When is Murder Not Murder?

The problem with internet searches is that you have the Parrot Effect- forty links to the same story.

As near as I can tell, this woman advertised her services on Craig's List (before Craig's LIst had too many of their clients end up in multiple trash bags) and then tried to claim the $150 was only for her time, he'd have to shell out more for the sex. Then she tried to leave with his money. That's when he shot her.

Apparently, Texas Law allows you to shoot someone if they are taking your property at night. Because it's Texas, it doesn't distinguish between a burglar and a hooker ripping you off.
The problem with internet searches is that you have the Parrot Effect- forty links to the same story.

As near as I can tell, this woman advertised her services on Craig's List (before Craig's LIst had too many of their clients end up in multiple trash bags) and then tried to claim the $150 was only for her time, he'd have to shell out more for the sex. Then she tried to leave with his money. That's when he shot her.

Apparently, Texas Law allows you to shoot someone if they are taking your property at night. Because it's Texas, it doesn't distinguish between a burglar and a hooker ripping you off.

Listen to the post two up from yours....the police dispatcher says "There ain't no property worth shooting someone over...."
"Trying to trash talk when you are wrong does not fool anyone,..."

1. Trying? Succeeding.

2. You'd be more than hard pressed to find anything I've said that is wrong.

3. Your posts sound more and more like a spurned suitor.
Get a grip.

4. And, speaking of grip....Watching you try so hard to find anything you can gripe about in my posts is like having to watch a one-armed man climbing a rope.
You'd be well advised to find something you might actually be successful at.... such as how
to fold a fitted sheet.

1. You are a legend in your own mind.

2. You know damned well that a liberal jury would not have acquitted him, or you know very little at all.

1. Can you quote where I have said it was any sort of liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican decision?

a. The point I made is that it is impossible to understand the decision.

2. I could understand you clutching at straws in order to save face....but, in truth.....you have no face to save.

3. You have made two major mistakes in this thread: First, you digress from your main point. Second, you return to it.

4. You could have saved yourself time and effort had you remembered the lessons from your youth: The dragon never slays the fair damsel!

You are the one constantly attempting to save face.
A prositutes life has no value in Texas

Gun rights are more valuable

If she did not have sex with him, was she a prostitute?

Well, no, techinically, at that point, she was a robber, which is what the legal theory here was.

Reality, though, is that being a Craig's List hooker, people probably figured her life wasn't of any value.

If she was an escort keeping him company, she was not a robber. He obviously did not clarify what he expected for the money at the beginning.
The problem with internet searches is that you have the Parrot Effect- forty links to the same story.

As near as I can tell, this woman advertised her services on Craig's List (before Craig's LIst had too many of their clients end up in multiple trash bags) and then tried to claim the $150 was only for her time, he'd have to shell out more for the sex. Then she tried to leave with his money. That's when he shot her.

Apparently, Texas Law allows you to shoot someone if they are taking your property at night. Because it's Texas, it doesn't distinguish between a burglar and a hooker ripping you off.

Listen to the post two up from yours....the police dispatcher says "There ain't no property worth shooting someone over...."

There probably isn't. But remember, this is America, were we done go around shootin' each other because the Founding Slave Rapists all wanted us to have us some guns!

Again, I'm having a hard time seeing what your problem here is, PC. Isn't this what you gun nuts want?
One cannot help but wonder how this trail might have come out had the victim been a man and the perp a woman?
Joe Horn shot 2 thieves dead in Texas for robbing his neighbors home. He was not even charged. Don't be a thief in Texas of you will get the death penalty from a citizens gun.

Texas doesn't have the death penalty for theft.

What this idiot should have done is report the theft, but it seems he was too cowardly.

Here is the complete phone call Joe Horn made to police at 911. Charges were dropped & Joe Horn went home free as a bird.


Its garbage. While inside, he was safe and free from harm. He chose to put himself in danger, and that led to those deaths. He should have been jailed.
Two guys in California are talking. One of them wants to know how to get to Texas from California.

Other Guy: "Easy. You just go east until you smell it and then south until you step in it."

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