When has socialism ever worked?

Every country that murders people always does it for profit, which is capitalism.
These is never an incentive to murder people under socialism, where profits do not matter.

Epic ignorance. Dangerous ignorance. You're fired from this thread. Democide. Ever hear of it? Every form of human government since time immemorial is guilty of committing it; for religion, for ideology—but most of all to establish complete control over the populace.
The only decent parts of any society are the socialist parts, like public transportations systems, public school, the post office, libraries, non-profit hospitals, churches, fire fighters, police, defense, etc.
The capitalist parts are evil aspects that lie, cheat, steal, etc.

You seem to have NO FEAR of big muscular govts that want to get even bigger and more powerful -- do you? I think the self-preservation instinct has been totally bred out of modern leftists. TRUE LIBERALS were never that hot on giving arrogant lying politicians and bureaucrats more power.. But the only true liberals left are probably Independents and Libertarians..
Almost all countries rely heavily on socialism, but Scandinavian countries go much further to the degree it has to be called communism, such as the heavy public investment in industries like Volvo.
Your view of socialism as essential public services is just NOT where this Administration is going.. Govt should NEVER do stuff that the private sector can do better. And Govt should not BE DRIVEN by attempting to make economic outcomes ALL EQUAL...

Like the space program -- now thriving and competitive because of billionaires with money to burn..

Or the 3.5Trillion spending bonanza to buy people's allegiance now reduced to a mere 1.5Trillion.. It's all about the numbers. WTFuck was in the $2Trill that's suddenly NOT NEEDED?

The Dems are telling you straight up now that they are moving to a centralized completely different form of govt to establish redistribution and EQUITY.. That social justice means longer wait times for police and fire because you can't afford a plan like "guaranteed minimum income" or a boondoogle 100,000 civilian climate corps -- which is essentially paying off unmotivated people with no special skills to clean up creeks and homeless camps..

It's NOT gonna be "like Sweden" where the Prime Minister rebuts the fact that they are anymore socialist than we already are.. It's gonna be more like the Soviet Union.. We already got a media that is LESS honest and trustworthy than Pravda and the other govt channels.
Epic ignorance. Dangerous ignorance. You're fired from this thread. Democide. Ever hear of it? Every form of human government since time immemorial is guilty of committing it; for religion, for ideology—but most of all to establish complete control over the populace.

No one kills over a theoretical ideology that does not actually effect profits.
When Stalin had Trotsky killed in Mexico, it has nothing to do with ideology, but the fact Stalin was instead milking the cover story of ideology, so he could reap the profits instead.
The Catholic church did not burn heretics over ideology, but over the profits the church got from extorting people.
The only point of complete control over any population is about the profits of their labors.
You seem to have NO FEAR of big muscular govts that want to get even bigger and more powerful -- do you? I think the self-preservation instinct has been totally bred out of modern leftists. TRUE LIBERALS were never that hot on giving arrogant lying politicians and bureaucrats more power.. But the only true liberals left are probably Independents and Libertarians..

Socialism requires local consent and desires of the people, and has the least centralized or bureaucratic government.
It is capitalism that always has the most abusive government because the wealthy elite can buy the media and bribe the bureaucrats.
Your view of socialism as essential public services is just NOT where this Administration is going.. Govt should NEVER do stuff that the private sector can do better. And Govt should not BE DRIVEN by attempting to make economic outcomes ALL EQUAL...

Like the space program -- now thriving and competitive because of billionaires with money to burn..

Or the 3.5Trillion spending bonanza to buy people's allegiance now reduced to a mere 1.5Trillion.. It's all about the numbers. WTFuck was in the $2Trill that's suddenly NOT NEEDED?

The Dems are telling you straight up now that they are moving to a centralized completely different form of govt to establish redistribution and EQUITY.. That social justice means longer wait times for police and fire because you can't afford a plan like "guaranteed minimum income" or a boondoogle 100,000 civilian climate corps -- which is essentially paying off unmotivated people with no special skills to clean up creeks and homeless camps..

It's NOT gonna be "like Sweden" where the Prime Minister rebuts the fact that they are anymore socialist than we already are.. It's gonna be more like the Soviet Union.. We already got a media that is LESS honest and trustworthy than Pravda and the other govt channels.

Socialism has nothing to do with redistribution of wealth.
Income inequality shows fraud.
Socialism is a way to increase economic opportunity, and is not redistribution of wealth.
All we have to do is end the fraud and extortion.

You are wrong about the space program also.
The original government plan was to do space planes, starting with the X-15 and they were planning on the Dynasaur, (Dynamic Soaring Body).
That would have been way better than the privately built capsule approach of Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo.
The SpaceX and Intergalactic Virgin programs are just revamping the original government programs.
Neither the Russian Federation nor the People's Republic of China are socialist nations. Don't you ever think before speaking . . . or research your assertions prior to making them?

Oh I'm sorry. They have regular elections and appoint persons eligible under democracy.
Oh I'm sorry. They have regular elections and appoint persons eligible under democracy.
To be communist or socialist, where there is shared or communal property or resources, you absolutely do have to have a democratic republic with elected representation.

Any country that is run by a wealthy elite, is automatically NOT socialist or communist, but pretty much has to be a capitalist dictatorship.
All pure capitalist countries have to always be dictatorships, and all socialist or communist countries have to be democratic republics.
To be communist or socialist, where there is shared or communal property or resources, you absolutely do have to have a democratic republic with elected representation.

Any country that is run by a wealthy elite, is automatically NOT socialist or communist, but pretty much has to be a capitalist dictatorship.
All pure capitalist countries have to always be dictatorships, and all socialist or communist countries have to be democratic republics.
Yep. That looks a lot like the original Fabian Society coat of arms. They were very open about their intent and strategy.

Yes really.
That is why all countries used to have capitalists monarchies, and they were all over thrown once we had firearms, the democratic equalizer.
What we replace the capitalist monarchies with is up to us, but if we do not replace them with socialist republics, the we are not getting anywhere.
Yep. That looks a lot like the original Fabian Society coat of arms. They were very open about their intent and strategy.

The Fabian Society is a British socialist organisation whose purpose is to advance the principles of democratic socialism via gradualist and reformist effort in democracies, rather than by revolutionary overthrow.[1][2]

As one of the founding organisations of the Labour Representation Committee in 1900, and as an important influence upon the Labour Party which grew from it, the Fabian Society has had a powerful influence on British politics. Other members of the Fabian Society have included political leaders from other countries, such as Jawaharlal Nehru, who adopted Fabian principles as part of their own political ideologies. The Fabian Society founded the London School of Economics in 1895.

Today, the society functions primarily as a think tank and is one of 21 socialist societies affiliated with the Labour Party. Similar societies exist in Australia (the Australian Fabian Society), in Canada (the Douglas–Coldwell Foundation and the now-disbanded League for Social Reconstruction), in Sicily (Sicilian Fabian Society) and in New Zealand (The NZ Fabian Society).[3]
The only decent parts of any society are the socialist parts, like public transportations systems, public school, the post office, libraries, non-profit hospitals, churches, fire fighters, police, defense, etc.
The capitalist parts are evil aspects that lie, cheat, steal, etc.
None of that is socialism, retard. :laugh:
Almost all countries rely heavily on socialism, but Scandinavian countries go much further to the degree it has to be called communism, such as the heavy public investment in industries like Volvo.
You need to find yourself a dictionary immediately because, you clearly have no idea what socialism is. This is getting downright embarrassing.
None of that is socialism, retard. :laugh:

Yes it is.
When ever you have a public shared investment in any thing that could have been done privately
None of that is socialism, retard. :laugh:
All of it is socialism.
When ever you have a public enterprise do what a private, for profit, company could have done, that is socialism.
Actually the definition of socialism includes when you just regulate private enterprise so that it is not abusive, like laws about over time, monopolies, child labor, OSHA, etc.
You need to find yourself a dictionary immediately because, you clearly have no idea what socialism is. This is getting downright embarrassing.

If you think Russia or China are socialist, you would be totally wrong.
They are both extreme examples of state capitalism.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Yes it is.
When ever you have a public shared investment in any thing that could have been done privately

All of it is socialism.
When ever you have a public enterprise do what a private, for profit, company could have done, that is socialism.
Actually the definition of socialism includes when you just regulate private enterprise so that it is not abusive, like laws about over time, monopolies, child labor, OSHA, etc.
"Socialism is an economic and political system where workers own the general means of production (i. e. farms, factories, tools, and raw materials.) ... This is different from capitalism, where the means of production are privately owned by capital holders."

Nothing about schools and cops in there. :cuckoo:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Not one mention of public services, which existed LONG before anyone ever came up with the idiotic idea of socialism.

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