When is rape not a crime?

If the Swiss Court agrees that the plea was obtained through fraud it may demand that the same be vacated and that he be tried.

But, Ms Geimer has already stated that she won't testify.

So we can say buh bye to "People vs Polanski"

About time.


When I first heard what happened earlier this week, I knew nothing would come of it.
That has nothing to do with it.
Plenty of people get away with crimes. Rape is among the worst of crimes committed against women/females.

What I am a bit stunned over is your defense of Polanski. Takes a mighty weak excuse of a man to take that stand.
The only reason I can think of that would possibly cause you to take sides with Polanski, would be in fact that you are a needle dick, and it would take the thought of a 13 year old CHILD to give you a boner.
I am glad I am not the one that has to live with that.

His Plea was obtained through fraud and must be set aside. Let Justice Be Done, Though the Heavens May Fall!


I am not going to argue this with you little boy. You are wrong, and have been proven wrong.
Again it doesn't matter. He did it. He said he did it, and even if she agreed to do it(which she didn't), it is rape. The end.
Now shoo.
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Polanski is innocent. Too much time has passed. He never admitted to any wrong doing at the time. Check it out if you dont believe me.
Polanski is innocent. Too much time has passed. He never admitted to any wrong doing at the time. Check it out if you dont believe me.
Polanski is guilty as sin
he not only did what he was accused of, he continued to do it with under age girls
If the Swiss Court agrees that the plea was obtained through fraud it may demand that the same be vacated and that he be tried.

But, Ms Geimer has already stated that she won't testify.

So we can say buh bye to "People vs Polanski"

About time.


When I first heard what happened earlier this week, I knew nothing would come of it.
That has nothing to do with it.
Plenty of people get away with crimes. Rape is among the worst of crimes committed against women/females.

What I am a bit stunned over is your defense of Polanski. Takes a mighty weak excuse of a man to take that stand.
The only reason I can think of that would possibly cause you to take sides with Polanski, would be in fact that you are a needle dick, and it would take the thought of a 13 year old CHILD to give you a boner.
I am glad I am not the one that has to live with that.

His Plea was obtained through fraud and must be set aside. Let Justice Be Done, Though the Heavens May Fall!


Hey Moron.

SAYING that his plea was "obtained by fraud" is nowhere close to demonstrating it.

The plea itself stands as eloquent testimony to the fact that you are merely intentionally lying. There was no fraud.

You can honestly and validly point to no fraud in the obtaining of that plea, you asshole-licking simpleton. And you sure as hell never have shown ANY such thing.

You truly suck at this whole "debate" thing. Making your crap up as you go along is extraordinarily lame of you. It is your way, though.
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Polanski is innocent. Too much time has passed. He never admitted to any wrong doing at the time. Check it out if you dont believe me.

Yukon: pedophilia is a horrible crime, you fucking scumbag.

And your lies are of no assistance to your fellow pedophile.

His plea was a compelling admission to his criminal behavior.

The transcript has already been shared. When the rat-bastard, Polanski, admitted having sex with a child he KNEW to be only 13 years old, he was admitting that he was FAR from innocent. He was admitting his personal commission of a hideously foul crime.
Polanski is a rapist!!! Regardless of years gone by!! He's still a commie rapist being protected by commie hollywood!!! Where's barry hussein in this?? I'm sure he thinks the courts are acting stupidly!!
What a bunch of hypocrites:

When Rape is NOT Rape

In the award-winning radical feminist play by Eve Ensler entitled The Vagina Monologues, a 24-year-old woman plies a 13-year-old girl with alcohol, then sexually seduces her. By statute and by feminist definition, this "seduction" is rape. Yet, from the stage, the little girl declares, "Now people say it was a kind of rape ... Well, I say if it was rape, it was a good rape...

the little girl eulogizes her orgasm:

"She gently and slowly lays me out on the bed..." She gratefully concludes, "I’ll never need to rely on a man."

What a bunch of hypocrites:

When Rape is NOT Rape

In the award-winning radical feminist play by Eve Ensler entitled The Vagina Monologues, a 24-year-old woman plies a 13-year-old girl with alcohol, then sexually seduces her. By statute and by feminist definition, this "seduction" is rape. Yet, from the stage, the little girl declares, "Now people say it was a kind of rape ... Well, I say if it was rape, it was a good rape...

the little girl eulogizes her orgasm:

"She gently and slowly lays me out on the bed..." She gratefully concludes, "I’ll never need to rely on a man."


How useless you are. Totally useless impotent little boy.

"Then we go to Jack Nicholson's house. I had seen Chinatown and I was thinking "Wow! Jack Nicholson." The maid lets us in ........Then Anjelica Huston [who was Jack Nicholson's girlfriend at the time] knocked on the door. I assume she asked him, "What are you doing in my room?" I started to get dressed, but Polanski came back and said, "Lay back down," and he took off my underwear. He had been interrupted, so he finished—briefly—then went back to talk to her...."


So the maid and Anjelica Houston are in the house but Lolita never tries to get help..........................very interrrrrrrrrrrrrresting.

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"Then we go to Jack Nicholson's house. I had seen Chinatown and I was thinking "Wow! Jack Nicholson." The maid lets us in ........Then Anjelica Huston [who was Jack Nicholson's girlfriend at the time] knocked on the door. I assume she asked him, "What are you doing in my room?" I started to get dressed, but Polanski came back and said, "Lay back down," and he took off my underwear. He had been interrupted, so he finished—briefly—then went back to talk to her...."


So the maid and Anjelica Houston are in the house but Lolita never tries to get help..........................very interrrrrrrrrrrrrresting.


Especially since she was only a 13 year old....and scared...mortified. You have no clue.
What mental institution are you posting from btw?
Gloucester Teens Had Pact To Get Pregnant

Keller Blog: Kids Having Kids


There's a stunning twist to the sudden rise in teen pregnancies at Gloucester High School. Seventeen students there are expecting and many of them became that way on purpose.

Time Magazine first reported that nearly half of the girls confessed to making a pact to get pregnant and raise their babies together. None of them is older than 16

1) Were they high on Champagne and 'ludes?

2) Were the partners 50 y/o mean old men?

3) were they skeered and mortified?

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Gloucester Teens Had Pact To Get Pregnant

Keller Blog: Kids Having Kids


There's a stunning twist to the sudden rise in teen pregnancies at Gloucester High School. Seventeen students there are expecting and many of them became that way on purpose.

Time Magazine first reported that nearly half of the girls confessed to making a pact to get pregnant and raise their babies together. None of them is older than 16

1) Were they high on Champagne and 'ludes?

2) Were the partners 50 y/o mean old men?

3) were they skeered and mortified?


Thank you for proving my point.

Your post has NOTHING to do with the OP. Nothing.

1) Polanski got Samantha Geimer high on champange and 'ludes
2) Polanski was approximately 46, Samantha Geimer was 13
3) Samantha Geimer was scared and mortified.

It was not her choice. She said NO.

You really need to stop. The more you post, the more pathetic you are. I am starting to feel sorry for you...sort of.

Tell me, if a female says no to sex, do you think it is okay to do it anyway?
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Gloucester Teens Had Pact To Get Pregnant

Keller Blog: Kids Having Kids


There's a stunning twist to the sudden rise in teen pregnancies at Gloucester High School. Seventeen students there are expecting and many of them became that way on purpose.

Time Magazine first reported that nearly half of the girls confessed to making a pact to get pregnant and raise their babies together. None of them is older than 16

1) Were they high on Champagne and 'ludes?

2) Were the partners 50 y/o mean old men?

3) were they skeered and mortified?


Thank you for proving my point.

Your post has NOTHING to do with the OP. Nothing.

1) Polanski got Samantha Geimer high on champange and 'ludes
2) Polanski was approximately 46, Samantha Geimer was 13
3) Samantha Geimer was scared and mortified.

It was not her choice. She said NO.

You really need to stop. The more you post, the more pathetic you are. I am starting to feel sorry for you...sort of.

Tell me, if a female says no to sex, do you think it is okay to do it anyway?

If 13 year old spread her legs and says to 46 year old - FUCK ME, he should have refuse it.

There should be more charges on Polanski then just a rape. Giving alcohol and drugs to minor in order to have sex with her is a rape. Having sex with minor is a statutory rape.

No need to admit anything, I don't even care if he admit it or not, this is not only Samantha Geimer vs. Roman Polanski, it's society vs. Roman Polanski.
Ame®icano;1579500 said:
Gloucester Teens Had Pact To Get Pregnant

Keller Blog: Kids Having Kids


There's a stunning twist to the sudden rise in teen pregnancies at Gloucester High School. Seventeen students there are expecting and many of them became that way on purpose.

Time Magazine first reported that nearly half of the girls confessed to making a pact to get pregnant and raise their babies together. None of them is older than 16

1) Were they high on Champagne and 'ludes?

2) Were the partners 50 y/o mean old men?

3) were they skeered and mortified?


Thank you for proving my point.

Your post has NOTHING to do with the OP. Nothing.

1) Polanski got Samantha Geimer high on champange and 'ludes
2) Polanski was approximately 46, Samantha Geimer was 13
3) Samantha Geimer was scared and mortified.

It was not her choice. She said NO.

You really need to stop. The more you post, the more pathetic you are. I am starting to feel sorry for you...sort of.

Tell me, if a female says no to sex, do you think it is okay to do it anyway?

If 13 year old spread her legs and says to 46 year old - FUCK ME, he should have refuse it.

There should be more charges on Polanski then just a rape. Giving alcohol and drugs to minor in order to have sex with her is a rape. Having sex with minor is a statutory rape.

No need to admit anything, I don't even care if he admit it or not, this is not only Samantha Geimer vs. Roman Polanski, it's society vs. Roman Polanski.

I know that, and you know that, but evidently the little boy doesn't. Or is a pretender wanting attention, b/c anyone with half a brain knows better.
When is rape not a crime?
A. When it's in a video game
B. When the IRS does it.
C. ... I can't think of a c but there must be one.
When is rape not a crime?
A. When it's in a video game
B. When the IRS does it.
C. ... I can't think of a c but there must be one.


I am not so sure on the video game - what do you mean there.

Funny one on IRS..:lol:
When is rape not a crime?
A. When it's in a video game
B. When the IRS does it.
C. ... I can't think of a c but there must be one.


I am not so sure on the video game - what do you mean there.

Funny one on IRS..:lol:

Grand Theft Auto
There's no rape in GTA, what I mean is in games if you get totally obliterated by an enemy really quickly, then sometimes you can say that you got raped by them.

EDIT: I forgot it also applies to Japanese rape games.
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