When Is A Racist Not A Racist?

As the saying goes, the definition of a 'racist' is a conservative winning the argument.
Of course, a Liberal Democrat could be a 'racist' is he sounds conservative....

And so it was with the smartest Democrat on record....Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
Moynihan....my kind of Liberal, my kind of Democrat.
The thinking kind.

Here, Moynihans' story, and the truth about what has happened to Liberals and Liberalism.
Within the story of Moynihan is the tale of the degradation of Liberalism into the treachery it is today.

1.Daniel Patrick Moynihan... "...the four-term senator from New York who died in 2003, was that rare soul who was both a political and intellectual giant.

[...in 1968, Moynihan joined Nixon's White House Staff as Counselor to the President for Urban Affairs. He was very influential at that time, and was one of the few people in Nixon's inner circle who had done academic research related to social policies." Daniel Patrick Moynihan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia]

2. What brought Nixon and Moynihan together was a tectonic shift of the political plates. Nixon won the presidency in 1968 thanks to the backlash against the riots that had ripped through America’s cities. What made Moynihan a Democrat of extraordinary insight, willing to serve a Republican president, were his reactions to those riots—
.....and to the excesses and wrong turns of American liberalism.

3. Today, 50 years after its issuance, some liberals “bravely” acknowledge that 1965’s so-called Moynihan Report, in which the future senator warned about the dire future consequences of the collapse of the black family,...

4. .... Moynihan was branded as a racist by civil rights leaders, black activists, and run-of-the-mill liberals. “One began to sense,” Moynihan wrote, that “a price was to be paid even for such a mild dissent from conventional liberalism.”

5. [Moynihan] “emerged changed” from the experience. He came to feel “that American liberalism had created its own version of apolitique du pire(i.e., the worse the better) . . . in which evidence had been displaced by ideology.”

6. His fear that the empirically oriented liberalism of his youth was under assault from racial and cultural nihilists intensified after the 1967 riots that burned through Cleveland, Newark, and Detroit, where 43 died.

7. “The summer of 1967,” Moynihan wrote at the time, “came in the aftermath of one of the most extraordinary periods of liberal legislation, liberal electoral victories and the liberal dominance of the media . . . that we have ever experienced. ...accompanied by the greatest economic expansion in human history. And to top it all, some of the worst violence occurred in Detroit, a city with one of the most liberal and successful administrations in the nation; a city in which the social and economic position of the Negro was generally agreed to be far and away the best in the nation.” Moynihan s Mistake and the Left s Shame by Fred Siegel City Journal April 3 2015

So....even while Liberalism was in the ascendancy, "...extraordinary periods of liberal legislation, liberal electoral victories and the liberal dominance of the media . . . that we have ever experienced. ...accompanied by the greatest economic expansion in human history..."

....Liberalism was being taken over by the radicals and the far Left.

And we see their 'success' today.

Speaking the truth earns one the sobriquet 'racist.'

PC's use of the word truth gave me the shudders. Cause and effect are never so confused as when a partisan hack like PC muddles them to create a 'truth' supporting her agenda. Yes Viginia there are racists and the manner in which this thread is framed suggests its author is one.

Did the liberal paradigm cause riots? How so, is not discussed nor was it a direct cause of the riots as PC states. I wish I had kept copies of "Violence in America" and other readings assigned in a PoliSci course taken a couple of years after the summer of 1968. Therein the causes, and there were many, were discussed along with remedies, some successful and others not.

Most riots were ignited by a single incident, a single spark which created an unleashing of emotion built up by a century of institutional racism. Maybe there is a grain of truth (yikes, he shudders again at the thought) in the OP, that being, a great awakening in the black community when the U.S Supreme Court decided in Brown v. the Board of Education that,

"Segregation of white and Negro children in the public schools of a State solely on the basis of race, pursuant to state laws permitting or requiring such segregation, denies to Negro children the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment -- even though the physical facilities and other "tangible" factors of white and Negro schools may be equal."

"(c) Where a State has undertaken to provide an opportunity for an education in its public schools, such an opportunity is a right which must be made available to all on equal terms."

Civil Rights Brown v. Board of Education I 1954

Knowing of the ruling in Brown, one may presume that the black community believed a turning point in America's history would actually occur, and when little changed - police and fire depts remained jobs only for white males, for example; riding in the front of the bus must have seemed too little given a 100 years of discrimination.

Imagine how the black community felt, the elation when Obama was elected President, a REAL Turning Point for our country. Of course the detractors claimed he wasn't black enough, but when that didn't gain traction the new meme was he is born in Kenya and was a Muslim (or in the immortal words of one of the racists - which PC states is a pejorative and a dishonest use of a word when applied to good Christian folks - "He's a ... an ... mmm ... an ARAB!"

And now, in this new century with efforts to suppress the right to vote, whines about Affirmative Action and claims of reverse racism - those who don't study history, and dishonest jerks who rewrite it and their willfully ignorant fellow travelers - will once again create for all of us groundhog day.

Another hand-wringing Liberal sap who failed to read the thread to which he was ostensibly replying....

...instead used a post to personify this:

"Thrilled with their role as ‘white friend-of-the-blacks,’ many found that they could actually make a living at it! The part requires sneering at nonexistent racists, and memorizing one line: “Goddam it, this may cost me my career but I’m going to speak up for racial equality and let the chips fall where they may!”

I thought about ending my post with this PS: "PC is now free to post an ad hominem and call me vile and silly names". I did not, for why post the obvious.

Why do you claim the right not to be correctly identified?

You make your bed....I see that you get to sleep in it.

BTW...you lying sack of sewage.....I never use 'vile' name....not if you mean vulgarity.
I leave that for the Liberals.

  1. extremely unpleasant
vulgarity is the province of Rabbi (he's one of your buds).

1. Good that you admitted that my language never includes the vulgar.

2. This is the plan: I'm responsible for only what I post.

3. Be very clear: being well educated and well read, and highly articulate....I will continue to give you the verbal thrashings that you regularly whine about.

4. You should admit the truth....you recognize your culpability, transgressions, your need for this discipline, your desire for the beatings to which you pretend to object.

Admit it, you sick, groveling thing, you!
PC's use of the word truth gave me the shudders. Cause and effect are never so confused as when a partisan hack like PC muddles them to create a 'truth' supporting her agenda. Yes Viginia there are racists and the manner in which this thread is framed suggests its author is one.

Did the liberal paradigm cause riots? How so, is not discussed nor was it a direct cause of the riots as PC states. I wish I had kept copies of "Violence in America" and other readings assigned in a PoliSci course taken a couple of years after the summer of 1968. Therein the causes, and there were many, were discussed along with remedies, some successful and others not.

Most riots were ignited by a single incident, a single spark which created an unleashing of emotion built up by a century of institutional racism. Maybe there is a grain of truth (yikes, he shudders again at the thought) in the OP, that being, a great awakening in the black community when the U.S Supreme Court decided in Brown v. the Board of Education that,

"Segregation of white and Negro children in the public schools of a State solely on the basis of race, pursuant to state laws permitting or requiring such segregation, denies to Negro children the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment -- even though the physical facilities and other "tangible" factors of white and Negro schools may be equal."

"(c) Where a State has undertaken to provide an opportunity for an education in its public schools, such an opportunity is a right which must be made available to all on equal terms."

Civil Rights Brown v. Board of Education I 1954

Knowing of the ruling in Brown, one may presume that the black community believed a turning point in America's history would actually occur, and when little changed - police and fire depts remained jobs only for white males, for example; riding in the front of the bus must have seemed too little given a 100 years of discrimination.

Imagine how the black community felt, the elation when Obama was elected President, a REAL Turning Point for our country. Of course the detractors claimed he wasn't black enough, but when that didn't gain traction the new meme was he is born in Kenya and was a Muslim (or in the immortal words of one of the racists - which PC states is a pejorative and a dishonest use of a word when applied to good Christian folks - "He's a ... an ... mmm ... an ARAB!"

And now, in this new century with efforts to suppress the right to vote, whines about Affirmative Action and claims of reverse racism - those who don't study history, and dishonest jerks who rewrite it and their willfully ignorant fellow travelers - will once again create for all of us groundhog day.

Another hand-wringing Liberal sap who failed to read the thread to which he was ostensibly replying....

...instead used a post to personify this:

"Thrilled with their role as ‘white friend-of-the-blacks,’ many found that they could actually make a living at it! The part requires sneering at nonexistent racists, and memorizing one line: “Goddam it, this may cost me my career but I’m going to speak up for racial equality and let the chips fall where they may!”

I thought about ending my post with this PS: "PC is now free to post an ad hominem and call me vile and silly names". I did not, for why post the obvious.

Why do you claim the right not to be correctly identified?

You make your bed....I see that you get to sleep in it.

BTW...you lying sack of sewage.....I never use 'vile' name....not if you mean vulgarity.
I leave that for the Liberals.

  1. extremely unpleasant
vulgarity is the province of Rabbi (he's one of your buds).

1. Good that you admitted that my language never includes the vulgar.

2. This is the plan: I'm responsible for only what I post.

3. Be very clear: being well educated and well read, and highly articulate....I will continue to give you the verbal thrashings that you regularly whine about.

4. You should admit the truth....you recognize your culpability, transgressions, your need for this discipline, your desire for the beatings to which you pretend to object.

Admit it, you sick, groveling thing, you!

A post only a Narcissist could love.
Another hand-wringing Liberal sap who failed to read the thread to which he was ostensibly replying....

...instead used a post to personify this:

"Thrilled with their role as ‘white friend-of-the-blacks,’ many found that they could actually make a living at it! The part requires sneering at nonexistent racists, and memorizing one line: “Goddam it, this may cost me my career but I’m going to speak up for racial equality and let the chips fall where they may!”

I thought about ending my post with this PS: "PC is now free to post an ad hominem and call me vile and silly names". I did not, for why post the obvious.

Why do you claim the right not to be correctly identified?

You make your bed....I see that you get to sleep in it.

BTW...you lying sack of sewage.....I never use 'vile' name....not if you mean vulgarity.
I leave that for the Liberals.

  1. extremely unpleasant
vulgarity is the province of Rabbi (he's one of your buds).

1. Good that you admitted that my language never includes the vulgar.

2. This is the plan: I'm responsible for only what I post.

3. Be very clear: being well educated and well read, and highly articulate....I will continue to give you the verbal thrashings that you regularly whine about.

4. You should admit the truth....you recognize your culpability, transgressions, your need for this discipline, your desire for the beatings to which you pretend to object.

Admit it, you sick, groveling thing, you!

A post only a Narcissist could love.

Well, well, well....look who's back!

"4. You should admit the truth....you recognize your culpability, transgressions, your need for this discipline, your desire for the beatings to which you pretend to object.

Admit it, you sick, groveling thing, you!"

Looks like you admitted it.

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