CDZ When has bearing arms helped?

In the U.S., we have the right to own guns, limiting it too much more should require a Constitutional Amendment. I own a gun, I guess most folks do.


Mine is a relic in some ways. At the old place my gun enthusiast friends would come over, we'd clean it, we'd shoot their new gun. I don't carry it or take my family places where I feel I need to carry it for their protection. Mostly it sits like a liability to be guarded from misuse by the kids or hidden so whoever breaks in doesn't steal it.

In fairness, my Stihl chainsaw and some of my shop tools are somewhat of a liability also. I try not to tease the kids with their presence. Misuse has serious consequences.

Difference is, my tools are going to be useful again likely this month or this week even if I veg out tonight. My gun, MAYBE if someone breaks in. While I'm there. Then again, they'll probably have a gun since we all do and I'm not practiced enough to think I'm a better Doc Holliday.


In the 1770's folks owning guns made a difference I think. Best I can tell in the 1860's Southerners owning guns almost saved the disgusting institution of slavery (we'll use Texas as the example of why the Civil War was fought: DECLARATION OF CAUSES: February 2, 1861 A declaration of the causes which impel the State of Texas to secede from the Federal Union. | TSLAC). Heck, was the NRA founded because Northern city dwellers were such poor shots NRA | About the NRA

I don't recall any instances of gun toting NRA members saving the Bonus Army from MacArthur. I don't recall armed private citizens fighting against the militia which blocked the Little Rock 9 from school. Heck, Big Government and the Band of Brothers were sent to force the militia down.

Any instances of positive gun toting resistance since then? I dunno. Help me out here.

This was very positive. Korean Americans defending their property instead of letting it be burned and looted like over 1000 other buildings during the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles.
The democrat way would simply be to give up, evacuate and let it burn... but these people believed in standing up for themselves. This is the American way, sorry if it offends your sensibilities.
In the U.S., we have the right to own guns, limiting it too much more should require a Constitutional Amendment. I own a gun, I guess most folks do.


Mine is a relic in some ways. At the old place my gun enthusiast friends would come over, we'd clean it, we'd shoot their new gun. I don't carry it or take my family places where I feel I need to carry it for their protection. Mostly it sits like a liability to be guarded from misuse by the kids or hidden so whoever breaks in doesn't steal it.

In fairness, my Stihl chainsaw and some of my shop tools are somewhat of a liability also. I try not to tease the kids with their presence. Misuse has serious consequences.

Difference is, my tools are going to be useful again likely this month or this week even if I veg out tonight. My gun, MAYBE if someone breaks in. While I'm there. Then again, they'll probably have a gun since we all do and I'm not practiced enough to think I'm a better Doc Holliday.


In the 1770's folks owning guns made a difference I think. Best I can tell in the 1860's Southerners owning guns almost saved the disgusting institution of slavery (we'll use Texas as the example of why the Civil War was fought: DECLARATION OF CAUSES: February 2, 1861 A declaration of the causes which impel the State of Texas to secede from the Federal Union. | TSLAC). Heck, was the NRA founded because Northern city dwellers were such poor shots NRA | About the NRA

I don't recall any instances of gun toting NRA members saving the Bonus Army from MacArthur. I don't recall armed private citizens fighting against the militia which blocked the Little Rock 9 from school. Heck, Big Government and the Band of Brothers were sent to force the militia down.

Any instances of positive gun toting resistance since then? I dunno. Help me out here.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

This is the Common law for the Common defense:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
All those guns
Still we have 30,000 gun deaths

They are not keeping us safe

80% of homicides are gang related, and then 60 % of all gun deaths are suicides.. if you were to take away guns from law abiding normal people, those gangs are still going to be able to buy weapons on the black market, and as that becomes more lucrative, you will see gun violence increase, just like during prohibition. meanwhile, you can turn in your gun, I can turn in mine and its not going to help anyone.
The US Declaration of Independence makes the use of our weapons clear....

".--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

When a government gets out of control it is the sovereign RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE, GIVEN BY GOD, to take matters into their own hands and change it.

This is why we have a second amendment..

"The right to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed" If you can not protect yourself and your rights you are a slave.
That is why the constitution gave us a 1 st amendment and a vote

We never needed guns since
You are a moron... IF you do not have the ability to protect that right it means exactly SQUAT! You are nothing more than a Useful IDIOT! You know what Hitler, Mao, Stalin, and others did to those useful idiots once they gained power? They killed them...
200 plus years and guns have never protected our rights

You are welcome to show where they have

The Black Panther Party and the Advent of Modern Gun Rights - Price of Safety

Some people here might beg to differ with you. African Americans also have protected their rights by brandishing fire arms. Not to be confused with common street gangs however.
To say guns have NEVER protected our rights, that is a distortion i do believe. If you have ever protected yourself with a gun, you have protected your rights as a citizen. If your counting on the police to protect your rights for you, they will show up AFTER the fact.
In the U.S., we have the right to own guns, limiting it too much more should require a Constitutional Amendment. I own a gun, I guess most folks do.


Mine is a relic in some ways. At the old place my gun enthusiast friends would come over, we'd clean it, we'd shoot their new gun. I don't carry it or take my family places where I feel I need to carry it for their protection. Mostly it sits like a liability to be guarded from misuse by the kids or hidden so whoever breaks in doesn't steal it.

In fairness, my Stihl chainsaw and some of my shop tools are somewhat of a liability also. I try not to tease the kids with their presence. Misuse has serious consequences.

Difference is, my tools are going to be useful again likely this month or this week even if I veg out tonight. My gun, MAYBE if someone breaks in. While I'm there. Then again, they'll probably have a gun since we all do and I'm not practiced enough to think I'm a better Doc Holliday.


In the 1770's folks owning guns made a difference I think. Best I can tell in the 1860's Southerners owning guns almost saved the disgusting institution of slavery (we'll use Texas as the example of why the Civil War was fought: DECLARATION OF CAUSES: February 2, 1861 A declaration of the causes which impel the State of Texas to secede from the Federal Union. | TSLAC). Heck, was the NRA founded because Northern city dwellers were such poor shots NRA | About the NRA

I don't recall any instances of gun toting NRA members saving the Bonus Army from MacArthur. I don't recall armed private citizens fighting against the militia which blocked the Little Rock 9 from school. Heck, Big Government and the Band of Brothers were sent to force the militia down.

Any instances of positive gun toting resistance since then? I dunno. Help me out here.

This was very positive. Korean Americans defending their property instead of letting it be burned and looted like over 1000 other buildings during the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles.
The democrat way would simply be to give up, evacuate and let it burn... but these people believed in standing up for themselves. This is the American way, sorry if it offends your sensibilities.

Offend me? Nah, I think the death penalty should be expanded to include a random chance at it every time a drunk driver is convicted or someone shoots someone criminally.

I guess your party blaming thing in the CDZ is a little far, it isn't really "offensive" though.
The US Declaration of Independence makes the use of our weapons clear....

".--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

When a government gets out of control it is the sovereign RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE, GIVEN BY GOD, to take matters into their own hands and change it.

This is why we have a second amendment..

"The right to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed" If you can not protect yourself and your rights you are a slave.
That is why the constitution gave us a 1 st amendment and a vote

We never needed guns since
You are a moron... IF you do not have the ability to protect that right it means exactly SQUAT! You are nothing more than a Useful IDIOT! You know what Hitler, Mao, Stalin, and others did to those useful idiots once they gained power? They killed them...
200 plus years and guns have never protected our rights

You are welcome to show where they have

The Black Panther Party and the Advent of Modern Gun Rights - Price of Safety

Some people here might beg to differ with you. African Americans also have protected their rights by brandishing fire arms. Not to be confused with common street gangs however.
To say guns have NEVER protected our rights, that is a distortion i do believe. If you have ever protected yourself with a gun, you have protected your rights as a citizen. If your counting on the police to protect your rights for you, they will show up AFTER the fact.
Armed cItizens defending their second amendment rights
Where was the NRA to defend them
Why did 1776 Occur?

Tyranny from a feudal government, A dictatorship, A socialist construct...

Our guns are to stop the consolidation of power by any one person or group resulting in tyranny.

Screw your gun grabbing pussies who want total control! Congress was placed by the people and we need the ability to remove them and their bureaucrats, by force if necessary.
Our first amendment and vote protects us from tyranny

A second amendment has never been needed
the fact we still have a republic is proof the 2nd is needed, and as we see in todays political climate the 2nd is the only reason we have the 1st and are still able to vote
It proves we have never needed a second amendment to defend our republic in over 200 years

The first amendment and the vote is what defends our liberty......not guns
When Congress passed a law to force you to purchase a product whether you wanted to or not and would fine you if you didn't, did your vote stop them? No. What else can they pass while saying screw you and your rights, we know what's best for you? A government can do anything they want when they have a docile and unarmed populace. You have it bassackwards like usual.
The US Declaration of Independence makes the use of our weapons clear....

".--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

When a government gets out of control it is the sovereign RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE, GIVEN BY GOD, to take matters into their own hands and change it.

This is why we have a second amendment..

"The right to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed" If you can not protect yourself and your rights you are a slave.
That is why the constitution gave us a 1 st amendment and a vote

We never needed guns since
You are a moron... IF you do not have the ability to protect that right it means exactly SQUAT! You are nothing more than a Useful IDIOT! You know what Hitler, Mao, Stalin, and others did to those useful idiots once they gained power? They killed them...
200 plus years and guns have never protected our rights

You are welcome to show where they have

The Black Panther Party and the Advent of Modern Gun Rights - Price of Safety

Some people here might beg to differ with you. African Americans also have protected their rights by brandishing fire arms. Not to be confused with common street gangs however.
To say guns have NEVER protected our rights, that is a distortion i do believe. If you have ever protected yourself with a gun, you have protected your rights as a citizen. If your counting on the police to protect your rights for you, they will show up AFTER the fact.
Armed cItizens defending their second amendment rights
Where was the NRA to defend them

No where. And also sometimes the police and National Guard are no where to be found when you need them as well. That's the whole point. At times the people need to assert themselves and it is a right we all have. Though i do believe in regulations to some point as well.

The Second amendment, gives people a choice. people don't have to defend themselves with a gun, but they have a choice. Let your government take that choice away and it will never come back again.
The US Declaration of Independence makes the use of our weapons clear....

".--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

When a government gets out of control it is the sovereign RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE, GIVEN BY GOD, to take matters into their own hands and change it.

This is why we have a second amendment..

"The right to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed" If you can not protect yourself and your rights you are a slave.
lol. nobody takes right wingers seriously.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among (Individual) Men,

nobody takes you seriously
You have to take our supreme law of the land seriously.
In the U.S., we have the right to own guns, limiting it too much more should require a Constitutional Amendment. I own a gun, I guess most folks do.


Mine is a relic in some ways. At the old place my gun enthusiast friends would come over, we'd clean it, we'd shoot their new gun. I don't carry it or take my family places where I feel I need to carry it for their protection. Mostly it sits like a liability to be guarded from misuse by the kids or hidden so whoever breaks in doesn't steal it.

In fairness, my Stihl chainsaw and some of my shop tools are somewhat of a liability also. I try not to tease the kids with their presence. Misuse has serious consequences.

Difference is, my tools are going to be useful again likely this month or this week even if I veg out tonight. My gun, MAYBE if someone breaks in. While I'm there. Then again, they'll probably have a gun since we all do and I'm not practiced enough to think I'm a better Doc Holliday.


In the 1770's folks owning guns made a difference I think. Best I can tell in the 1860's Southerners owning guns almost saved the disgusting institution of slavery (we'll use Texas as the example of why the Civil War was fought: DECLARATION OF CAUSES: February 2, 1861 A declaration of the causes which impel the State of Texas to secede from the Federal Union. | TSLAC). Heck, was the NRA founded because Northern city dwellers were such poor shots NRA | About the NRA

I don't recall any instances of gun toting NRA members saving the Bonus Army from MacArthur. I don't recall armed private citizens fighting against the militia which blocked the Little Rock 9 from school. Heck, Big Government and the Band of Brothers were sent to force the militia down.

Any instances of positive gun toting resistance since then? I dunno. Help me out here.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

This is the Common law for the Common defense:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

Piss Off Troll.
lol, what a doofus. The Second amendment is about hunting squirrels and shooting paper targets unless the state drafts you.

No, it isn't. It is about the security of our free States.
The US Declaration of Independence makes the use of our weapons clear....

".--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

When a government gets out of control it is the sovereign RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE, GIVEN BY GOD, to take matters into their own hands and change it.

This is why we have a second amendment..

"The right to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed" If you can not protect yourself and your rights you are a slave.
lol. nobody takes right wingers seriously.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among (Individual) Men,

nobody takes you seriously

We were supposed to take him seriously?
i love the "frivolous right wing" who can only tell stories instead create or manufacture, valid arguments.
We have never needed guns to protect our freedom......EVER

Prove me wrong
That's because the citizens HAD guns you fuckin retard
Are you saying our Government remained honest because they were afraid of citizens who had guns?

You have a link to that?
Lol our govt is far from honest
You are retarded. I hope a family member has red flagged your ass
That is why we have a free press
They have been keeping government honest for generations

Guns have done nothing

That is why we have a free press
They have been keeping government honest for generations

Most of that 'free press' is in the hands of the government, and for sale to the highest bidder.
Your guy keeps calling the Press, fake.
In the U.S., we have the right to own guns, limiting it too much more should require a Constitutional Amendment. I own a gun, I guess most folks do.


Mine is a relic in some ways. At the old place my gun enthusiast friends would come over, we'd clean it, we'd shoot their new gun. I don't carry it or take my family places where I feel I need to carry it for their protection. Mostly it sits like a liability to be guarded from misuse by the kids or hidden so whoever breaks in doesn't steal it.

In fairness, my Stihl chainsaw and some of my shop tools are somewhat of a liability also. I try not to tease the kids with their presence. Misuse has serious consequences.

Difference is, my tools are going to be useful again likely this month or this week even if I veg out tonight. My gun, MAYBE if someone breaks in. While I'm there. Then again, they'll probably have a gun since we all do and I'm not practiced enough to think I'm a better Doc Holliday.


In the 1770's folks owning guns made a difference I think. Best I can tell in the 1860's Southerners owning guns almost saved the disgusting institution of slavery (we'll use Texas as the example of why the Civil War was fought: DECLARATION OF CAUSES: February 2, 1861 A declaration of the causes which impel the State of Texas to secede from the Federal Union. | TSLAC). Heck, was the NRA founded because Northern city dwellers were such poor shots NRA | About the NRA

I don't recall any instances of gun toting NRA members saving the Bonus Army from MacArthur. I don't recall armed private citizens fighting against the militia which blocked the Little Rock 9 from school. Heck, Big Government and the Band of Brothers were sent to force the militia down.

Any instances of positive gun toting resistance since then? I dunno. Help me out here.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

This is the Common law for the Common defense:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

Piss Off Troll.
i am not the infidel protesting and rebelling like clueless and Causeless renegades.

Your post is only an insult. Piss Off Troll.

My cause is to help deport dumabasses like you that pose a threat to the Liberty and Freedoms of we, the people. THAT is why the Second Amendment is necessary. WHEN the SHTF, Uncle Scam will be begging gun owners to help put fruit loops like you on boats bound for Puerto Rico.
My Cause is to be full of Faith in the execution of our laws.
In the U.S., we have the right to own guns, limiting it too much more should require a Constitutional Amendment. I own a gun, I guess most folks do.


Mine is a relic in some ways. At the old place my gun enthusiast friends would come over, we'd clean it, we'd shoot their new gun. I don't carry it or take my family places where I feel I need to carry it for their protection. Mostly it sits like a liability to be guarded from misuse by the kids or hidden so whoever breaks in doesn't steal it.

In fairness, my Stihl chainsaw and some of my shop tools are somewhat of a liability also. I try not to tease the kids with their presence. Misuse has serious consequences.

Difference is, my tools are going to be useful again likely this month or this week even if I veg out tonight. My gun, MAYBE if someone breaks in. While I'm there. Then again, they'll probably have a gun since we all do and I'm not practiced enough to think I'm a better Doc Holliday.


In the 1770's folks owning guns made a difference I think. Best I can tell in the 1860's Southerners owning guns almost saved the disgusting institution of slavery (we'll use Texas as the example of why the Civil War was fought: DECLARATION OF CAUSES: February 2, 1861 A declaration of the causes which impel the State of Texas to secede from the Federal Union. | TSLAC). Heck, was the NRA founded because Northern city dwellers were such poor shots NRA | About the NRA

I don't recall any instances of gun toting NRA members saving the Bonus Army from MacArthur. I don't recall armed private citizens fighting against the militia which blocked the Little Rock 9 from school. Heck, Big Government and the Band of Brothers were sent to force the militia down.

Any instances of positive gun toting resistance since then? I dunno. Help me out here.

This was very positive. Korean Americans defending their property instead of letting it be burned and looted like over 1000 other buildings during the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles.
The democrat way would simply be to give up, evacuate and let it burn... but these people believed in standing up for themselves. This is the American way, sorry if it offends your sensibilities.

We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

Ask your State legislators when they are going to organized enough militia, to ensure we have no security problems in our free States.
That's because the citizens HAD guns you fuckin retard
Are you saying our Government remained honest because they were afraid of citizens who had guns?

You have a link to that?
Lol our govt is far from honest
You are retarded. I hope a family member has red flagged your ass
That is why we have a free press
They have been keeping government honest for generations

Guns have done nothing

That is why we have a free press
They have been keeping government honest for generations

Most of that 'free press' is in the hands of the government, and for sale to the highest bidder.
Your guy keeps calling the Press, fake.

MY guy?

Why did 1776 Occur?

Tyranny from a feudal government, A dictatorship, A socialist construct...

Our guns are to stop the consolidation of power by any one person or group resulting in tyranny.

Screw your gun grabbing pussies who want total control! Congress was placed by the people and we need the ability to remove them and their bureaucrats, by force if necessary.
Our first amendment and vote protects us from tyranny

A second amendment has never been needed
the fact we still have a republic is proof the 2nd is needed, and as we see in todays political climate the 2nd is the only reason we have the 1st and are still able to vote
It proves we have never needed a second amendment to defend our republic in over 200 years

The first amendment and the vote is what defends our liberty......not guns
When Congress passed a law to force you to purchase a product whether you wanted to or not and would fine you if you didn't, did your vote stop them? No. What else can they pass while saying screw you and your rights, we know what's best for you? A government can do anything they want when they have a docile and unarmed populace. You have it bassackwards like usual.
The United States needs 100 percent health insurance coverage
Other nations manage to do it. Nations much poorer than ourselves

If we must insist on private, for profit, insurance to do it. Then a mandate of coverage is needed. You can’t have a requirement to cover preexisting conditions without an insurance mandate
Why did 1776 Occur?

Tyranny from a feudal government, A dictatorship, A socialist construct...

Our guns are to stop the consolidation of power by any one person or group resulting in tyranny.

Screw your gun grabbing pussies who want total control! Congress was placed by the people and we need the ability to remove them and their bureaucrats, by force if necessary.
Our first amendment and vote protects us from tyranny

A second amendment has never been needed
the fact we still have a republic is proof the 2nd is needed, and as we see in todays political climate the 2nd is the only reason we have the 1st and are still able to vote
It proves we have never needed a second amendment to defend our republic in over 200 years

The first amendment and the vote is what defends our liberty......not guns
When Congress passed a law to force you to purchase a product whether you wanted to or not and would fine you if you didn't, did your vote stop them? No. What else can they pass while saying screw you and your rights, we know what's best for you? A government can do anything they want when they have a docile and unarmed populace. You have it bassackwards like usual.
The United States needs 100 percent health insurance coverage
Other nations manage to do it. Nations much poorer than ourselves

If we must insist on private, for profit, insurance to do it. Then a mandate of coverage is needed. You can’t have a requirement to cover preexisting conditions without an insurance mandate

it would be easier for you to just move to a country more to your liking,,,

at your age youre more apt to see it in your lifetime
In the U.S., we have the right to own guns, limiting it too much more should require a Constitutional Amendment. I own a gun, I guess most folks do.


Mine is a relic in some ways. At the old place my gun enthusiast friends would come over, we'd clean it, we'd shoot their new gun. I don't carry it or take my family places where I feel I need to carry it for their protection. Mostly it sits like a liability to be guarded from misuse by the kids or hidden so whoever breaks in doesn't steal it.

In fairness, my Stihl chainsaw and some of my shop tools are somewhat of a liability also. I try not to tease the kids with their presence. Misuse has serious consequences.

Difference is, my tools are going to be useful again likely this month or this week even if I veg out tonight. My gun, MAYBE if someone breaks in. While I'm there. Then again, they'll probably have a gun since we all do and I'm not practiced enough to think I'm a better Doc Holliday.


In the 1770's folks owning guns made a difference I think. Best I can tell in the 1860's Southerners owning guns almost saved the disgusting institution of slavery (we'll use Texas as the example of why the Civil War was fought: DECLARATION OF CAUSES: February 2, 1861 A declaration of the causes which impel the State of Texas to secede from the Federal Union. | TSLAC). Heck, was the NRA founded because Northern city dwellers were such poor shots NRA | About the NRA

I don't recall any instances of gun toting NRA members saving the Bonus Army from MacArthur. I don't recall armed private citizens fighting against the militia which blocked the Little Rock 9 from school. Heck, Big Government and the Band of Brothers were sent to force the militia down.

Any instances of positive gun toting resistance since then? I dunno. Help me out here.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

This is the Common law for the Common defense:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

Piss Off Troll.
i am not the infidel protesting and rebelling like clueless and Causeless renegades.

Your post is only an insult. Piss Off Troll.

My cause is to help deport dumabasses like you that pose a threat to the Liberty and Freedoms of we, the people. THAT is why the Second Amendment is necessary. WHEN the SHTF, Uncle Scam will be begging gun owners to help put fruit loops like you on boats bound for Puerto Rico.
My Cause is to be full of Faith in the execution of our laws.

Your "cause" is to be a consummate troll and think that God gave you some special power to judge the commitment of others.
I have witnessed the abuse of power by government and know, first hand, how the Second Amendment can help citizens avert tyranny.

**** *** *****
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Our first amendment and vote protects us from tyranny

A second amendment has never been needed
the fact we still have a republic is proof the 2nd is needed, and as we see in todays political climate the 2nd is the only reason we have the 1st and are still able to vote
It proves we have never needed a second amendment to defend our republic in over 200 years

The first amendment and the vote is what defends our liberty......not guns
When Congress passed a law to force you to purchase a product whether you wanted to or not and would fine you if you didn't, did your vote stop them? No. What else can they pass while saying screw you and your rights, we know what's best for you? A government can do anything they want when they have a docile and unarmed populace. You have it bassackwards like usual.
The United States needs 100 percent health insurance coverage
Other nations manage to do it. Nations much poorer than ourselves

If we must insist on private, for profit, insurance to do it. Then a mandate of coverage is needed. You can’t have a requirement to cover preexisting conditions without an insurance mandate

it would be easier for you to just move to a country more to your liking,,,

at your age youre more apt to see it in your lifetime
That is not the way our Constitutional Republic Works
Love it or leave it is the most unpatriotic statement you can make
the fact we still have a republic is proof the 2nd is needed, and as we see in todays political climate the 2nd is the only reason we have the 1st and are still able to vote
It proves we have never needed a second amendment to defend our republic in over 200 years

The first amendment and the vote is what defends our liberty......not guns
When Congress passed a law to force you to purchase a product whether you wanted to or not and would fine you if you didn't, did your vote stop them? No. What else can they pass while saying screw you and your rights, we know what's best for you? A government can do anything they want when they have a docile and unarmed populace. You have it bassackwards like usual.
The United States needs 100 percent health insurance coverage
Other nations manage to do it. Nations much poorer than ourselves

If we must insist on private, for profit, insurance to do it. Then a mandate of coverage is needed. You can’t have a requirement to cover preexisting conditions without an insurance mandate

it would be easier for you to just move to a country more to your liking,,,

at your age youre more apt to see it in your lifetime
That is not the way our Constitutional Republic Works
Love it or leave it is the most unpatriotic statement you can make

I was just worried your life would end up meaning nothing to you, and moving might give your life purpose

and our republic doesnt run on theft of others property or the government controlling peoples lives through healthcare

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