When Has A U.S. President Saluted An Enemy General?

Thanks, Doc, sorry heel spurs don't show up for a year and then magically vanish, they also don't disappear on their own without some sort of remedy.

Do Heel Spurs Go Away on Their Own?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for heel spurs.

Trump never talked about what he did to relive the pain, he couldn't even remember which foot it was until the campaign stated it was both. While his doctor* Bornstein documented Trump's childhood appendectomy that he had at the age of 10 he did not reference any bone/heel spurs.

I'm beginning to think you know as much about your wife's medical history as you do military protocol.

The inflammation caused by the heel spurs goes away, dumbass. If that were not the case, she would still have difficulty walking.

BTW, I work for the military to this day. How about you?

You need to provide a source to back up your claims.

Why? You can't read it!

I can't read your sources because you don't have any.

You have been presented sources, but you are unable to comprehend them because of your reading disability, which is probably why you are a libtard in the first place.

Nope, actually your sources are either not on topic or you're using yourself as a source.

Where is your source that bone spurs are only temporary?

Where is your source that it is military protocol that when someone in the military is saluted they should salute back regardless of who the other person is?

You have provided nothing.
How anyone in the US military can now vote for the orange piece of dog stool would be beyond understanding. I mean that image is one of the most disgusting in American history, forget politics.
Lol, get over it snowflake. Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.

He's your dear leader snowflake. Go find your blanky and hide in your safe space. He's a worthless piece of shit to the rest of the world. Except our enemies, they love him, like you.

View attachment 198803
Lol, he is still your great president till 2024, Oh and those safe spaces were created for anti Trump whiners, such as yourself. Lol



This is what a traitor looks like. An image for the ages.
Democrat Fake News Trump-outrage of the week? Pretty weak. Meanwhile, jobless claims just hit a 44yr-low. Go Trump!
How anyone in the US military can now vote for the orange piece of dog stool would be beyond understanding. I mean that image is one of the most disgusting in American history, forget politics.
Lol, get over it snowflake. Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.

He's your dear leader snowflake. Go find your blanky and hide in your safe space. He's a worthless piece of shit to the rest of the world. Except our enemies, they love him, like you.

View attachment 198803
Lol, he is still your great president till 2024, Oh and those safe spaces were created for anti Trump whiners, such as yourself. Lol

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This is what a traitor looks like. An image for the ages.
Lol, if Obama did the exact same thing, you would jack off over it.
The salute isn't simply an honor exchanged; it's a privileged gesture of respect and trust among military members. Remember: The salute is not only prescribed by regulation, but is also recognition of each other's commitment, abilities, and professionalism.

The salute is widely misunderstood outside the military. Some consider it to be a gesture of servility since the junior extends a salute to the senior, but this interpretation isn't true at all. The salute is an expression that recognizes each other as a member of the profession of arms — that they have made a personal commitment of self-sacrifice to preserve the American way of life. The fact that the junior extends the greeting first is merely a point of etiquette — a salute extended or returned makes the same statement.

Getting the Lowdown on Customs and Courtesies
As opposed to bowing?
Obama bowed to the leader of a country because it is the custom. It is not at all the same thing as saluting a general of an enemy country. As well, Bush and Trump aslo bowed inSaudi.

Don't you people know how to think? You can't compare things that are not comparable.

Bowing indicates submission. Returning a salute acknowledges the respect being offered.

Bowing is usually a sign of respect, not submission.
Not the way Obammy did it.

The Real Genuflection to the Saudis

You're article is really light on facts, but that's Dick 'The Dick" Morris for ya'.

There is no evidence in your article that the bowing, if it was a bow (it was poorly performed if it were) was anything other than showing respect.
How many years after he was in a military HIGH SCHOOL was it that he had the bone spurs? About a decade?

Like I said it wasn't originally my point anyway. There is no evidence in Trump's life that he ever had bone spurs with the exception of this deferment. He couldn't even remember what foot it was nor does his doctor have any medical history on it even though he does his appendectomy which he got when he was 10.

There is no evidence that you exist, except in my imagination, because I can only imagine someone as stupid as you act.

Well, that's another false and to be honest rather odd statement. Maybe I am just your imagination and if you can't tell the difference then seek help.

My doctor has no record of the scar on my forehead where I slammed into a booth at the state fair when I was about 7 years old. Why? First aid fixed me up, but I still have a scar there. Why doesn't my doctor have a record of that? Because he doesn't know about it and it happened half a century ago, about the same time Trump had bone spurs.

You keep doing this. I don't care about your personal life. You can't even spell Torrey right.

Anyway, a cut on your forehead vs. being seen by a doctor for a medical condition which inhibits one enough that they are unable to march are two different things. Like I said, the doc had info on the appendectomy which occurred more than a decade before the bone spurs.

Also, again, for something as painful as bone spurs Trump couldn't even remember what foot they were on (both according to his campaign). They magically came and went within a year, nope, sounds fishy.

That's because you are stupid.

I have wasted enough time on you. You are a hopeless sack of shit with the ability to type on a keyboard, and that is the extent of your talents.

We have tried to educate you on numerous topics but you cling to your stupidity like a child holds his "blankie" for security.

I will not reply to your asinine comments anymore on this thread.

Now, go wallow in your stupid. Mommie probably has the tub filled up with it for you to soak your head.
That's why she's primarily ignored on this site.

But you can't stop talking about him. Nor is Rocky able to prove a point.
Democrat Fake News Trump-outrage of the week? Pretty weak. Meanwhile, jobless claims just hit a 44yr-low. Go Trump!

Thanks Obama, he got us most of the way there and his coat tails the rest.

Hussein ain't the Prez no mo, kid. Deal with it. Maybe seek some therapy. :cuckoo:

He's not, but while he was the unemployment rate dropped significantly. To not recognize that is to blindly bend over for dear leader.
Democrat Fake News Trump-outrage of the week? Pretty weak. Meanwhile, jobless claims just hit a 44yr-low. Go Trump!

Thanks Obama, he got us most of the way there and his coat tails the rest.

Hussein ain't the Prez no mo, kid. Deal with it. Maybe seek some therapy. :cuckoo:

He's not, but while he was the unemployment rate dropped significantly. To not recognize that is to blindly bend over for dear leader.

Hussein gone. Hasn't been the Prez for years. Try laying off Democrat Fake News and maybe seek some psychiatric care. You gotta move on from the past at some point. Therapy could help you with that. Take care.
Democrat Fake News Trump-outrage of the week? Pretty weak. Meanwhile, jobless claims just hit a 44yr-low. Go Trump!

Thanks Obama, he got us most of the way there and his coat tails the rest.

Hussein ain't the Prez no mo, kid. Deal with it. Maybe seek some therapy. :cuckoo:

He's not, but while he was the unemployment rate dropped significantly. To not recognize that is to blindly bend over for dear leader.

Hussein gone. Hasn't been the Prez for years. Try laying off Democrat Fake News and maybe seek some psychiatric care. You gotta move on from the past at some point. Therapy could help you with that. Take care.

Almost 2 and half, doesn't change the fact that he lowered the unemployment rate more than Trump. It's just fact. Especially true since the first 9 months of Trump's presidency were on Obama's policies.
Democrat Fake News Trump-outrage of the week? Pretty weak. Meanwhile, jobless claims just hit a 44yr-low. Go Trump!

Thanks Obama, he got us most of the way there and his coat tails the rest.

Hussein ain't the Prez no mo, kid. Deal with it. Maybe seek some therapy. :cuckoo:

He's not, but while he was the unemployment rate dropped significantly. To not recognize that is to blindly bend over for dear leader.

Hussein gone. Hasn't been the Prez for years. Try laying off Democrat Fake News and maybe seek some psychiatric care. You gotta move on from the past at some point. Therapy could help you with that. Take care.

Almost 2 and half, doesn't change the fact that he lowered the unemployment rate more than Trump. It's just fact. Especially true since the first 9 months of Trump's presidency were on Obama's policies.
That's only because he raised unemployment to record levels........I mean as bad as Obama was, even his shitty recovery brought numbers down

so what policies of Obama made the economy hum?
These Libs have been reduced to mindless unthinking hatred. When a high ranking military office salutes you you return it as a sign of respect.

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