama Presidency, is expressed in accelerated rates of downward physical-economic effects, effects now moving toward collapse of the Federal states of the U.S.A., as, similarly, throughout the trans-Atlantic region generally. This emphasizes the presently aggravated quality of that continuing calamity, which was created in the form of its currently aggravated expression by the impact of the November 2, 2010 U.S. national election. This is the expression of what has been a trend, a trend which has brought those states of the republic, themselves, into a point of fragility, a point at which this nation now hovers at the brink of a chain-reaction-like state of a presently rapid worsening, and now chronically crumbling, physical form of economic breakdown, a breakdown with characteristics which waver in moment to moment emphasis, wavering between what are essentially matters of the internal U.S.A. crisis, and global kinds of disorientation.1

Such is the presently spreading state of affairs throughout the trans-Atlantic region of this planet. For the present moments, such a pattern of effects already prevails as the current status, with the result that, most notably, both the United States and throughout the zone called the crisis-stricken “Euro,” were regions of the world which were doomed, a doom more and more that which would become closer to the point of the irreparable, were we to proceed without the virtually immediate passage of the original, 1933 intent of the Glass-Steagall act (H.R. 1489) by the United States. The point has already been reached, that members of Congress who act to prevent an early victory for the original Glass-Steagall’s restoration would be contributing to the likelihood of their participating in a crime against humanity. The importance of Glass-Steagall is a matter of such urgency as exists now.

This would have been the present direction of trends and their consequences even if the pro-genocidal proposals of Hans Joachim Schellnhuber’s avowedly pro-genocidal WBGU had not been launched. The British empire’s launching of its puppet Schellnhuber’s mass-murder, a mass-murder presently far worse than Adolf Hitler’s population-reduction hoax, is being carried to a monstrous extreme, an extreme which had already been the British intention for sending the planet as a whole into sheer Hell. There is, speaking practically, no actually efficient, present barrier to global disaster, without the chances for passage of U.S.A.’s H.R. 1489 legislation as the pathway for halting the presently accelerating breakdown-crisis of the entirety of the trans-Atlantic region—and, therefore, beyond.

My own part in this, as reflected in what is written here, has been to reflect a process of discoveries and related kinds of developments which has included the greater part of my own achievements as a professional in economic forecasting over the greater portion (1956-2011) of my 88 years of life to date; but, this has been work also designed to take into account the roles in scientific and related matters of my present associates, including their discoveries and related product, all to the effect of treating the interrelationship among these sources as, then and now, the expression of a single, coherent effort.

Read more When Governments Crumble

You know I read the above, and further still on his website and find much of it akin to my own view of the situation but ...

Lyndon seriously needs an editor who can turn this densely packed screed into prose that people can read and understand.

Well, I give you credit for trying and I understand your predicament.
Might I start by suggesting that in the US, having a wealthy elite social sector is not a bad thing, provided we tolerate no Royalty and heredity transmission of public office, including the fascist counterpart. What is the great sin? Is it the gluttony, the lavish living etc., well I certainly do poke ridicule to the extravagances of some of that upper class, I reserve my disdain for something else.

When those whom control of capital is bestowed, sometime rightfully as reward for their entrepreneurship, loose sight of the difference between investment in developing the productive capabilities of real life sustaining wealth, without which money of any form has no value, and the creation of DEBT bubbles that as attempts to monetize instruments of fictitious value commandeer the food from the infants mouth, that gets my heckles up.

Kill people for financial aggrandizements, not the American way!

Please entertain that this could be the theme that we use when engaging our fellow common man.

best regards

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