When Harry meets Santa - Gay Santa making xmas more inclusive

By stating that Santa couldnt be Gay you brought sexuality into it. Where does the hate come from Ray ?

Where did I say that? Post number please. What we normal people want is for you to leave us the fuck alone. That's all. But it's too much to ask from a leftist.
I am sorry you butt pirates don't feel included.

I have nothing against you. I am for gay marriage and gay rights. I honestly don't give a shit who or what you fuck, as long as it's not my kid.

But, I will make fun of you. There's all sorts of funny about gays. You can't expect me to not laugh. Have a sense of humor quit taking your gay asses so damn seriously. That's a good way to break a dick.

I dont feel sorry for the faggots and dikes who are losers because they couldnt find a match with the opposite sex, so had to turn to the Devil and do their immoral ways.
I have everything against dikes and queers, because it used to be "what is done behind closed doors is none of our business, but then the queers couldnt keep it there, and came out like flaming fucking liberals, who if given an inch they must take a mile, so here we are today, talking about ruining another tradition, by thinking Kris Kringel is gay.

Just remember about Tommy T though, he loves Muslim dick, and Muslims want to toss people like Tommy off the highest building, which is why he must come and insult Christians because we dont toss faggots off of buildings...
I dont feel sorry for the faggots and dikes who are losers because they couldnt find a match with the opposite sex, so had to turn to the Devil and do their immoral ways.
I have everything against dikes and queers, because it used to be "what is done behind closed doors is none of our business, but then the queers couldnt keep it there, and came out like flaming fucking liberals, who if given an inch they must take a mile, so here we are today, talking about ruining another tradition, by thinking Kris Kringel is gay.

Just remember about Tommy T though, he loves Muslim dick, and Muslims want to toss people like Tommy off the highest building, which is why he must come and insult Christians because we dont toss faggots off of buildings...

My standards about weird sexuality is I have no problem with it, as long as what you're doing is legal, as long as what you're doing is not breaking any laws, and what you're doing you keep to yourself. Life is too short so enjoy it the best you can. Just don't drag the rest of us in it.

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