When Has A U.S. President Saluted An Enemy General?

So Trump slaps tariffs on our closest allies, snubs them, bails early on them, and then attacks them via Twitter once he's safely on Air Force One, jets off to see his new BFF Kim Jong Un, a murderous dictator, says we are canceling our military exercises with South Korea (ones that I've taken part in, as well as visiting the DMZ) and if all of that is not bad enough, this moron salutes an enemy General.

This guy is a special kind of stupid.

(What do you think Kim is thinking in this picture? "Holy Shit, the Dotard is even dumber than I thought!")


Next time run an electable candidate cupcake

View attachment 198671

We did. She got 3 million more votes than Trump - in spite of conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Comey, and Russians.
like he said.....next time run someone who is at least well liked and isnt covered with taint....
Trump tried to prove he has them and wasn't able to.
What happened when Trump showed me his foot (opinion) - CNN

Trump was also an athlete and there is no indication that bone spurs were ever a problem.

Bone spurs go away. My wife had them. The condition is actually not pain caused by the bone spurs themselves but by the inflammation of the tissue on the bottom of the foot.

Thanks, Doc, sorry heel spurs don't show up for a year and then magically vanish, they also don't disappear on their own without some sort of remedy.

Do Heel Spurs Go Away on Their Own?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for heel spurs.

Trump never talked about what he did to relive the pain, he couldn't even remember which foot it was until the campaign stated it was both. While his doctor* Bornstein documented Trump's childhood appendectomy that he had at the age of 10 he did not reference any bone/heel spurs.

I'm beginning to think you know as much about your wife's medical history as you do military protocol.

The inflammation caused by the heel spurs goes away, dumbass. If that were not the case, she would still have difficulty walking.

BTW, I work for the military to this day. How about you?

You need to provide a source to back up your claims.

Why? You can't read it!

I can't read your sources because you don't have any.
Trump never talked about what he did to relive the pain, he couldn't even remember which foot it was until the campaign stated it was both. While his doctor* Bornstein documented Trump's childhood appendectomy that he had at the age of 10 he did not reference any bone/heel spurs.

I'm beginning to think you know as much about your wife's medical history as you do military protocol.

Excellent...now you've moved on from military protocol to the treatment of bone spurs

I didn't bring up the bone spurs. I also didn't move away fromm military protocol, the fake admiral with the misspelled name stopped posting.

...neither of which you know anything about. I had a bone spur under my right kneecap for years and one day it was gone....it finally broke apart and vanished.

You're not a source, find something credible to link to that they magically go away.

There is also a difference between playing a round of golf and the requirements of combat...again things you know nothing about.

I didn't bring up golf. But what about him playing tennis, football and marching around at the military academy? Anyway, not a point I brought up, but thanks,.

If Trump had been drafted, he wouldn't have gone into the infantry given his background in ROTC and the attitude of the LBJ era Pentagon...it would have been a waste of everybody's time....same as trying to teach your sorry ass something.

Actually, Trump first claimed he avoided the draft by having a high draft number, well we know that's not true, so another lie.

How many years after he was in a military HIGH SCHOOL was it that he had the bone spurs? About a decade?

Like I said it wasn't originally my point anyway. There is no evidence in Trump's life that he ever had bone spurs with the exception of this deferment. He couldn't even remember what foot it was nor does his doctor have any medical history on it even though he does his appendectomy which he got when he was 10.

There is no evidence that you exist, except in my imagination, because I can only imagine someone as stupid as you act.

My doctor has no record of the scar on my forehead where I slammed into a booth at the state fair when I was about 7 years old. Why? First aid fixed me up, but I still have a scar there. Why doesn't my doctor have a record of that? Because he doesn't know about it and it happened half a century ago, about the same time Trump had bone spurs.
BTW, I work for the military to this day. How about you?

You need to provide a source to back up your claims.

What was his position on the president saluting an enemy general?

He thinks there is some military protocol that when a soldier (or president I guess) is saluted that they should salute back regardless of who the person is.

Unless they have been judged a war criminal, that is the correct procedure. To not return the salute is an insult.
As opposed to bowing?
Obama bowed to the leader of a country because it is the custom in that country. It is not at all the same thing as saluting a general of an enemy country. As well, Bush and Trump also bowed in Saudi.

Don't you people know how to think? You can't compare things that are not comparable.
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Bone spurs go away. My wife had them. The condition is actually not pain caused by the bone spurs themselves but by the inflammation of the tissue on the bottom of the foot.

Thanks, Doc, sorry heel spurs don't show up for a year and then magically vanish, they also don't disappear on their own without some sort of remedy.

Do Heel Spurs Go Away on Their Own?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for heel spurs.

Trump never talked about what he did to relive the pain, he couldn't even remember which foot it was until the campaign stated it was both. While his doctor* Bornstein documented Trump's childhood appendectomy that he had at the age of 10 he did not reference any bone/heel spurs.

I'm beginning to think you know as much about your wife's medical history as you do military protocol.

The inflammation caused by the heel spurs goes away, dumbass. If that were not the case, she would still have difficulty walking.

BTW, I work for the military to this day. How about you?

You need to provide a source to back up your claims.

Why? You can't read it!

I can't read your sources because you don't have any.

You have been presented sources, but you are unable to comprehend them because of your reading disability, which is probably why you are a libtard in the first place.
How anyone in the US military can now vote for the orange piece of dog stool would be beyond understanding. I mean that image is one of the most disgusting in American history, forget politics.
Lol, get over it snowflake. Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.

He's your dear leader snowflake. Go find your blanky and hide in your safe space. He's a worthless piece of shit to the rest of the world. Except our enemies, they love him, like you.

As opposed to bowing?
Obama bowed to the leader of a country because it is the custom. It is not at all the same thing as saluting a general of an enemy country. As well, Bush and Trump aslo bowed inSaudi.

Don't you people know how to think? You can't compare things that are not comparable.

Bowing indicates submission. Returning a salute acknowledges the respect being offered.
Trump never talked about what he did to relive the pain, he couldn't even remember which foot it was until the campaign stated it was both. While his doctor* Bornstein documented Trump's childhood appendectomy that he had at the age of 10 he did not reference any bone/heel spurs.

I'm beginning to think you know as much about your wife's medical history as you do military protocol.

Excellent...now you've moved on from military protocol to the treatment of bone spurs

I didn't bring up the bone spurs. I also didn't move away fromm military protocol, the fake admiral with the misspelled name stopped posting.

...neither of which you know anything about. I had a bone spur under my right kneecap for years and one day it was gone....it finally broke apart and vanished.

You're not a source, find something credible to link to that they magically go away.

There is also a difference between playing a round of golf and the requirements of combat...again things you know nothing about.

I didn't bring up golf. But what about him playing tennis, football and marching around at the military academy? Anyway, not a point I brought up, but thanks,.

If Trump had been drafted, he wouldn't have gone into the infantry given his background in ROTC and the attitude of the LBJ era Pentagon...it would have been a waste of everybody's time....same as trying to teach your sorry ass something.

Actually, Trump first claimed he avoided the draft by having a high draft number, well we know that's not true, so another lie.

How many years after he was in a military HIGH SCHOOL was it that he had the bone spurs? About a decade?

Like I said it wasn't originally my point anyway. There is no evidence in Trump's life that he ever had bone spurs with the exception of this deferment. He couldn't even remember what foot it was nor does his doctor have any medical history on it even though he does his appendectomy which he got when he was 10.

There is no evidence that you exist, except in my imagination, because I can only imagine someone as stupid as you act.

Well, that's another false and to be honest rather odd statement. Maybe I am just your imagination and if you can't tell the difference then seek help.

My doctor has no record of the scar on my forehead where I slammed into a booth at the state fair when I was about 7 years old. Why? First aid fixed me up, but I still have a scar there. Why doesn't my doctor have a record of that? Because he doesn't know about it and it happened half a century ago, about the same time Trump had bone spurs.

You keep doing this. I don't care about your personal life. You can't even spell Torrey right.

Anyway, a cut on your forehead vs. being seen by a doctor for a medical condition which inhibits one enough that they are unable to march are two different things. Like I said, the doc had info on the appendectomy which occurred more than a decade before the bone spurs.

Also, again, for something as painful as bone spurs Trump couldn't even remember what foot they were on (both according to his campaign). They magically came and went within a year, nope, sounds fishy.
Really? You got a source that states it is required that a U.S. President or anyone for that matter is required to salute a North Korean general?

You people are too funny, you're practically making the case that's it's unpatriotic to not salute a general of an enemy state.

Where did I say it was required, dumbass?

I wish you libtards would learn to read and actually understand what you are reading!

Fine, you said 'It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it'.

Where is your source regarding this breach in courtesy to not salute the enemy? Quit stalling and show it.

Google is your friend.

I don't have time to waste educating someone who will never accept any proof they are wrong because they are a libtard.

I can't find any military protocol where saluting a North Korean General is appropriate. So, prove your point, or admit you don't know what you're talking about or perhaps you lied.

I am not a libtard. I don't have to lie to justify my reasoning. You do. My 40+ years associated with the military is sufficient for most people. Libtards don't count as people.

You’re still a moron.
How anyone in the US military can now vote for the orange piece of dog stool would be beyond understanding. I mean that image is one of the most disgusting in American history, forget politics.
Lol, get over it snowflake. Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.

He's your dear leader snowflake. Go find your blanky and hide in your safe space. He's a worthless piece of shit to the rest of the world. Except our enemies, they love him, like you.

View attachment 198803
Trump is actually YOUR President unlike Obama who was a poser and a socialist ass kisser.. Obama had utter contempt for our military as did the Clintons...he was a worthless piece of shit and still is...
As opposed to bowing?
Obama bowed to the leader of a country because it is the custom. It is not at all the same thing as saluting a general of an enemy country. As well, Bush and Trump aslo bowed inSaudi.

Don't you people know how to think? You can't compare things that are not comparable.

Bowing indicates submission. Returning a salute acknowledges the respect being offered.

Bowing is usually a sign of respect, not submission.
Excellent...now you've moved on from military protocol to the treatment of bone spurs

I didn't bring up the bone spurs. I also didn't move away fromm military protocol, the fake admiral with the misspelled name stopped posting.

...neither of which you know anything about. I had a bone spur under my right kneecap for years and one day it was gone....it finally broke apart and vanished.

You're not a source, find something credible to link to that they magically go away.

There is also a difference between playing a round of golf and the requirements of combat...again things you know nothing about.

I didn't bring up golf. But what about him playing tennis, football and marching around at the military academy? Anyway, not a point I brought up, but thanks,.

If Trump had been drafted, he wouldn't have gone into the infantry given his background in ROTC and the attitude of the LBJ era Pentagon...it would have been a waste of everybody's time....same as trying to teach your sorry ass something.

Actually, Trump first claimed he avoided the draft by having a high draft number, well we know that's not true, so another lie.

How many years after he was in a military HIGH SCHOOL was it that he had the bone spurs? About a decade?

Like I said it wasn't originally my point anyway. There is no evidence in Trump's life that he ever had bone spurs with the exception of this deferment. He couldn't even remember what foot it was nor does his doctor have any medical history on it even though he does his appendectomy which he got when he was 10.

There is no evidence that you exist, except in my imagination, because I can only imagine someone as stupid as you act.

Well, that's another false and to be honest rather odd statement. Maybe I am just your imagination and if you can't tell the difference then seek help.

My doctor has no record of the scar on my forehead where I slammed into a booth at the state fair when I was about 7 years old. Why? First aid fixed me up, but I still have a scar there. Why doesn't my doctor have a record of that? Because he doesn't know about it and it happened half a century ago, about the same time Trump had bone spurs.

You keep doing this. I don't care about your personal life. You can't even spell Torrey right.

Anyway, a cut on your forehead vs. being seen by a doctor for a medical condition which inhibits one enough that they are unable to march are two different things. Like I said, the doc had info on the appendectomy which occurred more than a decade before the bone spurs.

Also, again, for something as painful as bone spurs Trump couldn't even remember what foot they were on (both according to his campaign). They magically came and went within a year, nope, sounds fishy.

That's because you are stupid.

I have wasted enough time on you. You are a hopeless sack of shit with the ability to type on a keyboard, and that is the extent of your talents.

We have tried to educate you on numerous topics but you cling to your stupidity like a child holds his "blankie" for security.

I will not reply to your asinine comments anymore on this thread.

Now, go wallow in your stupid. Mommie probably has the tub filled up with it for you to soak your head.
As opposed to bowing?
Obama bowed to the leader of a country because it is the custom in that country. It is not at all the same thing as saluting a general of an enemy country. As well, Bush and Trump aslo bowed in Saudi.

Don't you people know how to think? You can't compare things that are not comparable.
You are a straight up fool.

They are precisely comparable.

And you people are so fucking stupid that you don't realize that everybody sees through your hypocrisy, dishonesty, and stupidity. You're just embarassing yourselves. The world is laughing at you.
As opposed to bowing?
Obama bowed to the leader of a country because it is the custom. It is not at all the same thing as saluting a general of an enemy country. As well, Bush and Trump aslo bowed inSaudi.

Don't you people know how to think? You can't compare things that are not comparable.

Bowing indicates submission. Returning a salute acknowledges the respect being offered.

Typical of bed wetting libturds, Trump was also not bowing in Saudi, he was getting a medal from the king. Should he have insisted the king climb a fucking ladder? Obozo looked like he was trying to gargle a nut sack, he folded in half.

This is why I despise these sniveling, deliberately ignorant libtard, parasitic pieces of shit.
Where did I say it was required, dumbass?

I wish you libtards would learn to read and actually understand what you are reading!

Fine, you said 'It is a breach of military courtesy not to return a salute, no matter who is offering it'.

Where is your source regarding this breach in courtesy to not salute the enemy? Quit stalling and show it.

Google is your friend.

I don't have time to waste educating someone who will never accept any proof they are wrong because they are a libtard.

I can't find any military protocol where saluting a North Korean General is appropriate. So, prove your point, or admit you don't know what you're talking about or perhaps you lied.

I am not a libtard. I don't have to lie to justify my reasoning. You do. My 40+ years associated with the military is sufficient for most people. Libtards don't count as people.

You’re still a moron.

I don't know of any reasonable poster who uses their own words as a source. I have no idea if he served in the military or not, looks like he has a man crush on John Wayne though. Anyway, you can't trust a poster who lies regardless of their own experiences.
As opposed to bowing?
Obama bowed to the leader of a country because it is the custom. It is not at all the same thing as saluting a general of an enemy country. As well, Bush and Trump aslo bowed inSaudi.

Don't you people know how to think? You can't compare things that are not comparable.

Bowing indicates submission. Returning a salute acknowledges the respect being offered.

Bowing is usually a sign of respect, not submission.
Not the way Obammy did it.

The Real Genuflection to the Saudis
How anyone in the US military can now vote for the orange piece of dog stool would be beyond understanding. I mean that image is one of the most disgusting in American history, forget politics.
Lol, get over it snowflake. Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.

He's your dear leader snowflake. Go find your blanky and hide in your safe space. He's a worthless piece of shit to the rest of the world. Except our enemies, they love him, like you.

View attachment 198803
Lol, he is still your great president till 2024, Oh and those safe spaces were created for anti Trump whiners, such as yourself. Lol
I didn't bring up the bone spurs. I also didn't move away fromm military protocol, the fake admiral with the misspelled name stopped posting.

You're not a source, find something credible to link to that they magically go away.

I didn't bring up golf. But what about him playing tennis, football and marching around at the military academy? Anyway, not a point I brought up, but thanks,.

Actually, Trump first claimed he avoided the draft by having a high draft number, well we know that's not true, so another lie.

How many years after he was in a military HIGH SCHOOL was it that he had the bone spurs? About a decade?

Like I said it wasn't originally my point anyway. There is no evidence in Trump's life that he ever had bone spurs with the exception of this deferment. He couldn't even remember what foot it was nor does his doctor have any medical history on it even though he does his appendectomy which he got when he was 10.

There is no evidence that you exist, except in my imagination, because I can only imagine someone as stupid as you act.

Well, that's another false and to be honest rather odd statement. Maybe I am just your imagination and if you can't tell the difference then seek help.

My doctor has no record of the scar on my forehead where I slammed into a booth at the state fair when I was about 7 years old. Why? First aid fixed me up, but I still have a scar there. Why doesn't my doctor have a record of that? Because he doesn't know about it and it happened half a century ago, about the same time Trump had bone spurs.

You keep doing this. I don't care about your personal life. You can't even spell Torrey right.

Anyway, a cut on your forehead vs. being seen by a doctor for a medical condition which inhibits one enough that they are unable to march are two different things. Like I said, the doc had info on the appendectomy which occurred more than a decade before the bone spurs.

Also, again, for something as painful as bone spurs Trump couldn't even remember what foot they were on (both according to his campaign). They magically came and went within a year, nope, sounds fishy.

That's because you are stupid.

I have wasted enough time on you. You are a hopeless sack of shit with the ability to type on a keyboard, and that is the extent of your talents.

We have tried to educate you on numerous topics but you cling to your stupidity like a child holds his "blankie" for security.

I will not reply to your asinine comments anymore on this thread.

Now, go wallow in your stupid. Mommie probably has the tub filled up with it for you to soak your head.
That's why she's primarily ignored on this site.

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